Comment for agenda and non agenda items. A speaker card must be turned in to staff in order to speak. Please write. If youre a student, please write student at the top of the card. Child care will be provided from 6 to 9 for childrens ages three through ten, and it is available just across the hall. And the Enrollment Center, for general information, an accessibility information Translation Services and the information to observe the meeting and participate virtually can all be found online for Public Comment. We have new protocols that are linked on our board of education web page at sfusd and provide more detail about Public Comment. Lets see. Already noticed that commissioner alexander or Vice President alexander will be participating remotely. And at this time, before the board goes into closed session, i call for any speakers to close session listed on the agenda for Public Comment. Should i pause here or are there any others online for sure . Okay there arent other people outside. Okay, great. So i will pause for just a moment while we determine whether theres Public Comment. Theres no inperson Public Comment. We are now taking Public Comment on our closed session items. If there are any of our virtual if any of our virtual participants care to speak to any of the items on the closed session agenda, please raise your hand. Seeing no hands raised. Okay, so i believe we have a item that will be heard in closed session. So at this point, should i recess or should i call an item . Or are we waiting for general counsel to provide direction or waiting . Okay, so recess okay. Recess. We can go ahead and reset. Okay. So we will recess to closed session and recordi the vote on expulsion matters. We will now vote on expulsion. Expulsion matters . Hang on just a moment while i pull up my notes. I move approval of expulsion, agreement for one middle School Student. Matter number 2023 2024. Dash number 34. For the remainder of the spring 2024 semester and the fall 2024 semester was suspended. Expulsion status for the remainder of the fall 2024 semester. Can i have a second second roll call . Mr. Steele . Thank you, president muhammadu. Commissioner boggess. Yes, commissioner fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes. Commissioner. Sanchez. Yes commissioner. Wiseman. Ward. Yes. Vice president. Alexander yes. Thank you. President. Motamedi i move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one high School Student. Matter number 2023, dash 2024, dash number 35. For the remainder of the spring 2024 semester and the fall 2024 semester was suspended. Expulsion status for the fall 2024 semester can. Yeah. So okay , great. All right. Thank you. Oh, i think its okay. We can keep going. Yeah. Can i have a second . Second roll call, mr. Steele . President or. Excuse me, commissioner . Bogus yes, commissioner. Fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes commissioner. Sanchez. Yes. Vice president. Wiseman award. Yes. President. Motamedi. Yes Vice President. Alexander. Yes. Thank you. Okay. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one middle School Student. Matter number 2023, dash 2024. Madam excuse me. We are. Madam chair. Im going to have to ask you to take order. Madam chair. Madam chair, please. Since we have not been on the evolutionary. Mr. Brown, i cant. Reverend brown. I really cant ask us before we trust you will hear us now. And we have fans here who are hurting. I hear you, we will have Public Comment at this point. Im going to have to ask for you to please not interrupt and wait till we have Public Comment. I think i dont dies this serious, but general council, could i please have parliamentary intervention . Please do not be quiet, reverend brown. Were required to follow the brown act in terms of the order of our agenda, youll have an opportunity to speak during the Public Comment. And we welcome you to do so at that time. Would that be not wait till the end of the meeting either . No, its not at the end of the meeting. When will it be . Its towards the beginning. I think its towards the beginning , but thank you. You got the spirit. Thank you. Im. Im going to have to ask the public. Please allow us to conduct our meeting and not disrupt. Otherwise, we will have to pause and recess. So can we please again in order to comply with the brown act, we must have you be quiet and speak during Public Comment, you can present a card to mr. Steele if its still timely. We will continue, with the report out from closed session. Just a minute. We were on number 36. I believe youre about to start that. It still needs to be moved. Hold on just a moment. Okay, so, madam president , would it be appropriate for me to make, a public announcement at this particular point . I need to finish going through the expulsions, and i lost. Im sorry. I thought you were finished, so we are on the. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one middle School Student. Matter number 2023 to 2024, number 39 for remainder of the current Spring Semester and the following fall 2024 semester through december 19th, 2024 was suspended. Expulsion status for the fall 2024. Can i have a second, second roll call . Mr. Steele . Commissioner. Bogus. Yes, commissioner. Fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes commissioner. Sanchez. Yes, commissioner. Wiseman. Ward yes. Vice president. Alexander yes. President. Motamedi. Yes. Thank you, in the matter of student mf versus s. F, usd 080h0h. Case number 2024 020956. The board, by a vote of seven ayes, gives the authority of the district to. Is this correct . I just want to. Is this this . This is correct. Okay 37 okay. Expulsion matters. Yeah so i did all that, i did that theres no 37. Okay there we go. Okay. All right. Sorry about that. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one middle School Student matter number 2023 to 2024. Number 37 for one calendar year from the date of approval of the expulsion. Can i have a second . Second roll call, mr. Steele . Commissioner. Bogus yes, commissioner. Fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes yes, commissioner. Sanchez. Yes. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion. Im sorry. Im not finished, commissioner weissbourd. Yes. Vice president alexander. Yes, president. Motamedi. Yes. Thank you. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one high School Student. Matter number 2023 to 2024. Number 38 for the remainder of the current semester and the following semester through december 19th, 2024, was suspended. Expulsion status for the spring 2024 semester and fall 2024 semester. Can i have a second second roll call, mr. Steele . Commissioner. Bogus. Yes, commissioner. Fisher yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes, commissioner. Sanchez yes, commissioner. Wiseman. Ward. Yes. Vice president. Alexander. Yes. President. Motamedi yes. Thank you. I move approval of the stipulated expulsion agreement for one middle School Student. Matter number 2023 2024. Dash number 39 for the remainder of the current Spring Semester. And the following fall 2024 semester through december 19th, 2024 was suspended. Expulsion status for the fall 2024, can i have a second second roll call, mr. Steele . Thank you. Commissioner. Bogus. Yes, commissioner. Fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb. Yes, commissioner. Sanchez yes, commissioner. Wiseman. Ward. Yes Vice President. Alexander. Yes. President. Muhammad yes. Thank you, so report from closed session in the matter of student mf versus sfusd o h case number 2024 020956. The board by a vote of seven ayes, gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount in the matter of student d versus sfusd o h case number 2024 030907. The board, by a vote of seven eyes, gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount. In the matter of denim, jackson versus s. F. Usd Sf Superior Court case number c. G. C. Dash 20 2598157. The board by a vote of seven ayes, gives the authority of the district to pay up to the stipulated amount in one matter of anticipated litigation. The board, by a vote of seven eyes, gives direction to the general counsel, and now would be the appropriate time to turn it over to the general counsel. Thank you, president. Good evening. Before we commence with Todays School board meeting, i would like to make a public announcement pursuant to california code section 54953c3. This meeting will discuss and potentially act upon recommendations for final action on the contracts of local Agency Executives. The specific contracts under consideration are listed in items on the agenda. H three and h four. These recommendations for final action on contracts of local Agency Executives will be discussed in the public portion of todays meeting to ensure transparency and accountability in the Decision Making process. Members of the public who wish to provide input on or comments on these recommendations are encouraged and required to do so during the designated Public Comment period of the meeting. Again if you would like to comment on h3 and h4, you must do so during the Public Comment section of todays meeting by delivering a card to mr. Judson steel. Thank you for your attention, and well now proceed with the remainder of the meeting. Thank you, opening item as we are on item d, land acknowledgment, we, the San Francisco board of education, acknowledged that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone, who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. As the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never ceded, lost nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place. As well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. As guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. We wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first people. At this time, i ask for approval of the board. Minutes. Regular meeting of january 9th, 2024. Special meeting workshop of january 23rd, 2024 and special meeting january 31st, 2024, can i ask, can i get a motion and a second, please . So moved. Second, any corrections . Roll call, mr. Steele . Thank you. Student delegate simpson here, so were asking for the yes or no . Up or down. Vote on the minutes. Yes. Thank you. Student delegate to. Yes, commissioner. Bogus yes, commissioner. Fisher. Yes, commissioner. Lamb yes, commissioner. Sanchez. Yes, commissioner. Wiseman. Ward. Yes. Vice president. Alexander yes. President. Motamedi. Yes seven eyes. Thank you, at this time, i turn it over to the superintendents report. So we will have the superintendent report the student delegates report, of which is their last meeting, and followed by the fiscal advisors report. And then we will move into Public Comment. So at this time, superintendents report, thank you and good evening, lets see. If you go to the next slide, im going to open my remarks tonight by addressing some serious issues that have occurred recently in our district. Specifically, there have been instances of antiblack racism in our schools. I do want to be clear, theres no place for antiblack racism or bigotry of any kind in our community. Its never okay to use speech or behavior that discriminates