Okay, i think we can start. Cochair madrid okay. This is the mayors disability Public Meeting for november 20, 2020 at s 1 p. M. My name is alex madrid. Thank you, alex. Im Deputy Director of m. O. D. And serving as clerk for this meeting. This is a virtual meeting. Its being broadcast to the public on sfgovtv. It is open caption and sign language interpreted. The Mayors Disability Council holds nine meetings and generally held on the third friday of the month. Please call the Mayors Office of disability at 415 5546789. Or by email, you can contact us at mod sfgov. Org with any m. D. C. Business. Our next regular meeting will be on friday, january 15, 2021 from 1 00 to 4 00 p. M. This will also be an Online Meeting and will be broadcast on sfgovtv. Thank you for joining us. Well now do roll call. And helen, joining the meeting. Sorry. Great. So ill go through the list . Can anybody hear me . Yes, we can hear you. Great, thank you. Please say present when i call your name. Alex madrid . Cochair madrid present. Cochair pelzman present. We know denise is not here today. She emailed us. Council member yu present. Council member sassouni present. Council member smolinski present. Council member williams present. Council member veavea alex lucas . Present. I know neo was on earlier on the phone, so i will email him and see if we can get him back. So at this point, i know as part of the roll call we wanted to give an opportunity for new members to introduce themselves. So, alex, please. Yes, sorry, i wasnt sure. Ill be brief. My name is alex lucas. I use he as pronouns. I work as the director of Employee Engagement at the Age Foundation and organizing in the Community AroundDisability Justice with my consulting and consultation work. Cochair madrid very good. Welcome. Thank you. Cochair madri cochair madrid okay. Were reading the agenda next. Okay. So the order of Business Today weve done item number 1. Welcome, introduction and roll call. Were reading and hopefully going to be approving the agenda now. Next there will be Public Comment on items that are not on the agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the m. D. C. Then an information item, enforcement of accessibility requirement for shared spaces. Presentation by robin of the shared Spaces Program, director. Then there will be a break. Then there will be a presentation on the economic recovery and Resilience Task force report. Especially looking at opportunities for recovery for people with disabilities. Presentation from heather green who is one of the Staff Support leads for the work of the task force. Then there will be cochair report. Then there will be a report from the Mayors Office on disability. Director nicole bohn. Then Public Comment. And there will be Public Comment after each of the presentations or programs. Then any correspondence that has come in to council and then Council Member comment announcements and adjournment. Cochair madrid i would ask for improvement aprooxt approvement of the agenda. Through the chair, with the agenda topics changed, thats all we needed to announce. I think theyre okay. You dont need to do a formal approval. Cochair madrid okay. Thank you. So with that, we go into item number 3. Items not on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the m. D. C. Im ready to introduce that, alex. Were now open for Public Comment on topics that are not on the agenda. For deaf individuals and others who may prefer not to use a telephone, for making Public Comment, you can send an email to mod sfgov. Org with your comment. For the subject heading of your email, please put m. D. C. Public comment. It will be read aloud during the Public Comment segment of the Council Meeting. Since written comments submitted to the Mayors Office on disability and Mayors Disability Council are subject to Public Record, please remember to indicate whether or not you prefer to be identified or wish to remain anonymous. If youre providing comment by telephone and watching your tv, when its your turn to comment, please turn your Television Sound down. That way youll be able to follow the prompts on our telephone. Each comment is limited to three minutes. At the end of three minutes, youll be prompted that your time is up and we will ask you to please finish your sentence and then we will move on to the next Public Commenter. The council will respond to your comments following the meeting if you provide Contact Information by email message to mod sfgov. Org, with the subject m. D. C. Comment reply request. Generally, inperson meetings, you fill out a card if you want a response to your comments. And so since were virtual, we will need you to send us an email letting us know you want a reply. You can listen to the meeting and be in sync with the live meeting when you make your comment. To make a live comment, call 14156550001 and then when prompted enter the code 146 602 2651 ,. When you hear the prompt, ent enter ive already said that. Im reading aloud and there is the same information twice. Youll be prompted when its your turn to make comments. Again, if you didnt catch it the first time, the telephone number is 14156550001 and then the i. D. Number is 146 602 2651 ,. Okay. Do we have callers . We have no one in the queue. Cochair madrid thank you. Clerk and i will check to see whether we have any by email. Okay. I do not see any, so we can move on. Cochair madrid im going to ask you to read my report. So, weve