Commissioner chow helped with improving the health of asianamerican Asian AmericanPacific Islanders were honored to have among us and acknowledge the contributions this month and with that, Vice President guillermo will read the land acknowledgement. Thank you four ad litem the Asian AmericanPacific IslandersAsian AmericanPacific Islanders heritage month. Unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush rahmytoosh ohlone olonee who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. Responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. Elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Thank you so excited the apa Hydrogen Month i forgot to ask you to call the roll. I was going to do that. Commissioner christian present and commissioner giraudo present. Vice president guillermo and commissioner chow 2. Approval of the minutes of the Health Commission finance and Planning Committee meeting of april 2, 2024. We have before you the minutes are there any any additions or deletions to the agenda . For the commissioners. Seeing none, motion to approve the minutes. So moved. Do i have a second . Second. Any Public Comment. Lets see any Public Comment in the room on this item . We have a Public Comment remotely and take Public Comment and have a statement to read after the comment everyone has limited to 3 minutes per speaker and ill unmute you caller are you there . Yeah. On the minutes called. Yes. Please given you have limited to 3 minutes per speaker mr. Shaw. Thank you. Attorney advise regarding the lawsuit against here we go we here we go here we go. The minutes report that great just before the Health Commission met to levy attorney advise for the lawsuit concerned about the Expert Opinion in the executive director stated in the april 15, 24 hour issue that is a decertified and takes years and years through the process the testimony for the hsh and has my managing this and took until april 29, 2024, for class recertification and stated on april 10, 2024, recertifications of laguna honda hospital and rehabilitation was for the pain and suffering to pms regulations a vacate with this on april 16th we repeated and with the conference quote it takes a lot to be decertified and didnt just happen. Williams and i talk about the laguna honda in a decade or so unquote and took me to the Supreme Court with dr. Declarations by Troy Williams a cms but an analysis report we have identified 13 categories that represent the significant improvements for longstanding with the residents and right and freedom. And u. S. And underneath take the cms certification mismanagement and the Health Commission and on pill 29 for dr. Declarations. Thank you. Have a script for Public Comment the members of the public will have an opportunity to make comments up to limited to 3 minutes per speaker and designed to invite feedback from individuals in the community, however, the process does in the low all questions to be answered and commissioners questions or comments had discussing an item and making requires and each has comment and written communications maybe sent to the heartache and following email the word health. Org commission and dph at. Org and spell your name during the minutes not taking a lot of time with the state and federal prohibits harassing conduct will not be tolerated. Thank you. No more comments a. All in favor, say aye. Great. Thank you the next item is general Public Comment. Right. So the script i read pertains except for this item for the items for the listed on the agenda today. And everyone has limited to 3 minutes per speaker one person in the room commissioners, i handed out something to go with the Public Comment. Im going to read a comment yesterday with the homeless corresponding board we have a urgent request and have over 25 years of verizon high tech crimes for based out of Northern California that is relevant and for several weeks to ask the Police Commission board of supervisors and several others to gain support for referrals to indictments for several people as weaponized packet or and my human sent out a person the normal awareness and. speaking foreign language. ive requested do department of health and director of human health and the department of justice do lodge an investigation where an amount of deaths caused by a few systems to cyber stalk and illegal influence people for politics and person greed and make myself available for the board for investigation of those serious concerns i handed out i sign where they can collect data for paragraph 4 and 5 with the Public Health they have failed to share that data military surveillance and also sent to the director of Public Health and human agencies as a military or my microphone distorted and thats the last step before we go to a federal classaction lawsuit and that works for the Public Health and Human ServicesSan Francisco does in the need a classaction lawsuit especially the people in the room and to figure out and time to act or well goshth with the federal lawsuit. Thank you. And thank you, one remote who would like to make Public Comment. Unmuted you caller let us know youre there. I have in conclusion, with the media minutes. Thank you. That concludes the Public Comment on this item. The next item with as the directors report. Dr. Colfax. Thank you, president green and good afternoon, commissioners dr. Grant colfax, dph director of health ill highlight a few areas in the report number one, item on the operation on core on thursday april you 25 the Health Preparation response ill recover to as sfers has operation an quarry based emergency experience cospoornd by the medical Services Agency in San FranciscoHealthcare CoalitionSan FranciscoFire Department and ems and San Francisco university of california and the conducting operation capstone with emergency experiences focuses on the planning that began in 2006 of 2022 multiple objectives including the systems ability to share information across agrees and understanding the ability to handle medical surge and involves over 4 hundred people from organizations working together to make that data success and operations to place in 12 locations including San Francisco state and local hospitals. And really an impressive i was able to join with the ph executives and the scale of operation that scenario and the leadership that people showed with the coalition was great and also want to go out of my way to thank the lodge volunteers were helping with regards to mri that the causality that was rendered was realistically as potential and also just to tell us the size and scale of this experience was extremely imperative and next the Alcohol Center with the pilots we are now launching a pilot to support over the prevention and treatment for people experiencing homelessness. Basically were using the Alcohol Center so that after someone goes to the hospital with opioid overdose and support for them to engage with Service Providers on medication and take steps for treatment so adapting our center to make sure that people that overdose use the opioid disorder and come to the hospital are able to transition in a safe and supportive environment so were offering in support of going on off medication we know both methadone are safe aftertreatment for the disorders and reduces the death by 50 percent a key part and president green had a question about the scales effort this is one of those important interventions to do that and another in relationship to our health work and supporting people with disorders is a program called inspire a Management Program for people with disorders and coordination with the divisions across the department. Contingency management is a treatment it positively enforces the behavior and recognizes that many harm fall despite their desire to change and contingency