Acknowledgment] this meeting is held in hybrid with occur nothing person in city hall. Live on sfgov. Org and available on zoom or listen to by calling in. We welcome the publics participation during Public Comment period. An opportunity for general Public Comment at the beginning and an town to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. Each comment is limited to 3 minute it is. The commission will hear up to 20 minutes of remote comment. Because of the time limit it is possible not everyone in the queue will have an opportunity to provide comment. Comment from disability will not count toward the 20 minute limit. Public commitment will be taken on each item first from in person and then remote. For those in person fill out a speaker card at the side table or podium. Come up during Public Comment of state your name and affiliations and then comment you am have 3 minutes. Then hand your card to the staff behind the podium. If using zoom select raised hand. If by phone, dial star 9 to be add when your item come up. When you are asked to speak unmute yourself call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. In you are viewing on sfgovtv mute before speak. While we recommend you use zoom, audio or a phone submit a writtenllow the chat function on zoom. Note that commissioners and staff are not allowed to comment during comment. Thank you sfgovtv for shareing meeting to the public. Roll call. President bleiman. Here. Vice president wang. Hee commissioner daves. Perez, thomas, here. The next item is number 2. General Public Comment. Anybody here withhold like to comment on anything not on the agenda tonight . Upon i like to comment on a comment that does in the belong to any permit. Where should i hand the card . Okay. So im a neighbor of the fillmore. Involved in recommending events. This comment is not about an event it is more the process of out reach of the way it happens for the neighbors. We had an issue where we were not getting any mail or reach out to the neighbors. One thing that happened the commission sent e mail and with a letter from the commission where she asked to distribute it is in our blgdz i did that in my building i could not get it distributed it does not depends on me. I know other people do it in their building but still the out reach feels very best effort at not realist affected by reach outism wanted propose our options what i have been looking for. It is fundamental the neighbors roach out to. The first is next door. It is a social network focused on neighbors and localized. Someone can make a post that there is an event helping in an area and point in specific graphic point. That way neighbor can be reached out. And the second is the San FranciscoPlanning Department there is construction that will happen, we receive in mail, a notification of a meeting that will happen. I think that is something that should i mean i dont see why it should be different when there is [inaudible] the neighborhood [inaudible]. I dont understand why. So i looked at the internet how Planning Department upon does t. And i found there is a website where nay have the map and get the stuff mail and addresses to mail a letter. And so. T seems the tools exist and i think that it is i believe it is the role of the commission to help the organizationers do on effective out reach. Because it is not the organizer to distribute it. So yea. I wanted to stress this point and i think this in our case. I mean even out reach has been improved is not yet the point it should be. So. I wanted give a company constructive options. Thank you. Thank you very much. Anyone else who has a comment for something not on the agenda . No more Public Comment. We will close comment and move on to number 3, approval of the Meeting Minutes from february 6, 2024. I will start tonight with to keep it consistentful see figure there is Public Comment on the minutes. No Public Comment. Why close Public Comment. Do we have a motion to approve. So moved. Second. Okay. President bleiman. Aye Vice President wang aye commissioner davis. Aye external perez. Aye. Commissioner thomas. Aye well move to 4, report from executive director. Good evening. Im going to take it out of order in my report this evening and give a big woman to our newest commissioner mariah davis. We are excited have you here. Maria is one of the stud collective founding members and owner of st. Marys pub. And we cannot be happier to have her and just wanted to give her an opportunity to say hello if she would like. Hi. Im honored to serve and excited to be part of the Entertainment Commission. And thank you for the warm up welcome. Good. Awesome. We have 2 other Commission Vacancies one was filled the same time as mar enthusiasm that will be for children sclandzer joining us in two weekos march 19th. Joining us as a board of supervisors appointed representative for neighbor seats for the commission. And were very much looking forward to having him joint commission. I will give more about his background when he joins us on the 19th. We have one other Commission Vacancy a mayoral appointment for Law Enforcement seats. The Mayors Office identified a candidate that they will be send to rules on march 25th. And we will keep this body apprised but hoping that this new representative from Law Enforcement will join us at our second hearing in april and we will be joining us for our summit on april 29th i wanted give an additional plug for that this evening that will be occurring on monday april 29th. And that will be helping at 49 south van ness. All are welcome it is fro and open to the public tell be that afternoon and finds more about that on our website. And through our news letter mailing. All right. For other updates this eveningmented to provide a staffing update for folks. As you know we have been down a part time sound inspector since middle of december. We filled that vaccance and he