Transcripts For SFGTV Kinmon 20240704 :

Transcripts For SFGTV Kinmon 20240704

To, ask you, after our official program, to take a take a look at the renderings that have been created by our, wonderful Historic Preservation architects at trainer angel. And they are here today, and, they have been with us through thick and thin. And we really appreciate their their patience and their support and their confidence of us being able to move on. So as you know, no project gets off the ground without the support of many. And we have many, many people to thank here today. But before we get to that, we want to make sure that we continue to stay in the good thoughts of the many ancestors who made this building possible for us to preserve and use and enjoy for many generations, to help us with our appreciation. We are grateful to the members of the Japanese American Religious Federation or by its acronym jaaf, who are here today to share a blessing, prayer and chant to thank those before us, those here today, and those who will come tomorrow. So id like to introduce all of them and they will all come up individually. Starting with reverend rodney yano of konko church of San Francisco, reverend elaine donlon of Buddhist Church of San Francisco, and reverend Hiroko Suzuki of christ united presbyterian church. Good morning everyone. My name is rodney yano from the church of San Francisco, just one block away. Were in the corner of laguna, and theres a long history within japanTown Community. And today is. Its a prayer in solidarity. Its a prayer for safety and well wishes and for success. For this whole project, this interest. Okay for folks together. Lets all bow our heads. Say okinawan Community Center restoration project. And. Friday, march 1st, 2020. For dear divine parent of the universe, tenkai i, reverend yano of the konko church of San Francisco, humbly recite the following prayer. We humbly gather before you with hearts filled with gratitude and hope as we embark on the sacred journey of restoring the kingdom Community Center, a place that has been a beacon of education, culture, and community spirit. I bless this noble endeavor as we strive to revive the Historic Building at 2031 bush street, in the heart of japantown. With your divine guidance, may this restoration project flourish, transforming the kimono gakuin into a vibrant hub that echoes the rich history and traditions of our beloved community. We invoke your divine presence, kami sama, to shower your blessings upon this sacred space. May the renovated kimono Community Center be a sanctuary for learning, a haven for Community Services, and a stage for cultural celebrations. Let us, wallace, resonate with the echoes of the past, celebrating the legacy of king gakuin since its inception in 1911. As we honor the history of kimono gakuen, we acknowledge the struggles of the past, the discrimination faced by japanese immigrants and their children. We seek your divine guidance to ensure that this restored center becomes a symbol of inclusivity, breaking down barriers and fostering unity among all our members of our community. Bless the hands and minds of those who work tirelessly on this project. From architects and builders to volunteers and supporters, may their efforts be infused with divine energy, bring forth the renovated space that exceeds expectations and its inclusivity and accessibility. Dear kami sama, we pray for the success and safety of this endeavor to create a space where cultural activities, educational pursuits , and Community Services can converge. May the kimono and Community Center stand as a testament to the resilience and strength of the aapi communities for generations to come. In your divine light, kami sama, we entrust this restoration project with your care. May it be a source of joy, inspiration and unity for the entire japanTown Community. Ikigami odeion sama no kami sama thank you very much. Those images. For the ceratopsian. Good morning. Im reverend elaine donlon from the Buddhist Church of San Francisco. For the buddha, learning was the endless pursuit of knowledge. He constantly told his disciples one should never be satisfied with the teachings of a single teacher or master, but to constantly be on a quest for even greater knowledge. What were celebrating today is so important, and a quest for that greater knowledge. We all gather here today in friendship and community, taking a moment out of our busy lives to recognize and celebrate this noble endeavor of renovating the kingman island. From fundraising to the architectural plans to the actual reconstruction, may all involved in this renovation project be granted the patience to persevere through challenges as the strength to overcome obstacles that may come along, and the satisfaction and joy in the completion of this project. May this continue to be a place where future students discover the joys of learning, the empathy of connection, and the wisdom of community. May minds be open to new ideas and perspectives. Cultivating fresh insights filled with learning in the quest for greater knowledge. Lastly, may all through their kind support of this very noble goal, endeavor to build meaningful connections and share warm fellowship in cultivating the positive seeds from the past. It allows for the wisdom, resilience, and strength of this community to flourish within this school. Thank you. Good morning. My name is Hiroko Suzuki from christ united presbyterian church. Im pastor for japanese speaking ministries. Ohayo gozaimasu. Cristo godo, nihon gobu o tanto suzuki hirakata oshimas. Kono hontoni tomo ni kono bungaku no kai koji or hajimeru miyazato tomoni Kono Kalakaua decimas tomo kono kimochi wa sankyaku