against or degrades another person on the basis of their race, ethnicity, culture, heritage, gender, gender identity, or expression, sexual orientation, physical mental attributes, or religious beliefs or practices. And its distressing that in a district where we actively work to implement antiracist practices, our community are experiencing such behaviors. And as an educational institution, it is our responsibility to use these incidents as teaching opportunities for students to understand the impact of the actions. But at the same time, we need to make it clear that such actions are unacceptable and assign consequences as appropriate. So i strongly encourage anybody who is a victim or witnesses such behavior to report it. And as a School District, the champions diversity and social justice in our core values, we will always celebrate our differences, which unite us and make us the Strong Community that we are and so i know tonight we will hear concerns about these incidents and what the community to understand that its not what we accept in our schools, and that we want to Work Together to make sure that were addressing them and educating our students about how to, behave, but also ourselves about how to respond to these issues, we also have had a lot of communication, Community Meetings recently, talking about our Resource Alignment Initiative. I want to thank everybody whos come out, and whos taken our survey. We had over 10,000 survey responses to our second survey as well, and had over 350 people at our town hall and our inperson community sessions. And really appreciate the commitment and investment people have to making sure that were making decisions that best support our students and our district overall, if you want to learn more about the, if you want to learn more about the Resource Alignment Initiative, if you go to the next slide, you can see, our website has information about it. We keep it up to date so you can stay informed if you go to the next slide, so a month and a half ago , the district, the board of education approved moving to a New EnterpriseResource Planning system. So these are the systems that support our payroll, where weve had our issues, our Human Resources processes, our budgeting and accounting. And we committed to providing quarterly updates to the board, as well as more frequent updates to our community and so tonight on the agenda under the information item is our, quarterly update. This wont typically be a presentation item. Its there for the public to see our progress, as well as the board to review and ask questions. If you cant switch to the materials that are there, i just want to quickly explain, what weve attached and what it looks like to monitor this implementation to make sure we do not repeat the mistakes of the past. And so what we have in the monitoring report is a dashboard that you should be able to see, and so this dashboard shows you the Overall Health of the project. If you see a green dot, that means we are on target with the project. If you see yellow, were at risk of not continuing on being on target. And red means we really need to change course, but we dont have that just for the Overall Health of the project. If you go to the next slide, youll see that we have for each work stream of the project, were going to be reporting that. And so well be sharing this again quarterly with the board and the public for you to see our, our progress. And then if you want to understand a bit more about the work streams that we have on the next slide, we show what it should look like over the coming year as we transition to this new platform. And implement the erp system. And then a big, you know, big concern if you go to the next slide, is making sure that were following through on the details of the project. So this is not, whats in our public reporting, but wanted to show as an example, we have, a gantt chart thats a project management tool that literally has thousands of tasks on it that we need to do to in order to implement this system. And each of those tasks we track with the red, yellow, green system. All of that rolls up into the broader dashboard. Youll see. So just so you know that what makes up that dashboard are all the steps we need to take for this to be successful. And then lastly, we know that one of the issues with the previous implementation, it wasnt clear where the about the accountability system. And so we published as part of our report, the governance structure. Whos responsible for monitoring this as well as the outside checks. We have, for example, something were doing differently in this implementation is having a third party, a Third Party Evaluator review our progress, and then if you go to the next slide for each of the work streams we, we talked to, we identify, we have the different implementation leads. And again, just so we can be very transparent about whos responsible for what, and that were held accountable to it. All right. If you go back to our my remarks just to end on some positive activities happening around the district, we have let me go back to them as well. Are they up there . Okay, so this month, we celebrate, actually, actually, last month we celebrate, our climate, the, San Francisco climate week. We had a Climate Action youth summit, and it was so wonderful to see the students out there with their projects and their ideas about how to improve the environment, both globally but also locally in the work thats being done for example, just to make sure that the initiative our students are taking that at our schools, that we do more composting,