Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240711

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Full Board Of Supervisors 20240711

They didnt consider the tack emissions from the thousands of daily customer vehicle trips o identifies tax from Passenger Vehicles of significant sources of cancer risk in california and the only city wide health risk includes tax from gasoline power vehicles not just diesel trucks. More significantly as i inty mated a second ago, he pointed out that the applicants analysis assumes that best buy is still operating and there are still emissions from best buys delivery trucks, obviously in an effort to show that the relative contribution is pretty small. But again as we said under the guidelines you have to look at actual environmental conditions, those that exist at the time environmentally start not some hypothetical past condition. Next[aqwqd slide please. First the screening analysis show the project was likely going to exceed the air district of ten excess cancers per million. Even if it wasnt an air pollution exposure zone given it is in such a zone, the cumulative affect adding the excess cancer risk caused by the project to the already elevated cancer risk is going to be a cumulative impact. All of the inputs protocols an out puts are in the file. He did it twice. Assuming that best why was still there and another assuming it wasnt. Next slide please. You have about two minutes left. Thank you. That just shows you the sources of emissions he looked at the parking lot. Loading dock and the street where the trucks are going to go leading up to that location. Next slide. Heres what he found. The health risk is significant even if you assume best buy is still there. He found there. Next slide. This shows you even if you assume best buy is still operating it doesnt make that much difference you still have several residents on a farrell and north across gary also experiences elevated cancer risks from the delivery trucks and customer trips. Take away. Again, can you say with certainty based on everything i have just showed you and not withstanding everything youre about to hear to the contrary can you really say there is no possibility whatsoever, that this is going to make the air less healthy for the People Living in this vicinity . We would submit to you that if you have any shred of doubt if you are like well it might cause problems, then it doesnt qualify for the commonsense exemption and our remedy is to order up an initial study and perform Environmental Review in that manner. Thank you. Sj 0d mr. President the speakers time has concluded. That was ten minutes. Sorry i forgot i wasd5fhby mg thank you very much. I dont see anybody on the roster for questions so why dont we go to Public Comments. For speakers that want to support are there anybody you have two minutes each. Operations do we have callers in the queue i believe we have 40 listeners and there are ten members of the public in the queue. If you are interested in speaking on the items 32 through 35 the appeal of determination of exemption from Environmental Review for 2675 geary boulevard. Its time to hear from the public in support of the appellant. No kalers. Nocallers. We currentlyogi< have 19 cals in the queue. Great welcome callers. Yeah how you doing can you hear me . Yes we can. Welcome. Yes how you doing . My name is james. Im a executive director at collective Impact Community center. I actually worked at kaiser where they were actually talking about building the whole foods place. I just, to be honest i got kind of confused when the, vq9 Start Talking about is there environmental findings valid or not. This was confusing what you guys started talking about when it was valid and not. I know i can just ask. For me before i was when i was approached about this conversation, about the whole foods being up there and i talked to i had a conversation with community and community was all for it like whole food being in the space and having jobs for them people that live in the area and you know, you have like quite a few housing complexes around there that would love to have a whole foods up that way where i just think its a great opportunity for jobs and you know i do a lot of Work Development around there the western addition. I think it would be great for not just you know just jobs, just somewhere where people can go and you know, kind of you know, get some Healthy Foods. We dont have a bunch of Healthy Foods around there so i think it will be great for you know just you guys kind of confused me when you Start Talking aboutay what the environment and all that other thing was going on. So thats all i wanted to say that community the ones i talked to was in support of whole food being up at the space. So i just wanted to if there is any speakers that are in support of the project, or against the appeal you will have your turn later. Asking to come forward at this point is to support the appeal. Which in essence is really not supporting the project. Okay. Next speaker. Im in support of the project. Okay then excuse me madam clerk can you explain. Sorry mr. President. To the speaker were currently taking public on the appeal. If you are not in support of the project. We will be taking Public Comment on behalf of the project sponsor in just a moment. But right now this part is for those in support of the appeal. Okay. Operations do we have another caller please. Hi. Im sorry this whole procedure is confusing. Imt us qr z line to support the project. There was no differentiation previously. So am i supposed to speak now or not . No. That back in the queue. For this item were going to have two Public Comment opportunities. The first opportunity is on behalf of the appellant. And the Second