Each and every one of your colleagues for the work you put in the budget as well. [applause] the entire budget team um [applause] you know, i dont know if you know but i dont have turn over with the directors of the budget team because i am a difficult person to work for. [laughter] you know this budget process is so intense this they are like, look im doing one budget process and im out of here. We are grateful to you ana you have been with the budget team for year bunkham get us through the process and adjustments from the board and from the budget, the legislative analyst from the board and also the various departments and me and everything in between. And to come up with this balanced budget. Thank you to each one of you for your hard work. [applause] i dont know if Ben Rosenfield is here. He is not here. You drove him out of here. [laughter] these budgets are hard. So, you know thank you to ben because you know, this is like superbowl to him and he gets excited and when it is over he is out. Like i know most are. Im surprised president supervisor peskin is here it is because he is president now and has to be a responsible leader. Thank you, gwen to ben for your heard work. And i gotta say, usually the mayor never thanks the board of supervisor budget and legislative analyst because usually they are taking all of the money. I know this harvey rose and his team took all the money that they could. You are losing your touch i did not hear shouting or anything. So, we must have been knead too easy. Next year dont worry. We will make it real hard and your Blood Pressure will boil and you will be able to yell at people. Looking forward and thank you, harvey rose, for being with us today. To our various Department Heads, boy. You guys gave them the blues i had a resignation and begged them to stay with the promise i will be nice. Thank you to the Department Heads for your work and fight and all of your you know, what we will do to help get this budget to be of use to the people and the city and county of San Francisco. It has been a difficult couple years. More recently, i have been out in the Community Meeting with accidents. Talking to people. And reminding the public of who we are as san franciscans. I think, we cant forget had San Francisco has done in the past. We cant continue to puts ourselves down or to criticize a lot of the things going of because like any other major city, San Francisco has problems. It has problems. But unlike any other major city, San Francisco has been a lead and beacon of hope and a place that dreamers come and a place of possibilities. You know, as we prepare for a peck. The Asian Pacific economic cooperative this will be the biggest Events International events that San Francisco has experienced since 1945. When the United Nations was established here in the city and county of San Francisco. And why this matters, it matters because San Francisco will be on the world stage. And unlike what is happen negligent press now with when people are trying to say to define us as a city. Many people dont live here and they are writing the stories. The press will be here to make up their own minds based on their own experience about what we are. And what we represent. And because of this budget. They will begin to see. They will see that San Francisco streets are clean and safe. They will see that people feel safe in neighborhoods and communities. Because of wonderful programs like first year free and the investments in mall businesses. Theyll see our neighborhood corridors packed. They will see a different San Francisco with new neighborhoods Like Mission Bay and pier 70 and the shipiard they will see the magic of San Francisco this people continue to talk about. Because even though we may fight it out in city hall. The end of the day when the decisions are made, it is time for us to roll up our slows and get the job done. We will deliver on some of the commitments we made. Our economic recovery, definitely dependsos reforms to our taxes, over the past 5 years, we introduced 14 tax. What accidents have said to me time and time again, stop changing the rules in the middle of the game. We want certainty about our future. Look, there are some differences that can make it rain for San Francisco they can ford to. There are other businesses like retailers that are struggling. We are seeing the impacts on a lot of the decisions that we made around taxless. And so i appreciate the board of supervisors and their wellingness to make adjustments. So this we can move forward. To think about tax reform and how we make it more fair and equitable depending whether or not you have a mall business or a big business. Because now, everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence when is help with Artificial Intelligence is happen nothing San Francisco the top 20 companies in the world. In the world. Then in the bay area and 8 in San Francisco. That new technology. They are looking for in the process 10 companies in ai are looking for 800,000 square feet of office space. There are great things happening. How do we balance that . With the future of when we need as relating to our economy . And part of had been is helping us do that. I appreciate that. When we do around homelessness and Behavioral Health, around people struggling with addiction. The Behavioral Health beds, the shelter beds, the permanent housing well provide will with a game changer. Well not as a result of the budget, did