Hillary ronan, chair of the committee. Im joined by vice chair supervisor mandelman and supervisor walton, our clerk is stephanie cabrera. And id like to thank jason goldhammer at sf govtv for broadcasting this meeting. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Yes, thank you. The board of supervisors and its committees are now convening hybrid meetings that allow inperson attendance and Public Comment while still providing Remote Access and Public Comment via telephone. Public comment will be taken on each item on this agenda. Those attending in person will be allowed to speak first. Then we will take those who are waiting on the telephone line for the public call in number is screening. Sorry streaming across your screen. When connected you will hear the meeting discussions, but youll be muted and in listening mode only when your item of interest comes up and Public Comment is called those joining us in person should line up to speak and those on the telephone should dial star three to also be added to the speaker queue. If you are on your telephone, please remember to turn down all listening devices that you may be using. Alternatively you may submit Public Comment in writing in either of the following ways. Email them to myself. The homelessness and Behavioral Health select clerk at stephanie dot cabrera at sf gevorg or you may also send your written comments via Us Postal Service to our office in city hall at one doctor carlton be goodlett place room 244 San Francisco, california. 094102. Finally, the soul action item to be acted upon today has been requested as a Committee Report and will appear on the board of supervisors agenda of october 3rd, 2023, unless otherwise stated. Thank you. Thank you. Can you please call item number one . Item number one is a resolution authorizing and approving the director of property on behalf of the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to negotiate and enter into a sublease agreement. For 312,000ft s of property owned by the California State Lands Commission and leased to the California Department of parks and recreation for the citys continued use as the bay view Vehicle Triage Center at Candlestick Point state Recreation Area for a term of two years, commencing on or about january 13th, 20 2024 through january 12th, 2026, for a base rent of 312 per year authorizing the director of property to execute documents and make certain modifications and take certain actions in furtherance of the sublease affirming findings under the California Environmental quality act and finding the proposed sublease is in conformance with the general plan and the eight priorities of planning code section 101. 1. This file has been requested as a Committee Report. Eight members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call the public call in number. Scrolling across the bottom of your screen when prompted, enter the meeting id and then press pound twice if you have not done so already, please dial star three to be added to the speaker queue. The system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. Please wait for the system to indicate that you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments when we go to Public Comment. Thank you. Thank you. And we have emily cohen here from the to present. Sorry good morning, chair. Ronen. Good morning, supervisors. My name is emily cohen, Deputy Director at the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. And im joined by andrico pennock, the director of property with the department of real estate. Should there be any questions about the merits of the lease here before you today is a resolution that authorizes and approves the director of property to enter into a new sublease agreement. Rent for the parcel at candlestick state Recreation Area that is owned by the state Lands Commission and currently leased to the state department of parks and rec to support the continued use as the Vehicle Triage Center for an additional two years. The current term ends in january 2023 and we are requesting a new two year term that would extend the project to end. In january 2026 sorry, 2024 to 2026. The new sublease has an annual base rent of 2 to 312,000 that will be funded through prop c, our city, our home dollars that were allocated in this years budget. The Vehicle Triage Center has been operating for nearly two years under the leadership of urban alchemy and many of the urban alchemy team are here today. The Program Provides 24 hour staffing. We also contract with the Bayview Hunters Point Foundation to provide on Site Social Services and Case Management support to the guests by or sorry, by bvb and urban alchemy work to connect guests with a variety of social services and do the basics of intake Case Management, benefit navigation, wellness checks work to ensure that folks are assessed for housing connected with health care and public benefits. Use the demographics of those that we serve at the Vehicle Triage Center generally reflect the population of people experiencing homelessness. But you will see here that we actually serve a much higher percentage of latinx people and a higher percentage of African American people. The we have received a lot of questions about permanent power at this site. This has been our biggest challenge to operating the site. So did want to speak to it right off the bat. This timeline on the screen reflects the key milestones related to our work to secure permanent and interim power at the site in november 2021. Public works received initial pga contract for this program, which has been identified as a covid related priority as it was related to the launch in january 2022. We had not received timelines for pga permanent power on the site in june 2023, and public works worked with the sfpuc to submit a new application to pga. And we anticipate hearing back from pga next month in october with more information about the timeline. Given the delay with permanent power up to the site in spring 2022 and public works began exploring interim Power Solutions and this included submitting an application to baaqmd for generators to provide interim power while waiting for the permanent power from pga. That application is still pending and we have not received permits. I did want to give some context related to vehicular homelessness in San Francisco. Our point in time count from 2022 found over 40 nearly 4400 people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in our community. Community 24 of those folks were found to be sleeping in vehicles. Either Passenger Vehicles or recreational vehicles. In july 2023. So very recently we did a citywide count. We did a citywide count of tent structures and occupied vehicles and found over a thousand inhabited vehicles across the city over 500 of which were identified in district ten alone. We know that the Candlestick Point neighborhood has a high concentration of People Living in their vehicles. An and therefore really makes sense to prioritize that neighborhood for services from this site. The site is currently serving 46 guests in our current capacity of 35 vehicles and actively connecting guests with vehicle repair, Health Care Services and a wide variety of services, including Housing Options. I also wanted to speak a bit to cost. This has come up in our certainly youll hear from the bla on this item and did want to give a little additional context to the cost here. The cost per bed per night of this program is most appropriately calculated by the total guest capacity on site rather than the vehicle capacity on site. As these services as the meals, the Case Management are provided to the to the guests. This does not include in my estimates here, do not include the annual lease cost, which in the first iteration of this project was free. In the second iteration will be 300,000. We have a 50 guest capacity in 35 vehicles currently, which does give us a 232 per guest per night cost. This