The meeting will come to the order. Im joined by Committee Members supervisor walton and mandelman. Id like to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Any announcements today . Yes, madame chair, due to the health emergency, phone number of the board of supervisors and the Committee Room are closed, however, members will be participated in the call remotely. You can make public ct by calling 14156550001. 146 580 2686. Again, i. D. Number, 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. When your item of interest comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, you can submit Public Comment in the following way. Email to myself. It will be forwarded to the supervisors. Finally items acted upon today are to appear on the board of supervisors agenda on october 27 unless otherwise stated flmplt fluf resolution authorizing the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing to accept an inkind gift and consultants in a value not to exceed 150,000 for a total value not to exceed 249,000 and the total term to be commence upon the board approval and to expire no later than june 30, 2021. Members of the public who wish to comment on this item, please call 14156550001. Then enter 146 580 2686. Please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Dylan snyder from the department of homelessness and housing. Thank you very much. Good morning, members. Im the acting director of strategy and external affairs for the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. I use she as a pronoun. Im here before you today with a resolution to authorize an inkind gift for the diversity, equity inclusion, or dei consultant services. The services will be used to support the development of a Racial Equity action plan for the department as legislated by the office of Racial Equity by december 31, 2020. As well as for the homelessness response system. H. S. H. Is committed to reversing systemic racism in San Francisco. And this generous gift by Tipping Point community would support this continued and critical work through the development of data driven equity plans. The gift includes two phases. The first phase reflects a value not to exceed 99,999. And with support for development of the Racial Equity action plan. Building on phase 1, Tipping Point community in its discretion engage a consultant. In a value not to exceed 150,000 to continue this important work in the calendar year 2021. And would work with and support the h. S. H. Manager that the department received authority to hire and the final h. S. H. 2021 budget. The board has not yet considered phase 2 of this work. However, in the event this is approved and Tipping Point offers h. S. H. A second phase of the inkind consultant services, the total value for both phase 1 and phase 2 of the work would not exceed the total value of 249,000. And the terms of these services would commence upon board approval and expire no later than june 30, 2021. And then just like the same Tipping Point community for their generous offer of the gift and recognition of this critical work. And their continued partnership with the department. I thank all of you for your consideration of this authorizing resolution and for your support of h. S. H. s continued work in this crucial area. And also like to recognize and thank the office of Racial Equity for their partnership and leadership in centering equity internally and externally in the city. Supervisor fewer any comments or questions from my colleagues . Seeing none, there is no b. L. A. Report on this, so there is no power point. Lets open this up for Public Comment. Yes, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operation, please let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not already done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Are there any callers . Madame chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer okay. Public comment is closed. I would like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Item number 2, resolution retroactively authorizing the department of Public Health to accept and expend a grant in the amount of 1 million for the Health Resources and Services Administration for parts pace in a programs entitled ending the h. I. V. Epidemic, a plan for america, Ryan White Hiv Aids Program parts a and b. For period of march 1, 2020 through february 28, 2021. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment, call 14156550001. Meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to speak. The system will indicate you have raised your hand. Please wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted and you may begin the comments. Supervisor fewer supervisor mandelman, do you have any comments . Supervisor mandelman no, we have great presentations from the department. Supervisor fewer we have dean goodwin and bill blum. Gentlemen, the floor is yours. Thank you very much. Its a real pleasure to be able to present to you. My name is bill bloom. Im the director of h. I. V. Health services. Dean goodwin is my assistant. We both use the pronouns he, him and his. Well just get started. H. I. V. Health services, were within the San Francisco health network. Were a unit with health care. This if you can go to the next slide. This is an overview of d. P. E. , a plan for the United States, President Trump announced it in the fall of 2019 at his state of the union address. So this is just you can see the overall goal is to reduce by 75 and then 10 years, by 90 . On the left, you can see what is called the four pillars in terms of how were going to end the epidemic. Diagnose, treat, prevent and respond. Our colleague is going to give you another presentation in about a month which will give you more details. So im were going to focus on the part of d. P. H. That provides h. I. V. Care services. This is kind of an overall picture of the total funding. You can see the total amount on the left in the kind of tangerine color for this current year 20 excuse me. And you can see the different agencies within the federal government. Money to