Transcripts For SFGTV Housing 20240704 :

Transcripts For SFGTV Housing 20240704

Peoples. Thank you president. We can go to item 4 for election of the president and vice frezdant of the board of commissioners of the Housing Authority of the city and county of San Francisco. This is according to the bylaws the annual meeting, the 4th thursday every february and according to the bylaws, the president and Vice President shall be elected at the annual meeting and hold officeserve until remove or successor elected and qualified. At this time, i like for a motion to nomination of president. A motion for Joaquin Torres to remain president. Second. Sounds good. Mr. Joaquin torres do you accept the nomination . I accept the nomination wholeheartedly. Thank you. Before we go to vote, is there any Public Comment . Through the chair, to the commission, gives me great pleasure to stand before you. My name is greg richardson, jones united memorial methodist church, and this torres you have before us is an angel in my own eyes from heaven. Like a ufo just dropped him off and hes here. I go back with his father a long time back, and to see the great work his family has done and see the great work he has done. These kind of positions you have to love it or you just aint going to do it. It is so grateful and im so thankful for him accepting the position of leadership, because from the city wide senior community, couldnt have a better person watching our back, so thank you for accepting and nominations. I hope you become elected and San Francisco will be moving in the right direction. Thank you very much. Any additional Public Comment . If not, we can go for roll call vote. Torres, aye. Lindo, aye. Kim, aye. Pike s, aye. Congratulations. Is there a motion to nominate Vice President . I nominate commissioner lindo to remain Vice President. Second. Leroy lindo to you accept the nomination . Absolutely. Before we go to vote, is there any Public Comment . Sounds good. Roll call vote. [roll call] thank you. Item 5 is election of the chair and vice chair and alternative member of the Development Finance Operation Committee of city county of San Francisco. The Committee Chair and vice chair selected from commissioners of the authority and hold officeuntil removed or successor are elected and qualified. President torres would you like to nominate the chair, vice chair and alturn ternative member . Yes, you can remind those serving in leadership roles on the body . For chair leroy lindo, vice chair [indiscernible] for conversation here, to be movement here, but again, im very happy to appoint again to maintain the consistency. I leave it up to the two of you to share that with me. Whatever. I think works best. I think it has been working well. Okay. I think it has been working well. Fantastic. It is nice to hear it is working well and the leadership role wants to continue. Thank you very much. If we can continue the existing roles, including myself as a alternate member that is my request. Congratulations. Item 6 just a quick point of order here. It is listed as 5 but not listed as action, is that correct . There is no need to take a vote . Correct. Thank you very much. Item 6, general Public Comment. This portion of the agenda is not intended for debate or discussion with the commission or staff. Please simply state your business or the matter you wish the commission or staff to be aware of. It is not appropriate for commissioners to engage in a debate or respond on issues not properly set in a publicly noticed meeting agenda. If you have questions or would like to bring a matter to the commissions attention, please send your communication via email to sfhapubliccomment sfha. Org. We did have a written Public Comment that i like to give first for David Anthony woods. You can come to the stand and you have two minutes. Okay. Well, i was here three weeks ago and i addressed you folks on issues going on in my building. They are basically managing the tenants and not the building. Not sure if you understand what that means. Yes. Absolutely. Has in there been movement or communication . Has there been what . Has anyone talked to you . No. There is another issue i mentioned a door that was bolted, if you remember and the Fire Department i think came and unbolted it, however it has been bolted again, and there is another issue within the building that is like the boxwhat do you call it . The electric box or whatever in the lobby. Anyway, thats been making noise and been going on for weeks now and they havent done anything about it. It is just i just want to apologize you have to come again today without having heard anything since that time, so ill ask Housing Authority staff to talk with you now. Kind ruis in the back to talk with you directly now and i ask i have a follow up on conversations had with Property Management before our next meeting. Hold on a second. Ypt i want to make sure your mic works. President torres, thank you. Im certain that kindra has spoken the director of Housing Operations with helen from mohcd. We will do another followup. Generally they speak every friday, so we will do a followup and actually report back out. I just want towhen time is taken from residents to come before this body,b i want to make sure that we are closing a loop on the conversation our partners may or may not be having with Property