kuju ni hyaku sanjou sanae no wo atsumete. Dai sekai taisetsu. Domo sono ni mata. Sekai soshite american sumu. Oku no tokuni. Yo kara kokosei ni ni. Nihon no kotoba. Nihon no bunka o. Showcase ni okina. America. Toyokuni wa na gengo sama. Zamana bunka o motsu. Kitakata no kuni. This. Watashi ga onishi. Jibun no enka. Jibun no koto ga ichiban natto. Omo soy kimochi kara sama. Soy nishi o mas. Watashi wa honto ni inochi. Okita kyodai shimai bunka kotoba wa. Jinrui to tomo ni watashitachi tomo ni xiao icus honto ni. Kono chinmoku no ni. Nihon no bunka. Nihon no kotoba. Jibun ga ni. Jibun ga bunka kotoba. Jibun ni sekai wa hontoni. Kono sekai ni icu okuno no jibun ni wa da so you koto. Kono kimochi wa honto ni okina hataraki. Conchi preston, california. So San Francisco no shigeichi no kano communication kogyo. Hajime madamada kara no. Zynga tai cities. Dodo, miyazaki. Kono. Taisetsu na kono community, okinawa. Atsuma bunka otagai ni hontoni kyo sono kono kimochi gakuen mata. Sarani. Tsuzuku daca. Kono minasan dekiru sukoshi. Kara kara. Kono kimi ni kyoroku. Sono would you please bow your heads and pray with me . Gracious god, thank you for this time. Thank you for this gathering. We give you thanks that you have been. You have blessed kimono gakuin that has been offering us so many programs to many people, especially kindergartens and high school students, to learn japanese language and Japanese Culture. We pray that you will bless us and guide us as we begin this Capital Campaign to rehabilitate kim mongaku and building kamisama watashi, kokoro hiraku kono, kim mongaku and keisuke koji honto ni anata no kokoro ni canal. Monotone animation. Watashi hitori no kokoro hiraki. Anata. In jesus name we pray, amen. Thank you very much. Members of jaaf for your kind words. Blessings and prayers for us, i realize, if you could look out and look at one another like kim jong un hasnt seen as many people in a long, long time. And its just so wonderful to see this auditorium once again being used, and i realize that many of you are visiting ki moon gakuen for the first time, but we definitely hope it will not be your last. So i wanted to share a few facts about this building. This very beautiful and very important building. It was created or built in 1926 by architect william c hayes, a professor of architecture at uc berkeley. And for those of you who are architects or historians or preservationists, the building was designed in the mediterranean revival style, a style popular during this period for educational facilities in the bay area. The estimate, which i have right here in front of me, written by mr. Hayes, indicates that the total cost of this building was 48,118. 50, even though thats cant even buy you a car today. That was a lot of money back then for this community to raise, and at its zenith, kim moon gakuen had a student body of approximately 500 students composed of nisei, Second Generation japanese americans, mainly, who resided in the 30 blocks of preworld war ii japantown. Parents knew where their children were after attending regular school and was also a way to keep young people safe from what was happening outside of japantown. And as we know, World War Two changed the lives of japanese americans forever. With the signing of a document by president roosevelt in 1942, japanese americans went from being productive and vital members of society to an id number and sent off to u. S. Concentration camps located in desolate parts of the United States. Only allowed to take what they could carry, they left behind so many things they worked so hard to build and left a community that they called their own, adding to the misery was what happened after the war. Japanese americans moved back to japantown and they were faced with another government removal called redevelopment. This forced displacement and disruption of our community caused a permanent hole in japantown town, and definitely an impact on enrollment here at kimon. Kimon was not only a language school, it was a hub for performing is for speech contests, for dance recitals, and to watch old time japanese movies. It was the weekend spot, but instead of talking about what it was back in the day, we are also here to talk about what it can be tomorrow. We are very, very thankful to have a leader in the California State Assembly who recognized this, and im going to ask a member of our japan Town Community and a former alumnus of kumonga to introduce him. May i introduce to all of you paul ozaki, the executive director of the japanese cultural and Community Center of northern california. Good morning. You know, being in this auditorium brings back a lot of fond memories of my time here at, kimon. Unfortunately, one of them isnt being able to speak in japanese. You know, i remember my first day of class here. I was six years old, and the teacher got up and said something in japanese, and then each of the students students would say, stand up and Say Something in japanese. And it went row by row by row. And i was in the very last seat and i was listening, trying to figure out, what are they saying . This is the first day of class and they could speak japanese. So when it came to my time, i stood up. I hadnt figured out what they were saying and i remember i just started crying, like crying, like really hard, to the point where the teacher took my hand and walked me down the hallway, my grandmother was principal here, and led me to the my grandmothers office to just stay, later, i found out what they were saying was their last name in japanese. I used to sing in recitals here, every class had their ceremonial song, i sing the same song for three years straight. I still remember that