distribute. And the highlighted box in front of the dark red, 70 million is going to h. R. S. A. And hab. On the righthand side, you can see all of the combination of states and 48 local Health Jurisdictions that are receiving [inaudible] the notice of funding came to us in august of 2019. We had applied for the 4 million which is the ceiling amount. We were awarded 1 million. We got the highest amount possible in our tier. We began the services in 2020. And then our partners again who were getting the money from the cdc, they received theirs in 2020. We will at least get funding for the next five years. This is a 10year initiative. Certainly precovid and the election, there was a sense this was going to grow on a yearly basis. We certainly hope it will continue to be that solution. But with other stuff going on we dont have surety. On the lefthand side of the slide there next slide, please. Im sorry. Thank you very much. On the lefthand side, you can see the four overall goals related to the pillars. Reducing the infection, improving h. I. V. Health outcomes which will be measured by a suppressed viral load, meaning the virus is undetectable in the blood stream. And then achieving a National Coordinated response. On the righthand side of the screen, you can seed populations you can see the populations identified within San Francisco. Many of these groups are overlapping. A person could be in multiple of these categories. We based this on a lot of data on who outcomes, mean bio logic suppression. I also want to clarify, this is additional dollars coming in. Were not taking from one group to give to another. Supervisor fewer i think excuse me. I think im sorry. Supervisor fewer were on ete strategies. I think what you just said is another page, correct . You are correct. My apologieapologies. The slide on my computer is. Let me take in slide and well go back. Thank you for that catch. There it is now. That slide is up. Supervisor fewer okay. Im sorry. Would you like me to redo the slides . Supervisor fewer no. I think were okay. Yeah. I think colleagues . No, were fine. My apologies for that. Im using a combination of an iphone and a computer monitor. Supervisor fewer okay. Ill keep going. Basically the focus is on treat and viral suppression. The next slide. Advance again, please. Thank you. So this is we were fortunate in San Francisco between the community, b. P. H. And there was early on looking at the h. I. V. Epidemic. A lot of great work was done. Continues to be done. So this is kind of a shoutout to the different groups that have been involved in the epidemic of San Francisco. So just want to call out a few people. Getting to zero task force. Our colleagues at disease prevention and control. Bahi. Archs applied research, and the surveillance branch. As well as the San Francisco h. I. V. Community Planning Council. Theyve been our partner for a number of years with both care and prevention funds. So that concludes my part of the presentation. Well turn it over to dean now to continue. Supervisor fewer thank you. Thanks. Could you go to the next slide, linda, please. Thank you. So this is just sort of an overview of additional areas we identified for the e. T. E. Funding. If more funding becomes available. When the notice of funding opportunity was released about a year ago in august of 2019, h. I. V. Health services conducted about 30 subject Matter Expert interviews with our Planning Council cochairs, internal d. P. H. Leadership, including the director of d. P. H. , clients, consumers and others throughout the system of care. And putting together the 4 million request, we received a million, which was the maximum amount that was awarded. Multiple presentations were done to different stakeholder groups on our proposal, including the Planning Council and leadership. And the proposals that we funded with the one Million Dollars was those things shovelready and up and running so we could compete effectively in years of potential funding. What you see here in the grid are some of the other areas we would look at, potentially funding, more ete funding becomes available in future years. So this slide, the next two slides are just a brief overview of what were currently funding with the one million. As bill presented earlier in those six priority target populations that we were looking at, serving with the funding, those experiencing the most acute health disparities, one of the key things were funding is popup program which is the positive Health Onsite program for unstable populations at ward 86. I know some of you may be familiar with the program already. Just to point out one of the things that we are focused on with this program and this population, overall, h. I. V. Health services and across all of San Francisco, about 77 of h. I. V. Positive san franciscans are virally suppressed, about you within the homeless community, it drops hugely. So only 33 . So one reason for the focus. Ucsf is presenting funded to provide ambulatory Outpatient Health services and some support, Behavioral Health and medical Case Management. And then were also funding a project to provide Psychiatric Care and medical mental Health Medical Case Management to coordinate that. So other funded projects, were looking at h home that were funding with these dollars in the program. H home stands for h. I. V. Engagement and is a Multidisciplinary Team that serves the positive homeless individuals. Linking them with connect to care. And they provide medical and behavioral support ever services in the transgender program. Theyd previously been funded through the spend, a special project of significance that we received from hrsa from 2012 to 2017. And we transitioned both of those to able to transition those to the ryan white grant in 2017. With the reduction weve had this year in the grant, we shifted these over to the ete program. They were a great fit because of the population they serve for two of those significant populations. The other piece here were funding is status neutral services, h. I. V. Health services and