Transcripts For SFGTV Fire 20240703 :

Transcripts For SFGTV Fire 20240703

System will notify you when you are in line. Callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. Operator will unmute. You may watch live at roll call. President morgan are running late Vice President fraser present. Commissioner nakajo present. Commissioner feinstein present and commissioner collins is also running late and jeanine nicholson, chief of department. Present remotely. And Vice President fraser will read will read land acknowledgement. Unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush rahmytoosh ohlone olonee who are the original inhabitants of the San Francisco peninsula. Responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. Elders, and relatives of the Ramaytush Ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. Rights as first peoples. Thank you thank you speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or Department Personnel. Personnel. Personnel. Commissioners or Department Personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during Public Comment. Is there any Public Comment. Nobody is approaching the podium Public Comment is closed. Doesnt have april 24th. Any Public Comment on the minutes. Nobody is approaching the podium nobody on the line. Commissioners. [off mic. ] and Vice President , aye. microphone distorted . Okay. Very good. Thank you for pointing that out will therefore move that after a member joins us and after a member joins us and april 24, 2024, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other Government Agencies and the public. Greetings everyone. My name is jeanine nicholson, chief of department. This is my report abstinence since our 4r569 meeting on april 24th but greetings president morgan and commissioner feinstein morning and chief welcome to the big seat and thank you for sitting in today. clearing throat first of all, i know we discussed a little bit about the turnout gear the gear we use in fires free of certain chemicals call p and yesterday the board of supervisors passed the ordinance that i spoke about that um, by june there is still a lot more work to do, 2026 you will not use or purchase the turnout gear in them. So that is going to be a big lift financially, etc. And we will keep the Fire Commission apprised of our progress as well as the board of supervisors. And the Mayors Office with the progress on that i believe that is a first ordinance if the country mandating, you know, that in turn out gear for firefighters and in addition, i penalty sent link on the nbc piece on this and they did. On issues and some of our, you know, some of the pros and some of my concerns and logistics that i spoke about last time but really what we need to continue to stress is that our members follow all the policies do air monitoring and dpe contamination in the that piece by nbc we saw lieutenant who also a Breast Cancer survivor and spoke about her experience. So pretty powerful piece i hope many of you got to see it it speaking of the overhaul policy people things are smoking and aware of air on air and under the health and safety chief i signed off on the um, a letter to do a study on that are power aired purified respirators and testing those with a couple of Truck Companies so see if necessary worked at efficiency and got air pack the Gold Standard and so anyways im not certain of the schedule but they are lighter and have less weight on their backs. I attended the budget analyst Prevention Program fundraiser and sat next to scientist named arlene instrumental in with the San Francisco Fire Department and Cancer Foundation and frankly for the country as far as studying a lot of those toxic chemicals we talk about not o in flame retardants and instrumental in getting this p sort of attention around that and 10 or 12 years ago and working on flame reretardants in vehicles not providing protection atmospheric toxic and i will say fighting and car fire is one of the most toxic things we can do with all the chemicals go the plastics very toxic fires to fight shes working on that and owe her a debt of gratitude. In addition he attended the japan Ground Breaking a wonderful event drumming and our spectator nancy pelosi was there and the mayor as well as other elected officials. So i think that plaza is going to be fantastic once it is finished and nice to be out into the community. Chief and i attended the union square manual lunch the United Nations guess united square is truly in his i have to say. And chief mullan continued our station visits together and visited station 49 where we spoke to um, some of members were coming and going and visited station 22 and engine 22 and went to the airport and spoke to the members on duty that day. So this is good to get out in visitation and talk to people and see and seen and answer questions. Yesterday a highlevel staff meeting. We discussed quite a few things including the policies and procedures were working on in development in different communities and the community are made up of many of our members. And sort of the process for those for making those policies and the chain. How to the feedback happens back and forth and the leaders intent made clear to the folks in the community. We also discussed branding we are looking at really formalizing the branding that we do in