Transcripts For SFGTV BOS 20240703 :

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS 20240703

Included as part of the file submitted to myself the clerk. Public comment will be taken on each item when Public Comment is called lineup on the right along the kurt anxiety. And not necessary to provide Public Comment, we ini have to you fill out a comment card. Leave them on the tray to your left if you wish to be recorded in the minutes. Alternateively submit Public Comment in writing in the following ways e mail them to myself the budget clerk at brent. Jalipa sfgov. Org. If you submit comment via e mail tell be forwarded to the supervisors and also included part of the official fiechlt you may send u. S. Postal to our office in city hall 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102 and before i hundred this back a general announcement. We have a rule about standing in the chamber. If you find room in the benches have a seat otherwise we have over flow available across the room where you can watch and when we open Public Comment you can enter the chamber and lineup. Thank you that concludes my announcements. Thank you. Mr. Clerk. And with that, call item one. Item one. A hearing on the citys budgetary decisions during number one a hearoth citys budgetary decisions regarding funding of City Services that Prioritize Community safety and well being. Including Community Programs that prevent crime. Provide family, Youth Service and support citysim grant and limited english residents. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Seeing that this is the only item on todays agenda, and that we see there is im grateful for a large turn out, i would like to limit the Public Comments to a minute employment to make sure we announce that. Colleague this is is the third and final hearing to help this xhinltee get prepared for our budget process. Which will get started next week. When we hear from our many departments our enterprise departments, in the meantime this has been a great insight in the conversation between the departments, community, stake holders and the mayors Budget Office. This week folk suson Community Safety and network of program and service that keep our youth, families, seniors and residents safe. After the presentation the city after the presentation today i ask members to hold questions until the Public Comment. So we hear from people who are directly impacted by the services and any cuts for increase that might be decided upon by policy makers. Lets go to our first presentation. Department of children, youth and families. Supervisors. Good afternoon chair chan, supervisors the public. Im maria hsu the director for children, youth and their families im happy to share with you a couple things one is the journey of how we got to the budget is today. The things we are doing to support our young people, our transitional aged youth and families. As well as touch some initiatives we are doing to address safety within our city. I want to call attention everyones attention to the fact this year in 2023 and 24 our budget is closer to 210 Million Dollars. That includes dollars for personnel and use to support Technical Assistance and evaluation. As well as just other things like our general operations. And inside this operating cost rew have the base line a public evidence the general fund portion of the baselineful we also have 136 Million Dollars that we grant out in nonprofits. In that there are grants that we give to nonprofits. Work orders we sends to other City Departments. Like juvenile probation sending us money for work orders. Money in the line item that is held for cost of doing business and the minimum compensation. Dollars this includes one time add backs as well as the dollars this we were able to secure over the past 21 2 years during the pandemic. And finally state and federal grants that includes our juvenile justice grants and largest grant which is the usd a grant the summer food grant. We have other City Departments that includes the d. Public health and work order to the department of early childhood. Next year to year budget we are proposing to the Mayors Office our budget falls down 182 Million Dollars. Our operations decrease. Primarily in our personnel. And significant low our grants decrease. And this is primarily because there are no more one time add backs and one time dollars this we were able to secure over those 21 2 years. We are receiving the federal and state grants although smaller and funding that we are allocate to Mental Health come wellness. We have worked hard with our City Departments to reduce work orders from 41 Million Dollars down to 37 Million Dollars. And in general, what we are looking at here is making the budget targets that all City Departments were asked to do. In terms of the rsp issued it to our community to Fund Programs that will help us meet the results that are stated here. The 4 result areas are going to be our north star as we move in the next knife year cycle. We received a total of 700 proposals requesting on an annual basis 114. 7 Million Dollars. And the range was only from 87 million to 96 Million Dollars annual etch we were 80 to allocate 92 Million Dollars to 142 agencies to fund 231 programs. The reason is because we had to make reductions during the phase earlier. There was a question one supervisor Second Degree me today why did you not start at 92 . When we issued the rfp left year we did not have our budget targets we did not know the targets and now this we did know we had to make adjustments in the rfp. Another way to see this is to show that the rfp the proposals we received totals 114 Million Dollars the proposals we funds was 92 Million Dollars. That means we were able to fund 22 of the proposals that we of the dollar amounts requested. What you see in the pie chart on the right is is this we prioritize our after cool programs and prioritize Youth Workforce Development and justice services. And support our educational and academic support programs as well as enrichment and skill building areas. This concludes that part. I can continue into the second part or. Yes. In terms of how are we achieving our youth, to serve our youth and young adults and families we have again. Funding in various strategy areas. School time we are specific about making sure that we have clearer Performance Measures that we want our cbos to achieve once again we go back to results and say that, yes. After participating in the Program Young people will be and are red to succeed in school. That is year roungd and summer programs. And were building out our enrichment and skill building category this includes arts and identity formation and inclusion programs. Our stem our science, technology and engineering programs and sports and physical activityism will acknowledge that this Yasser Arafat funding has been shrunken because we were prioritizing out of school time funding and trying to preserve the cuts. And Education Support services. This is where we are really doubling down on making sure that our young people, are going to recover from the covid learning loss they experienced over the last 21 2 years. We are funding academic support, summer youth and. Am programs and literally programs and supporting alternative education. And in terms of workforce, we are going to continue the usual programs that we funds jop promise employment and education program. Our High School Summer partnership this we have with our schools Public Schools. And the general the youth workforce general for all high school students. What we are doing in workforce is calling out additional focus on our k and categories. We as a Social Security not just dcys or juvenile probation or adult we as a system are working together to make sure that all young people have care right at the front gate opposed to care in the system. And so we ever working close low to redesign and model a new alternative initiative. This actually come from a lot of the recommendations that our Community Came to us with from the task force and the blue rippon task force to make sure that every young person who is engaged in the system will be attached a support person. We share in the previous hearings what we have seen in working with our district is that there has been post pandemic increased violence that we are seeing on school cites for young people and as they are on munis or in our parks and in our community, we are seeing a lot of the interruptions happening. We worked with our School District partners and our system partners and nonprofit agencies to design what we are calling the School Crisis support initiative. If everyone come together and wrap our arms around the young person it make sure that they and family vs when they need to succeed then that young person will be successful. This silent team i was referencing. We are working with our schools. The school add administrator. We have a national Technical Assistance provider supporting us. W with nonprofits and juvenile probation and work width wrap around project. It is about cardination and making sure we have the right information at the right time to be responsive. It is making sure this we train yourself and nonprofit agencies to recognize how we serve our young people and can w with them and improve. The way that we can work that in together and finally really focusing on trying to get public messaging out so that everyone can see a place for themselves in this role of ensuring our young people are safe in schools and to and from school that concludes my presentation. Im open for questions. I have questions well after asking them after Public Comment and next presentation this we do have is from the Mayors Office of housing and community. Development. Good afternoon sheila with Mayors Office of Housing Community development. I will present a brief presentation on p. M. Serving immigrant communities. 2 promise one is the immigrant legal and education network. Prosecute motes access to service, Civil Service legalization. Freedom of movement with family and community all for am grants and families regardless of immigration status. To achieve the mission the organizations build leaders. Freservices and legal assistance. Prosecute mote education and organize to empowerim Grant Community. 12 organization in thes network work with the diverse population to meet their needs. Second organization is the San Franciscoim grant Legal Defense collaborative established in 2047. They respond to a record number. Families and children arriving in the u. S. Seeking refuge from rising levels of violence. [reading fast] Immigration Court establishes dockets to process quick. The 16 organizations createed provide rep centation to the individuals to protect Due Process Rights the city expand it in twenty 17 to representative resident in removal of proceedings before the Immigration Court. The first San Francisco Network Serves in the last in 2223 served 1, 167 clients and 835 clients individual legal counciling. The San Franciscoim grant Legal Defense collaborative. Provide 933 clients with service. 164 in the first year and 147 in the second year and an increase to 622 in the third year. For grant for the funding to the two organizations theim grant Legal Education network 1. 9 million and the fiscal year and 6. 6 million to the immigration Legal Defense collaborative a total of 8. 5 million to these organizations. Looking ahead to the next fiscal year in the Budget Proposal there are no decreases to cbos with guarantee in fy25. The decision will be made by the mayors Budget Office at may. Thank you. Next office of Workforce Development. Here i have staff that is going to be for representing is [inaudible]. Through the chair you should finds it on the desk top. Good afternoon chair and supervisors chief operating officer for oewd im joined by my colleagues. Here to present on our budget as a refresher oewd advances prosperity for San Francisco growing jobs, supporting businesses, creating great places to live and w and helping everyone achieve economic self sufficiency. You mirecall the board supervisors and the mir approved our fiscal 2324 budget over 158 mission. And our 2425 base budget at 133 Million Dollars. Our cut target was at 4. 4 Million Dollars. Conducted 3 town halls we heard from stake holders. When we heard from community was economic recovery impacts all of San Francisco. Invest nothing sectors will be critical for recovery and supporting our citys workforce and supporting entrepreneurship all level system critical. Continue to investment in neighborhood vibrancy is as important as investing in our downtown. During this process we were clear and our partnersa balancing the budget would not be easy. We did a lot of work with staff to identify alternative sources to back fill cuts to the general fund. Had to evaluate need throughout the city. We had to measure impact and performance of our Community Based organizations. We were able to create cutos general Fund Reductions 4. 4 Million Dollars. In Business Development 500,000. Community Economic Development at 1. 79. Phil, at 2 not half a million 20,000. Office of Small Business 240,000 and Workforce Development 1. 85 Million Dollars. To give a break down you called to the hearing you wanted understand impacted to Community Safety, programs to our transitional age and Youth Programming andim grant services. And so. What resulted in this we had to make cuts totalling just at 650 thousand dollars. 50 thousand dollars from workforce develop and want 600,000 in Community Economic development and oewd estimates an impact of 102 clients served. Through the reductions. Oewd recognizes the budget process will beville tile and work with the Mayors Office and the board of supervisors to maintain service alined with our mission. Thank you for your time of thank you. Next we will have office civic engage am andim grant affairs. Good afternoon. Committee member and chair chan. Im director of Office Civic Engagement thank you for the opportunity to share our programs. And our budget approach for setting priorities. The office of affairs we are a policy comupon pliance department in the city add Administrators Office to promote policies andim guarantee assistance lead to civic economic integration. We move our mission in a number of ways. Next slide. We focus ways the public and immigrants engage with the city in decision make we partner with immigrant rights commission. They hear from Community Members and the public nacity leadership onim guarantee affairs and citywide needs. Part in with local groups for the 2016 prospect n out reach throughim grant parents vote nothing School District elections so they are aware of rights and risks associated with voting. An example served as a local agency for census out reach and education efforts with local nonprofits. When it come to Community Safety sch ch is important the embas dover program a Public Comment<\/a> is called lineup on the right along the kurt anxiety. And not necessary to provide Public Comment<\/a>, we ini have to you fill out a comment card. Leave them on the tray to your left if you wish to be recorded in the minutes. Alternateively submit Public Comment<\/a> in writing in the following ways e mail them to myself the budget clerk at brent. Jalipa sfgov. Org. If you submit comment via e mail tell be forwarded to the supervisors and also included part of the official fiechlt you may send u. S. Postal to our office in city hall 1 dr. Carlton b. Goodlett place room 244, San Francisco<\/a>, california, 94102 and before i hundred this back a general announcement. We have a rule about standing in the chamber. If you find room in the benches have a seat otherwise we have over flow available across the room where you can watch and when we open Public Comment<\/a> you can enter the chamber and lineup. Thank you that concludes my announcements. Thank you. Mr. Clerk. And with that, call item one. Item one. A hearing on the citys budgetary decisions during number one a hearoth citys budgetary decisions regarding funding of City Services<\/a> that Prioritize Community<\/a> safety and well being. Including Community Programs<\/a> that prevent crime. Provide family, Youth Service<\/a> and support citysim grant and limited english residents. Thank you, mr. Clerk. Seeing that this is the only item on todays agenda, and that we see there is im grateful for a large turn out, i would like to limit the Public Comment<\/a>s to a minute employment to make sure we announce that. Colleague this is is the third and final hearing to help this xhinltee get prepared for our budget process. Which will get started next week. When we hear from our many departments our enterprise departments, in the meantime this has been a great insight in the conversation between the departments, community, stake holders and the mayors Budget Office<\/a>. This week folk suson Community Safety<\/a> and network of program and service that keep our youth, families, seniors and residents safe. After the presentation the city after the presentation today i ask members to hold questions until the Public Comment<\/a>. So we hear from people who are directly impacted by the services and any cuts for increase that might be decided upon by policy makers. Lets go to our first presentation. Department of children, youth and families. Supervisors. Good afternoon chair chan, supervisors the public. Im maria hsu the director for children, youth and their families im happy to share with you a couple things one is the journey of how we got to the budget is today. The things we are doing to support our young people, our transitional aged youth and families. As well as touch some initiatives we are doing to address safety within our city. I want to call attention everyones attention to the fact this year in 2023 and 24 our budget is closer to 210 Million Dollars<\/a>. That includes dollars for personnel and use to support Technical Assistance<\/a> and evaluation. As well as just other things like our general operations. And inside this operating cost rew have the base line a public evidence the general fund portion of the baselineful we also have 136 Million Dollars<\/a> that we grant out in nonprofits. In that there are grants that we give to nonprofits. Work orders we sends to other City Department<\/a>s. Like juvenile probation sending us money for work orders. Money in the line item that is held for cost of doing business and the minimum compensation. Dollars this includes one time add backs as well as the dollars this we were able to secure over the past 21 2 years during the pandemic. And finally state and federal grants that includes our juvenile justice grants and largest grant which is the usd a grant the summer food grant. We have other City Department<\/a>s that includes the d. Public health and work order to the department of early childhood. Next year to year budget we are proposing to the Mayors Office<\/a> our budget falls down 182 Million Dollars<\/a>. Our operations decrease. Primarily in our personnel. And significant low our grants decrease. And this is primarily because there are no more one time add backs and one time dollars this we were able to secure over those 21 2 years. We are receiving the federal and state grants although smaller and funding that we are allocate to Mental Health<\/a> come wellness. We have worked hard with our City Department<\/a>s to reduce work orders from 41 Million Dollars<\/a> down to 37 Million Dollars<\/a>. And in general, what we are looking at here is making the budget targets that all City Department<\/a>s were asked to do. In terms of the rsp issued it to our community to Fund Programs<\/a> that will help us meet the results that are stated here. The 4 result areas are going to be our north star as we move in the next knife year cycle. We received a total of 700 proposals requesting on an annual basis 114. 