management helps to enforce by providing alternative enforcement in the form of positive actions and community and financial incentives. So contingency Management Program you see details there especially with required for people to join and also is incentives and for the participation in this program has been positive. With 18 graduates and one of the few interventions that is shown to be effective with regards to mebt minutes and cocaine no medication for either of those but showing promise. Next item i wanted to emphasize the zuckerberg San Francisco general celebrated the social worker month inspired the leaders and across the department with the zsfg social workers show the patience patients get the support they need to heal and thrive i want to acknowledge the many social workers including those at zsfg with regards to the month of march so thank you to our social works and with respect to laguna honda hospital just a recertification the safer oversees from the department of Public Health for medicare and medicaid the top 0 had say medicaid and medicare the december 2023 medicare recertification survey this is all for revisit surveys addressed correction for the department injures 22 incidents surveyors on monday and executed on friday and the permanent finding that related to the medicare recertification survey and sufficiency to the correction and the entire laguna honda team that is incredibly proud of this result and we anticipate a single we my resolve this before recertification and the returning to the laguna honda hospital to review complaints and incidents. So the facility report to start from march 2024 and at that time the surveyors had not exited of facility by the time they have exited the facility and we wait their report on their finding and complaint westbound investigated by regulators and the recertification timeline well keep you updated in the regard and that report. And ill be happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. Thank you. Any Public Comment on the item. Any Public Comment in the room. All right. I see two hands. Folks ive given three peninsula watershed in burlingame, california accommodations to please state our code so youre one of those folks. I see youre there. Hi thats dr. Palmer when safer oversees exists the laguna honda code it would be nice if youre transparent will be additional citations will delayy services. My understanding is that over citation stands a recertification for 20 to thirty days and sounds like this is good evening to go on indefinitely. While um, people suffer suffer and wait for nursing home beds. We got one more. Youre unmuted caller and called aa. Directors report. About the g g story. Dr. Colfax talked about elder san franciscans are in the able to microphone distorted . By little cms untimely decertification in 2022 and dr. Colfax several surveyors begin to investigate the facility incidents and patients complaints an april 29th and still may 3rd dr. Colfax failed to list the unanimous and march 26th and 27 and dr. Colfax will continue to be investigated ill may impact the recertification guidelines. And the surveys and others are unethical and meeting the language given the delayed certification leading to dewy certification. Dr. Palmer is right with a breakdown. Dr. Colfax used the direction ace misinformation rather than providing Accurate Information to accomplish recertification and new patient admonition and will wealthy that combination over 2 million of salaries including french benefits june of a including the district 5 hundred and plus thousand dollars and 4 hundred and 55 thousand dollars 355,000 williams and others and and the senior with the chad unknown but wealthy salaries and their corrective is unearned but conducting classes for decades and according to cms regulations and within a few hospitals foyer leading to the did he decertification. Should have been a moment of painful shared responsibility. In Troy Williams joined by mismanagement and governing body constantly changes decertification. Thank you. That concludes the Public Comment for this item. In any commissioners questions or comments. On the directors report. . Commissioner giraudo. I have one question operation on core and whether or not pediatric population with included in the exercise since the venue was a concert event and kids are usually there and yeah and thats a great question. Commissioner we didnt have any volunteers. That appeared to be of a younger age. I can followup with our team to see if there were scenarios were followed up open where would have been children in that situation. Id appreciate it because it concerns me since some of the issues are quite different i think that is important to know. I predator that. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. Thank you. Commissioner chow any questions or comments on the directors report . Thank you. The report really was quite interesting and wondering if ultimately because the program is really importance to the city. If we could get a summary as to how dph actually had performed and would be working in conjunction with the rest of the the departments in the city to be able to respond. To um, such an incidence. Actually pepper comes to the commission and gives update i can ask for a summary and any additional documents Point Commission requests. That would be very nice thank you. I know the alcohol sobering is a program new and it would be nice to get an update as to the appropriate time, you know, maybe to see how this is working sundays very exciting. Absolutely make sure that is included as well. Thank you very much. And we will will be interested in hearing the progress and for those two very important programs for um, both the very significant champions with amphetamines and the Sobering Center so thank you very much. The next item is the um, proposed move of the Howard Street and the director of the contractors will present. Good afternoon, commissioners. And presenting compliance related to the location of the aids foundation and this is for the location for the aids foundation into he 1035 Market Street to 940 Howard Street and protected under chapter 49 because the relocation is for Howard Street. And um, funding for that program so the proposed relocation is to 940 Howard Street and to an Office Building with a three level building on 6 streets the posters for the Community Meeting and Health Commission meeting were advertised and put on april 4th and the Community Meeting held own april 16th at functioning and that was wellattended by the ocii staff and the foundation staple of staff were no Community Members that came to the meeting. For there are members of hsh Behavorial Health that are here wells is foundation aids staff. Any questions . More information for our own our on behalf no vote to be taken so any Public Comment. Any Public Comment in the room on this item. I see two hands remotely and start with one. Caller youre unmuted let us know youre there. I loaded my hand im sorry. No worries. Dr. Palmer do you want to make a comment. I didnt lower my hand before sorry. No Public Comments commissioners. Commissioners questions or comments. Commissioner chow. I had one question which was well, i guess with two. It seems to indicate there would be a relocation when is the relocation anticipated and what are the services that are actually that are by appointment and i assume theyre going to be during working hours the services then what i was yes. The services im going to have the rent but the site howard opening on may 20th. May 20th . Okay. Thank you. Hello commissioners. Im the chief of staff and thank you, exporting for the question the services will be on 940 Howard Street includes our stonewall Healthcare Program we provide up to clourm services and then also h