Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240711 : compare

Transcripts For SFGTV Planning Commission 20240711

Shootings, is that in some areas of the city, they have been group involved in games or groups and bayview, inkel tied e and we know theyre tied to previous homicides or homicides that happen in other cities and this is a phase of retaliation sometimes that retaliation has been laid and that is not uncommon. An incident may happen and you may have a retaliation a year later. Thats not uncommon at all. The other thing, in certain districts like in the tenderlo tenderloin, the degree of our shootings are by narcotics activity. Weve had narcotics related robberies go bad that results in shootings and the like and even some of the once outside of the tenderloin, we know for just based on investigations that that is narcotic related activity. Also, we know that very few of these shootings are just random. We have disputes and an argument that gets out of control and someone ends it with bringing out a gun. That number is not as large as the other two areas than the group involved and i say group because its not a game. It could be this neighbourhood versus that neighbourhood or that type of thing. We do know that the percentage of our shootings are related to that and the do you track any other types of violence in the city . When you talked about arson on the presentation, shooting victims, do you also deal with sexual assaults . Sexual assaults, yes, we do. Those numbers are much smaller in scope than what were talking about the shootings and we do track them. The majority of those are people that know each other and we get very few stranger, true stranger sexual assaults which is a good thing. The reason why i asked is because, one of the things that we were concerned about, at the beginning of this pandemic, was an increase in Domestic Violence, right. If you have a shelter in place, you have to stay at home. Many women are sheltering with their potential abusers. When you report these, you dont report these numbers. And im curious to know if theres an increase or a trend. An increasing interpreted. I mentioned this earlier that we thought we might anticipate when the pandemic first resulted in a shelter in place, a stay at home. That was a big deal. We took the measures including the text 911 text to really put some measures in place to get some people who are experiencing Domestic Violence, opportunities to call and they cant get to a telephone and that type of thing. We havent seen the increase we thought but i didnt break it out for this report. I could come back to the commission with a breakdown of Domestic Violence and its how tracked pre pandemic and so he have more clarity and i can get more clarity on that. Thank you, and my final question really has to go wit with the staff are our professional Standards Bureau who are responsible for coordinating and really spearheading this work and you know that comes at a need but theres a cost to that when we pull officers out of our stations and investigations or whatever their assignments are. We really dont have a lot of cushion to make those types of moves that we had to by necessity and again its worth while but it comes at a cost. The other thing to this is a lot of the reforms that have been put in place, ill give you one example and not be too long winded are practise time and distance and taking your time. From the fires and and it gives a lot of home that its going to alleviate some of those calls coming to the Police Department and well see how it pans out and it may be annie efficiency that will allow it to have more room and flexibility on some of our deployment. We hope its going to thank you, this is my last question and chief, you really did touch on this because the Mayors Office launched this special Pilot Programme that i guess rams Department Health threaders to respond to those members that are having these mental breaks. I would like you to start to track, in some way, i hope to see a decrease and sfpd interaction in this level of in this type of, i dont know what the word is, engagement, if we can continue to move forward just to be able to quantify the success of the programme and dph will have their numbers and its important to sfpd and it tracks this and keep up with their numbers as well. And im hopeful that well have a positive response that this Pilot Programme will be successful. We absolutely with track it from the beginning and keep the commission informed and im hopeful too. We all are hopeful this would be a good thing. And its successful. Successful alternative. Ok. Thank you, thank you colleagues, madam Vice President. Thank you, commissioner hamasaki. Thank you. Chief, when you are discussing prop e and the staffing, i saw this article in the news, i think it was either yesterday or today, about some sort of agreement that was reached between the poa and i saw your name on it. It relates to i couldnt figure out quite what it is because it doesnt seem to have any clear parameters for what actually it does. And its related to staffing or is more specifically what this letter is. With this letter is a part of this on going conversation commissioner cohen just talked about what we cannot have the Police Respond to. This is part of the mayors, one of her four initiatives of not having the Police Respond to none criminal type of calls when theres no criminal activity at foot and what this letter was was an offshoot of the department has been working with Mayors Office and other city departments on including the department of Emergency Management to identify those calls, those types of calls that fit in that criteria being calls that maybe another department can handle not the Police Department so there were fires and things like that. Some of the Parking Enforcement calls. Some traffic collisions that