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Silicon Valley Boychoir marks the season with 'Fire & Ice' c
Silicon Valley Boychoir marks the season with 'Fire & Ice' c
Silicon Valley Boychoir marks the season with 'Fire & Ice' concert
The Silicon Valley Boychoir celebrates both the chilly winter weather and the warmth of the season with the holiday concert "Fire & Ice," Dec. 12 at Grace Lutheran Church in Palo Alto.
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Julia Simon ,
Deo Gloria ,
Allen Simon ,
Joel Jaffe ,
Paul Carey ,
Kaia Richards ,
A Charlie Brown Christmas ,
Mary Goetze ,
Grace Lutheran Church ,
Silicon Valley Boychoir ,
Overture Choir ,
Concert Choir ,
Ovation Choir ,
Encore Choir ,
Bay Area ,
Soli Deo Gloria ,
Chloe Billings ,
Mean One ,
Grinch Stole Christmas ,
Charlie Brown Christmas ,
Christmas Song ,
Little Christmas ,
Little Christma ,