terms of um, clearing throat outward and in Ward Communications material. And includes the font on programs and policies and so branding is really and broad subject audience im sure chiefs both of them involved in the process and can speak to it more if she would like and at staff meeting yesterday included dr. Stephen changing and im really a impressed with his engagement we came from meeting from the meeting a meeting with the executive board of 798 around the health check and the chief is engaged and really smart and um, shes been a joy to have took around thus far. Also before the board yesterday was fire station 44 i North Bethesda to say that earlier given the historic landmarked status the one hundred and three 4 class will be started at the end of june those candidates go through background and medical examines right now was we speak we expect to choose that class within the next month. And, of course, i need to leave today is a policy Group Exercise with mayor london breed and other department heeds heads were simulating a 748 earthquake with major damage and power interruptions and the displacement over one hydrothousand people and bridges down systems and, you know, we have all sort of folks ready to set up in our Operation Center and we also have support and chief will be attending that meeting with me today. Um, and so looking forward to it and that concludes my report. For today. Thank you. Thank you. Chief. Any Public Comment . Nobody approaching o and we have one member of the public. Good morning. My name is chris the chief spoke about the health of firefighters. And something is coming up with the city right now were looking at a system by human sires agrees called sherlock a military grade system that can cause a person to start a fire or get cancer weve been talking to the commission asking for um, support for the people that gave out credentials so Human Services gave out credentials to politicians i urge you the Fire Commission to look at that seriously and go to aging and Disability Commission to speak about the same thing. Thank you. I see nobody approaching the podium and there is nobody on the Public Comment line. All right. Public comment is closed. gavel i guess can we move back to approving the minutes now we or what order. I believe commissioner collins. Oh. With the historic designation for the station 44 what impact do we know what impact they have if any on planned communication . Thank you for that. Oh, go ahead chief. No please go ahead youre more qualified than i am. Thats not true but good morning laughter Vice President fraser and commissioner feinstein and commissioner collins and commissioner nakajo im shawn the deputy chief and commissioner collins thank you for the questions that was wellthoughtout myself regarding the landmark some of the impacts with the costlyer possible costing and what well be able to write up we looked at the fire hazards the last time and need another renovation. We thought that was good for the community and important for the city we moving forward with that and with those things in mind. Any other questions for the chief . Chief i had one questions are you still there . Yeah. Okay. Yes, im still here. There was a mention in the packet about the mural project at headquarters is it your review can you say more about that or no again, i think that chief can speak to it. Okay. Sure thank you for that Vice President fraser a partnership with partnering with the academy we work with them quite often regarding the headquarters is the zone and feel with the walk when you wake into headquarters and important to us that headquarters bring the history of the Fire Department and so this is first start of that and block 5 back to headquarters and as well as other significant items to delay this is part of this initiative were to continue with that with other projects and with the mural will be the ems related. I think that is great mural and it is sprained pained or mosaic. That is there fridays and well be there until it is complete. Youre all invited. Any other questions. Thank you. Thank you. Chief. Um, our president has joined us [off mic. ] otherwise we have this report. All right. Yeah. Thank you. So i was running late sorry i missed our report chief and i still worked during the day my boss wanted to have a staff meeting at the same time so i have to straighten him out on that laura im here. So is the discussion approving the minutes is there any Public Comment . On. There is no Public Comment. Okay. So is there a motion to approve the minutes from april 24th. Second. Moved and im going to have to recuse myself i was not present and commissioner feinstein recused and commissioner nakajo the motion is approved. Okay. We believe deputy chief deputy chief shayne kaialoa up next. Good morning commissioner nakajo and president morgan and commissioner feinstein and Vice President fraser and commissioner collins my name is deputy chief shayne kaialoa this is my report for april 24th. Began with Homeland Security assisting deputy brickandmortar on the same you see on our screen chief brown corresponds with the local agencies on exercises throughout San Francisco or significant events and planning for any events whether that is weather related are Natural Disaster and coordinated with the task force three and our personnel