Safai. Welcome supervisor dean preston who is joining us for item 1. Our clerk is victor young and i would like to thank gym smith and james from sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. Mr. Clerk, do have announcements . Yes, Public Comment will be taken on each item. When your item comes up and Public Comment is called, please line up to speak on your right. You may submit Public Comment in writing in either oof the following ways email to rules Committee Clerk at victor. Young sfgov. Org. If you submit viaemail it will be forwarded to the board and included as part of the file. You may send by u. S. Mail to city hall, 1 dr. Carlton b goodlett place, room 244 San Francisco, california 94102. Silence cell phones and electronic devices. Documents as part of the file should be submit today the clerk. Items are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda march 5, 2024 unless otherwise stated. That completes my initial announcements. Thank you so much. Can you please read item 1 . Yes, item 1 is hearing to consider appointx 6 members terms ending december 16, 2024 to the market octavia Community Advisory committee. Thank you so much. I just want to make an announcement today for each applicant you have two minutes to present your qualification and interest in the seat. Before we call the applicants forward i want to give supervisor preston a opportunity to make opening remarks. Thank you chair ronan and agendizing this. Ill differ comments until after we hear from the applicants. We had a large of number applicants and very much appreciate all the interest in folks in the Community Serving on this committee. Thank you so much. Then we cant wait to hear from you all. Ill call you up in the order listed on the agenda and so well hear first from Jesus Guillen who is applying for seat 1. Good morning. Good morning supervisors. My apology before we startd, i like to note, if you possibly all the speakers try to keep comment to 2 minutes it will be appreciated. You will hear a soft chime and louder chime, but it is just a timer, please finish up your comments when you hear the chimes. Thank you. Sure. My name is Jesus Guillen. Thank you for having me here. I have been in San Francisco since 1990. One of the most important things for me representing, i have seen you around in different events and i like to think i represent the Latino Latinx community, immigrants and People Living with disabilities, hiv longterm survivors, lgbtq i think i have a bunch of things that hopefully i can listen to me community and really try to represent the area of housing. I been living in the neighborhood for 20 years or so and i am there thank tuesday rent control and if so many of us right here we will [indiscernible] we will not be in the city, so hopefully you just take into consideration my work that i have been part of. The hiv Planning Commission et cetera. Thank you very much guys. I appreciate it. Thank you so much. I just want to say, it is such a pleasure working with you jesus over the years. Next calling up leah culver to seat 1. Hello, good morning. I just like to note that i have in contact with mrs. Culver. I believe the seat listed on the agenda is incorrect and should be seat 2 according to her qualifications. Is that that is true. Good morning. Im leah culver, a home owner in the plan area, rather then a renter so not eligible for seat 1. Thank you for noting that. I lived in the area for since 2018 and my background is in technology, which is somewhat relevant now with the hayes valley and midmarket neighborhood and i Left Technology last year to become a stay at home mom and i have been going out recently Walking Around the neighborhood, have reallyit reinvigorated my passion for my local community able to go to the different local businesses, restaurants and shops in the area. I also like to note i have been car free 12 years. My primary mode of transportation is mostly walkjug biking though i took the muni this morning, so i know one of the stated goals of the plan is to be a advocate for actsive transportation which is what i primarily look to do, so both look revitalizing local businesses and being advocate for more active form of transportation within the city. So, thank you again for your consideration. Very flattered to be here so thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thanks for applying. Next we have David Robinson applying for seat 2. Good morning. Thank you for having me. My name is David Robinson and own a home [indiscernible] few doors up the hill from octavia boulevard. Thank you for reviewing my application to serve on the committee representing the hayes valley neighborhood. I was proposed to the committee by long time robin leveta mioral appointment to the committee. I attended a few meetings as a concerned resident and citizen. Also a member of the board of the Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association and as of last week annual meeting in fact, dean, you may not know this yet but elected to serve as president for the upcoming term. Im very active in the community and neighborhood, not only with the association, but assisting friends of urban forest planting trees with the refuge and [indiscernible] cleaning the steets. One of the cocaptains on the saturday morning cleanups in hayes valley. And evenen pitching in to clean clogged storm drains. Most recently as the last tuesday. I also assist with court watch initiative at the hall of justice and spare time i work for Guest Services at oracle park for the