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Share of op risk modelling falls at European banks : compare
Share of op risk modelling falls at European banks : compare
Share of op risk modelling falls at European banks
Less than half of analysed dealers rely on the AMA, as introduction of new standardised approach looms large
Related Keywords
Basel Committee On Banking Supervision Bcbs ,
Eserve Bank Of India Rbi ,
Pbva ,
Ommerzbank ,
Abn Amro ,
Banco Sabadell ,
Bnp Paribas ,
Caixabank ,
Crédit Agricole ,
Crédit Mutuel ,
Danske Bank ,
Dz Bank ,
Nb Bank Group ,
Deutsche Bank ,
Erste Group ,
Ng Group ,
Intesa Sanpaolo ,
Kbc Group ,
Andesbank Baden Württemberg Lbbw ,
Nordea ,
Nykredit ,
Vtp Bank ,
Rabobank ,
Raiffeisen Bank International Rbi ,
Santander ,
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Seb ,
Swedbank ,
Unicredit ,
Europe ,
Basel Iii ,
Operational Risk ,
Operational Risk Modelling ,
Tandardised Measurement Approach Sma ,
Standardised Approaches ,
Dvanced Measurement Approach Ama ,
Asic Indicator Approach Bia ,
Banks ,
Capital Requirements ,
Internal Models ,
Odelling ,
Risk ,
Isk Weighted Assets Rwas ,
Isk Quantum ,