Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Shell aims to launch heavy-duty refueling stations between the three locations, with Daimler Truck's hydrogen fuel cell vehicles going to market in 2025, Shell said in a statement. Shell is developing green hydrogen projects at the three sites. The plan aims to build a 1,200 km hydrogen freight corridor by 2025 and deliver 150 hydrogen fueling stations and around 5,000 Mercedes-Benz hydrogen fuel cell trucks by 2030. The route will have around 6-8 refueling stations, Shell's vice president for hydrogen, Paul Bogers, said at the Reuters hydrogen 2021 conference on May 20. "If you think about the combined kind of demand centers of how many trucks are leaving both the Rotterdam and the Hamburg port on a daily basis, we have been overwhelmed by interest from customers," Bogers said. "The moment you open these corridors, you have a viable route."