chep. Our colleagues that worked on Prevention Services are going to jointly fund navigators and other services to send an outreach team. Which is the end of the presentation. Were available for questions. Supervisor fewer any comments or questions for the gentleman . I have one. Why is this retroactive . You know, i think part of it was that when we applied for the funding, it was presented as ryan white. We were under the assumption it would be an expansion of the grant. When we got the award and were aware of that, again, the process, everything was on hold and delayed because of the covid pandemic. And this was the soonest we could get it scheduled. Supervisor fewe supervisor fewer supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman yes. Thank you for the presentation. Im curious if, is it too soon to have any data on popups and whether its working or not and has all that been interrupted by covid so we dont really know. Where are we on seeing whether popup is working . Actually ill start and then you can add in. So they do data and theyve been up, i think, for and a half now [inaudible] then recently, look at the impact of covid on the adherence as well as outcomes, they found with that population that folks are feeling so isolated and so disconnected, they had higher rates of people coming in, and slightly higher rates of kind of foreign part of peoples experience of just staying connected. So the good news [inaudible] encouraging people to stay more yes. For that group. Thats quite a few challenges. Some folks how can you think about measuring whether Something Like popup is even working . What was the metrics for Something Like that . Measuring the level of engagement and care and the people returning to appointments. And also achievement of viral suppression. With the homeless folks engaged in popup, which are increasing dramatically in a short amount of time. The staff from popup provided a power point to our h. I. V. Community Planning Council in, i want to say, july. Wed be happy to send that over to you all. It has Data Information in there. If you have followup questions, well be happy to provide more information after that. Supervisor mandelman is the doctor still doing popup . Yes. Shes also solving covid. Shes a busy doctor. And the indicators for success actually come from hrsa. It is not different. The cascade, which you heard of, the gardiner cascade, and at a federal level theyre probably going to tighten this a little more with the money based on the cascade. Supervisor mandelman cool. Thank you. Supervisor fewer thank you. And then i have one last question. So are we seeing that we have any increase in infections among black women and are we seeing instances of black women who are pregnant that are h. I. V. Positive . I can give you information i have from about 45 months ago. Dean may have more recent. We can go and look at it. In San Francisco, our population living with h. I. V. Are by and large older than the national average. We compare more with the v. A. System than other parts. Thats also true with our women, especially africanamerican. Most of them are post reproductive years. We do fund a program which does specifically work with pregnant. We havent seen an up tick in that women testing positive. Just to be fair, the h. I. V. Testing diminished because of covid. So you know, probably our last six, seven months we havent done a lot of testing. Supervisor fewer okay. Im just wondering how this is related to black Maternal Health and if were also including them in a specialized sort of group that might need special attention or to be paying attention to it. And we could be sort of overlooking this factor, you know, of actually looking at that Maternal Health. Having said that, there is no b. L. A. Report on this. Lets open it for Public Comment. Item number 2. Yes, operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Let us know if there are callers who wish to comment on item number 2. Madame chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer Public Comment is now closed. Id like to make a this is yours. Would you like to make a motion. Supervisor mandelman i make a motion to forward this to the full board with positive recommendations. Supervisor fewer thank you. On the motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer can you please call items 3, 4 and 5 together . Yes, resolution retroactive approving amendment number 1 to lease, for a total term of february 1, through january 32, 2028 and adjust the annual rent to 8833,000. Resolution number 4 of the United States government and the city by three years ending september 30, 2023 and adjust the annual rent to 569,000 for offices occupied by the u. S. Drug Enforcement Administration at terminal 3. Item number 5, resolution approving modification number 2 of the lease between the United States government and the city to extend the term lease for the position of three years for a total term of november 1, 2012 through october 31, 2023, adjust the premises by adding. 057 acres on plot and adjust the annual rent for offices to 2. 5 million occupied by the u. S. Transportation Security Administration and the International Terminal and terminal 2 and land commence following the board approval. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on these items, should call 14156550001. Meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. A prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Wait number the system indicates youve been unmuted and then comment. Supervisor fewer thank you. Deanna, will you be addressing these as a whole, items 3, 4 and 5, are separately . I can address them as a whole and then take questions after. Supervisor fewer okay. Then we have a b. L. A. Report for all of the reports. Well ask after. Thank you. With the airport. The airport is seeking approval for modifications to leases with three federal agencies. The first one is with the u. S. Customs and Border Protection and annual went of 833,000. The space is used to inspect cargo coming into the u. S. Through s. F. O. Federal law requires the airport to maintain a federal inspection area in conformance with specifications. This lease was brought to the Financial Committee on may 10, 2018 and continued to call of the chair over concerns of the travel ban and the International Passenger processing. Its clarified this is a cargo lease. And the f. A. A. 139 certification, for s. F. O. To operate as an International Airport. Since that time, theyve occupied the space on a monthtomonth basis. The second item is a modification to the lease for the u. S. Drug Enforcement Administration for a term ending september 30, 2023. Increasing the annual rent to 569,000. The space is used for the administration of offices in terminal 3. The agency is responsible for investigations into International Drug smuggling and money laundering. And is critical to the mission of s. F. O. The third is u. S. Transportation Security Administration for a term ending october 31, 2023. And adjusting the rent. The space is used for administrative purposes in the International Terminal and terminal 2, so as the 24hour Coordination Center and for key staff overseeing security measures at the airport. They would be adding the space for storing k9 training aids. The f. A. A. Requires the presence of the t. S. A. At any airport operating passenger processing. The budget analyst has reviewed all three leases and recommends approval, but im happy to answer questions. Supervisor fewer seeing no comments or questions from the colleagues, could we have a b. L. A. Report on items 3, 4, and 5. Good morning, chair fewer. Severin campbell. Item number 3 is an amendment to an existing lease between the airport and u. S. Customs and Border Protection. We reported on this lease when it was originally heard at the may 10, 2018 budget and finance committee. We summarized the terms on page 2. Between february of 2018 and september 2020, the airlines have paid on behalf of u. S. Customs and Border Protection 2. 4 million in rent for the use of the cargo space. Total rent over the 10year toempl the lease is term is expected to be 8. 7 million and we recommend approval. We summarized the terms on page 6. This is a threeyear extension and rent to the airport over the threeyear term is 1. 7 million and we recommend approval. Item number 5 is modification to existing lease between t. S. A. And airport for use of space in terminal 2, the International Terminal and plot 50. We summarize these terms on page 10 of the report. This is a 3year extension of the existing lease. Rent is 2. 6 million and over the threeyear term, 7. 8 million and we recommend approval. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions, can we open this up for Public Comment . Operation, please let us know if there are callers that are ready . If you have not done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. If you are on hold, wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Are there any callers who wish to comment on items 3, 4 and 5 . Madame chair, there are callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer okay. Public comment for items 3, 4 and 5 is now closed. I would like to make a positive recommendation to move the three items to the full board. And could i have a roll call. Yes on the motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you. Can you please call item number 6. Resolution approving the Municipal Transportation Agency contract number 202020, train control services and equipment purchases agreement to provide specialized atcs specific technical services, equipment and Software Upgrades in an amount not to exceed 30 million. With an initial term of seven years. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item, should call 14156550001. Meeting 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, please dial star 3. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Stay until the system indicates youve been unmuted and you may begin your comment. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Mr. Rojas from m. T. A. Is here to present. Is that correct . Mr. Rojas . Hello, good morning. Supervisor fewer hello. Do you have a presentation to share with us . The floor is yours. Okay. Can everybody see my screen . Supervisor fewer yes, we can. Okay. Good morning. My name is david rojas, im technical manager for the muni subway train control system. Im here to request authorization for the director of Transportation Task with thales u. S. A. , our train control provider. Can everybody see . Supervisor fewer yes. We can see that, thank you. The a. T. S. Is equipment and computers installed in equipment rooms which safely wraps trains through the subway. The atcs is managed through a center at 1455 market street. It also interfaces with our station system and automatic vehicles location systems. They implemented a. T. C. S. In 1998. It has a 30 year life. This is a proprietary technology. Its the intellectual property of thales and we must go through thales for upgrade of the system. They have worked with us to help implement Covid Service related changes for the subway. When the subway reopens there will be a threecar shuttle service. Routes for socially distanced passengers without leaving the subway. And thales worked with us earlier this year to implement embarcadero. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that our train control service continues to operate. We must be continuously addressing and improving the reliability of the system. The train control Service Needs to be responsive to changes in muni metro subway operations. We need the help of thales to support other types of Infrastructure Construction in the subway to ensure that the system returns quickly and safely once construction is complete. We need to be able to address bugs, which impact the reliability of the service and cause increased manual intervention on the part of the operators of the system. And we also need to ensure continuity of service through the next generation train control upgrades as the design life of this system expires. So how this agreement works. This is a framework through which we will procure thales equipment and services. This agreement will prevent frequent renegotiation of contracts which can often times delay the implementation of projects. What this agreement does, it fixes the contract terms and labor rates up to nine years or 30 million in work. What i want to be clear, were not actually allocating 30 million with this legislation. A funding review will be performed for each task. And the price scope and schedule is negotiated with the vendor. Once each task is initiated, the contract must be approved using a normal city contract approval threshold, either through the director and the m. T. A. Board and the board of supervisors. This will draw from federal fixed funds. What that is, that Funding Source allows us to use 20 local funds to be matched by an 80 grant from the federal government. My last slide. With the implementation of this agreement, well be able to support Service Improvements such as integrating the surface interlock outside of west portal station with the crossover which was just implemented over the summer. That will allow us to fully automate the west portal shuttle i mentioned previously. Well be able to support subway Construction Projects such as the muni traffic replacement, replacing the track work in the downtown portions of the muni metro subway. This will ensure we have thales on board to make sure we can return the train back to service quickly and safely. There is a backup control center just inaugurated at 1 south van ness. The control center allows the control operations to resume quickly if an evacuation of the t. M. C. At 1455 market is required. And what this task agreement will allow us to do is expand equipment to manage rail service to that facility that new facility in south van ness. There is also limitation our trainers have with the current crop of training tools. This will allow us to build a new Central Control Operator Center so that we onboard staff with the right skills and a more user friendly training environment. Under way in the subway is a project to eliminate vestiges of our 46yearold train control system. Our current acts still had dependency on that. Well be removing that dependency this year, but we still need the task agreement in order to finally remove the equipment from our equipment. And the agreement will support the activation of additional crossovers in the twin peeks tunnel. Some of you may be aware that there have been Service Disruptions due to halts of the main train computers and this will allow us to support upgrades to the system to bring the system back to service in a more efficient, in a faster fashion than is currently possible. Thats the end of my presentation. Ill be able to answer any questions. Supervisor fewer seeing no questions from colleagues, b. L. A. Report. Yes, can you hear me . Supervisor fewer yes, we can. Item number 6 approves the new sole source agreement between m. T. A. And thales. The agreement is for seven years, 2027, with two oneyear options to extend to 2029 and for amount not to exceed 30 million. This agreement has been described by mr. Rojas is intended to provide Technical Support services to the existing train control system. We summarize d the uses of funds on the page 15 of the report. Funding sources are 24 million from the federal transportation administration. And 6 million from the m. T. A. Capital plan. We recommend approval. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Any comments or questions of my colleagues . Seeing none, lets open this up oh, yes. Supervisor walton. Supervisor walton thank you so much. One question. I would love to know what percentage of transport workforce are San Francisco residents . This is a pretty big contract. This is a big contract. Right now there are no local hire provisions given the supervisor walton my question is how many people are San Francisco residents that work for this company . Not what the mandatory hiring requirement. There are i believe two staff that live in San Francisco. Supervisor walton and this is a 30 million contract, correct . So were not actually allocating 30 million. The cap on the amount of work that we can execute is 30 million. Supervisor walton thank you. Supervisor fewer yes. Supervisor walton, would you like any other kind of data from m. T. A. At all . Or is that suffice . Supervisor walton i mean, two people. Only two folks from San Francisco. I dont need any additional information. Supervisor fewer yes. Im wondering. I know this was a sole source contract. And im wondering, have we had discussions actually with the provider about what their hiring policy is for local folks in San Francisco . I can have that conversation. I do know that we have discussed this internally at m. T. A. And its a challenge given the specialty nature of this type of work, which is design and implementation of train control systems. Supervisor fewer sure. I understand theyre one of the only providers of this kind of service. But i think actually, having that conversation would, you know, would be helpful, just to know and every company that we contract with, we have a commitment to putting san franciscans back to work first. Supervisor walton i think ive been yelling that the last few weeks, so folks should be prepared to have that conversation. Supervisor fewer anyone who is listening and preparing to look for contract renewals in front of the budget committee, please know this is a committee that will ask you about the local hire component of outside contractors. Thank you very much, supervisor walton. Seeing no other comments, open this up for Public Comment. Yes, operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Operation, please let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not already done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. If youre on hold, wait until the system indicates youre unmuted. Are there any callers . Yes, i have one caller in the queue. Can you hear me now . Supervisor fewer yes. We can hear