Opportunity will be for those who are in support of the project itself. So if youf,gj okay. These might be a couple of other individuals who want to speak on behalf of the project. Operations just go to the next caller please. Okay welcome. Welcome. Hi. Yeah hello can you hear me . Yes we can. Hello. Okay thank you. Yeah. My name is al im president of the Neighborhood Association. Our neighborhood directly butts the City Center Mall. I have to tell you, that hardly a week goes by that one of our residents doesnt ask me when is whole foods coming . Our neighborhood is in desperate need of a local full sized grocery market. Many of our residents, myself included ared5hdo aging, some e disabled, some are unable to drive. For us, getting groceries in our home can be a real challenge. I somewhat joked when we look at this as no matter what else happens to me, if i can still walk, at least i can still eat. I believe thats all there is this comes down to. Having a Grocery Store in our seniors can get to is not a nicety, its a necessity. I also think not being considered is the fact that only a retailer that can generate a large amount of foot traffic can survive in the mall. This space has been vacant for well over three years because retailers now have difficulty to compete with online sales justs ask the good guys, best buys, toys r us, they all fails. So we need that foot traffic. We cant wait another three years to find another retailer with the right business model. We need our market and you need your tax revenue. Dont wait and let this opportunity slip away. Thank you. Okay. Thank you to the caller. I didnt interrupt you sir h÷ thought we would make this point very clear. So, if you are in line and you get unmuted, and you are in support of the appeal we do want to hear from you. But in a moment, if you get a unmuted and youre not in support of the appeal and youre supporting the project like that last gentleman was, please press 3 now and get back in line because we will take your Public Comment, but first we want to hear from the supporters of the appellant. Okay. And so, that individual was in support of the project and if you are supporting the project i will delicately interrupt you and try to have you hold onto your Public Comment until we get to your particular hearing. Minutes. Hello this is julie fisher am i coming through okay . We can hear you. Thank you president yee and supervisors forgiving us a chance to speak on this matter. Im julie fisher fromivan ufcwe lived in San Francisco over 30 years on the outer geary. And while i would welcome a good source of food, along the geary boulevard, i do not welcome amazon or jeff bee dis bezos ay he makes his money. We can do better than someone that lowers our working decent healthcare or retirement to his workers we know better in our progressive city. Pleasen5n. L reject this thank. Thank you for your comments. All right. Next caller please in support of the appellant. Hi this is kim with the San Francisco labor counsel. I am urging you to oppose this project. Clearly we can see there is a great underestimatation about the cancer risk, the amount of pollution, that this project will bring into that neighborhood. Theres a Childhood Development center nearby. And i think even worse is we know and anybody who lives near that whole foods knows about the Traffic Congestion that comes from a whole foods. You have the instar cart people, the door dashers, and everyone else always stopping there idling. Gaiu i have been by many whole foods and theres a lot more traffic in the traffic is always underestimated. Theres also like people forget that theres the muni depot that also brings in pollution. We need to make sure that the traffic]. Umdno congestion doesnt worse and City Services, and that City Services are protected in that area. This is not a good location for this project. And please, please, please, vote against this project. Thank you. All right do we have any folks in the queue on behalf of the appellant. I think we have 12 in the queue and 51 listeners. Welcome caller well set the timer for two minutes. Hello can you hear me . Yes we can. Great. I am Claire Courtney with ufcw5 and a San Francisco resident. First i would like to thank the board of supervisors for listening to us. Secondly, we have to strike on this project. First and foremost, going off of what mr. Wolf said. This is nonsensical. There has to be no possibility of Significant Impact and that clearly has not been shown. So, for that reason, we should strike down this project and also, as a union town, we have to say to arrases dents we have to say to San Francisco cans we care about companies that support fair labor practices and when we continue to allow amazon and whole foods to come into our city and not pay workers what they deserve to be paid i dont think were sending the right message to the working class here. I will not support if this project moves forward. Thank you so much for your time i encourage you to appeal this exemption. Thank you. Okay thank you for your comment. Okay. Operations do we have another caller in support of the appellant . Good evening board of supervisors, president yee. My name is tony vargas can you guys hear me . Yes we can. Sorry im driving. Im in support of the appeal. Im a member and longterm resident of uscw in San Francisco and amazon is not a fit for San Francisco a progressive town, a union town. A company that does not standby its employees in regards to covid19 health and safety precautions who doesnt provide liveable wages or good healthcare. Should not be allowed to do business in our town. They have seven locations already and i believe theres a new one coming up if stones town. I dont remember if that one has been defeated yet either, but we do not need another amazon, another bezos brand and another whole foods in our town. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Drive carefully. Okay. Other comments on behalf of the appellant please . Welcome caller. Two minutes. Hi my name is ruth. Im a proud memberrer of the unite here local 2. I organized i knock doors, i was just knocking doors in this election and in the midest of the pandemic and im very proud to be part of the union that knocks doors in reno as well to get joe biden elected. And you know i strongly support the appeal. When we look at Companies Like amazon, Companies Like whole foods especially in the midst of the pandemic as a working person, you know, its just you know we were coming off this stinging defeat that tech money and big Company Money was able to run a Propaganda Campaign around proposition 22. But as a proud San Francisco resident, i would certainly hope that you know, our elected officials dont intend to just roll over for big business. At the behalf of Union Busters like john mackey. At a time when with we need more than ever is for you know workers to come together for you know for local business to support main street and not to roll over for these Big Companies. But over time, are going to take away you know, Healthcare Benefits and tax breaks that are really going to hurt our local economy. You know, San Francisco is a historic city. And i would hate to see it devastated by big businesses like whole foods like amazon. When we have when they are run by these ceos these billionaires that dont have any intention of paying good benefits, paying good healthcare to their workers. You know and i understand the need for Grocery Stores. We can find another way. We can find another way. So i strongly urge the supervisors on this call to support the appeal, and not to roll over to the Big Companies amazon and whole foods. I appreciate your time. Thank you for your call. Good timing. Okay. We are taking Public Comment on behalf of the appellant to the 2675 geary boulevard proposed project. Operations do we have another caller in the queue . [ standby for change of captioners ] bring in something that is progressive, not regressive. We need something that is good there. Once again, this is roger marenko, president , local ironworkers 258. The inat thstacart and doordas people are going to cause huge traffic jams. If you take a look at the trader joes across the street. If you dont believe me, go over there and take a look at the traffic jam on the other side of the street. We dont want this to interfere with the buzz street because that will cause another safety issue with the traffic jam, so please take all of that into consideration. Thank you very much. Clerk thank you for your comments. Operations, do we have another caller in support of the appellant for the 2675 geary boulevard project . Hello. My name is richard miller, and i am a retired seiu member. I live in the outer richmond, and i go by this street, ofarrell, quite often. I go to trader joes, and i used to go to best buy. And the Planning Department did not look at the traffic flow when you leave ofarrell street. Ofarrell street is a oneway street leading down to kaiser. Its jammed up, but for me to go through the neighborhoods, to get back to the richmond, i have to drive by the Raul Wallenberg school, so this is going to put more traffic in the neighborhood across the street there, unless theyre going to make ofarrell a twoway street. You should reject this on the traffic flow issue because this is going to cause a lot of traffic and congestions, and i dont see how theyre going to support the people in the western additions. I dont even shop at whole foods because of their prices. Thank you for listening to me, and i hope you reject this environmental report. Thank you. Clerk okay. Thank you for your comments. Operations, do we have another caller, please . A caller in support of the appellant. Hi, supervisors. My name is john corso. Im a member of local 38, plumbers and pipe fighters. Im in opposition of the ceqa determination of whole foods at 2675 geary. Protecting workers is of the essence, particularly during the coronavirus pandemic. Whole foods and amazon have proven they cant keep their workforces safe. We cant afford to have an employer who refuses to care about their workers safety in a progressive city like San Francisco. You cant let this happen. Thank you for your time. Clerk okay. Operations, i understand we have about ten individuals in the comment queue. If you are speaking on behalf of the appellant, next caller, please. Hi. Im not clerk okay. Youre not supporting the appellant . No, im not, and i have star, threeed several times. Im in support of whole foods, so what do you want me to do . Clerk well, if its not working, i apologize, and youre not going to like it, but if you could hang up and call back and get back into the listening mode, and then, when we call your side, youll be able to make Public Comment at this time. Okay. I would have to tell you that, but this is a very bad thing. You should allow people to speak as they have gotten in the queue. This is not a good thing, pro, pro, pro, con, con, con. Thank you. I will call back. Clerk much appreciated. Thank you. Okay. Operations, do we have a caller in the queue on behalf of the appellant . Welcome, caller, you have two minutes. No, im speaking in favor of the project. Clerk okay. Same thing, sir. Please press star, three get back into listening line, and operations, do we have another caller, please . Welcome, caller. Im in the same predicament. Im speaking in clerk on behalf of the yeah, on behalf of the yes, yes, yes. Clerk thank you for trying to reach us. Press

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