in the cut any beds we provided since 2018 from 10,000 units of permanent supported housing to 15,000 units that provide a Second Chance for people to have a home. [applause] and this budget has not only maintained when we are able to have, so we dont lose any of those beds provides more resources. To add more. This budget helps us address the challenges that continue to exist with our children. Invest nothing our Public School system. In city college. Resource for childcare and facilities. Making sure that Food Security despite the cuts from the federal government. Resources to continue and thrive. Providing our in Home Support Service work and nonprofit workers and increase because they are doing the difficult jobs that we need them to do to help with some of our real challenges. This budget represents our values. This budget representatives real challenges that we need to continue to invest in. I also want to make sure we understand. Every dollar that each one of you are responsible for. Make sure it does not go to waste. People are counting on us to use this money wise low. To help change and save lives. To help make San Francisco better. To help make sure people have a decent living wage to be able to take care of themselves. It does so much and we should be proud. And next year, will be harder. We think that this year was hard. Next year will be harder. And thats why im looking forward to working with the board of supervisors on the work that we need to do around tax reform, around changes to investments. And around aability accountability for dollars spent in San Francisco. It will be hard. We live for hard. San francisco is in the called a resiltien city for nothing when quakes and pandemics and challenges happen and backs are against the with you we move forward and demonstrate to the world why San Francisco is a great city. That will hab when we host a peck and when we host fifa. With the Soccer Legends from all over. Yes it has been happening at fifa and the superbowl but guess where they will stay and do things . San francisco. There are many wonderful things about this city. In addition the grateful dead with john mayer hosted 3 day sold out events everybody was dress in the tie die all over the city. It was an exciting time and people who visited said, this is a great city. This is a beautiful city this is an amazing city. It is clearly the city that tony bennett wrote about where the cable car help you reach halfway to the stars. Lets remember that. As we start to go know the days of doing our work and the challenge this is continue to persist am people are counting on us to make this budget live up to when we are promising. A new day. A new dawn, a new hope. New excitement. But still make sure every dollar counts. With that, lets sign this budget. [applause]. [laughter] [background noise] [quiet talking] all right. Thank you. It is official [applause] today i visualize the goal. We get to the space where you smile. I smile, too. And you hundred mow that pen after you sign. Let me say, though, with that i know this it was a difficult path. To get here. The reason why i know is because i was a good legislative aid for almost 20 glorious this place. And let mow actual, there were men lessons i learned including that this beautiful dome that we stand under every day is like cryptonight if you have super power and come in the space day in and day out, it will consume the pettiness. The anger and the jealousy and all that ego and power trips this people have will consume you the only way out, in my opinion, is to get out. While every day. Make sure you talk to labor partners you talk to the workers. You talk to the seniors and the most vulnerables and the Community Advocates outside of the place. And you bring their strengths and their power to this table. In negotiations and make sure you remember them when you are at that table with that power and at that seat. With that i bring that strength. Their strength at this time table and let me tell you, it is not easy to commonality among all of us that are different and direfers with madam mayor and i, different people. We have commonality. We are both grads and the lion ~esses. The loud one im the quiet one. We are the lion ~esses and bring our power and strength to the table when we northern and talk. I think that what we have in common like mayor breed said this , is about the people. Budget is in the just about numbers. Budget is actually about people. This is the peoples process. It is about how do we make sure we take care of san franciscans in i agree with the mir that with this budget we take care of san franciscans. Not just the san franciscans today. But the san franciscans to come. We want to welcome big business, small business, workers and families and immigrants they are welcome and belong thats when we need them to know. I see that board president skipped out. With board president supervisor peskin said that we are knee deep in blood with this budget deficit. But with this process and with mayor breed and her team and her city departments, it is when i believe even knee deep in blood, again. That is the visual. And it is trough. That is where we are now with this budget. With our future. But even with that, the strength that every single one of us bring to this room under the stone, we will over come. And we will over come all the challenges. The budget is already signed. I agree, get back to work. Thank you. [applause]. My