giants. My crire splan over 35 years as general manager [indiscernible] general manager at the San Francisco yacht club. Now semiretired. My years of management particularly with volunteer organizations like private clubs, provides me with a skills and experience in volunteer organization and governance. As hvna president and active and concerned resident of our neighborhood, i am looking forward to offering my experience and energy to the committee. The hayes valley neighborhood is represented by three supervisors within our boundaries, supervisors preston,b dorsey and mandelman and i hope to have all of them support me in this new effort. Qu that, i thank you and i look forward to your decision. Thank you so much. Thanks for applying. Next well hear from Michael Rooney for seat 2. Good morning ing supervisors. Thank you for having us. Michael rooney home owner applying for seat 2. I love my neighborhood. It is a really diverse intersection of different communities coming together in interesting way. As millennium and first time home owner of 6 years, i have a vested longterm interest in the development and continued growth of the plan area. Active volunteer with friends of the urban forest, spur and participate in planning and transportation advocacy groups within San Francisco and license Civil Engineer and work with sfo and bart in the past. I haveprieve yssly consulted for public agencies on the development and implementation of capital plans and very excited about the impact urban planning initiatives can have on the growth of communities and city at large. I not served on boards or commissions within San Francisco but believe it is important to represent younger voices in the future growth of the neighborhoods. As a Community Representatives on the market octavia cac, i believe i would be able to help support the implementation of proposed Infrastructure Improvement and [indiscernible] and provide citizens oversight of Capital Planning for the community. Keen to work with the Planning Department on bringing new energy and opportunities to the plan area and thank you guys very much for considering my application to serve my community. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next well be hearing from Natalie Burdick for seats 2 and 6. Hello, good morning. Good morning supervisors. Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you. My name is Natalie Burdick and have been living in the plan area since 2012 and the reason im joining or applying for the position is, i have been a long time advocate for safer streets as staff member at walk San Francisco and also on the lower haight merchant Neighborhood Association so i understand the need to make sure the businesses especially small local businesses are thriving and successful and that comes with a good urban plan and design to support all the constituents and like many here, i appreciate the opportunity to be considered. I spent the last since 2016 doing a lot of volunteering and organizing in addition to my actual day job, so i know the importance of making sure there is consensus and making sure lots of voices are at the table to bring forward the best solutions possible so very excited for the opportunity to serve on seat 2 or 6. The application applied to both, so which ever is best helpful for the cac. Thank you for your time this morning. Thank you so much. Next we will hear from madeleine howie who applied for seats 3 and 6. Is madeleine here . Doesnt look like it. Well next hear from autumn adamme. Shes here . Applied for seat 4. Not here. Is Nicolas Parker here who applied for seat 4 . Wonderful. Thank you. Come on up. Hello. My name is Nicolas Parker, and i appreciate the opportunity to come here and apply for this position on the advisory committee. I am a business owner. I own murk ury cafe at corner of heys and paige street and owned the business the last 15 years mpts the anniversary date is coming up march 16, and i have been a member that community, feel very strongly attached to it. We have hosted various events at our cafe, which includes fundrazors for kpoo, we had meet and greets with local politicians, we had other non profits who come in and have their own fundrazors and feel strongly committed to the neighborhood and part of the reason i wish to be on this board is to be sure that this commitment extends itself to a more policy generatedpardon me, not very good at this. In any event, i do look forward to the decision of whatever the board has and i also appreciate the opportunity to make this ato make this opportunity available to me, and i look forward to whatever decision may come and thank you all for your time. Thank you so much. Thank you for applying. Next well hear from sacha ortega for seat 5. Hello. Thanks for having me. My name is sacha ortega, i lived in hayes valley since 2011. Over the time i served on the board and volunteered for numerous non profits including league of women voter, the bike coalition. Over the ten plus years, all most 15, i have been active in Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association. Im a renter in the neighborhood and very passionate about pedestrian rights, bicycle rights and active transportation and keeping our streets safe for everybody to use them. Thanks for hearing from me. Last but certainly not least, Andrew Seigner for seat 5. Thats right, seat 6. Andrew seigner. I have been is a resident of San Francisco about 20 years, hayes valley about 8 years. Really two main interests in wanting to work on this committee. One