song, but, you know, i have other fond memories of growing up here, locking the teacher and the supply cabinet, playing tag in the hallway, going up to the roof, throwing paper planes down the, to the kids playing in the playground. And, but, you know, most of all, my fondest memories here is actually coming to this auditorium with my father as a child, watching samurai movies. And i still have that love today of watching those movies, actually. So the series shogun is, something very exciting to me. But i, i learned and had my love coming here with my father today. Were just not here to kick off the, Capital Campaign to rehabilitate kimono gakuin. Were here also to recognize Assembly Member phil ting for his incredible and historic support of japantown. You know, phil has always been a friend and supporter of japantown. He has, this is like been his second home. Hes always attended events, come to festivals, he played basketball at the Community Center. Even busy as an elected official, he would come and play basketball ball. But it was his historic support that began began in 2021 that we will always be indebted and grateful to him, including 5 million to renovate to buchanan mall, 6 million to help renovate and redesign the peace plaza, and in 4. 5 million to begin the rehab and renovation of this very school. This totals 15. 5 million in just the last three years, and so, he will always be remembered. For not just, the, the contributing of money, but really for the permanent and lasting effect of how this is going to shape up and revive japantown for generations to come. So we are eternally grateful. I, known phil since he actually was the executive director at the asian law caucus and served with him on the, the first California Commission on Asian Pacific islander affairs, which was formed to help change the Political Climate of social issues for Asian Americans. But soon after that, phil was appointed, by then mayor gavin newsom, to be assessor, recorder of San Francisco. And this really propelled his political career, winning each reelection by 80 of the vote. And then moving to the state assembly. Which again, on on the very first day is leadership. He was appointed chair, caucus chair, by the speaker. And he again won an election by 80 of the vote. I wish he would take that 80 of the votes for other aspirations. But we know, his political career is not ended. But as chair of the powerful Assembly Budget committee, its where he started to really make an impact with by being the first Asian American to hold that position. Phil has led the efforts in everything that has impacted our lives, gun safety and environmental antihate homelessness, affordable Affordable Housing, health care, student support, public safety. You know, phil, unfortunately, will be turned out, ive never agreed with time limits. My feeling is if you dont like someone, then vote them out. But if theyre good, you keep them in. Unfortunately, we will be losing one of our best. But his contributions will be lasting, his legacy will be his dedication to Public Welfare that has shaped the policies of the state and the city of San Francisco and, of course, japantown. He has served as one of the most powerful Asian American to ever serve the state and local government. But i was looking at jack chatgpt and it said phil tangs lasting political career is still unfolding. Ladies and gentlemen, can i have a standing ovation for Assembly Member phil ting . Thank you. Paul its a great honor for me to get introduced by my good friend paul ozaki, i think. I think when diane told my team that i was getting introduced, by a former student at the school, i was a little bit surprised that it was paul. Not. Not, to be honest. And i think now i know why. I can imagine the five ozaki brothers here, or at least the four of them, you know, here at the same time. And i imagine out of all of them, john, i know johns here somewhere, that john probably is the best because hes got the best japanese out of all of them. That that. No, no. Johns john shaking his head. No, not not not not not me either. You know, this is really exciting for me. I was here for, a couple months ago to do a tour of kimono gakuen, and it brings back my personal memories. I did, Chinese School on the weekends. Sort of similar to japanese school. And my dad was. My dad was the principal for a year as well. So thats always a very scary experiences when youre when your parent is actually involved in the school, because everyone sort of looks at how well you can speak the language as to how good the school is and so to me, you know, this is this is an amazing cultural place. I think diane put the context very well that this was a community that was extraordinarily vibrant for decades before it got devastated during World War Two, weve seen how hard it is and how hard the community has really fought to keep it together, to make it, the heart that it has been. And of course, as our community has grown and which is a good thing, you know, before we could only live in certain certain parts of San Francisco. Now that weve been able to grow and live all around the bay area, all around the state, our community has blossomed and been in many, many places. But having said this, this is still one of only three japan towns in the entire state. And this is a this to me is the center of not just japanese america, but this is a center of asian america. This is so important for us to be able to preserve our culture, to be able to come together as a community, but then also so to make sure that we are, holding each other accountable for how we are going to continue to grow th

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