we will have a new employee starting with us on. Thursday of this week. His name is asa young clt royce and he will be attending march 19th hear to meet you. And we are looking forward to having him join our team and also with sadness we let you know that our other part time inspector put in her 2 weeks this is cylinder. Has been a great part of our team. We are sad to see her go and excited see what is in her future and look to fill that immediately. Wanted to bring that to the attention of the public. We putting information out to the channels as well. And if you know anyone great that would like to join our team for this 20 hour a week role in the field on the evenings and weekends to support in terms of compliance. We would love to hear from you. Final leap. Ed give a reminder to the commissioners that your form 700anual ethics training is due on april second. Make sure to get that done if you have questions reach out to Commission Secretary young and she will assist you. Thats temperature if you have questions, let me know. You hired a second inspector from the pool of applicants it needs to be a separate. Potential low. Thats the hope that could speedup the process. We do like any vaccance fethey need to be approved by mayors budget first. All right. Welcome to our new commissioner. And is there Public Comment on this agenda item . No Public Comment on this item. We can move on to 5. The report from senior inspector. Good evening president bleiman. Changing up i want give you an update upon before the senior inspectors update. I want to let you been a situation this occurred overnight weekend. A bar that holds a permit 315, street. You recorrespond the llp in december of 22. They are allowed host entertainment on friday and saturday until 10 p. M. Based on violations the permit clogged sound limit and separating after 11 p. M. Since the number of complaints subside we received one on february 28 stating they were open until 5 and 6 a. M. Playing loud music. Inspector visitod saturday, mar second and a band was setting up to perform. Met with the manager xo stated the band would be done at 10. Inspector wited take a sound measurement in the business heard the owner on the permit holder yelling for her attention he became aggressive and yelled at her and inspector reported this danielle pushed a patron out of the way to get toward her and someone heldz him back so she could get outside. She left her notebook when she went in he barged out saying f that chick at her aggress and i have walking toward her. Republican to her car and felt the need to hide she felt so unsafe and danielle enter a business to get away from him. I e mailed danielle letting him then and there is unacceptable and not tolerated. And i had a conversation with the manager who is apauled by the behavior and apol jettic. He is close to closing escrow for him to be the new owner and in he will soon be applying for llf in his name the current management and operations are all under his purview and danielle has nothing to do it is on rarely on site. Shawn is dealing with a messy business transfer. But expressed he does not condont behavior turd the inspector. I wanted let you know we will likely deal with shawn in the future. But wanted see if there were questioned on moving forward with this . Thank you for letting the owner know that this is unacceptable. Im sorry that the inspector had to go through that. I know we had the substantial issues with this batch everbar over similar behavior and including yelling at our staff. And um hope that the new owners are different. Combh have a different approach. Can you reminds us how we reconditioned them . What nathe new conditions on the license are allowed operate friday and saturday until 10. No entertainment sundaythursday. This is series enough that i think it for me it warrantied bring them back in here sale or no sale i have been in many sales they sometimes take a language time for the last escrow payment to go through. Sometimes years. And so, i would like to ask the staff to reach out out and have them on the next agenda or the one after. Okay. Yes. Okay. All right. That was the first bit. From our inspector report. We still have more. Thank you. Upon good evening. Received 83311 complaints on january 6 i have 3 updates. Let me know if you have question. American bites at 478 green holds llp with our office on sunday december 18, responded 311 complaint at 12. 20 a. M. She benched an advertisement on the outside for dj performing that night and everyones she saw the dj. Spoke to a manager and claims the person performing was not a dj he was playing from his laptop. Base on the video submitted it is clear this person was a dj. Took a sound measure. Exceeding limits by one bbc. American bites issued a notice of violation on january 21 for hosting entertainment outside of permitted hours. My second update is the third floor at 433 clay. Who is in the process. Applying for poe permit. On friday, february 23 at 7 p. M. Received a sound complaint stating loud musicism responded at 9 p. M. And bench today playing archified sound. I spoke with a manager about the complaint and confirmed the event then showed a picture of the yellow out reach poster stating they had a perimism i explained it was a neighborhood out reach notification and the third floor applied for a poe permit and not issued yet. Before speak with staff i walked where i had taken measurements setting the limit for the permit. There i responsed levels. I note that theed out door sounds was odd automobile across the street and once they will have their permit we want to test the sound level to ensure work width environment at the time of day the business is hosting entertainment. Made it clear that hosting entertainment was out a permit in the application process is not good practice. Jot next day. Saturday february 24 received another sound complaint at 9 30 