Monday, February 08, 2021 by: News Editors Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) Imagine a world in which political dissidents are imprisoned, brainwashed, and tortured by the millions in order to reeducate them or steal their organs– while they are still alive–before being killed. This isn’t a horror movie by Eli Roth. You don’t have to imagine anything. It is going on in China this very day, and it has been for decades. (Article by Ulysses S. Tennyson republished from Establishment newspapers and our own FDR government have always skewed to the left. This is why they covered up the atrocities of fascism (which is definitively a leftist ideology). They admired fascism and saw it as a fun experiment that they could learn and borrow from to mold society in their own image (that is, after all, the motto of Fabian socialism, the original word for progressive). That is, until Hitler’s atrocities led to inevitable war because fascism is evil and people who admire it, like communism, are foolish or twisted. Those at the top of any such big government power structure always eventually become mad with power.