for their training and our k9 dog group. Also corresponding with dem im going to touch on something that is one organization that chief brown coordinate with the training regarding the operations for the proposed Operation Center. And if youre unaware the members during covid in the Operation Center also in the operation section and support services transportation, and any other aspects of the Emergency Center while the Fire Department center working and in coordination with dot i want to highlight to make you aware of that not only the Fire Department operations but our folks are trained to work within the Emergency Center and many of the folks do whether covid are weather events and and want to highlight that throughout the month of april as you can see here many events that chief brown coordinated one was securing the city a 3day radiation exercise was funded and we were work to send our personnel from the Fire Department to be part of that training over the three days as you can see some of the members from our department were able to attend that experience i highland this in any last report well speak on later but the technicians um, in coordination with our partnerships with the california highway particle this was to simulate that roads were impassable and research for more victims and the helicopter brought our technicians along with the defendant three search and rescue k9 into the Training Center at the Treasure Island facility while theyre hovering over head and the dogs were unhooked from the helicopter and did a search found a live victim. But im sorry you missed it commissioner feinstein we had a video last time and in the month chief brown and staff attend the 1906 foundation and praepd in the drill where the director followed jeanine nicholson, chief of department. And president peskin and others the commemoration of 1906 earthquake and one hundred volunteers and some awards were handed out for the its been a long time coming. Volunteers and an exercise it takes many hands and um, many folks on the Training Staff and volunteers for the Fire Department specifically the hundred volunteers was impressive coming together to go over training during a disaster number one, taking care of themselves first with the first 72 hours and take care of the community and the neighbors and the Task Force Operations supporting our operations when a disaster happens and also coughing in the month of april we lost lieutenant stephen as you know. Chief involved in the planning process along with chief rabbit in the audience today and many others a sad day to bring closure to fame and to this Fire Department. And respectfully request to a degree to close the meetings today in honor of stephen. Moving on to our d e i get in john buford busy throughout every month coordinating with oewd and other cities agencies and bringing diversity and equity in every aspect not only this department but citywide. This month ill highlight attend the apa heritage month and womens policy submit and also attended the loma linda first one to speak on shift happens im sorry this is at shift happens with director Kimberly Ellis with the department of women and chief inspector and tom and matthew bringing some of that awareness to shifts happens discussing or discussing operations and disasters to the community and how they can get involved. In recruitment and outreach lieutenant anderson among the many things he does coordinated the stop at pip Burton High School a oneday two yap where they taught students how to speak on opioid overdose and how to overcome those with that and but i really want to highlight really one of the gentleman here we had to folks put on this training nick and rich two of our newest h3 level paramedics and it goes to show folks were hiring and the recruitment is working um, and the outreach is Work Together working we video two of the new i am not individuals learning that quick and speaks volumes to the folks we hired and gave back to the community and young kids all in the department. And instead of coming to work and leaving and forgetting. This is touching. And the very right top picture um, that is the s c expo was in livermore california too facilities one in livermore and one in sacramento and we partnerships with them and that is the fire commitment Testing Center we use fire commitment Testing Center the only Testing Center and has resources to assist in the success of the individuals taking that written test and the other test. They have practice sessions, they have monitorship sections and testing cpac a low cost and if you, you are enable to meet that cost they have a program without paying the costs and thirty froepts that day over 1,000 participants including San Francisco Fire Department and the very bottom it is the delivered here at and the battalion chief not Much Movement since i was here two weeks ago highlighting the studies that chief alba is participating in and coordinating with our San Francisco fire im sorry Cancer Foundation we talked about the study and some of that is newest in the order of the study were one of them we know that the health risks of not sleeping in the fire service in many other jobs, you know, i think that is had 90 runs in three days and that happens across the fire service and

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