7 Million Dollars<\/a>. And the range was only from 87 million to 96 Million Dollars<\/a> annual etch we were 80 to allocate 92 Million Dollars<\/a> to 142 agencies to fund 231 programs. The reason is because we had to make reductions during the phase earlier. There was a question one supervisor Second Degree<\/a> me today why did you not start at 92 . When we issued the rfp left year we did not have our budget targets we did not know the targets and now this we did know we had to make adjustments in the rfp. Another way to see this is to show that the rfp the proposals we received totals 114 Million Dollars<\/a> the proposals we funds was 92 Million Dollars<\/a>. That means we were able to fund 22 of the proposals that we of the dollar amounts requested. What you see in the pie chart on the right is is this we prioritize our after cool programs and prioritize Youth Workforce Development<\/a> and justice services. And support our educational and academic support programs as well as enrichment and skill building areas. This concludes that part. I can continue into the second part or. Yes. In terms of how are we achieving our youth, to serve our youth and young adults and families we have again. Funding in various strategy areas. School time we are specific about making sure that we have clearer Performance Measures<\/a> that we want our cbos to achieve once again we go back to results and say that, yes. After participating in the Program Young<\/a> people will be and are red to succeed in school. That is year roungd and summer programs. And were building out our enrichment and skill building category this includes arts and identity formation and inclusion programs. Our stem our science, technology and engineering programs and sports and physical activityism will acknowledge that this Yasser Arafat<\/a> funding has been shrunken because we were prioritizing out of school time funding and trying to preserve the cuts. And Education Support<\/a> services. This is where we are really doubling down on making sure that our young people, are going to recover from the covid learning loss they experienced over the last 21 2 years. We are funding academic support, summer youth and. Am programs and literally programs and supporting alternative education. And in terms of workforce, we are going to continue the usual programs that we funds jop promise employment and education program. Our High School Summer<\/a> partnership this we have with our schools Public Schools<\/a>. And the general the youth workforce general for all high school students. What we are doing in workforce is calling out additional focus on our k and categories. We as a Social Security<\/a> not just dcys or juvenile probation or adult we as a system are working together to make sure that all young people have care right at the front gate opposed to care in the system. And so we ever working close low to redesign and model a new alternative initiative. This actually come from a lot of the recommendations that our Community Came<\/a> to us with from the task force and the blue rippon task force to make sure that every young person who is engaged in the system will be attached a support person. We share in the previous hearings what we have seen in working with our district is that there has been post pandemic increased violence that we are seeing on school cites for young people and as they are on munis or in our parks and in our community, we are seeing a lot of the interruptions happening. We worked with our School District<\/a> partners and our system partners and nonprofit agencies to design what we are calling the School Crisis<\/a> support initiative. If everyone come together and wrap our arms around the young person it make sure that they and family vs when they need to succeed then that young person will be successful. This silent team i was referencing. We are working with our schools. The school add administrator. We have a national Technical Assistance<\/a> provider supporting us. W with nonprofits and juvenile probation and work width wrap around project. It is about cardination and making sure we have the right information at the right time to be responsive. It is making sure this we train yourself and nonprofit agencies to recognize how we serve our young people and can w with them and improve. The way that we can work that in together and finally really focusing on trying to get public messaging out so that everyone can see a place for themselves in this role of ensuring our young people are safe in schools and to and from school that concludes my presentation. Im open for questions. I have questions well after asking them after Public Comment<\/a> and next presentation this we do have is from the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and community. Development. Good afternoon sheila with Mayors Office<\/a> of Housing Community<\/a> development. I will present a brief presentation on p. M. Serving immigrant communities. 2 promise one is the immigrant legal and education network. Prosecute motes access to service, Civil Service<\/a> legalization. Freedom of movement with family and community all for am grants and families regardless of immigration status. To achieve the mission the organizations build leaders. Freservices and legal assistance. Prosecute mote education and organize to empowerim Grant Community<\/a>. 12 organization in thes network work with the diverse population to meet their needs. Second organization is the San Francisco<\/a>im grant Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative established in 2047. They respond to a record number. Families and children arriving in the u. S. Seeking refuge from rising levels of violence. [reading fast] Immigration Court<\/a> establishes dockets to process quick. The 16 organizations createed provide rep centation to the individuals to protect Due Process Rights<\/a> the city expand it in twenty 17 to representative resident in removal of proceedings before the Immigration Court<\/a>. The first San Francisco<\/a> Network Serves<\/a> in the last in 2223 served 1, 167 clients and 835 clients individual legal counciling. The San Francisco<\/a>im grant Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative. Provide 933 clients with service. 164 in the first year and 147 in the second year and an increase to 622 in the third year. For grant for the funding to the two organizations theim grant Legal Education<\/a> network 1. 9 million and the fiscal year and 6. 6 million to the immigration Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative a total of 8. 5 million to these organizations. Looking ahead to the next fiscal year in the Budget Proposal<\/a> there are no decreases to cbos with guarantee in fy25. The decision will be made by the mayors Budget Office<\/a> at may. Thank you. Next office of Workforce Development<\/a>. Here i have staff that is going to be for representing is [inaudible]. Through the chair you should finds it on the desk top. Good afternoon chair and supervisors chief operating officer for oewd im joined by my colleagues. Here to present on our budget as a refresher oewd advances prosperity for San Francisco<\/a> growing jobs, supporting businesses, creating great places to live and w and helping everyone achieve economic self sufficiency. You mirecall the board supervisors and the mir approved our fiscal 2324 budget over 158 mission. And our 2425 base budget at 133 Million Dollars<\/a>. Our cut target was at 4. 4 Million Dollars<\/a>. Conducted 3 town halls we heard from stake holders. When we heard from community was economic recovery impacts all of San Francisco<\/a>. Invest nothing sectors will be critical for recovery and supporting our citys workforce and supporting entrepreneurship all level system critical. Continue to investment in neighborhood vibrancy is as important as investing in our downtown. During this process we were clear and our partnersa balancing the budget would not be easy. We did a lot of work with staff to identify alternative sources to back fill cuts to the general fund. Had to evaluate need throughout the city. We had to measure impact and performance of our Community Based<\/a> organizations. We were able to create cutos general Fund Reductions<\/a> 4. 4 Million Dollars<\/a>. In Business Development<\/a> 500,000. Community Economic Development<\/a> at 1. 79. Phil, at 2 not half a million 20,000. Office of Small Business<\/a> 240,000 and Workforce Development<\/a> 1. 85 Million Dollars<\/a>. To give a break down you called to the hearing you wanted understand impacted to Community Safety<\/a>, programs to our transitional age and Youth Program<\/a>ming andim grant services. And so. What resulted in this we had to make cuts totalling just at 650 thousand dollars. 50 thousand dollars from workforce develop and want 600,000 in Community Economic<\/a> development and oewd estimates an impact of 102 clients served. Through the reductions. Oewd recognizes the budget process will beville tile and work with the Mayors Office<\/a> and the board of supervisors to maintain service alined with our mission. Thank you for your time of thank you. Next we will have office civic engage am andim grant affairs. Good afternoon. Committee member and chair chan. Im director of Office Civic Engagement<\/a> thank you for the opportunity to share our programs. And our budget approach for setting priorities. The office of affairs we are a policy comupon pliance department in the city add Administrators Office<\/a> to promote policies andim guarantee assistance lead to civic economic integration. We move our mission in a number of ways. Next slide. We focus ways the public and immigrants engage with the city in decision make we partner with immigrant rights commission. They hear from Community Members<\/a> and the public nacity leadership onim guarantee affairs and citywide needs. Part in with local groups for the 2016 prospect n out reach throughim grant parents vote nothing School District<\/a> elections so they are aware of rights and risks associated with voting. An example served as a local agency for census out reach and education efforts with local nonprofits. When it come to Community Safety<\/a> sch ch is important the embas dover program a Training Program<\/a> provides a safety and engages merchants and visitors for City Services<\/a> and Public Service<\/a>. We are present in multilingual neighborhoods throughout the city. This year on track to reach 250,000 unique interactions with a team of 35 ambassadors. The practical area priorityize serving the communities and when it come to providing Inclusive Services<\/a> we partner with men who are expert in providing immigration relief. And an example is pregnant Way Initiative<\/a> compoedz of a grouch cbos lead by self help for elder low we offer support. And screenings. We make cbo and grants to provide others like daca and green card renewals. We support immigrant Workforce Program<\/a> this is year is the 10th year for Fellowship Program<\/a> support youth regardless of status get career experience. We provide grants to City Services<\/a>. The Group Supports<\/a> the city in implementing the Language Access<\/a> ordinance. The last slide i will share about the approach. And planning for this year, following the mayors direction and framework preserve the Core Functions<\/a> meaning we prioritize programs individuals and families provided with assistance and service. Getting support top complete a citizenship application and helping access to city service. [inaudible] lastly prioritize minimizing the impacts to program this is are mandated and strong presence in the office Language Access<\/a> work and voting. The 10 reduction prosecute pose the reduction to our ground making budget of 695 thousand includes the mid year cuts and the allocation to Community Ambassador<\/a> program of 380,000. This reduction will not Impact Service<\/a> deliver net next year this equals 1 million and 75 thousand dollars for our budget. Thank you, we be available for questions. Thank you. Next we have in the final presentation by appeals budget coalition. Good afternoon. We are the peoples justice coalition. I want to thank you supervisors, chan for the time and the departments for your presentation. And we are here to talk about how the cuts across the departments are impacting the safety of our communities and the vibrancy of our neighborhoods. San francisco deserves neighborhoods and safety for well being of vulnerable residents. I will pause you there i will suggest everyone introduce your name. And the organizations that you represent. Before you go in the presentation. Im brandy with ajainicloemachine advocates we want to you fund the right tools that keep us safe and that is00 autocommunity this keeps us safe especially the communities represented here today. I happening well live in a safer city if we were talking about expanding the programs rather than to fight for the cuts. Against the cuts because the Community Groups<\/a> here address the root causes of crime. Reprevent unsafe condition and create supportive environments for residentses to thrive in a safer city. Cuts that are proposed are making us less safer Critical Services<\/a> that are being cut can push a lot of youth and families into homelessness and derail the neighborhood recovery. And then also just empsiegz the Community Safety<\/a> guess beyond policing a lack of support in services and programs will lead to more criminalization in the city. And we think that the key departments have to reprioritize Corps Services<\/a> and the Police Department<\/a> should make their fair share of cuts. I will pass it to. Im director of San Francisco<\/a> latino Equity Coalition<\/a> i want to share data points with you. Did a garthing project 6 months goal to engage community and insight when they thought about Community Safety<\/a>. Partnered with the day labor program. Economic. Societial. Governmental and family and individual. Participates placed 294 votes, economic fact paors. Addressing racism and transportation. We will move in the narrative is the crucial insight that emphasizes the need to develop an equal ecosystem around our communities necessities and opportunity. Community well being equals Safe Community<\/a> when we invest in the workforce and health and housing and the education of children we can create continuous where we feel safe. And beyond the presence of Law Enforcement<\/a> the quality. Purposeful and antiracist policing there is resounding call for reimagining Law Enforcement<\/a>s roles that there is a growing demand for safe intervention Community Ambassador<\/a>s special proper Mental Health<\/a>. Im stefani and im with with local 21 im here to present a proposal [inaudible] and the peoples budget. And here i have the city should responds for interventions staffing the Community Safety<\/a> programs instead of contracting. The city awarded 78 million in contract awards between 2019 for street ambassador everybodieses since the organization faced problems two class action lawsuits around the poor labor practice plaintiffing claiming employer did noted provide compensation and breaks. Which receives federal funding and provides proper training. Both proposals will be a benefit to participates and the city as participates will receive proper job training and stable employment and the city should obtain cost savings. Contracts to transition a 2. 