name is marta im the management here with public works. It is found in the upon 1997. It is the only Public Access glass studio in San Francisco. We give access to everybody. You dont have to be an experienced artist to take classes we offer beginning level programming. Events. Fund raisers, it is about giving everyone who is interested in the opportunity to try glass to work with glass and experience mediums. Im linda im part owner and manager of the paper tree in japantownful im hope to create a destination. Not only do we have our huge selection of origami paper and book but a Museum Everybody can enjoy that and see what can be done by folding paper good to see amazing origami. A selection of paper. Got wonderful gifts from japan and Great Customer service. Im holly and i am the owner of [inaudible] in San Francisco. We offer classes. And open studio access. Workshops lead by local artists that you can see here we have a [inaudible]. And people should expect to join the community and just learn about local bay area artists in the process. He is a real leader that listens and knows how to bring people together. Brought this department together like never before. I am so excited to be swearing in the next chief of the San FranciscoFire Department, ladies and gentlemen, lets welcome, Jeanine Nicholson. applause . I grew up total tomboy, athlete. I loved a good crisis, a good challenge. I grew up across the street from the fire station. My dad used to take me there to vote. I never saw any female firefighters because there werent any in the 1970s. I didnt know i could be a fire fighter. When i moved to San Francisco in 1990, some things opened up. I saw women doing things they hadnt been doing when i was growing up. One thing was firefighting. A woman recruited me at the gaypride parade in 1991. It was a perfect fit. I liked using my brain, body, working as a team, figuring things out, troubleshooting and coming up with different ways to solve a problem. In terms of coming in after another female chief, i dont think anybody says that about men. You are coming in after another man, chief, what is that like. I understand why it is asked. It is unusual to have a woman in this position. I think San Francisco is a trailblazer in that way in terms of showing the world what can happen and what other people who may not look like what you think the fire chief should look like how they can be successful. Be asked me about being the first lbgq i have an understands because there are little queer kids that see me. I worked my way up. I came in january of 1994. I built relationships over the years, and i spent 24 years in the field, as we call it. Working out of firehouses. The Fire Department is a family. We live together, eat together, sleep in the same dorm together, go to crazy calls together, dangerous calls and we have to look out for one another. When i was burned in a fire years ago and i felt responsible, i felt awful. I didnt want to talk to any of my civilian friends. They couldnt understand what i was going through. The firefighters knew, they understood. They had been there. It is a different relationship. We have to rely on one another. In terms of me being the chief of the department, i am really trying to maintain an open relationship with all of our members in the field so myself and my deputy chiefs, one of the priorities i had was for each of us to go around to different fire stations to make sure we hit all within the first three or four months to start a conversation. That hasnt been there for a while. Part of the reason that i am getting along well with the field now is because i was there. I worked there. People know me and because i know what we need. I know what they need to be successful. I have known Jeanine Nicholson since we worked together at station 15. I have always held her in the highest regard. Since she is the chief she has infused the department with optimism. She is easy to approach and is concerned with the firefighters and paramedics. I appreciate that she is concerned with the issues relevant to the Fire Department today. There is a retired captain who started the Cancer Prevention foundation 10 years ago because he had cancer and he noticed fellow firefighters were getting cancer. He started looking into it. In 2012 i was diagnosed with breast canner, and some of my fellow firefighters noticed there are a lot of women in the San FranciscoFire Department, premenopausal in their 40s getting breast cancer. It was a higher rate than the general population. We were working with workers comp to make it flow more easily for our members so they didnt have to worry about the paper work when they go through chemo. The turnout gear was covered with suit. It was a badge to have that all over your coat and face and helmet. The dirtier you were the harder you worked. That is a cancer causeser. It casser. It is not cancer causer. There islassic everywhere. We had to reduce our exposure. We washed our gear more often, we didnt take gear where we were eating or sleeping. We started decontaminating ourselves at the fire scene after the fire was out. Going back to the fire station and then taking a shower. I have taught, worked on the decontamination policy to be sure that gets through. It is not if or when. It is who is the next person. It is like a cancer sniper out there. Who is going to get it next. One of the things i love about the Fire Department. It is always a team effort. U