is helping the city with the transit first vision zero goals, the other is Affordable Housing. On the transit first, i have been working with Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association and supervisor prestons office the last 4 years to establish the hayes street shared space. Now Vice President of Hayes Valley Neighborhood Association. The permit holding on the hayes street shared space and created a website called carfreehayes. Org with a petition. Working towards a fully pedestrianized 24 7 hayes street, whatever that might look like. On the Affordable Housing size, work with hayes valley for all, some in the room today to push for development of Affordable Housing in hayes valley. You cant think about housing in the plan area without thinking in the context of redevelopment in the 50 and 60. I dont pretend the committee can solve the problems but can push things in the right direction. So, pushing for turning parcel k also known as proxy freeway parcel in Affordable Housing sitting there 20years since the freeway came down. I live on a former freeway parcel, parcel h. I bought a condo there 8 years ago and the only reason i could is because i worked in xhacktly the right company at the right time. That is too high a bar to be able to buy a home in this area. People that live and work in the area should be able to own a home there. Housing is a human right and hope we can move inch that direction. P i really appreciate your time. Thank you. Thank you so much. Wow, this is a Impressive Group of candidates. Beforeyou want to make a comment or hear Public Comment first . Public comment first . Okay. Mr. Clerk, can we please open the item up for Public Comment . Yes, members of the public who wish to speak should line up to speak at this time. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to be aa soft chime with 30 seconds left. If you like to make Public Comment you can approach the podium at this time. There does not appear to be be any Public Comment for this matter. Public comment is now closed. Supervisor preston. Thank you chair ronan and thank you again for agendizing this. There is a lot going on. I just want to say and i think you see this in the incredible array of folks who are seeking to serve in this volunteer capacity, this neighborhood has a lot of folks very committed to the neighborhood and if you have been to hayes valley recently you see one of the most resitiant neighborhoods out of the pandemic and thriving despite ongoing challenges that we are all working on together, but i want to thank everyone who is applying, took the time to come here and folks who have been serving. I notice madeleine howie isnt here to speak, but has been serving and seeking reappointment and doing really good work on the committee. I wanted to offer some remarks and recommendations to the committee. I want to underscore, this cac has and i think can continue to play a really Important Role in determining the direction of this neighborhood, especially around development and transportation issues, which a lot of applicants spoke to in their comments. The cac helps provide both oversight on Community Improvement funding and where those funds should be directed and on the ground insight into what matters to the residents who live within the boundaries of the area plan. My office spent a considerable amount of time speaking with interested and qualified neighbors for the positions as we did couple years ago as well. Appreciate interest from all the candidates who applied and the level of Community Activism and involvement. What was important among other things to our office and something discused with the candidates that did reach out to our office about their interest in serving, really is they will represent some of the progressive values on the cac and further commitments that were made as the long standing commitments as part of the market octavia area plan. This is a area obiously where the freeway once stood and promises to the Community Around affordsability in particular and want to see that achieved. A lot has been done and still a lot of work to do. In particular, it is priority for our office to make good on the decades long promise to bring Affordable Housing to formal central freeway parcels where it has been promised and to continue to push for open space in the form of our shared Streets Program on hayes street, mr. Seigner and others spoke to and something in the community have come together around and that is especially poncht as the mta is currently studying potentially making that temporary activation permanent on hayes street and thats a active discussion with the community and with the cac. So, whether selected by the committee and the board or not, i just want to urge all candidates to remain engaged in market octavia issues as many of you have been for years and please stay in contact with our office and with the cac members, because i know all the folks serving on the cac apointded by the board or mayor are receptive to working with community members. So, i want to speak briefly to the candidates my office is urging the committee to support today. Again, there are many highly qualified people for a number of these seats, so these decisions were not always easy, they are ultimately up to the board and this committee, but for our part, we want to emphasize the following folks who have engaged proactive with our office in advance of the hearing and who we think are uniquely positioned to serve on this cac. First for seat 1, Jesus Guillen<