the p. O. A. Has agreed that yes, we will work with the department to make this happen. Theres still a lot of process that has to go into this and as you stated, if its going to be strength and policy changes its going to have a commission but what were doing right now is really digging into the assessment fees and assess those types of calls and and the poa has agreed to work and the other departments are involved because of and the discussions with those departments and those respective collective bargain unions but this process is just getting underway and this was really a part of the mayors objective to not have us respond to these types of calls. It goes in line with the Police Commission resolution on us responding to those homeless related calls and it goes to the Mental Health response that a lot of people can be better and so that is not doing anything other than that its really an agreement to Work Together and identify those calls and shift away from a Police Response. A lot of that goes to whether we have the capacity of the city to do that. Yeah, i guess, maybe this is my lawyer brain trying to read it but, does this commit anybody to doing anything other than just saying identifying these areas. That is the conversation with all those different players is on going. Why is that the poas decision about what type of calls that they respond to. Its not their decision. Its their decision eventually there are collective bargaining issues that will come to play because its work that they respond to that if theyre going to give up, that could have impact within a scope of legally within the scope of collective bargaining so, they will have to be in this conversation. What theyre saying is, we want to expedite this and this is my interpretation of what theyre saying, were telling you that, were willing to do this and here are the calls and the department identified the calls. The poa has been involved in this conversation and theyre willing partner in terms of shifting these calls away from policing which is what many are asking for and they have a non Police Response to these calls where you dont need an officer with a gun and all the weight of Law Enforcement to handle these calls. I guess to me, it kind of came out of its strange this was released on the same day that the p. O. A. Obtained the 6 raises of people working together. It does not bind them to anything at this point. That actually the reason that came out the way it did if you followed the Board Hearing was part of that was a request by the board to understand what it is that we were working on and that realm so that was part of the reason that letter was requested by the president of the board. And i hadnt seen the news article on it so i dont know what was written about the news articles but it does not bind anybody to anything because theres a whole lot of other work that has to be done. Like i said, really, theres all these other departments and entities that have to agree to this as well and. Its a press release to give people discover for signing off on to a large raise for the police union when the city is facing a massive deficit. I was hoping that it actually bound them to some concrete actions but that does not not seem to be the case. Did you in any point, consider consulting with the commission on this because i would think there would be some areas that perhaps we might want to weigh in on if theres areas that are going to be part of negotiations regarding calls for service. This will have to come to the commission. This effort is being led by and coordinatessed by the Mayors Office and we were asked to participate in it and parts of this conversation were happening before all the calls were reformed because of the george floyd incident. That really can put this to a new level of urgency with all the calls for change and reform and what Police Officers should be responding to and they shouldnt. Theres a lot of coordination that goes to that and being coordinated except theres multiple departments that are involved in these conversations. The commission eventually, to answer your question, has to be involved if theres any policy shift and policy changes. To identify all the groundwork it takes to do that, this is being coordinated by the Mayors Office and at this point, i think its more of identifying those types of calls based on the analysis from d. E. M. And the Police Department of publichealth and the Fire Department of what sits in that and what sits into the categories that we can have a discussion about. Thats what weve done. Ultimately, this is going to have to come back to questions of policy as you just stated. So, moving forward with this process, i think it would be great if you can loop the commission in. When i first saw it in the newspaper, i was a little shocked. I thought there was a agreement to change all of these responses for calls for services and i read it close and i thought this is actually not saying anything substantive other than just kind of like hey, this is what we might do. So, i do think this is an area where the commission should not be involved and weve always had issues or we raised issues of when we were told about things after the fact and decided a contentious discussion and so im glad we learned about it from the media, but i would have loved to learn abou learned abom the department. Heard and understood. Thank you, chief. Thank you. Will you, chief, i was hoping that you could also let us know how this transition by allowing those calls to be diverted to the Police Department to other individuals. How that is going to effect programmes like hsoc and the officers at each district station that respond to homeless issues and other Mental Health issues. Because i think it ties to the staffing issues that would you also raise and since those calls are now going to be diverted, then that