is slightly above what we pay on average for other noncongregate shelter items. But when we get the Fire Suppression system in place around the new year, well be able to increase capacity to 120 guests in 81 vehicles, and that will bring the cost per person per night down to 95 per person per night, which is much more reasonable than what were currently seeing because of the artificially low capacity based on the lack of power and Fire Suppression systems and that wont include the 300,000 lease, which would be on top of that. And i am happy to take any questions you might have. Thank you. Thank you. And before we go to questions, if we can hear from the vla, good morning. Nick menard from the budget legislative analysts office. So item one, this is a resolution that would approve a sublease with the California Department of parks and recreation for the city as a tenant to occupy by the Candlestick Point state Recreation Area. The lease is two years starting in january 2024 and has an annual base rent of 312,000, or 1 per square foot. This is similar to the existing lease, except that the city is now paying rent at 1 per square foot, whereas previously early the city had committed to providing approximately 845,000 of Law Enforcement and Parking Enforcement services in the area and consideration of the lease. And at the time, the board approved the current lease, the plan was to have an initial capacity of 78 spaces and then expand that to 150 spaces that current lease or the proposed lease still allows for up to 150 parking spots Going Forward. And as you know, as we do for any lease, one question we ask is what . What is the property going to be used for . So in this case, theres two this is being used as a Vehicle Triage Center. There are two contractors providing services, urban alchemy and bayviewHunters Point foundation, urban and we detail in our report that their performance on the existing grant agreements, which in general both organizations have performed. And there was a finding in that urban alchemy his clients, their exits to housing were below target. There was a you know, in the agreement theres a target to have at least 50 of the guests have a positive exit out of the site. They only achieve 25 in that year, which is similar to the Vehicle Triage Center that the city used to operate at in san jose avenue. And we also note that Bayview Hunters Point Foundation is one of two nonprofits on elevated concern status due to fiscal and performance monitoring issues that were identified as part of the comptrollers fiscal citywide performance monitoring review. But they appear to be making progress on some of the findings that were identified last year. So if you turn to page five of our report, youll see that the total cost of this program for this fiscal year or next fiscal year and the following fiscal year. So for the for this year and the next two years, the total cost is 12. 2 million, including the cost of the lease and the Service Agreements that does not include the 4. 5 million that has been spent to improve the site. So thats simply operating costs and when we look at if you if you look at the existing site capacity, the Department Just noted, its actually less than what was originally reported to the board a couple of years ago. So they currently have space for 35 vehicles. Uh, but the cost of operating the site is about 5 million a year, right . So that ends up being about 140,000 per spot. And i think we can measure it by spot or we could measure it by, by the number of people in each car. But i think no matter what whatever denominator you use, its still expensive. Its still expensive relative to the Vehicle Triage Center that was operated on san jose avenue, its still expensive relative to other homeless response interventions. And just to kind of put some scale on this, i just looked at it in agreement that funded five buildings of Supportive Housing for 464 units of Supportive Housing. That was 9. 5 million, right . So thats less than double whats happening here. So i think that this the cost per unit will become more efficient, though if they can increase capacity. Right. And it sounds like theyre on the path to doing that. Its in talking to the department, one of the constraint thats on the capacity is, is the permanent power. And i think my understanding is that theres a lot of uncertainty about when thats going to happen, because theres even though theres an agreement in place with pge and we know from our other work, it can take years for that construction to actually take place. So i think that theres a lot of uncertainty here, you know, and that is for that reason, we are recommending that the board request a, you know, the department has capacity to do this this year, but they could come back during the budget process in june with options for you all about lower cost models and what the cost and benefits of those models would be so that you guys can have a policy discussion about whether this is the appropriate funding level given the sites existing constraints at that time and the outcomes from the program. Um, at that time, uh, you know, but you know, operating a Vehicle Triage Center is consistent with, you know, the administrative code that the board created, chapter 119 to operate a Vehicle Triage Center. So its for that reason and its a below market rate lease. So for that reason, were recommending approval of this resolution to approve this lease. Thank you, colleagues. Any questions . Supervisor mandelman. Uh, thank you, chair. Ronen and thanks. Thank you for the, for the presentation. And im going to im planning on supporting this item. I do think it makes sense. I think the bellahs recommendation to get an update in 2024 makes good sense as and i do. It does sound like the costs should come down , but i also think. I guess my question about this this because this the vehicle of folks living in their vehicles issue is big, broad, thorny, challenging, not just San Francisco, region wide and. The value of the money spent on this project i think has something to do with whether we have an overall strategy or thinking about what were going to do with this population. And its a little bit outside. I have a beef with you all, which will take up an item to about shelter and transitional housing versus long term permanent housing in San Francisco. And whats the really Long Term Strategy . But this is kind of a whole other set of issues of folks, folks who have some sort of housing of last resort. But its not exactly housing. Uh, and what we see is the trajectory for those folks. Once, you know, if we bring them into a vehicle triage sense, thats not its not an rv park, its not a traditional place where folks live forever. Or maybe you are going to have folks anticipating having them there over the long term. But im just wondering how the Vehicle Triage Center kind of or if we have more than one fits into an overall strategy around people who are living in their vehicles and then secondly, it feels like a problem that cries out for a Regional Response since there you know, land is scarce everywhere, but it does seem like there are people who could sustain, maybe sustain themselves over a longer term if they if there were more rv parks of sort of the traditional kind. And so i dont know what kind of conversations may be happening at the regional level about this this need. So those kind of two questions, what do we see as the where are we aiming to get the people who are going into these Vehicle Triage Centers to . And whats our success in getting them to some something that feels like a more stable, permanent situation and. Then how are we addressing this regionally at all . Thank you. Supervisor through the chair. I think these are excellent questions and things that were grappling with. As you all know and noted, that vehicle based homelessness is a challenge up and down the west coast and something that many, many co