Shraddha Kapoor dons turban, dances to dhol beats at cousin Priyaank Sharma's baarat Shraddha was seen looking nothing less than a princess in an ice-blue and white ensemble for Priyaank and Shaza's Christian-style wedding. Shraddha Kapoor at cousin Priyaank Sharma, Shaza Morani's wedding | Criesse Communications Share Updated: Mar 5, 2021, 09:50 PM IST On Friday, Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor, who was recently in the picturesque location of the Maldives attending causing Priyaank Sharma's wedding with Shaza Morani, was snapped at the airport as she returned to Maximum City. Dressed in a comfy pair of denim and t-shirt, Shraddha owned the casual look at the Mumbai airport.