2 Million Contract<\/a> with the San Francisco<\/a> Human Service<\/a> agencies. Have a contract 2023 and 25. As well as a 61 Million Contract<\/a> with the office of economic Workforce Development<\/a> and mid Market Foundation<\/a> contracts the safety program. We ask to you staff up city jobs and programs to keep them safe. Im chavez the executive director at work. Pronounce are they, them. Im representing 5 organizations that collective low serve lbgtq youth and transyouth across the entire city. So when we are i want top point the picture a bit when we talk about youth. They have been fleeing family rejection and many are Asylum Seekers<\/a> and many dont have any support and coming to San Francisco<\/a> because we are this beacon of xhoep this sanctuary city. Queer and transyouth 2118 and 24 the vast come to and and experiencing homelessness. The cuts are drastic. In serving this population. We received 43 cuts when we are talking about a Vulnerable Community<\/a> a community this is by themselves and try to figure out how they will sustain. As a collective of agencies we do services for the population and in the just providing rapid rehousing we provide Behavioral Health<\/a> and basic income support the leadership and Workforce Development<\/a> programs were critical to sustaining the population when i think about as a district 9 resident and think about i parent it is, lateraling to figure out when is going to happen july one with this population. Im anticipating high increase in Public Safety<\/a> to a vulnerable population they are not safe in schools. They are not safe there. And so these programs were life saving programs. Im participating an increase in Public Health<\/a> crisis and absolutely experiencing we will experience collective low increase in paid population that are experiencing homelessness. And so please, think about this. For this population. Thank you for your time. I want to end with a point. Collective low, we did see programs slashed. We are serving about half of the population that are unhoused. Thank you for your time. I will go off script. Larkin street Youth Service<\/a>s and add that the cuts have impacts on the housing we are trying to provide for young people. Workforce 18 to 24. Is more cost low because this workforce is how they pay rent feed and take care of themselves. A Housing Program<\/a> ready. Lyric will support and lbgtq center will support and without the support the restoration of the cuts we will not be able to help the young people. Thank you. Hello good afternoon. Im [inaudible] im too tall. There we go. Im representing the San Francisco<\/a>im guarantee legal and education network. And here on behalf of the peoples budget coalition. Before i continue i would like to encourage everyone from the city to imagine what safety looks like to them. Imagine a time you felt safe i fwhaet it was a time you felt you had shelter. Felt like you had resources and they would not be ripped away. Ir bet not a time when you were surrounded by people with fire arms. You heard earlier we are not up for cuts. Our funding is not sufficient. And men of the Community Members<\/a> we serve receive services that are being cut and meant Partner Organizations<\/a> are receiving cut in other areas. Over the past year i have been here many times. I heard folks talk about how San Francisco<\/a> is a city of immigrants we know one in 3 in the city were born in another country and more arrive every day. It is unnornt see San Francisco<\/a> is in the prioritizing the families can stay. The fell consist thrive. Right and feel safe. You know for newark rifles orim Grant Community<\/a> or anyone else safety means access to housing and basic needs met. I said earlier you know i think we can all think of times when we felt safe and they will in the be ripped away from us is the most important aspects, provides out Reach Services<\/a> connecting people with culturally comp tent service. Housing. Amongst making the referral to the legal organizations per of the net w allow folks to have access to employment. There are reasons people dont have employment waiting for the case and different documentation. And you know i really cant stress enough you dont have the same protections and you dont have access to resource i dont think thats what safety looks like to me. They are under stressd and receive hundreds of calls a day. And you know, many of these Community Members<\/a> calling our family and is heard from a Partner Organizations<\/a> they are seeing more family in shelters then and there before. I want to paint the picture this is connected. Defund community and program for kids this is affecting the community the immiGrant Community<\/a> of San Francisco<\/a>. And i want to drive home the point this if we invest in people when they arrive and families that live here to thrive and succeed we dont need to try to invest in the community there could be a crisis moment. And i think we would feel safer in San Francisco<\/a> if we felt the people and neighbors and ourselves were taken care of. I hope that you try to state as present when lynch to Public Comment<\/a> a lot took time to be here today. Thank you. Im back. Tweetup lift that a lot of the [inaudible] youth and service were cut. This includes after School Beacon<\/a> program. Summer learning. And enrichment and Youth Leadership<\/a> Development Programming<\/a>. Too many of the programs were e eliminated from the budget. Which is an over all shock to the systems of safety that our families and youth depend on. Many of the after School Programs<\/a>. Summer learning programs. Youth leadership Development Programs<\/a> will have to close door and that will leave a lot of neighborhoods with nowhere to go to find the resource. And we than our working class families depends on the after School Summer<\/a> programming and so on to nurture, teach and keep children safe while they work. Also post pandemic the youth are struggling and need the environments. And so under funding the supportive programmings could have dire consequences for Emotional Health<\/a> of our youth. Which could lead to youth criminalization and unaddressed trauma. And also just want to remind you that San Francisco<\/a> really does need to look at what it is doing with the Youth Leadership<\/a> development. Because we have to reminds that you they would not exist if it was not for the Youth Leadership<\/a> and family leadership organizing that established that fund. And we need to remember that Youth Leadership<\/a> Development Programming<\/a> did this and if we want to sustain that and keep safety at the center of our priorities we need to reinvest in the critical programs. An organizer with Hummingbird Farm<\/a>ism want to give gratitude to the recommend ram the original people still here. And want to give gratitude and im grateful for growing up in i community full of legacy organizes that have come together from men generations to reclaim our monies for Community Needs<\/a> reflected in all of the programs. I want to give thank to the s footwork families this organize to build beauty, art and Community Resource<\/a>. In southeast San Francisco<\/a> after the city created environmentally racist policies that made us sick mentally and spiritual and he the city policies that disconnect us from the land we help build and nurture this proves we know how to make our Community Safe<\/a> we peek for ourselves. Police dont make us safe. Sft is your obligation to fund program this is provide service forim grant work class families. We have prudent person we are successful in heeling the scompland create gal row spaces for fell and Workforce Development<\/a> for the next generation. Land stewards and an economy this does not exploit in ma earth and decrease Climate Change<\/a> at the local level upon we provide youth and family organize to ensure tax dollars are for the people for when we need, jobs and housing and green space. We support and love each other. As we live through the genocides and the School Closures<\/a> and budget shifts that moving monfreinvest nothing our communities and move toward investing in a police state. We heel our bodies and spirits. Healthy food and plant mchldz please, invest nus. We dont have numbers we have pictures of Community Coming<\/a> together. Because you know i sought numbers and than i did not make me feel the way this conversation and community made me feel from the budget cuts. Listen all admissible comment and invest in us. From cyst are hood gardens. The secret guard sxen bring hole to community and want to leave them to help you with your decisionmaking. Thank you. I want to think make surety fly cert up. Before i talk. Good afternoon im a Community Organizer<\/a> with [inaudible]. And our community has a question for mohcd, where is the investment. We heard supervisors lift this question. Community development is where it is at. It is when we need. There has been disinvestment in Community Development<\/a> the left 5 years and the commune leadership has played a huge role in the development and the resilience of the city. Mayor herself admitted that the Community Lead<\/a> Recovery Efforts<\/a> during covid that put community become in the mission. Members pivot to give access to resource like vaccines and resources. It was the same leadership sorry. I need to say that again. The Community Development<\/a> that lead this leadership. We love San Francisco<\/a>. We are willing to put in the work. That it takes for us to thrive. Will mohcd invest in the cd . Thank you. Once Public Comment<\/a> is open and the clerk allows us to comment if we could prioritize the youth to come up. We would appreciate that. Thank you. That is the end of presentation. And i would say yes lets get to Public Comment<\/a>s. We are ready open to Public Comment<\/a>s. Thank you. We now invite the public joining us today when wish to speak lineup along those windows to the right. My left and come forward. As the chair did state this morning. When we convened all speakers w have i minute to speak. Please prioritize as you choose. Who is in front of the line. If you allow the youth to speak first. Otherwise first come first serve. As the line are queued first speaker, please. Hello yall im hernandez im from d10 part of the help sf Youth Leadership<\/a> and i want to advocate on behalf my program. Our program is the only program that invest in Youth Development<\/a> within d 10. We are able to fund all the young people to do their own project in d10 i think this is worth pointing out temperature is in the only me but young people here who benefit from our program as well. For me i started as someone having a dream and my dream was to stand up for a message big are than myself and then i got opportunity to be a part of the program the program let me kickoff my dream. I stood up for d10. Not only that d10 also the hub sf Youth Leadership<\/a> allowed mow it have an outlet in other careers we have people in the program who want to get in the medical field. Next speaker, please. Thank you. I apologize if you cut you off but we are timing each at a minute. We are doing simultaneous translation. One after the other that would be fine. Yea. First speaker. Im christian garcia. Im 45 years old from guatemala. Im a part of and like for to you continue supporting the program. I dont want yall to stop funning programs. They help mow a lot. It is a program that i would like to you funding than i helped me out in my life. Thats all. Keep supporting. Thank you. Next speaker. Hello im henry im 16 i live in bayview and im with Second Chance<\/a> Youth Program<\/a> it helped me connect with others and make friends get me out of trouble. Please continue the funds for this program. This program helped mow get a job and helped me get my drivers permit and helped me in school. Thank you. Thank you, henry. Next speaker, please. Hello im jennifer im with Second Chance<\/a> Youth Program<\/a> this program helped me socializing and connecting with new people. To keep me busy in the summer by doing activities and socializing with people i ask to continue our funds for the program. Thank you. Before the next speaker keep in mind it is crowded if you speak directly in the mic and or ump that would be great. Thank you, much. Hello im ruinin part of lbgtq center youth committee. Add vocate about how the budget cut has been. Tell be more difficult for the service its help out for youth like me to housing and gender gear and clothing, more important stuff and i hope this you view this is a major mistake. Recheck notes and look what the health this could turn into. Please. Thank you. Thank you. For addressing the committee. Next speaker, please. Members of board im adam. Each day teens have no other safe space to go. Go to nonprofits they feel comfortable. So many lbgtq youth are fleeing from unaccepting families from Different Countries<\/a> and states. Many here provide safe and caring youth space. Aimed providing a place they can call home and food, housing. Care and other resource. As a gay man growing up was tough. In an unaccepting family. I felt alone. Cut youth funding would harm the youth serves like i was. Dont go forward with cuts and keep the lbgtq youth in mind. At a time and they are under attack as they have been in the country San Francisco<\/a> has the obligation of being a hane for all. Vote thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im veronica a former k youth and receive services from these that are being cut today. A young brown transwoman in San Francisco<\/a> i phrase assaults, discrim nigz and banishment from grocery stores. Drop in spaces providing the only safe space i had. Drop in space where i go to eat and be with community. When you cut this budget women like me die. When you cut this budget young transgirls go hung row. When you cut this budget you betray the dream of San Francisco<\/a> as a safe haven for queer and transyouth i thank this city this city i bipartisan a woman and i built a family. I learned how to thrive. I fear the cuts with the cuts my sisters after me will not have the opportunity. Dot right thing and keep the dream of San Francisco<\/a> alive. Next speaker, please. Good upon afternoon. Im brandon born and raised in the Mission Growing<\/a> up i got in, let of trouble if not for the youth space i would be locked up or dead. But i was begin the space, skills and opportunity i needed to change my life for the better. Thanks to programs like horizons unlimited i learned Graphic Design<\/a> hired by the company my work was later cover in the the fourth article creating a culture of inclusivity lead to more opportunity in my career. My store seone of many the programs save lives and create productive citizen. Funding them sfunlding i future for the youth. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im a youth at sunset youth you are letting us down the funding supports educators and mentors and the spaces where we feel safe. Promise give a sense of belonging and a place where we are not accepted. Many of us will have no place if we lose the programs the space are a second home. The staff are second family. Many of the arts promise are not appreciated. We deserve to take up spaces where we can express ourselves for the love our community and the way art brings us together. Remember when you were young and how you wanted make a change this is your time to stop cutting our future. Im alia im a youth. Im anticipate negligents project of San Francisco<\/a> at horizon sunset Youth Service<\/a>s and a teacher with players through africanamerican Shakespeare Company<\/a> will what do you think of when you think of cleaning up a crime it is preventing. And stauthd a friend. Mine realizel hold the line to support her artists. All over the city this is unacceptable and show disregard for young people struggling to survive and grow. I heard the dj project out after i got out of inparent rehab when i was 70. I destroyed my life with drugs and out Patient Services<\/a> with Horizon Services<\/a> i heel and grow as an individual transitioned begin skills making music on a prolevel. Many null this path of drug and struggling with, diction little d judiciarying project allows youth to instead of drugs and gives youth tools to find the voice. Families and im jay hunter i would like to add that humans do more surviving than living. Women, men and unspecified jenned and youth are caught in the web. All fight a common fight in the financial world. World where we are not stable. I would like the city to invest in our youth. Our colord and disabled individuals. And the teen and kids and our youth. We are fighting justice hard for the future. They are learning and wonderful educational systems and refining skills and our School Programs<\/a> and they need a break from said practices at our lbgtq , youth center. The home away from homelessness after School Program<\/a> and the u nighted players it is unfair limitless mind. And ever growing organizations and communities. I think it would be a perfect time for living [inaudible] and thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Glen rogers. Hello supervisor melgar. Noise to see you. I wanted speak on behalf of sister whoed gardens. Sister hood gardens is important because it is able to garth from different walks of life and generations and different cult urs. All of us are able to come to the garden learn about each other and provide ourselves with food. More important low we are able to learn about other peoples interactions. Will sister hood gardens not present there would be a tragedy less opportunity for people to meet come less interaction with the young and old and all of that helps with the safety neighborhood. Because it helps people be aware what is going on in the community. Sister hood is also important to the surrounding asianamerican community in many members are older Asian American<\/a> residents and a shout out for it bookmachine thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im the executive director of youth first. Located in d 11 like view. Once said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every where. The budget cuts are pitting two communities against each other the City Department<\/a> and it is community when were supposed to Work Together<\/a> to improve community. So im hoping that as we find money for other avenues we find money for programs that are doing the work to better the lives of youth and our seniors and of all of San Francisco<\/a>. Thats the reason im here. Support everyone to find solutions in the budget cuts are not the solutions. Thank you. Mruz mrauz thank you. Next speaker. Im i have two [inaudible]. Kid of 12 in the Mission District<\/a>ed with programming. Want to advocate for the 10 other youth in the hallway who can come and fill the seats and speak to you and talk about their own experience to advocate for them. Im also a board member here at herize an friendss school and larged this program a decade ago. The website says they are striving to make San Francisco<\/a> a great place to grow up this is a huge challenge. They are doing the best they can with the cards they were dealt behind every cut is a student and family and program that will get impacted by the voices that are hear you see the impact of the cuts. We ask this you really consider and listen to the voices. They are Important Program<\/a> this is will help San Francisco<\/a> thrive and Vital Services<\/a> that are going to be e eliminated thank you for your consideration. It is a tough job. Listen to us. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Will you start my time i ask we make space for young people i told they were not allowed walk in it is over flowed you see we have space for them to come in. I would like their voices to be prioritized they are most impacted. If there is a way we bring them in as soon as possible i would appreciate it. I will start. Im leta fwhorn d10 and 11. I attended schools in Higher Education<\/a> in my neighborhoods supported direct actions for youth and relevant education. I repeat every time im here im concerned Community Member<\/a> we deprioritize the health of youth and families. I grew up knowing the city had the lowest population of children compared to other center across the nation i bench the city funding for free green spaces and arts and culture programs and shutting down school site this is year. Simultaneous low investing over a billion dollars in Law Enforcement<\/a> and continuing to exacerbate the budget to incarcerate us. We have not gotten healingier. Ravaged our community and we came mangled thanks to the board of supervisors. The victims of crime with fundsing year we hope the mayor and board will maintain the core Program Keeps<\/a> youth connected and resource in programs available in our city. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im monroe and appreciate the opportunity to stand before you with my community partners. Hunters point families in the bayview providing service to youth and families. Oakdale. Kirkwood we are committed to providing Accessible Services<\/a> to highly populations. Should dcyf stand Youth Service<\/a> in Public Housing<\/a> developments will be e eliminated. Our staff many from the communities will be un. D and youth will move to Workforce Development<\/a> and employment opportunity. We implore to you contract impact of e lim nitting services and the message to vulnerable populations prioritize black and Brown Services<\/a> in neighborhood in San Francisco<\/a>. Allow Hunters Point<\/a> family to nurture issue mentor, guide and support our youth and families in San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Executive director of Hunters Point<\/a> family. And where we prepare young people in San Francisco<\/a>s toughest neighborhoods to be adults who fliechl vied essential serviceos site at the Public Housing<\/a> projects. Without our programming there is a huge gap for kids and families need for children at risk for out come to thrive. Caring culturaly competent adults. Spaces to garth and investment in academic emotional well being and solutions that prioritize Youth Leadership<\/a>. Define whatted we do in hard times show the children of bayview that this city will investment in well being when the budget are fat and thin. We implore you show the children of bayview their city will invest in them no merit when. Having a future where the citys neighborhood consist thrive dependsos it. Thank you Program Office<\/a> huntereds point family. A bayview resident. Thank you. And also i will add im a product of the community. Because again. I gave up a job at the irs. The government to come back to the community. In need. The community children, trifling out of there we do a lot. I will say, please. Good afternoon. Chair. Im here to ask to you consider the investment in art and culture. Part of our way of organizing coordinating and finding Public Safety<\/a> solutions. We have the answers. When i think of the dj project and how it has been cut. A project of 175,000 supports so many youth. Reconsider than i are penys. Consider of the investment in the workforce and going to end we are the pipeline and the path. And i also want to remind folks like if i can our streets we are out there we are pick up brunt of all that our city is not doing. When we look at the funding 69 cuts of the organizations. Lastly the youth are not let n. Than i can come in. Am i allowed let the youth take my spot. You cant hold a place for the youth. Gi will like to defer and allow young people to speak first. They have their word. Matters. Got out of school. How the people in line want to deal with their spot is up to them but you cant hold a spot for people outside. I will star your time. Okay. Thank you. Everyone im sa 11a im executive director of horizon you heard our young people speak. Programs like the project. Arts and culture and Workforce Program<\/a>s nothing from the presentations and data nothing will carry the weight and the gravity of young peoples stories. End of the day we need to 39 them and uplift them and bring them to the front of the line and give them space. Again our program the dj project was cut to zero. I want toup lift that as a program that it has a lot of moneying and multimedia skills and w force develop and want emburglared arts. I want to make sure we are centing that when we look at programs. Next speaker, please. If you are concerned about take up time or having people noterning the chamber. Coming up to speak is the fastest way, thank you, next speaker, please. Supervisors this is on . Im allow professor at university of San Francisco<\/a> spaek nothing favor of immigration provides legal and i want to tell you that i helped to write the original San Francisco<\/a> sanctuary ordinance that the ordinance it is about Public Safety<\/a>. Thank you. The next speaker, please. Im paloma reading on behalf of the mayor gold project produced the festival for 32 years. The signature event invites the community to the cycle life. It impacts more then and there 30,000 Community Members<\/a> in the cuts reduced the budget by more than half. We build alointss with momma. Sf opera. And offer intergenerational events and document easier for online accessible. Not offer workshop it is we hire local artists more enthusiasm and he other artists to help our community grieve. Heel and celebrate history. We are a part of the city. Help us restore the cuts thank you. Next speaker, please. Im abdual the director of african assisted work. Before anything i would like all of us to look at the diversity of all the people in front of you today. There is no race limp is no [inaudible]. And one thing everybody agreeos the safety of the city. Are we going to leverage the investment or give snup i think this is no choice. We gotta maintain and then improve it. Thank you. Thank you. For addressing the committee. Next speaker, please. Again of the next speaker, please. Hello. Coming from ajainicloemachine and im here for im nervous. There are things i want to talk about they provide a safe place for me. Not every where is safer and job opportunity for the youth. And another things is school. Food during school and lunch they come and talk to you ask how you feel. Feed you good food at the school. San francisco does not give you good and let mow see. And got summer programs for youth this can help us stay out of trouble like i said. Give us money who can do good and provide us with a good amount of education to when we need. I get help with stuff like going to trade school trying to do construction. And they are helping mow star my life without having my family members helping me. And speaker time expired. Thank you, colten. Good afternoonful Martin Steinman<\/a> Resource Center<\/a> i work at Legal Service<\/a> but not here to talk about this i like to address our Second Chance<\/a> Wellness Programs<\/a> who face budget cuts of all the other organizations facing the same. In our immigration Legal Service<\/a> program we win asylum on the regular for our clients. It sometimes feel like a hallow victory if the client cant pay the rent and facing trauma from their home country and kids are having problem in school. Yesterday two clientsed how than i met with sylvia ramo program. And another client her daughter is truant after a Sexual Assault<\/a> i connected her to Jose Hernandez<\/a> hook her up with services and this integration is essential. So, thank you very much for attention and please consider the budget thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im mia campbell. Im a youth at Youth Service<\/a>. If you guys cut the budget we not have the opportunities we have now. Being in the Leadership Program<\/a> allowing mow it go to cyy for a conference to advocate more money for youth. Different job opportunity and schooling entrepreneurship and allowing the youth to get back on their feet instead of starting and stopping. I think in you guys keep giving to stop kuth the budget and allow us to thrive. Yea. Im immigrant program manage at [inaudible] a Member Organization<\/a> of the Language Access<\/a> network of San Francisco<\/a>. Cop aligz of [inaudible] in San Francisco<\/a>. Language access is a fundamental for equal access to vital City Services<\/a> and Racial Equity<\/a> over oneim guarantees and half speaking i language other than english at home it is a moral and legal obligation to ensure equal access for limited english residents. Community groups who are receiving Language Access<\/a> are conducting access education. At which need to continue to be funded we serve bridges between Community Members<\/a> and city agency. With upcoming amendment to the ordinance this work has become more especially for within 50,000 residents 20 pvrts population we serve. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im so far why and a member of gabriela a Filipino Organization<\/a> for filipino women and youth im in support of Youth Leadership<\/a> programs and to call out how police upon funding put a priority over funning for safe service for our people. The police dont keep us safe the city raises the funding as Community Service<\/a> experience cuts and forced shut down. The services and programs that allow our community to thrive from support in housing. Building youth leader help and Community Safety<\/a> support the budget cuts are attack on our community. Youth and students will not stand for this. Stop the cuts against coleman, and hummingbird. And lyric and programs that are essential. Fund when supports our people and not the police who harms our people. Thank you. Good afternoon it is grit to see youth leaders. Im crystal van chinese affirmative action. 8 multieye cultural andling walCommunity Organizations<\/a> with expertise in rights. Education and Civic Engagement<\/a>. We have expanded participation wetremoved barriers special empower leadership to vocalize the need in over 76,000 families. Partner with agencies like ocea. Sfpd and d. Elections to implement press forim grant voters. Despoit the person w or contract was reduced during the 23 24 fiscal year budget cuts. Ice of the country row are on San Francisco<\/a> relating toim grant voting your leadership is voilth more than before. Urge you to support our collaborative. Thank you. Before i call the next speaker. I had been made aware that we are going to lose our spanish interpret our for Public Comment<\/a>. We like to prioritize those who need spanish interception for Public Comment<\/a>. If the people in front of the line would be willing to seed their spot would be appreciated. Do we have speakers in line this require Spanish Service<\/a> for Public Comment<\/a> . While we do organize people who need i will star your time thank you, much. And we have a second microphone. Go ahead. And in the decision make for the School District<\/a>. After, i decide to register and vote us in parents. An immigrant parent i hope to chose a representative with my values and believe as my own to understand my voice in thes district. Since you became active in advocating for my community i became a u. S. Citizen last year and now vote in many elections. I hope our supervisor will send a strong message and supportim grant voting collaborative so we can active low and directly participate in our kids education. Thank you. Mrauz. Next speaker, please. Learning opportunity and serves we need our working families. Continue on provide services to support noncitizen pinches to participate in voting in our childrens Education Holding<\/a> boards of education forums and voter rights accept near so parents elect commissioners to fight for an education for our family and children. I urge the city to continue funding for noncitizen parent voting education so this more parents can understand and participate in childrens education. Parents are more concerned about school safety. We need to ensure there is better prevention and responses for departments to address our Mental Health<\/a> and well being. Rather than under the rug. Im grant voting collaborative followed up on rapid responses and advocacy work in our Education System<\/a> holding our departments issue countable. Continue our support. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im annie and im an out reach worker with chinese affirmative action thank you for your support on immigrant voting and out reach effort in 2016 San Francisco<\/a> fought under prop n a parents since i have worked along side out reach team to visit conduct workshops informingly parents and families in San Francisco<\/a> about rights and how to exercise them. Through these experience i gain skills, learned empower pirnts to actively payment in the childrens education and make their voices heard. I build self confidence and give out new communication skill. I became a parent leader. Men parents doernt know. I ask the board to fund this work to enfranchise parent and prepare them to be leaders in our community. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im glada im from Health Promoter<\/a>. The reason im here because im asking to you reconsider the cuts for the i belong to the Wellness Program<\/a> in [inaudible] where we provide health promotion. And prevention. For our family in our own languages to prevent sdooibs diabetes other cholesterol that affect latino community. Also about the harm that sugar poses to our sxhaelth provide workshops from zero to 5 years old and i would like to add this our cut the cuts we have suffered half cuts to our program already. Im asking you with deep respect if you could police not cut our program, thank you. Thank you, much. Next speaker, please. Hello im melvin from jordan the program and i would tloik ask you noto the dot cuts to our program. The youth in im here to talk for the youth and ensure this our well being come to our schools every week and teach us about our rights and how to stay well. And to how to respect ourselves. And i ask you not cut the program. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im part of the group of mothers single mothers and mothers marry said. To become leaders in Public Schools<\/a> that support immigrant parents and enroll am process. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im freddie a Health Promoter<\/a> i like to say tht services this the wellness family Wellness Program<\/a> Second Chance<\/a> programs are service this really have helped mow quite i bit in having education about my health and also for example, an example is about drinking tap water and helping mow to be healthy as a result of this. And this information men people dont are this information it is important for people to have it and this v thez opportunitiful i like to ask supervisors and the mir of the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> to reestablish funding for our programs. Thank you, next speaker, please. I belong to the academic specialist w specialist in herizeons. Im part of the organization to talk about the Different Program<\/a> this is have been where we benefitted, benefit the community. And with common rot and also the [inaudible] samaritan and mission [inaudible] and the horizon project. Awful these are important and we know as a community when we need and asking you to help us have the tools to go forward. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors im rafael. Im a high school [inaudible]. A part of the Youth Program<\/a> at the Filipino Community<\/a> center. Impact of budget cut affect mow personal low the after School Program<\/a> at my school taught me lessons and helped me grow and learn. Baudz of them i learned become a better person and i am doing this for them. Please dont cut from the essential programs. For our youth and students in stan San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello everyone im lewis and today i stand as an immigrant. [inaudible]. I speak for the people that dont speak english. Acknowledge that today our future our future kids is at risk. They need education and support. The change is up to you. Thanks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im k ai a student of d 11. A filipino Democratic Organization<\/a> planning for rights of women in San Francisco<\/a> and the philippines. Keep work to change the issue this women youth struggle with, feeling safer on the streets of the city. More police suggest not the solution. Of every year you increase the policing budget but still it gets worse. Why has not anything changed . The services this help workers rights programs terrible housing are cut to none. We successful you to fund our community. Service this is help working class and cease increase of surveillance budget that service the rich. Thank you. Good afternoon supervisors im alips why a student at balboa high school. I grew up in excellsor in d 11 i saw and experienced violent hate crimes that no one including the police care. They sat around doing nothing the Youth Program<\/a>s organized against injustices and keep myself safe. They have done when the police cannot do no matter how much money you give them. Safe spaces have been there for the youth keeping them safer am you need to invest in us. In the youth. Good afternoon. Im 99 im a junior at balboa high school. Here to poke in support of Youth Program<\/a>s partnered with dhien ease and Progressive Association<\/a>s youth and Hummingbird Farm<\/a>s. That benefit children high schools and transitional aged youth. Budget cuts will affect mow and our community. The after School Program<\/a> have been impact envelope my life. Irrelevant impactful. I had a creative minds. Curious that the after school prosecute helps me expand. The safety and well being. Providing opportunity for education and positive engagement they help young people from negative influences. Time expired. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im ryan a resident at d6 and the executive director of mariposa kids a School Program<\/a> in the mission serving 511. Im here i got a call from a single mother of 3 who needs summer camp to participate in the workforce this summer i cant provide that the pot of money was not big enough. Im here because i have a 23 year old brother needs summer camp this summer. And i cant provide that or put them on the wait list the pot of money was not big enough. Increase the size of the budget. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im doctor [inaudible] and im a psychological associate at Resource Center<\/a> of san frap. I provided life saving Mental Health<\/a> to San Francisco<\/a> latin x andim grant fell and youth for 14 years. Growing up lettin congresses in the mission in 90s and 200s. So much so when my sister had trouble at school and safety threats in the community my family had no trouble finding appropriate services for her. Including case management. Second chance youth the program it is kept her safe. Now she is successful i mother and house owner. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im austin ballard. I work in street out roach with Market Street<\/a> Youth Service<\/a>s San Francisco<\/a> is my home i oppose the Budget Company<\/a> living in the Estate Service<\/a> here impacted the lives of me and my loved ones closely. Work nothing street out roach on the front lines and the first to seat impact of decisions like this. Just two weeks ago larkin had to close the haight street refer elf center longest drop ins and entire segment of the Homeless Youth<\/a> pol population in San Francisco<\/a> no longer have service. I seen youth impacted by small budget cuts i cannot describe. Social services are preventative service. Cuts i thread oust social safety net and the cost to repairs that is higher than funding in the first place. My job never ends i run in homeless kids at all times we have an obligation to protect those. We cannot let anyone slipllow cracks. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Am hi. Im [inaudible] i am a youth organizer coleman add roindicates here to talk about coleman gave me a sense of courage. Meeting them and i feel like cutting our budget would be messy but hrm our community because the programs give black and brown youth a voice temperature is funny how you are kuth buildings to places that mostly impact black and brown youth i feel this is tick a step become in history were supposed to step forward and fight and thats why were here. I insist you dont cut our funds and you keep supporting us it is truly manage this will a benefit for San Francisco<\/a> and america. Thank you. [applause]. Hello good afternoon im axel a june and part of [inaudible] i found out that they are not getting grant for the next year. This is stress. And our school is getting the budget cut temperature is unrolistic for the program that provides the most help for black and brown get cut in the richest cities i have been getting support and a safe space to learn. It is already hard to live in the city that does not support us the way it should. Fund services and programs that promote services promost safety that will be the future and everybody this needs it. Thank you. Good afternoon. Im marney larkin street Youth Service<\/a>. I speak on behalf of homeless providers for shock and concern at the service cuts from dcyf seem to concentrated in the age group. We had funding in program this is provide paid opportunity to young people unhoused and working hard to get out and stay out of poverty. Last years budget went unfund exclude heard they want to cut within. 5 million in workforce and dcys funds everfunding we need to sustain housing and leave homeless behind. We cannot accept nor survive. San francisco we can invest in the future and the future of this city or ever growing homeless adult preponder lithe. Young people in San Francisco<\/a> deserve more. Why thank you. Are go to Downtown High<\/a> school part of y mack for a year it is in the fair for y mack to be getting the budget cut it important they help youth make a change. We need y mack in the school cites they have taught mow that it is important to be heard and not afraid to speak up or out. And they will help me have been talk nothing front of crowds and help the onces you need to support them and support youth one on one so they face in their own space. Dont cut next budget they are the ones working with impacted youth to ensure we have the support we deserve. Thank you. Im alex i represent y mechanic and go to Downtown High<\/a> school. Im here y mack helped me a lot in the year. Provided a safe space and great opportunity for mow to work as a fellow in their community. Tell not be the same as it is. Y mack will not be as strong as it is now cutting the budget decrease the happiness of the students as we will not get enough support. Thank you. Alec. Next speaker, please. Next speaker, please. Begin. Hello im jack a journal at high school and youth member of the chinese Progressive Association<\/a>. Before the Association Program<\/a> youth mojo i strulgeled express myself put me in lead everiship roles and helping me grow allow me to engage and understand people i thought were unapproach believe including those facing homelessness and understanding of the Diverse Community<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a> can prosecute mote assistance and communities where communities support each other the Progressive Association<\/a> organizes Youth Program<\/a>s theory important to me and youth. Please fund the programs and alis so community can understand one another and build Community Safety<\/a>. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im nila i was born in the excelsior and i was in [inaudible] the Youth Program<\/a> common rots. I was in Hummingbird Farm<\/a>s program. The promise begin my a safe space to relate to youth Youth Program<\/a>s keep our youth safe taking funnel and to the cops speaks how much you value our youth lives the programs taught me my voice matters. I have young are siblings knowing they will not have access breaks my heart. Stop cut, restore funds and prioritize youth. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im tang and im a youth member of chinese progressive associating im a senior at galileo. Being part of cpa Youth Program<\/a> has begin me a community where i feel safer than in school. I gone in to meet new people and connect with pierce i thought i would never talk to. Moj hen a community that i have felt safe in. And grow a deep understanding with others. Youth programs promote understanding and different with different communities in San Francisco<\/a> and are important it mow and pierce. Fund cpa. Im representing cpa common roots. More than police and removing safety is making sure you learn to talk to people. And hold space together in community. Safety require trust we show up. Youth programs and other organizations showing up and taught us safety. For mow and pierce fund the Youth Program<\/a>s. Next speaker, please. I want it thank the young people who had to rush out of school to be here on time and if you want to hear from the most impacted communities you would come to schools and programs and after school and farms and ps i hope the supervisors are listening. Im a product of sfusd a youth worker. The left 8 years supporting the Environmental Justice<\/a> organizing program. And combhn roots building solidarity with chinese and latin x youth we have seen affordable how doing and Young Leaders<\/a> committed to build and thrive in San Francisco<\/a>. The richest city its is a choice to cut funding for the services it is a choice to up the sfpd budget. I want you to know. Time. Deep. I apologize for cutting anybody off we are timing each with a minute. Next speaker, please. Im reading on behalf of stefani lee a student who could not be here because of the time of hearings. Im stefani lee a youth leader of chinese Progressive Association<\/a> and a junior. Reading fast. E merge with confident with difficulty tuck to people the past few years a member of youth mojo. The programs provide a safe space i found supportive organizers. Through this Community Encouragement<\/a> and understanding i grown to machine who does not hesitate to share opinions and embric herself. Than i have been 55 to the in my development discoverying identity and stepping out of my zone. Understanding our community and other community we foster intgradual to creating safer and inclusive environments learning about backgrounds of peers allows us to strengthen rep when is we understand each other better. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Im an organizer at chinese Progressive Association<\/a> reading on behalf of youth leaders. Im iris a youth member and leader of the chinese Progressive Association<\/a> and high school student. Being in youth mojo collective begin meet ability to connect with pierce a sense of belanguage and safety. I learned about the intersectionality between people allowed mow to reflect on bias. Participating in our cohort as well lead me to reflect on way of communicating through conflict. Program it is our Youth Centers<\/a> and offered additional place of education. Build deep are Community Safety<\/a> and clear im talking about coleman and common rots. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors im andrea a youth from herizeons i spoke on behalf the youth in San Francisco<\/a> to step forward and refrain from cutting fudged the community and opportunity this have been built for and by our youth due to horizon they kept me safe away from violence and off the streets. They dont only provide Strong Community<\/a> and offer ejsz and resources for Mental Health<\/a>, career paths and merchandise defunding brought many amounts of youth together to grow from kids from the city to leaders who fight for when they believe inform keep the arts diverse and fund creative programs. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please im chris, im a program cord narrator at horizons with the dj project and im here to encourage to you continue funding the programs. Our social service are essential to address all of issues our communities are face and when an fran faces. The opioid crisis. The crime rates. Any of the anxieties people have around the unsafe neighborhoods. Unsafe element in our community can be addressed by the social services and by the programs. And in the wake of a post covid world in which well is institutional neglect the social serviceers crucial to make sure we are addressing that institutional in collect that was inevitable in the lapse of services and education during the pandemic. Thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Supervisors im Kristina Ortega<\/a> ceo at mission bed serving San Francisco<\/a> youth with free commuter Science Education<\/a> for i dvenlgd a grantee under the spends environmental sustain ability area when we reapplied oui were in the fund third degree should concern you. One under going a huge budget crisis means im certain to tell you Computer Science<\/a> will not be prioritized. San francisco prides itself on the ai capitol of the world im not seeing investments going in ensure students are upliftd and provided with resources they need to be creator in this space. We saw what it did not city and still not investing in tech. Thank you. Im a senior attorney at kids in need of defense. Kind is a member of the San Francisco<\/a>im grant Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative liked in the d6 and serving children through the San Francisco<\/a> kind provides free legal and social service forim grant children who enter the United States<\/a> and face deperation alone. Legal service keep unaccompanied children in the Community Safe<\/a> from dangers. And safe from experiencing trafficking or crimes. Immigration judges are 100 times like low to grant legal relief for uncompanied children if than i have larceny. Kind helped client williams inauguration case, health care, drivers license to apply for college. Builds trust with youth in San Francisco<\/a>. Through National Work<\/a> regular low helps others emulate the [inaudible]. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im carlos hamilton a resident of district one i work for the Diversity Center<\/a> in d6. The agency is i emotional San Francisco<\/a> immigrant Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative. The collaborative work funded by the Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and Community Development<\/a> provides 3 representtation to immigrants work makes San Francisco<\/a> safer. Help member pedestrianim grant secure secure, [inaudible] and status in the country. Investigate ability to find work makes less vulnerable to ecployation and, bus. Fund the organizations boshging with our communities. The work is part of the solution that is taking issues of our city it is faith. Move our way from funding how doing as the solution to the problems. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hoses hernandez for seck chance youth. Went from clezing juvenile hall. Right size juvenile probation to increase being migrant youth. Increasing the Police Budget<\/a> giving more power to dictate who people will closing schools and defunding programs. [inaudible]. A slough of programs defunding Second Chance<\/a> youth the only Central American<\/a> program in the city and settingum hard to fail under funding them. Expecting them to extend hours and serve more young people than capacity. And not allowing them to refer to spanish speak organizations. Increase your budget for community. And [inaudible]. Next speaker, please. Hemo~ im victor. I work at [inaudible]. I believe that programs Second Chance<\/a> to service to our community a person believed and witnessed young people change. In our programs. Second chance funds cut will take away programming for young people that they rely on. And this is for their personal growth. Our voices should be heard and considered we are on the front line. Working with young people sdprl this will affect them great low. Young people come to us before they go to police. I want to make that clear. Im alex a case manager for are Second Chance<\/a> Youth Program<\/a>. Second Chance Program<\/a> respondses to needs of youth facing crisis as a result status, poverty, social isolation and violence and other. Im a product of sfusd and boys and girls club they showed me mentors play in our lives. Every day front line heroes who keep our city safe. Fund in our new youth faith adult challenges and employ and want navigating systems. Now funding us makes them feel lisz safe. Cuts wrap around service and affects the youth and cuts access to resource not cut our youth short invest in youth we ask the city board of supervisors and Mayors Office<\/a> to restore fund to Second Chance<\/a> program. Thank you. Hi. Im im a case manager for second Youth Program<\/a>. We are seeing the defunged of the programs today we ask the city of San Francisco<\/a> board of supervisors and majors office to restore fundses to Second Chance<\/a> Youth Program<\/a> we need that to provide care to monolingual and spanish and indigenous community. Supporting is when safety and wellness looks like. We need the resources. Thank you. Im a case manager. Second chance youth. In my time i seen importance of the Youth Program<\/a> play in supporting youth and families and ensure they have resources to survive but thrive. Upon our program provide safety. Stability, care and community. When people need support they rely on community not the police. Without funding our youth are higher risk. Lack spaces to support development, safety and growth. If you are invest instead well being of youth and futures you cannot remove funding. Solutions that have proven to work. We ask the city and the board supervisors to restore funding to the seck Chance Program<\/a>. Thank you. Im asking you for a gift. Do not cut programs. We all have Second Chance<\/a>s and get Second Chance<\/a>s. All the mother in San Francisco<\/a> we are asking for a Second Chance<\/a>. All the youth. Thank you. Mruz mrauz. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im i work at Market Street<\/a> Youth Service<\/a> safety for youth experiencing homelessness is having a roof, and being season and listened homelessness divesting in a workforce Youth Leadership<\/a> and need support for 18 to 24 year olds especially programs serving queer, transand youth responsibling or the greatest risk of homelessness is a mistake. Plain and simple. If we care about safety we absolutely must center those the most vulnerable to violence and die nothing streets. Ensure the life saving programs are fully restored. Thanks. Next speaker, please. Hello im arty a practitioner for urbeen alchemy live in d 10 and the tenderloin for 8 years and the majority of my employees have been wing throughout San Francisco<\/a>. Tenderloin d10 knob hill and the tenderloin we are going to continue and remain provide job opportunity and state of service for the community but for ourselves as well. Thank you. Making sense i practitioner of urban al kemp i come from oakland. Gifts mow meaning to in to work. And gives mow meaning. Would not do it like that. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im limo practical tigzer at urban alchemy. From oak lands and but call taught mow so much. Helped a lot of us this come from the guttory get a job maintaining clean streets i was working at the bar was so messi. I moved to mission. We cleand that up. We need to funding to keep it safe for the community and the people. Thank you. I was born in the city and i seen change than i made on the corners and i wanted be a part of this. Im danielle with blue shep hard from urban alchemy i can relate to the things people are saying the struggle with Mental Health<\/a>. But as i stand as a practitioner we make a change and make a difference and reach the community that was lost we are trying to make a difference every day. I knowledge have been out there with them. I could have been right next to everybody we served. Why makes i positive impact to reent row in San Francisco<\/a> being a thriving city again. Next speaker, please. Im stein martinez a Care Coordinator<\/a> with urban al kemp work in the site with thes homeless. The displaced Community Members<\/a> as well i talk to the youth on the street and i engage with people every day that suffer from trauma. Some type of violent this incurred through life and i have it deal with the people every day. Not only this gives mow a purpose and meaning my coworkers said it transforms my life i place moiz in the shoes of the people of i heart youth talk i was a youth. And nothing like what they have to endure today. A lot of people out here. It is changing and we have to change with the times. We have to bring resources that the people need. To make it a justification to better our community. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im from the center of gender and refugee study in d five part of immigrant Legal Defense<\/a> collaborative. Fund by Mayors Office<\/a> of housing and Community Development<\/a>. This funding allows you to help others to advocate for immigrants families. Advocacy Work Authorization<\/a> and lawful status makes our Community Safe<\/a>r andim Grant Community<\/a> less vulnerable it victimization and abuse. This work is crucial to supporting safety and well being and funding make its povenl thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im im a practitioner for urban al kemp. Please, continue it support us. Thank you. Why next speaker, please. Im robert green a practitioner for urbeen al kemp working since i was incarcerated. Came out to the community in San Francisco<\/a>. And i appreciate what i do. And what i do for others and i will continue to do it i sigh a change in the community with the people the Homeless People<\/a> and the streets. We want a Second Chance<\/a> to change things and thats how we will do it and do it together. Thank you. Why thank you. Mruz mrauz. Next speaker, please. Hello im Mitchell Brown<\/a> i have been working with urban alchemy per i year. I think than i are a strong company. We are helping everybody leading the way and i think they follow us. So, i think keeping these companies in San Francisco<\/a> is a good thing for San Francisco<\/a>. And thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoonful im everett butler. All spoke own i take to heart because i did start with urban al kemp in 2018. I was afford opportunity to help myself and others and save lives and help others walk across the street. And integrity is the most that is important in the when the presence of others outside the presence of others as well. That stands to so and deep going. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im red im a practitioner with urban alchemy. And i like to start off. Like to say that i foal this the budget cuts to the Youth Program<\/a> is not giving the city a trough chance to develop leaders like yourself. It take the city in the next millennium. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im Alfredo Williams<\/a> for urbeen alchemy. I like to say giving mow a platform to help others. Up lift others i was never [inaudible] as a youth. Begin mow a platform to help others and im willing to help anybody in this world. Thank you. Thank you. Im robert dixon a practitioner of Community Based<\/a> Public Safety<\/a> organization urban al kemp and he formerly incarcerated offender. Make amends for the trauma i had contributed to im grateful for the hard work we do daily tow bring compassion, empathy, kindness and safety to the most traumatic tiedz community in mid market and civic center. Thank you for this opportunity. Im dellia fitzpatrick. Our kids first. We run after school and summer program. In d 11. Were one of the legacy organizations that when our asked to stand up we stands up. We feed the children. We feed the families we feed over 600 people per week. And we were asked this time to dream a dream. And then our dream was shattered when we got zero funning. I came to this program 30 years ago when my son was left at a program. They could in the find him this is why the programs are so important to community. Thank you. I w for june Jordan High School<\/a> one acre urban furthermore and off the grid kitchen will someone who worked a funded organize for 3 year im offended by citys proposition to take 30 Million Dollars<\/a> away from youth. My Program Service<\/a> up to 2,000 people and hire over 60 to work. It is San Francisco<\/a> scomborn raised individual thasz makes the programs xrun we are doing so with less pay and resources every year. The age out of our programs have nowhere to g. From hummingbird we were deny funding i tell you yulth dont want to be on streets they want to pursue careers and endefers Higher Education<\/a> and Environmental Justice<\/a> organize. Understand that the programs are a life line for our kids. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im kelsie and i am the sociality director of Youth Leadership<\/a> at wellen streetism come today as a Community Provider<\/a> notify third degree they lost all of their funding from dcys without the funds i cannot support young people with transferrable skills to enter the workforce. The budget cuts strip life altering opportunity that support youth navigating the process of exiting homelessness. We have a shortage of workers in the field and we need help. I urge actual prioritize unhoused youth in this years budget. We need invest in educational, employment and Leadership Service<\/a> now is the in the time to take away dollars from generations. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im [inaudible] the Employment Program<\/a> manager and president of our Quality Improvement<\/a> group for yuth at larkin street youth. I the need to keep and invest for resources and funding for youth as someone whoim gritted here when i was 4 and have grown up in San Francisco<\/a> the past 20 years my fell and i experienced the impact of Community Programs<\/a>. Provide support and town for people like me. Now an advocate for queer migrant and of color ensure young adult vs access to resources to thrive this year as we navigate it is important to prioritize language equity, educational growth and development and housing. The resources can impact their lives helping them build a future for sdmemgz our communities. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im marlin im a Mental Health<\/a> awareness trainer for wellin street. I stand before you a community provide are able to bear witness to the yuth throughout programs provooit vieded throughout funding. I will allow the town to be a part of programs to see how the projects have instilled participates with the skills to not only have the courage to exit homelessness to aspire beyond imagine magations i urge to you prioritize unhouses youth in this years budget when we invest in leaders we unlook possible. To bring perspectives and status quo and inspire positive change in themselves and the so cytokinesis they melt into which commit to education and opportunity this empower our youth to lead with compassion and resilience. Thank you. Hello. Jacob organizer San Francisco<\/a> rising. We give monfret city to do voter out reach to college and high schools. And one of the people that go to a College High School<\/a> and show to preregister and electric at ballots and say this is wrong. You go back come do this i finds this fun it is something i really actually enjoy i think something i learned through the press and being with [inaudible] when it 19to bes engaged in community to show up for our community and work for working class power. In our local institutions. I think yea. The funding the stuff we do the organizes we work with and alliance. Pt a and the promise you heard from the youth today. The end of the day, they will grow up and they will vote for you or not. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im representing San Francisco<\/a> rising i would like to take a moment to express gratitude and appreciation to you all for being here providing this space and lending an ear. I would like to recognize everyone that is here in the room and the hall and the over flow rooms that had the courage to come and express their suffering and how the cuts are acting there are daily life. San francisco rising is facing teshg elimination from the budget for civic engage am funding key for democrat being process safe. Giving a part of democracy and allowing voices to be heard. Our young people will not be able to stay, live or remain part of our community if they are pushed out by cuts. Our youth other future. They are constate wens and he voters and lead and have to have the opportunity to be part of our dem crediteck process. They have to engage in our community and build up our city together. Without the engagement funding there will not be a source for high school. Time. Paid programs. Next speaker, please. We are an alliance of organizations you heard prosecute today. The cuts we are facing with our Youth Program<\/a>s. School closures and gardens speaks volumes what the city is priority iegz the engage am funding allows to invest in age youth of color. Paying them to do out reach. Building our fellowship and giving the skills to be the leader the city needs. Young people have an funt it see themselves in the city and none of that would be possible without the funding. The budget cuts harm our working class youth and send a message about safety and dignity. Consider the future of the city. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im sofia. Organizer with [inaudible]. The budget cut to service sfl the San Francisco<\/a> emgrant Legal Defense<\/a>. For the Youth Program<\/a> and garden hummingbird and not a reflection of the investment the city should be priority iegz we know fund suggest critical to keeping our Community Thriving<\/a> and connect the to the land and moving forward. Both youth and Hummingbird Farm<\/a> serve a space for young people. We urge the city to invest in the programming and not for police. Im a mfbt chinese Progressive Association<\/a> a parent, my son is a 12th gridder. Since ninth grade my son part of the Youth Program<\/a> and i College Readiness<\/a> program in the Bayview School<\/a> councillor recommend the the cribbing lawyers increase our young peoples confidence to be leaders. Support them academically and provide upon rain to improve communication skills. Community members can get to know each other better and decrease conflict. The programs are an important way to prevent discrim nigz and hate improving upon Community Safety<\/a>. Youth programs are voilths in prosecute meeting across different communities and training our children to be leader. Keep the Youth Program<\/a> it is funding soul xount can prevent future conflicts. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you angela. Next speaker, please. Hi im sue ping a cp amember and parent with 2 children who are stounts bottle in after School Programs<\/a> my husband and i feel comfortable to work. The oldest daughter joineds a high schooler taught my daughter with leadership and Community Organizing<\/a> now joins communitiville tearing evens and Cross Community<\/a> exchanges that help our Community Know<\/a> each other and decrease conflict. The programs are key to preventing discrim nigz and he improving Community Safety<\/a>. Yuth programs are voilths in prosecute meeting understanding across communities and training children to be leader. Im try chung my daughter is a student. She is shy so in the grit at expressing herself and does in the talk to others. But since she joined in after school she became happy and enthusiastic to share what she learn exclude med, lot of new frepdzs who are of different race taught her about different cult urs without these programs my daughter would in the improve communication. The programs are co to preventing hate and improving Community Safety<\/a>. Youth primaries voilths in prosecute moteding understanding and training children to be leaders. Keep cpa and ll ice after School Funding<\/a> so our communities with get to know each other and prevent future conflicts. Thank you. Im cpa member a parent with 2 kids in sfusd go to after School Programs<\/a> help them do home work and classes to help kids agree in men ways the properties are co to prevent he improving safety. One of my sons joined the Youth Program<\/a>s during the 10th grade and transformed his life. I used to be worried he spoke quiet low without confidence when he joined his confidence increased learned about the importance of meth. I didnt knowed activities with people of different race. Learning about emguarantee communities cult urs and reducing conflict. The Youth Program<\/a>s prosecute mote understanding aCross Community<\/a> and training children to be leaders. Cope our after sdool program funning so our Community Know<\/a> each other and prevent future conflict. Thank you. Im a youth leader of chinese progress of association a journal at bay school. I joined mojo after i left my family and connected with other youth. Taught me about my experience and of that others. I grew up in i dangerous situation an opportunity to lead was a privilege of men dont have this privilege. Know escape and measure drive from further between the critics a healthy Community Safe<\/a> guard and prevents danger. Causes more harm and Youth Program<\/a>s i space for yuth to gather to build. Yuth program promost understanding cross different communities and important to mow and my pierce keep it in al ice funding so our communities can understand and better build deep are commune safetyism want to shout out this art work that our youth made. Im speaking on behalf simon a youth leader of the chinese Progressive Association<\/a>. Im a junior at marshall academic high school. Being a leader i find myself connect with my pierce. Other communities so we get an understanding of problems within our society and huwe might be able to resolve them. Cp, Youth Program<\/a>s prosecute mote know and different communities in San Francisco<\/a> and important to mow and my pierce keep funding in the Youth Program<\/a> so our community can understand one another and build deep are safety. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Im reading this Public Comment<\/a> on behalf of yuth leader who could not be here today. Im a ninth gridder frenchamerican International High<\/a> school advocate for community and empowerment. I stand before you with a belief in the power of unit sdpe collaboration. Joining the Youth Program<\/a> is not just an opportunity it is a commitment to building i safer more inclusive community. In this journey supporting organizations like cpa is paramount. By funding the association we invest in initiatives prosecute mote justice, empowerment and anticipation in the asian community. Giveingly chineseamerican yuth i platform. W towardave future where every member can thrive. Thank you. Latino task force for innergenerational Community Members<\/a>. We serve or 10,000 Community Members<\/a> a year. Thank you. Thank you next speaker, please. Good afternoon ooem nad why im here on behalf the Education Team<\/a> with well tino task force this summer scheduled serve 85 youth at the summer hub in the Mission District<\/a>. 90 of youth are new and bilingual students. Kuth our programure leaveingly the most vulnerable San Francisco<\/a> youth populations with our summer learning. Method and english language and Development Close<\/a> the learning gap. Without toed and experience have beeneds their experience as all staff is biling william and cultural. Kulth funds afternooningless the stounts and parents. Pirnt who is without will in the have a table to put foot food o. If you care prioritize invest nothing youth now. Resources and ejtsz forim guarantee and low income fells the programming and services had know impact on lives including fells gaining connection to Work Authorization<\/a> and legal status. Market street. And also ask for restoration enhancement funding and support for the Language Access<\/a> net w. Thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. I serve as the childrens oral healing coordinator. We are committed to serving needs of lettin congresses Community Offering<\/a> everybody serb programs in native language than i play a mrel prosecute meeting our communities and equipping them. They need to thrive and includes the Second Chance<\/a> youth. I coordinate oral workshops provideingly under resourced spanish speak residentses with person information to prevent disease. Burden for fells and help facilitate connections with dental clinics to ensure access it care. And fund our youth. Our health and safety. Thank you. Good afternoon i am prud low serve a health prosecute motion coordinator. Dedicated providing vital resources to the need for the letip x families fostering success and enhancing quality of life. Our prosecute Motion Program<\/a> studental in preparing lettin x children. Improve am in daily decisions fell makes regarding the well being. Today, i ask actual continue funding our health prosecute motion family well ness and Second Chance<\/a> programs your support is instrumental and ensure family thrive. Thank you for your time thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im marco and im the policy coordinator for health prosecute Motion Program<\/a>. Through our health w we increase the Health Education<\/a> about sugar brinks and capacity this year we are training a new cohort of 10 Community Health<\/a> workers on topics sures seasonals. Preponder lawyer sxejz Civic Engagement<\/a> to increase the consumption of tap water in San Francisco<\/a> and improve health in lettin x community. Per of theim grant parent voting collaborative to increase civic sxejz pirnt participation and our childrens school. Now it important it engage limited english pirnts while silent by barriers in power. Requesting support it fund the immigrant voting collaborative and Family Wellness<\/a> and health mo promotion to continue work. Thank you. The 16 year old in risk youth the bia representatives. As lived experience of when funding youth can do. Begone a Second Chance<\/a> and later became a member of the staff. They continue to support my sxejz later i became a senior pair legal and representative. My daughter has benefited from common rots as a Community Employee<\/a> a member i trust the programs with my child. I thousand by removing funding yall are limiting future adult voices. Theft having competent and educated sunrises scares and you the police. I ask you stop silencing our 40 by starting our funged. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im the civic engage am coordinator. First School Closures<\/a> now nonprofits and after School Programs<\/a> defends the budget children are our future. They have big dreams and can do anything we know in working with them every day. Than i need the resources out roach and opportunity to cultivate their forecast. After schoolers affected with people who dont qualify for free and ruses lunch and pay sick00 a month to got Program Begin<\/a> to everyone. And i cant believe what the budget cuts the first thing the city think busy is making our city weak are kuth the program most vital you to. And over inflitting our Police Budget<\/a>. Our children are on the streetos a potential Supreme Court<\/a> decision this will criminalize them for existing. Why do we prioritize Driverless Cars<\/a> more than our children. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hard 21 follow there good afternoon. Everybody. Thank you for being here. I want it say that my heart was hurt when i heard urban alchemy name was thrown out and machine when fell through cracks lets please fund the childhood preliminaries and successful. This are showing something. And on this net i want to be clear this urbeen al kemp sein the like another program we call yourself practical tigzers. We are work over night, we are taking care of Navigation Centers<\/a> and we do deescalate. Please understand this from january to january 23twr we had 958,000 positive engage ams tw 94,000 spitz in interventions interrupting antisocial player everbehavior will 43,000 deescalations. Look what works. Be critical. Have a blessed day. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your comments. Good afternoon im eon clark yens with urban al kemp. It is us we stand with xount to say keep the children programs going. Likewise keep urban al kemp going. Spoke about positive enengage and want employment for people from prison and getting on their feet and building community. We stand united thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello. Im a practical tigzer urban alchemy i have seen the ms. Imfact providing combhunt safety. We practice working with Community Members<\/a> with empathy. As it gives people belonging grit opportunity for staff to start over again and get back in the community positively. We built reps with our Community Members<\/a> to look forward to them safe to live, work and learn in San Francisco<\/a>. Dont defund our organizations. Thank you for addressing. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon. Thank you for your time. Directly in the mic, okay. Thank you, much. Im brian shepherd for urban al kemp represent a Community Based<\/a> organization proven the effectiveness of transforming people with love, comapproximation and respect and empowerment. Urbeen alchemy w with our local Law Enforcement<\/a> to reduce the high crime rate. I keep it short i appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im trevor a practical tigzer at urban alchemy there for two years. All i seen done, let of good. I dont think we done a lot of help the community and the people out there. It is a positive for us, too. And i think it is good safety to keep us out there. To keep the streets clean and safe for the people that w this come out there every day. Besides people that is out there. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors. Im rashell im here with bbcc the ed of program. We serve the community in the Mission District<\/a> k8 youth. I was here a few weeks ago at the last hearing and expressed with the budget cuts we had to cut go down it 130 from 200 slots for youth. Since then. We now cancelled the 7 week camp all together. 7th week the left week. Instead of cutting 70 slots 200 slots will be cut. Yall are seeing the affect in real time. And i wanted reflect on this. In two weeks i was here last went if i 7 week to 6 week camp leaving 200 without summer learning. Youth needs to be in community with trusted members for the summer funding need to bes corrected. Thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Good evening. Im eon with performing arts workshop. Since 1965 the organization dedicated providing arts and need to 1, 500 youth of color in San Francisco<\/a> in d 11. Our program serves prek12th grade students. We hold great importance as our education motive for expression,k demmic success, Community Bonds<\/a> and culture. Despite high ratings in the rfp process dedicated organizations devastating cuts impact summer intensives for 550 students. I urge you to restore funds to support San Francisco<\/a>s Youth Development<\/a> and yuth to thrive in cultural and creative thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. Im the policy director of met a. We are here to thank you for supporting our existing Community Serving<\/a> programs and throughout our community. And also urge you to support well tino community throughout post Covid Recovery<\/a> era. Through our Commission Program<\/a> metaand partners supports 20,000 fells in the mission. But we than there are still thousands of more out there this need secure housing. Youth programming. Service for elder low and help for most vulnerable. It is crucial for us funding mechanisms dont create scyllos. Please continue to invest in program in alis like the immigrant voting collaborative have the track records of homelessness prevention, Health Care Services<\/a> and Youth Program<\/a>s thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon, im [inaudible] im representing [inaudible]. We provide cult really Mental Health<\/a> and wellness to vulnerable commune members programming for latina trans and queer youth. Youth of color impacted by violents. Unaccompanying moishes andim grant families when fells prosecute void with support housing, toed and health care to have basic needs met it make the Community Safe<\/a>r in youth have acstoesz care manage them makes our Community Safe<\/a>r. Needs this makes the Community Safe<\/a>r. These other services that are cut by budget of kuth the programs, programs we know work [inaudible] Youth Program<\/a> youth and families receive care will be impacted im asking to you consider protecting the services we know make San Francisco<\/a> a safer place. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im jessica and i serve the Program Director<\/a> at womens building in the Mission District<\/a>. As a Community Resource<\/a> serving low income women and fells we understand the role of the city investing in programs. There should be no question what the city should invest in to credit Safe Community<\/a> we need fordable how doing. Programming and support for kids, elders and naeshs struggling with brurg drug youth. Jenld are programming. And domestic survivors and a strong food system we urge to you prioritize funding for Public Service<\/a> workers. The Community Based<\/a> organizations and individuals have a prune track record and delivering health care, preventing homelessness and supporting community during challenging times value and importance should be clear after the testimonies heard today. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon im at that time yena and im a Community Advocate<\/a> at asian law caucus. We are members of sfildc. Supportim guarantees and community of color provideingly Legal Service<\/a>s. To victims and survivors of violence by state and local Government Agencies<\/a> from Immigration Enforcement<\/a> and fighting for worker rights. Our communities know when keeps them save we need organizations that help crime victims heel and find closure in ways that sfpd cannot. Enforce sanctuary policies, upon we need wrap around services Community Based<\/a> organizations with language and cultural competency. Budget cuts will make us less save. Pass the budge and invest in Community Safety<\/a>. And strong Public Service<\/a> alcohol speedup San Francisco<\/a> recovery equal and ensure families thrive. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im isabellea [inaudible] 5 elements i have been able to receive Services Free<\/a> therapy. And time where gun violence and Police Brutality<\/a> Mental Health<\/a> impacting me. Reading fast. As [inaudible] growingum i you to divest funds for policing to youth. And access to Free Services<\/a> in the w with yuth that have been impacted including undocumented youth i see how positive the impact they have been through services prosecute void them with employment. Career coaching and all of the wrap around services that living anywherel they would not have access. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello debbie the San Francisco<\/a> Human Service<\/a>s network. Member of budget justice and peoples budget. In the Great Recession<\/a> San Francisco<\/a> lost 1 third of the nonprofits the city slashed budgets year after year. Lets not repeat the mistakes we need to address the budget with the scalpel not an ax. Protect service this is go to the root causes of poverty. And sick ness and homelessness and prioritize treatment over punishment. And make difficult budget decisions based on values. Not on politics driven by special interests calling for law and order solutions. Our community is not just watching we are mobilized and we are united. With the same passion our nonprofits bring to work every day. Fight for the services we all rely on and that truly keep us safe. Join with us. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im beck im the Contract Service<\/a> direct. Just cause. We are reliefed hear than i plan to continue to fully fund sf island at the current rate. You know, it is important to have Strong Networks<\/a> for out reach, Legal Service<\/a> possible. To cord nit and reach manyim Grant Community<\/a>. We work with latin aim guarantees this are many covered and more this keep coming in to San Francisco<\/a> and need the services not Just Services<\/a> that oui provide and all the service mentioned and the service this is have been mentioned in the previous hearings. We know the service keep people sxaif idicated and all the things theory needed in a Strong Community<\/a>. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello im vanessa im a staff attorney at justice and diversity sdpernt member. Immigrant Legal Defense<\/a>. I assist low incomeim guarantee community of San Francisco<\/a>. With immigration relief including crime victims and trafficking victims. Cut becomes and funding make it hard for the community to obtain legal represent anticipation. It leads to Work Authorization<\/a> and lawful status meches our communicates safer and emGrant Community<\/a> less vulnerable to victim wragz and, bus. I ask for the continuation of funning of legal rep centation service. I thank you for your time. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Im [inaudible] im the director of Community Organizing<\/a> for the Tenderloin Community<\/a> benefit district. Our organization centers the needs of children and families. Seniors. And Small Business<\/a>es. And we focus met low on the publics space. Parks and sidewalks. My first role was of director of Community Organizing<\/a>. The and first, thing i did an analysis to beably to share with Decision Makers<\/a> what the needs are for the neighborhoods and one of them of course was for transitional age youth and high schoolers. Imagine my surprise when the one organization we have will have zer over Youth Leadership<\/a>. Zero Workforce Development<\/a>. Feks fix that. 4 years we are almost where we need to be in the tenderloin it make it more safe to walk. Cuts to no, no. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon supervisors carl kramer cochair of the Budget Justice Coalition<\/a>. The organizations you heard from today are members of the Budget Justice Coalition<\/a> with the exception of urban al kemp and he you heard from ifpd and local 21 when their position is on urban al kemp. Our focus is on a peoples budget coalition. And we are focusing on the mayor. We want to see the budget cuts restored in the budget on may 31st. And if not, we are going to keep the pressure on the Mayors Office<\/a> that those, those funds should be available in that press of negotiations through june. And we are going to campaigning and making our voices heard. Thank you supervisor chan for holding the 3 hearings. I think eli have voice of the communities. Thank you. Carl kramer. Next speaker, please. Jennifer coalition on homelessness. Okay. Doomer what is the San Francisco<\/a> the doom are wants the billion airs investing money. In a narrative if you listen we are live nothing an apocalypse i dont know want to to live here or can afford to the basic services are gone. The future that you have been hearing today the future we are all fighting for is instead progressive working whiches values value aline city where everyone has a safe place to daul home when we talk about safety and Community Safety<\/a> what makes us more safe than a door to look. When you are going to slope. What makes us more safe . We have i contradiction in our homelessness response now. And we need a humane street response not wasting resource we are facing cut its family homelessness and numbers are increasing, thank you. Why thank you. Next speaker, please. And before i star your time if there is anybody who may be in any overfully room want it address now line up otherwise this will be our last spoeshg good afternoon im joyce a staff from the San Francisco<\/a> Youth Commission<\/a> speak on behalf of the commission today. A history of wing a range of partner and Community Organizations<\/a> many are either significantly department on funding. These organizations serve i range of youth population doing the important w to address inequalities in the city they contacted us to express occurrence regarding the allocations many reporting they will pass significant condition low reduce programs or entirely shut down the organizations who are providing basic needs to young people meal, shelter and wrap around service we urge the board to request the majors office fund Youth Service<\/a>s and programs we understand the budget in a dire situation youth will be negative low impacted if we dont fund the service. Thank you. Why thank you. With this we completed our queue thank you. Seeing no more Public Comment<\/a> Public Comment<\/a> is now closed. Clothes i would like for you to go back to our presenter our City Department<\/a>s today i appreciate. You staying with us. And heard from the public. Often time what we go through the press will be you know having the presentation and then questions and comments and level the Public Comment<\/a>s as an after thought. I thank you now the third and final has shown us the Public Comment<\/a>s is really the feedback we are looking for as we go throughout budget process. I think the unfortunate part is that when we have issues and budget we often time end up having seeing our communities pit against each other. Much in percentage in dollars. Did you reduce to funding . Oh, and if you dont have it right now, i just i know sorry, thank you. Through the chair, actually, after doing the analysis, we dont believe that weve made any reductions to tae funding. Now, what i think our our cbos are saying is that there have been shifts to those dollars, and that is part of the review that were going through right now in terms of, where did those shifts happen and, and the gaps that was created when those shifts were, were made during the rfp. And then just selfishly, i noticed when you talked about safety and the work , you didnt mention the district ten safety plan. So i was just wondering, i am was that an accident . So sorry. That was definitely an accident. And a huge oversight on my part, one of the one of our partners is working very closely with the district ten safety planning group. That is led by supervisor walton. No, thank you. And i only brought that up because we also have a lot of folks in community that are doing the work with the department. And i just want to make sure that they know and feel that theyre theyre part of the team as well. Thank you, i do have a question for moseyed. Supervisor. Thank you, i know on i think it was the second to the last slide you just talked about, no proposed general fund decreases and i know the mayor makes the final decision. Do you anticipate that the mayor accepting your recommendation . Yes yes. Thank you. And then. My supervisor. How are you doing today . Very good. So i noticed the biggest portion of cuts for that you propose are in the Workforce Development<\/a> portfolio. Theyre about commensurate to cd and to workforce on our overall budget. Yes, cd, we anticipate a cut of 1. 