actually rearranged the agenda today. The cochair report and the directors report will be following our presentations later on in this meeting. Cochair madrid okay. So were not going to go to it is confusing because we made changes to the order of the comments as well as the presentations. The first presentation which was going to be the second one is now enforcement of accessibility requirements for shared spaces. Presentation by robin abod, director of the shared Spaces Program. Cochair madrid okay. Is robin on the line . Yes, cochair madrid. Im here and im ready to commence if were good. Cochair madrid go ahead. Thank you, cochair madrid and director bohn and Deputy Director caplin. This is robin, coordinator of the shared Spaces Program. Im joined by other members of our team, my Deputy Program manager monica from sfmta, Gregory Slocum from the department of public works as well as Jonathan Vang from the department of public works. As well as larry mclen done from the office of economic and Workforce Development who leads a lot of our work in equity neighborhood, especially bayview, and also will be coordinating a number of citywide projects and funding those as well. Were also joined by nicole linler from the office of mayor london breed. I just wanted to thank the council for having us here. We are really grateful for the opportunity to engage with you more intentionally as our program grows. So well talk a little bit today, three topics. One are our current ada Design Guidelines and operating parameters for shared spaces. The second topic will be a little bit of sort of explanation or narrative about how we enforce and abate compliance issues, specifically those associated with ada concerns. And then lastly, well close off with a little bit of information about statistics on the rate of abatement and compliance that were seeing. So, with that, ill just start on the first topic, which is talking a little bit about what our Design Guidelines and operating parameters are for shared spaces, and specifically those pertaining to ada. So first and foremost, it is a requirement for shared spaces to accommodate a sixfoot wide, clear path of travel through the shared space. Often, as im sure members of the council are aware, these are on sidewalks, the shared spaces are on sidewalks or in the parking lane. And quite often a combination of both. So we do recognize and acknowledge that its a lot of new activity, a really, you know, kind of not quite a brand new kind of use, but definitely a use that we havent seen to this magnitude and prevalence before out on our streets and sidewalks. And we know that has been impact, in particular, for members of our Disability Community who, you know, rely on wheelchairs or other mobility impaired. First and foremost, we do require a sixfoot wide clear path of travel on the sidewalk and shared spaces. The second point i would like to emphasize around accessibility, we of course require equivalent facilities for patrons who wish to dine or access services. Id say it might be a cafe or a restaurant. So where outdoor seating is provided, sometimes thats in the parking lane or out on the sidewalk, we want to make sure there is an equivalent seating for someone in a wheelchair. Quite often what this looks like is providing a Dining Facility at sidewalk grade. So or indoors when Indoor Dining is permitted. Its currently not allowed as we know. Last week we rolled back the ability for folks to operate indoors. But when we are allowed to operate indoors, of course, an equivalent facility could be provided for an interior of the restaurant. When neither of those options are feasible and the shared spaces operator is locating their facility in the parking lane, for example, we do require that there is either that there is a level surface and that there is sufficient radius for a wheelchair turnaround. For example, also so that the platform surface is accessible. I will be honest in acknowledging that there is not as much consistency as the city would like with those facilities on a deck over gutter. We also will be transparent there are a lot of design issues with these rapidly deployed platforms or dining facilities that we would like to see corrected. Not only those that are have to do with a. Da, but that we have clear sight lines and were not impeding the drainage of drain water. So we are working very, very carefully and diligently to resolve those issues as much as we can, but we do recognize that there isnt consistency and compliance across all the sites to the degree we would like. So thats just a little bit about the design provisions that we have for shared spaces. Ill quickly move through the next two bullet items or discussion topics so we can get to question and answer. And that myself and the rest of our team, you know, can address any questions. Regarding compliance and enforcement, i know this is a question from the Ada Community from us and director bohn has been really, really critical and essential in helping us ensure that were, of course, thinking about accessibility before sites are even implemented, but as we have to engage in enforcement activities or compliance activities, that were communicating the correct information and were bringing people into compliance. In general, we have a strong proactive outreach and educational approach. We really want to try to address these issues before they become issues. Deputy director who runs our program