Management and next steps are taken with residents to address the issues around issues effecting their buildings and make sure they follow through on the promises and commitments we are making, so thank you very much for that director. Certainly. Any additional general Public Comment . Thank you very much, through the chair. And commissioners. It is the last day of black History Month. Glad to be black. Also we did celebrate as well with the Chinese New Year. We were in the Chinese New Year parade. We have a group called, we are one. Stand against hate. Previously we spoke about my previous experience with the family developments with the Leadership Commission under the leadership of dr. Shirly thorten. Started a resident Relation Commission which consisted of buildings, but these were family developments, they were not the senior developments. So, the residents Relations Board which sat up there like you, residents come and deal with the problems and turn them over to you to try to makemove the items, because there is a lot of work that needs to be done, so we actually were also involved with the San Francisco first Public Housing association in america and what this particular association did is we partnered up with the Mayors Office, ed lee under leadership of willie brown and started doing business and it really helped, because one of our members was irate and kicked in a door and opened up in potrero hill, but the store opened up and did well. Anyway, i just want to hope work with you and the city wide senior that we can start Something Like that, because residents basically nothing is going on too much because they cant get the ideas out, so we might be able to help you help them. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any additional Public Comment for item 6 . Close general Public Comment and go to item 7 for the president s report. Thank you very very much. Again, just want to in an tisitation Women History Month beginning tomorrow, thank you the leadership of San Francisco Housing Authority which i know we look forward to next month to recognize the leadership of you and the work your incredible staff does together with every woman on the body including my fellow commissioners. Honored to serve with you. But also of course in recognition of black History Month. It has been a extraordinary month in celebration. I was also honored to be joined by ceo during the Lunar New Year parade to celebrate the Chinese New Year parade and Lunar New Years celebration across the city and able to be joined by a former intern of mine for black History Month parade in the bayview. I thank all the partners that sought to uplift and insure our investments are present with community, but i also want to thank in anticipation of next month the extraordinary work of all of the women who are here serving the Housing Authority and have for many many years and those who are newer as well. I just want to thank you very very much for your continued service and your guidance, especially looking at you diane, just thank you so much for your years of service. You have been present with us and being a very patient steady guiding hand through your diligence and communication with us as a board. I very much appreciate it as we move forward and of course, also legally, mrs. Linda mason, thank you very very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. [indiscernible] and thank you kinddra. I also on a more somber note, i think many people have read in the papers around some of the issues with contractors serving our communities in the southeast part of the city and i just want to again state here that that kind of activity and that kind of action is both rephensible and damages the public trust that we seek to uphold and strengthen as we advance the public good here through the resources we have, the public dollars we have and insure that taxpayers and constituents alike know that we need to be investing dollars with integrity and serving our residents with that same integrity and it is very unfortunate we had to once again see that type of activity impact our communities and i just would want to be sure that people take note of the city attorneys comments in relationship to those actions that the alleged actions people have taken and the consequences of such. So, with that, i just want to insure again that people understand when they are contracted with this body or any City Department we expect them to act with integrity and it is a disaservice to San Francisco when we see otherwise. Well talk more about that im sure in a continued way as we talk about the valued work so many of our contractors, our staff and we continue to do to serve our residents. Thank you very much. Sorry, a final uplifting note today on leap year, happy leap year day everyone. On this february 29, we swore insaid ado to controller Ben Rosenfield who served the city and county over 20 years, nearly 30 years. Minus maybe a High School Experience or college experience. And we swore in mayor breed swore in the new controller , who also oversees the Public Integrity office within that department, greg wagoner, former budget director for gavin newsom, new former cfo for department of Public Health and he is our new controller and welcome him with open arms today. He is wonderful person to take on that role and very much looking forward to