79 and workforce is 1. 85. And im wondering why that portion is larger, our budget and im going to look to our cfo to probably get into the math if we want that. But workforce is overall budget is the largest. And so we take we typically take proportionate cuts, across the organization. But if you want more information. Well, no, i mean well obviously have time for conversation. I think for me just, you know, as we focus on trying to reduce the Unemployment Rate<\/a> and make sure folks arent homeless and make sure folks can maintain, a certain level of, of security here in the city. That workforce obviously is a big portion of that. So i just wanted to make sure that that was noted. Okay. And we can set up a briefing with our Workforce Team<\/a> to go through those cuts. Thank you. Thank you. Chair chan. Supervisor melgar, thank you so much, chair chan, i just wanted to make a couple remarks, i know the hour is late, and, folks are tired, i think that, there are very few things that are more important than our kids, so i represent district seven, its a little more suburban. Suburban, a little farther out, but its full of kids, and what we saw after the pandemic, is a lot of need, a lot of social, emotional needs, a lot of kids who are coming out of a couple of years being, in zoom school, were having Mental Health<\/a> issues. We quantifiably have that evidence. So to me, you know, slashing Youth Leadership<\/a> programs, more importantly, youth Employment Program<\/a>s makes no sense. We just did so much work to try to get violence under control at stonestown Shopping Mall<\/a> and other places where kids were congregating and engaging in behavior. Thats not conducive to success. So, seeing the Youth Leadership<\/a> programs being cut from my district is really like it hurts. And so, i will fight for that, and i think its really important that we support that, i also want to say that, you know, as chair chan remarked, its easy to pit communities against each other, you know, when dollars are scarce and itll be up to us to leave, live up to our San Francisco<\/a> values to make sure we prioritize the things that are important, safety is important. Safety for youth is important. Safety for seniors is important. But, you know, and we have the unenviable task of putting together a budget, you know, during a deficit year. But we will do our best. I just wanted to, you know, just be be on the roster as someone who thinks, kids are really important and that in, short ing some of the things that we know work because your department has for years, provided evidence of what it is that does work. And, you know, weve been pretty good at doing those things or cutting the things that we know work, will set us up for not being successful later. And i dont think its going to take that long. It only takes like one summer when the kids are unemployed without something to do for things to go wrong. So, that is what i will say. I want to thank everyone for coming today and for providing testimony and for letting us know what youre thinking and feeling, and thank you, chair chan, for calling for this hearing. Supervisor walton, thank you, chair chan. And my apologies. I do just want to state this and i was going to save this for later. And what i appreciate all the Public Comment<\/a>. I want to thank everyone from community that came in today, but i definitely think that obviously when we go through a budget process, budget season, theyre going to be trade offs, there are going to be hard decisions that we have to make as a committee and as a board of supervisors, but i think it is absolutely disgusting to go after organizations of color. I think its disgusting to attack organized actions that employ so many black people, that employ so many people of color. And if youre trying to balance the budget on the backs of saying, lets get rid of people who do great work in community, i find that problematic. And so as much as i love labor, as much as i love, our community attacking another organization to me is not productive because at the end of the day, the focus should be making sure we do everything we can to avoid these cuts and reductions. There will be trade offs, but its disgusting for me to see all these attacks on organizations of color and people of color. Thank you. Thank you, i think my question is, i think first of all, i, the mqd questions, was answered really about really where the cuts are going to come from and whether, you know, you think that the mayor is going to not to agree not to reduce, the budget, i do look forward to hearing more about the workforce reduction from i think eventually i get it. Theres a lot of, you know, factors and many things are going on right now, but i think todays hearing goal is to you can hear that Workforce Development<\/a> is key. Really. Its key to edwards work. But, specifically really about the transitional age youth, Workforce Development<\/a>, funding being reduced is challenging for us, in terms of the future investments of, of the city, i think overall, i think that today, at least for me, a lot of that focus and it sounds like its similar to supervisor melgar, is really the desire, if overall Grant Funding<\/a> proposal. I think there is, some discrepancy between, what is listed, which is about 92 million for this upcoming fiscal year or this, this round of rfp for the next five fiscal years. But at the same time, it seems like theres discrepancy or conflicting information listed. The grant dollar at 145 million on the website of dcf. But im going to figure out, at some point, like unless you have an answer right now, to that. But i think we will continue to discuss the discrepancy between what stakeholder is think that the total of Grant Funding<\/a> for rfp was anticipated or projected versus what was actually awarded or, you know, wrote out and awarded if there is any difference between the 2 amount. Chair chan, thank you so much for the question. I actually just pulled up our website, and if there is a number that is over 92 million, that is error, if you if you pull up our if you pull up the website, you will actually see, lots of different types of data regarding who got funded, what area did they get funded in . You can actually even go and read their proposal and read all the comments that were made for those proposals, you can actually even look at the performance, year end performance reports that we have for, all agencies. But. San francisco is known as a city filled with diversity culture and progressive ideas. Our ever changing city and the people within in. But it was not always this way, women struggled to have one of their own on their life until 2021. It would not be until 32 years later that the mex women clarissa mcman served in the board of supervisors. Since then women have continued to make significant contributions to the board of supervisors. So who are these women . And what impact have they made with their time on the board. To be honest it came as a surprise when i became as a supervisor. I was working as a Deputy Director<\/a> in the Mayors Office<\/a> and there were some challenges with the then supervisor and mayor gavin newsom at the time removed that supervisor from office. I was asked to serve on the role. It was a quick transition, but i got into Public Service<\/a> because i really believe that government is a place where you can create opportunities and level the playing field. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. I was on the board of supervisors from 2001 to 20111. I have been involved in working my community, there was scheduling to be a Redevelopment Area<\/a> plan and as African Americans<\/a> we knew that meant, that was usually a removal of certain kinds of people. So because fs path, there had to be a Committee Formed<\/a> of all the people that lived in the community. Everybody had to be involved in this committee and there were certain rules and regulations and we had to get neighbors to vote for us and so we did that and i did that, and i won the seat on that committee and that kind of started everything. Supervisor kristenson. I think having women in the board of supervisors and legislative bodies all around the country have meant that some of the issues that have traditionally called family issues are now raised. D i think San Francisco<\/a> and the rest of the country here is very behind and i think that you know, many mothers, they dont have a choice about whether they get to return to work or not. Having individuals who are women in all of these places helps to create, a more rich dialogue around what policy choices actually mean and what the impact to people and family and lives would be. So sing having women on the board here in the city has been impactful in that way. Supervisor kim, kim presentation. Democracy is about representation, how can you leave off over half of the population. A lot of women are not just taking care of children but taking care of parents and working so all of those lifes experiences are part now of our policies of our city policies and throughout the country supervisor breed. Here. Breed present. Supervisor maxwell. We saw two of San Francisco<\/a> female mayor having originated from the board of supervisors as well. Thats where people are seen as leaders and get exposure and have the influence to influence policy. I think its important to see ourselves in that. Supervisor cohen. Cohen present. Doris championed rent control. Contracts for black women, women of color and Small Business<\/a>es, he will a was really really special, she was really who motivated me. She worked for the lawu, she was a switch Board Operator<\/a> and then secretary. And then founded an organization cofounded with somebody called congress of Racial Equity<\/a> core. So the lin she came with was about equity, about young women, seniors atrisk youth having jobs. It was about more police guided. Those three women to me left their legacy. Supervisor elliot. When you think about the legislative and women legislatures, i think the tendency is to find a women issue that would otherwise won be covered. But so many of our legislatures women included have touched on so many faucets of policies. Its important to be seen through your Life Experiences<\/a> how you identify and for a young girls, i think having women on the board is important because you get to see that you actually changed seat yourself in that power of decision. That concludes business for today. There was one where the fellows, at the time, they were arguing and i was the only women and only africanamerican, and im sitting there, thinking oh my god, its a room full of people because its a board day and im thinking, what can i say to stop this. So the universe gave me the words, gentlemen, let us be about the people of business. And of course all the people started clapping. And they had to do what . They had to act like gentleman, that one for me, showed the importance of having women, having the importance of having africanamericans and the africanamerican women. To the women of the board, past, present and future, thank you for your strength, grace, and commitment to changing San Francisco<\/a> for the better. Lets continue to make history. In 1948 swensens ice cream used to make ice cream in the navy and decided to open up an ice cream shop it it takes time for the parent to put money down and diane one of the managers at zen citizen in arena hills open and serve oldfashioned ice cream. Over 20 years. Yeah. Had my own business i was a firefighter and came in in 1969 her dad had ice cream and left here still the owner but shortly after um, in here became the inc. Maker the manager and lead and branded the store from day to day and in the late 90s was obvious choice he sold it to him and he called us up one night and said im going to sell the Ice Cream Store<\/a> what you you talking about diane came and looked at the store and something we want to do and had a history of her dad here and growing up here at the Ice Cream Store<\/a> we decided to take that business on. And have it in the family i didnt want to sell it. To keep it here in San Francisco<\/a>. And unintelligible . Share worked there and worked with all the people and a lot of customers come in. A round hill in the adjoining areas loved neither ice cream shop in this area and support russia hills and have clean up day and give them free ice cream because that is those are the people that keep us the opportunity to stick around here four so many years next generations have been coming her 20 er thirty or 40 years and we have the ingredients something it sold and, you know, her dad said to treat the customers right and people will keep on coming back and 75 or 74 years, you know, that is quite an accomplishment i think of it as our first 75 years and like to see that, you know, going into the future um, that ice cream shop will be around used to be 4 hundred in the United States<\/a> and all gone equipment for that one that is the first and last were proud of that were Still Standing<\/a> and people people are you tell people its been around in 50 years and dont plan on there is a lot of unique characteristics about visitation valley. It is a unique part of the city. We are off in a corner of the city against the San Francisco<\/a> county line 101 on one side. Vis station valley is still one of the last blue color neighborhoods in San Francisco<\/a>. A lot of working class families out here. It is unusual. Not a lot of apartment buildings. A lot of Single Family<\/a> homes. Great business corridor. So much traffic coming through here and stopping off to grab coffee or sandwich or pick up food before going home. A lot of customers are from the neighborhood. They are painters or mechanics. They are like blue color workers, a lot of them. The community is lovely. Multiracial and hopefully we can look out for each other. There is a variety of businesses on the block. You think of buffalo kitchen, chinese food, pork buns, sandwich. Library, bank of america with a parking lot. The market where you can grab anything. Amazing food choices, nail salons. Basically everything you need is here. A lot of these businesses up and down leland are family owned. People running them are family. When you come here and you have an uncle and nephew and go across the street and have the guy and his dad. Lisa and her daughter in the dog parlor and pam. It is very cool. Is Small Business<\/a>es make the neighborhood unique. New businesses coming. In mission blue, gourmet chocolate manufacturing. The corridor has changed and is continuing to change. We hope to see more businesses coming in the near future. This is what is needed. First, stay home. Unless it is absoluteliness scary. Social distancing is the most important step right now to limit spread of virus. Cancel all nonessential gather everythings. When the pandemic litly land avenue suffered like other corridors. A few nail salons couldnt operate. They shut down. Restaurants that had to adapt to more of a take out model. They havent totally brought back indoor seating. It is heartbreaking to see the businesses that have closed down and shut because of the pandemic. When the pandemic first hit it got really slow. We had to change our hours. We never had to close, which is a blessing. Thank god. We stayed open the whole time. We were kind of nervous and anxious to see what was going to come next hoping we will not have to close down. During covid we would go outside and look on both sides of the street. It looked like old western town. Nobody on the street. No cars. It was a hard eight or nine months. When they opened up half the people couldnt afford a haircut. During that time we kept saying the coffee shop was the living room of the valley. People would come to make sure they were okay. We checked on each other and patronized each other. I would get a cup of coffee, shirt, they would get a haircut. This is a generous and kind community. People would be like i am getting the toffee for the guy behind me and some days it went on and on. It was amazing to watch. We saw a perfect picture of community. We are all in this together. Since we began to reopen one year later, we will emerge stronger. We will emerge better as a city because we are still here and we stand in solidarity with one another. When we opened up august 1st. I will not say it was all good. We are still struggling due to covid. It affected a lot of people. We are still in the pandemic right now. Things are opening up a little bit. It is great to have space to come together. I did a three painting series of visitation valley and the businesses on leland. It felt good to drop off the paintings and hung them. My business is picking up. The city is opening up. We have mask requirements. I check temperatures. I ask for vaccination card and or recent test. The older folks they want to feel safe here. I feel like there is a sense of unity happening. What got us through the pandemic was our customers. Their dogs needed groomed, we have to cut their nails so they dont over grow. This is only going to push us forward. I sense a spirit of community and just belief in one another. We are trying to see if we can help all Small Business<\/a>es around here. There is a Cannabis Club<\/a> lounge next to the dog parlor to bring foot traffic. My business is not going to work if the business across the street is not getting help. In hit us hard. I see a Bright Future<\/a> to get the storefronts full. Once people come here i think they really like it. If you are from San Francisco<\/a> visit visitation valley to see how this side of the city is the same but different","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/13\/items\/SFGTV_20240510_160000_BOS_Budget_and_Appropriations_Committee\/SFGTV_20240510_160000_BOS_Budget_and_Appropriations_Committee.thumbs\/SFGTV_20240510_160000_BOS_Budget_and_Appropriations_Committee_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240703T12:35:10+00:00"}

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