frees up officers and rather than increasing staffing levels, maybe its more of a reorganization or re adjustment the officers to areas that are needed since the calls pertaining to Mental Health and homelessness or homeless issues are now being diverted. Because work within that budget. So, i think that would be an interesting presentation and. Only a small group of calls have been averted at this point and thats those calls that are handled by ems6 and it amount to about eight calls per day on average. The Police Department is still handling everything else. The plan is that as we go through each of these categories, the problems that i discussed earlier that we come to an agreement that another department or another entity can handle them and then create a capacity to do that so that is a process thats going to take some time i want to make sure its clear theres only a small group of calls right now that are actually being averted and in a very small area. Its being piloted in the tenderloin and its that area. So its a very small pilot. I think its promising and to your point, it will hopefully allow us and make some reassessments on staffing needs because we already know, based on the current analysis, that were 200 plus officers short. So maybe that will give us some relief there and to not have to hire 200 more officers and maybe that will get some there. We want to make sure that we work hard and we work expediently as possible to put this together and it can be done to put it together and well keep the information for chem and we want to push this forward. Row imagine policing is how its been going and we are there and. Before the last Commission Meeting it was very informative because some of the specialized units, we found that its more beneficial to not have certain specialized units and have them out patrolling. I think theres good stuff and. The number of calls are eight per day and sf can be handling all the and its a sense of what that means all the rest. How much of what kind of volume is sfpd still handling and how long do you think it will take to transition more off sfpds plate at this point . Eight on average is not a hard number. This unit is planning the ems6 will be expanded to six ems6 units in the spring of next year. So, it will expand. To give you an idea of this group, as identified that theres probably about 20,000, 20 to 22,000 calls a year that will fall in this category that were talking about so its volumes of if he with dont have the capacity with these group, someone has to respond to these calls so we have to build a capacity. Hopefully this pilot we can workout the kinks and all that. The Fire Department has been great and publichealth has been great. Theres a lot of details in the the devil is in the details in how we make this transition. [please stand by] i have couple of updates. Currently were at 725 cases that have been open at this point in the year. This time last year, we were at 686 cases in terms of cases that be have closed, we closed 808 cases this time last year we closed 600 cases. Depending on number of cases cas that we have open now are 355 cases today. This time last year, we had 403 open cases. Weve sustained 39 case so far this year. This time last year we sustained 35 cases. We had 34 cases that have been open longer than nine months. This time last year, we were at 23 cases that have been open longer than nine months. Of those 34 cases, 18 of them are told and remain 16 have not been told. We remediated 32 cases this year. At this time last year we remediated 27 cases. We have 32 cases that are pending with the chief right now waiting hearings or decisions. We have 13 cases that are pending with the commission. In terms of the outreach since our last Commission Meeting, we participated in rate Equity Leadership group discussing city wide projects. We also participated and hosted mediationbased Discussion Panel with three volunteers from the d. P. A. And on november 20th, we hosted a virtual d. P. A. 101 informational session for chalk. Chalk is community in harmony acting for learning and kids organization. Were gong a lot with the Youth Commission and may taking meetings with them on their behalf with agencies they identified to learn more as well as know your rights brochure stuff that we helped develop. Upcome, we have couple of events that would be of interest to the commission. We can talk about the them at a later time, i want to Say Something about changes in the election as the chief presented just on some of the oversight reforms taking place in the state just so that Everybody Knows whats going on in the state since the election. We can talk about that at a later time. I want to talk about what the current state of things are as well as where d. P. A. Is in context to these things. I know we have something scheduled in the next few weeks if not months about the local Progress Report that started addressing some of those issues. Lot of those things have changed now in the election. I want to make sure that the public as well as the commissioners are updated where d. P. A. Fits in context with other agencies doing this work. Thats all i have for now. Ill have an overview all of the policy recommendations and all of the policy work in the staff report. Thank you. Thats a great idea about presenting the presentation director henderson. I have two question. The first question is the 39 sustained cases versus 75 from last year. If you can explain the difference. It seemin seem like not past 40. 34 open cases that are older than nine months regarding missing deadlines, i wanted to know why there are so many cases even though 18 are told. I think thats still kind of a high number. Thank you for your question. Im not sure what those numbers are. If ask me to guess, i hate to guess without

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