p. M. Ful the inspector was not able to responded until sunday february 25 at 5 15 p. M. When she arrived no sound but spoke with the manager from friday who explains there were upon events friday and saturday with a dj. Ed thunder floor issued a notice of violation hosting entertainment and operating sound without a permit. My next is about beer garden. Located at 424 octavia llp permit with our office. I would like to address the number and type of complaint busy this business. Since we issued the permit, on december 20, 2023, we received 16311 sound complaints. Of the 16 we visited them 10 times of the 10 visits found byebyes in compliance on 5 occasions and closed during the remaining 5. Beer garden does not operate during posted hours they close early based on attendance and weather. Staff spoken on numerous occasions. And while the conversations have been cordial topics evolved to unproductive comments. This could be demonstrate in the the text of 311 on february 25th list in the your track are including in tonights file. You want to alert you what has been occurring you will see their name on tonights report of the ec staff will respond to complaints submitted and keep i aware if there are new findings. Let me know if you have guidance. Thank you. I have a question. Hello thanks for the update. Regarding beer garden. Were you able to astain where that complaint is coming from . You came back and no entertainment. What is the source of the sound . Complaint . Generally it is an active area. We think that since we believe a complainant lives behind beer garden. We know octavia is busy. Possibly car stereos. It we finds it is interesting that there is that much noise coming from that area seeing this person lives behind themmism dont see that there is a way that it is that disturbing unless it is reverberating and other instances there are activities happening while beer garden is closed. We were not able to confirm it is stated they close early. And our inspectors cant get there until 6 or 7 p. M. On occasions can i add something. To that comment. The last complaint the inspector was on site and were playing prerecorded music. And that prerecords music was compliant with permit conditions was complaining about allowable sound levels to clarify. I echo everything but this yes. Complaining about something they are permitted do. The same person. Okay. The american bites were they playing music outside or is that the or indoor this was indoor. Yea. Got it. Do you know where they say where they were coming from. Where the people lived . Do we know if it is the same the folks. Not required to. Im wondering we can look. Im going to say we know they were located around in the patio. Got it. Okay. So i do think we should keep an eye on beer garden it sounds like they are in compliance and often not open when complaints come in. I like to wait one more session or two before we discuss deprioritizing to see if they come in. I think this is on the table going forward. Does in the sound like they are the source of the sound often. So. Anymore questions . All right. Public comment on this agenda item . No Public Comment o this item close Public Comment. And then i will find out where we are. Move on to number 6 a hearing and possible action regarding permits for applications for permits under the Entertainment Commission and starting with Department Director 5 permitos consent. Two are for one time out door permits for out Door Entertainment and amplified sound and others llp permits. Per sulys lounge there are llp requires indoor ends by 10 p. M. Due to their zoning sdrivenlth they conducted out reach and no opposition from neighboring no concern for the permits. The recommendation is to approve president Consent Agenda with staff recommendations listed below. I move approval keep it consistent and see if there is Public Comment first. Im trying to get better with consistenciful im all over the play. No Public Comment. Okay close Public Comment. Now. Yes. I move approval of the consent calendar with staff conditions. I second that motion. Okay. President bleiman aye Vice President wang aye commissioner davis aye commissioner per is aye commissioner thomas. Aye. Anybody on the Consent Agenda. You have been approved follow up with our staff at your convenience for next steps. Now we are moving along to the next item. All right. The first permit on the regular agenda is limited live permit for 395 south van ness suite 4 a membership arty coop space we sources for artist in thes staechl seek the permit to host performance. They were agendized for this hearing last december but continued to w out an agreement with upstairs neighbors who are opposing. They conducted out reach on 2 occasions one in december and again in advance of the hearing tonight. They sent a letter to the natures and signatures. This hearing they collected 150 signatures of support. And also included is a long e mail thread with myself and their neighbors. They created an event policy for coop members and share the with the neighbors for feedback and did not receive anymore they have offered to only host 8 events per calendar year and 4 of these end by 10 p. M. And the other 4 by 11 p. M. This is when you will see as a staff recommendation. At the request of the permit applicant. Of course you have the ability to condition it as you see fit. The neighbors who live boost space are still oshg potion. Otherwise there was no opposition for the permit and staff sent a sound limit with the Police Code Article 29 and mission station had no added conscience im here to speak with you is the events director natalie. Good evening im natalie. She they. Pleasure to be here and representing beautiful Arts Community that i love and have committed to the behalf 5 years. We artist bring people together through a love of grassroots arts. Art Mission Foster community to inspire and keep the spir