does have team of folks who go out and do education on a range of issues. You know, on Public Health compliance, but as well operations and sort of facility design for shared spaces to ensure that folks know what the standards are for making sure theyre safe and accessible. And so when that doesnt happen, of course, there are many different ways that the city might receive a complaint or a concern, not the least of which is 311. And we are very grateful to anyone in the community, whether they identify as disabled or not, letting us know through 311 if they perceive an issue or think an issue is at play at a site. So we also have members of a couple of our departments that partner on shared spaces out at sites doing inspections and thats another way were able to flag if an issue is once we register that, it goes through our its referred to one of two of the citys departments or organizations. One is the Community EngagementResponse Team. Cert or public works. The site is investigated. And much of the time the issue can be resolved right there on the spot, you know, often involve rearranging moveable fixtures like tables and chairs. But in the cases its not able to be resolved immediately, then our city staff team works with the project sponsor to sort of put them on a plan to either, you know, make their facility accessible or acquire the materials that are needed or make the physical adjustments that are needed to bring that into compliance. So finally, and then i will stop talking because i know we want to get to questions and discussion. Just a little bit on statistics. So shared spaces opens on july 1st. Thats when we first started accepting applications. And since then we received somewhere in the neighborhood of 225 complaints that can be that have been associated with some kind of ada concern. I can say that about twothirds of those have weve been able to successfully abate and bring into compliance. And others, as i said, have taken a little more time in working with the sponsor to ensure that they are adhering to the guidelines. We found a lot of responsiveness to when the department of public works or the Community Education and Response Team or the cert goes out and talks to folks. You know, by and large, the operators of shared spaces want to be doing the correct thing. They want to be serving all members of the community while at the same time operating outdoors as part of this economic survival strategy that the city has helped them set up. So with that, i will stop talking and we can move into questions. Again, im joined by Deputy Program managers from m. T. A. , the department of public works, our Community Engagement and Response Team and o. E. W. D. Cochair madrid thank you for that wonderful presentation. Im going to ask are there any questions . From the public . Well, first, we open it up to Council Members. Cochair madrid sorry. For questions and comments and ill go through the list of Council Members. Lets see, Helen Pelzman . Cochair pelzman hi. Okay. Sorry, im doing this on my iphone. Yeah, i have a couple of questions. The first is, we understand that this shared spaces strategy may become permanent. And considered by the board of supervisors as permanent, and then sort of, i guess theyre kind of related to one another. Situation were in sort of bordering on category purple, which would shut down all dining, am i correct . There would be no Outdoor Dining . Im a little unclear about that. But given the current status of this increase in covid, what is the plan for these spaces if nobody is going to be sitting in them due to curfew and restricted access . So those are two questions. Thank you for those questions. I think i can definitely answer the first one. And then my Deputy Director at the m. T. A. Can address the second one about the purple. The first is that, correct, mayor breed did announce last month that she would like elements of the shared Spaces Program to become permanent. That does not mean every single shared space site that we see in the city is going to remain in its present configuration forever. Far from it. What that means is that the program which is created out of emergency decree and was an Emergency Response to both the pandemic and the economic crisis, that we will move the program out of the emergency phase and make it a more essentially, a permanent opportunity for Small Business owners to be able to access the provisions of the program. As part of that process of figuring out how to make it permanent, it is our opportunity to make design standards, operating parameters, enforcement, protocols and i dont want to say penalties, but consequences, to articulate those with more clarity and permanen permanence. So the overall effect of making the Program Permanent will not only be to give Small Business owners more, i guess, security and assurance about their ability to survive, but importantly i think were going to see better and more consistent quality in terms of the shared spaces that are out there, consistency across the compliance with regulations. So in general, i think were going to move to, you know, a better and better version of the shared Spaces Program that were seeing. Now ill say just a couple of words on the second question and then maybe, i dont know, monica, if you have more insight. We didnt get a chance to talk about purple yesterday. But certainly curfews mean that, you know, if there is a curfew imposed, then no one