you. Great. Testimony. Its david pilpel. Several points here. One, could you please post todays presentation in registrar. It looks like the same as ive seen before, but wanted to compare and thank you in advance to linda for doing that. Two, there is some information in the budget and legislative analyst report. Page 15. That i have not seen before. So i had three questions. The first, can some tasks that are listed on that page in the b. L. A. Report be implemented concurrently, or are they separate and sort of have to be done in sequence . Can some of the time be compressed if theyre implemented during the current subway shutdown, if thats possible. And third, in total, can at least the first three listed tasks be completed in 21 months or less. And perhaps during the shutdown if that continues to fix the splice problem in the overhead. It would be nice if you could ask the m. T. A. Staff those questions or i can follow up separately with david rojas and finally, i support the proposed resolution to perform this necessary work. And thank you. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Any other Public Comment . Madame chair, that completes the queue. Supervisor fewer Public Comment for this item 6 is closed. Mr. Rojas, i believe mr. Pilpel will be contacting you for that information. If you wouldnt mind assisting him with the answers, that would be fabulous. Lets make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Roll call vote, please. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you. Call item number 7 please. Item 7, resolution approving in accordance with section 147f of the Internal Revenue code of 1986 as amended to execution of a tax exempt loan by the California Municipal Finance Authority in one or more series pursuant to financing and in aggregate amount not to exceed 3. 7 million, will be loaned to Pacific Primary School. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment, call 14156550001. Meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Supervisor fewer supervisor preston, anyone from supervisor prestons office here . Official sponsor. Seeing none. The Controllers Office and the Pacific Primary School is here. I think weve had a couple of these come before the committee. You have the floor. Thank you, supervisor fewer. Chair fewer. Im the controller is office of Public Finance and thank you for considering the resolution. Brief background and then as you mentioned, we have anthony and amy representing the issuer and the school, pacific primary. They can speak in more detail if there are questions about that. As the committee is aware, the tax equity and fiscal responsibility act looks for approval for certain kind of debt through joint Powers Authority. The financing is to be issued on behalf of pacific primary, a nonprofit benefit corporation. The debt will be issued three cmsa, a joint Powers Authority to which the city and county of San Francisco belong. Per federal regulations, we published hearing notice on the Public Notices website on september 14, 2020. We held hearing through the office of Public Finance on a toll free teleconference on september 21, 2020. And no comments from any members of the public were heard or received through the public hearing process. To give you background on the borrower. Pacific primary was found by a group of parents raising funds to remodel a site. This school has a strong commitment to the creative arts, the Expressive Arts with the belief that the number one priority is creating for a child a love of play. Equity and inclusion has been at the heart of the mission. Providing them with the ability to Welcome Change and growth. And to create connections. For this website, pacific primary has enrollment of 165 children with 47 staff members. Proceeds of the loan will be used to loaned to the borrower for the following purposes. To repay and refinance in full the amount of finance authority for nonprofit corporations tax exempt loan originally issued in the Principal Amount of 4. 1 million. Originally issued in the amount of 4. 55 million. The proceeds of which were used for construction, acquisition, equipment and other maintenance. And also to pay expenses incurred with delivery of the loan. Assuming all the required approvals are obtained, the authority expects loans to be issued in the amount not to exceed 3. 7 million. The bond is with hawkins and reminder to the committee and public, approval of the legislation has no fiscal impact to the city and county of San Francisco as the city is not obligated for payment on the loans. The project is located in district 5. With that, i will turn it over to you for any questions. Im here as well as the issuer and the representative from the school. Thank you supervisor fewer thank you very much. Apologies, i was reading that aroundy is amy. Are you on the line . Yes. Im on the line. Can you tell me about your school . Is it a k8 school . Yes. Im the issuer though. I think amy would be more qualified. Supervisor fewer is Pacific Primary School a k8. No were a preschool. So we serve 2andahalfyearold to 6yearold children. So you go through kindergarten. No, we dont. Were a preschool. Supervisor fewer okay. Can you tell me basically the breakdown of the percentage of the demographic racially of our participants in your school . Sure. 19 of our students are africanamerican. 23 are asia biracial. 14 are hispanic latino biracial. 12 are other. 