working with him in a continued manner, so thank you so much. Thank you president. Item 8, tenant representative report City Wide Council ccsd Public Housing Tenant Association. Happy leap year to everyone. Thank you for that intro, because i have to speak on the same thing as far as integrity goes on inside. As you may or may not recall, im the president of ccsd now, but been training with them over 8 months and previously the secretary there and they are at risk of becoming irrelevant. The dysfunction in the way they handle their business is offputting and i have a solution because im a problem solution girl. There is no reason why we cant think of solutions while the problem is coming up. This Resident Council committee which is under you, maybe as a line item where they have a budget we can do things that we could intervene for the interim between you and the tenant and ccsd. Ideally how it is supposed to work is tenants have a issue and they go to the Tenant Association board and we train them and then if they have a problem they cant resolve, they bring to ccsd board and we try to solve on that level and if we cant solve it we bring it to you, which your lap is so full already so we should be putting out fires. Im boots on the ground and can tell you there is a strong need for oversight since beverly sava died, which is a couple years ago. The mismanagementim not trying to tell a tale, just trying to let you know the state of the union. Im here to serve and still going to be working as the president best i can to solve some of these issues, but the suggestion of a Resident Council committee is just a brilliant idea. We could have a representative from each of the buildings have a voice and i just think it is better about putting out the fires on the levels of micro and then to you, macro. So, i appreciate everything you do. Congratulations president torres and look forward working with you long into the future. Likewise, thank you very much. Any Public Comment on item 8 . Yes. Gregory richardson representing the member of the council, city wide as well as north John F Kennedy towers. It is badly needed, im glad she spoke on that issue, because Public Housing, family developments get a lot of support and attention, but as you age moving on down the line, you seem to be forgotten about, and if you dont have a strong body of support backing you up, then it is kind of a depressing state in your buildings where people are shut in and they dont want to respond or do anything. Covid was a perfect example, how we can work together, pull together, resources, support systems and groups. So, i really hope that that can happen where they can have some type of fund so they can let other people have and enjoy funding. The main thing in this issue is education, continual education. Continual training. Continual learning. As Health Problems come up there needs to beget the services so we can implement. If we cant implement them, then we need to partner up with someone that can help our council. I think that will probably be the best bet. I tell you, it isnt easy working with Public Housing residents. I have been there 30 years. I love them and love you and know we can do it. The city is can do it because it is a city that knows how. Thank you. Thank you very much. Any additional Public Comment for item 8 . I like to make a additional comment. Most of the jobs that are needed are the ones that would intervene between the tenant and management or residents services, so for instance, a lot of the buildings bridge, for example isnt paying the participation funds. They are like 3 and 4 years behind that 25 at 25 sanchez and i know it will only take the meetingi call triads, which the Mayors Office deemed necessary between management Resident Service and the board representatives. They are supposed to meet monthly or bimonthly at the very least to discuss the problems that people are having and or issues to keep all the problemsthen there not fires you have to put out. That is a hand on thing versus when we bring it to your lap. Im talking about having a position more or less interactive because i have to go to the buildings and meet with the people and it is open communication and everybody understand each other and if the mou needs to be refreshed between the buildings it needs to be refreshed so new management coming in knows what to do and it is okay to hang signs on doors when we announce elections or just silly things. I dont want to say silly, because they are not trivial and very important about public rights. We just overlooked as seniors and disabled. You are not here to die, you are here to contribute. This could be the best part of your life you actually have the support system and the services that are available and needs being met and that is just my forte, so i hope that youll consider it. Thanks. Thank you very much. Ceo, the conversation around Resident Services and the interaction and oversight around those services or tenant participation funds and other resources that are highlighted as a need, or available to meet a need, do we have the opportunity to have the Mayors Office of housing and Housing Authority just jointly present a overview of how those services are being delivered currently in support of our sites . I think it is very refreshing t

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