32 caucasian, white. Do you have a demographic of income level . I actually dont. I dont have a demographic of income level, but we do serve a diverse range of income levels. This current year we have awarded over 443,000 in Tuition Assistance to our students and families. Last year, we awarded that same amount and because of the covid crisis, we awarded an additional 288,000 to families in need. Supervisor fewer and what is your tuition cost . Currently our annual tuition is 28,000. Were a fullyear, fullday program. Supervisor fewer and do you serve children with special needs . We do. Currently we are serving approximately sorry, 4 of our students are special needs. Supervisor fewer 4 . Yeah. Supervisor fewer okay. Any comments or questions from my colleagues . There is no b. L. A. Report on this. Lets open up to Public Comment please. Yes, madame chair. Operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Operation, please let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those already on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on item number 7. Madame chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer okay. Public comment is now closed on item 7. Colleagues, any comments or questions . Seeing none, lets move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Roll call vote, please. On the motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you. Call item number 8, yes, resolution authorizing the Human Services agency to apply for and september a county Child Welfare agency allocation for an amount not to exceed 459,000 for the California Department of housing and Community Development under the Transitional Housing Program to help young adults secure and maintain housing. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment on this item should call 14156550001, meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. A system prompt will say you have raised your hand. Wait number the system says youve been unmuted and you can begin your comments. Supervisor fewer is ms. Lowe from president yees office here to present . Seeing none, we have suzi and johanna from the Human Services agency. Good morning. Good morning. Im going to be the one. Im director for policy and planning at the Human Services agency. I use the pronoun she and her. Im here to ask that the committee move this to the full board which authorizes the Human Services agency to accept a child well tear allocation for an amount not to exceed 459,200 from the California Department of housing and Community Development. Under the Transitional Housing Program. This Program Helps young adults secure and maintain housing. To give you a little background, the state of California Department of housing and Community Development recently issued a second round of funding opportunity to help young adults in the Child Welfare system secure housing. Statewide, the allocation is 8 million to support the Housing Program for current or former foster youth, ages 1825. Our allocation would be as i mentioned 459,200. In order for San Francisco to apply and accept the state housing funds, the board must approve this resolution. I just wanted to talk briefly about the problem of Child Welfare involved families and intersection homelessness. The instability and homelessness plagues families in our Child Welfare system, young adults still in our care. And people formerly in our care. For the past eight years, San Francisco has been operating a highly Successful Program to help homeless families in the Child Welfare system gain access to housing and, thereby, be able to unify with their children. In the past three years alone, we reported 212 homeless or housing insecure families in our case load. 100 of those families were referred to Housing Navigation services and subsidized housing. And 61 were housed through our supports. Weve been the National Leader in getting a National Grant for families needing to unify with their children but for lack of housing. And a separate state grant. In terms of young adults, specifically, there are currently [inaudible] housing instability in our highcost market last fiscal year, San Francisco had 192 youth, ages 1821 in our extended foster care system. 192, 33 experienced homelessness or lack of housing options. Which is about 17 of young adults in our care. And data from the point in Time Homeless count survey echoes this crisis, 29 of youth responded to the poll of history of foster care involvement and over third of the youth reported living in foster care immediately prior to becoming homeless. The Housing Affordability crisis has spiked and there are fewer and fewer options. So we want to pursue any and all funding opportunities to enable securing housing in San Francisco. This new round 2 opportunity of state funding, San Francisco would be able to program almost a Million Dollars to help the young adults secure housing in our city. For context, normally extended foster care for young adults, as many of you know, when youth turn age 21, however, due to the pandemic this year, the state has allowed youth to remain in our care until the end of the fiscal year, even after they turn age 21. And so well have 75 youth that will remain in our care beyond their 21st birthday, additional folks in the system. After they leave the system at the end of the fiscal year, they face a financial risk because of the supports and services lift, because of the supports were able to offer. Foster youth receives a thousand dollars a month to pay rent via extended foster care services. While we also provide educational and job support. So h. S. A. Will use this specific funding to help these additional youth in our system. And we will allocate the funding according to their housing preferences, working in Close Partnership with the department of homelessness and Supportive Housing. There are three options for the funding. One is to use the funds in the private market. Second option is to use it through a master lease building. And the third would be potential leveraging housing specifically for foster youth and the funding could cover the difference between the voucher and what the youth can afford in the private market. So just wanted to provide a little bit of background on the issue and how we program the funds. And thank the committee during this and particularly supervisor yee for sponsoring the resolution and the other members of the committee who support and champion Child Welfare. Ill be happy to answer questions about the funding opportunity that the committee may have. Supervisor fewer seeing no comments from my colleagues, and there is no b. L. A. Report on this. Lets open this up for Public Comment, please. Yes. Operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operation, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not already done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Would the group let us know if there are callers who wish to comment on item number 8 . Madame chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Item 8, Public Comment is now closed. I would like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you. Can you call item number 9. Yes, item 9, resolution approving and authorizing the director of property to amend the lease of Real Property located at 100 blanken avenue, 90,000 per year for 3 annual increases for initial term commencing upon approval of the resolution and expiring on september 30, 2023, plus two oneyear options to extend. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment should call 14156550001. Meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not already done so, dial star 3 to line up to speak. The system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted and begin making your comments. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Our director of real estate is with us. Will you be presenting today . Yes, chair fewer, i will. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Good morning. Good morning im the director ofrate. I use the real estate. I use the pronouns he and him. I have a short presentation. I am before you this morning asking for your positive recommendation on resolution of a lease of 3,000 rentable square feet at office space to be used by the department of Public Health as part of their southeast child Family Therapy services. Can you see the next slide . This Program Provides outpatient mental Health Services for individuals, groups, family, and also includes play therapy. It is within the Southeast Community of San Francisco. D. P. H. Is analyzing the feasibility of relocating certain programs from the Southeast Health center. 100 blanken is one of the programs considered for relocation. The Southeast Health center is expected to be completed with its renovations in the year 2022, 2023. What this lease basically does, this First Amendment of the lease basically allows for the lease to sync up with the timing of the anticipated completion of renovations. It also allows the city flexibility should the Health Center project be delayed or the relocation plans change. Basically, were changing the existing fiveyear option and turning it into a threeyear extension with two oneyear additional options. The agreement had the fiveyear extension option with the rent at 35. 12 per square foot annually. And no parking. Under the new arrangement, those five years are broken into one threeyear and one twoyear options. The rent is reduced from 35 down to 30 which is a 15 reduction. And the city will be entitled to one parking space. This concludes my presentation. Im available to answer any questions you might have. Thank you very much. Any questions or comments from my colleagues . I have one question. Is this a facility that we would look at to put into our real estate portfolio . Could it be helpful to us in the future on delivering services to that part of the city . The current lease facility at 100, that is a possibility. As i explained previously, the current plan is to move this facility from its current Lease Location into an owned facility once that facility is renovated. Thats not to say that this location might not be useful for another use once that relocation has taken place. Supervisor fewer okay. I see that my colleague, the supervisor of that district, is in the queue, but it seems as though its a spot we have found to be successful to deliver services to that area, that during this time of the real state you know, i dont know, downturn if we have one, just putting it out there. Might be advantageous. I did have two questions. One of them is why havent we tried to purchase the property or have we . To my knowledge, we have not approached the ownership with the purchase. Again, the original plan was to move this into ownership, but at another location. Thats not to say that those conversations cant happen. That might be a question for d. P. H. As to whether or not this facility might suit their needs on a broader scale. Supervisor walton i mean, how do we get lower rent and parking . Because i have an excellent real estate team. Supervisor fewer [laughter]. Supervisor walton thank you. Supervisor fewer thats an excellent answer. There is no b. L. A. Report on this. And so, lets open this up for Public Comment. Yes, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operation, please let us know if there are callsers that are ready. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, wait in until the system indicates youve been unmuted. Are there any callers . Yes, one callner the queue. Caller in the queue. Supervisor fewer okay. It appears that caller hung up. Supervisor fewer okay. Thats fine. We dont take it personally. So supervisor walton, is this an area where tell me about where 100 blanken is. Is this in a community where there are many sort of satellite places for Public Health services . Supervisor walton i mean, obviously, that is relative in terms of there are a whole bunch of services. I would say that we always need more. And thats why it would important for us to try to purchase this and turn this into something we could benefit in our community. Thats relative when you ask that question. Supervisor fewer okay. Because im just wondering, mr. Pan panic, would you have the conversation with Public Health, that this is a facility that could deliver service in the future and would it be valuable to add to our portfolio . Chair fewer, i would be happy to have the conversation. And with the approval of this First Amendment, we have a threeyear window in order to have that conversation. Supervisor fewer thats correct. Lets move this to the board with a positive recommendation. Roll call. On the motion, supervisors walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer can you call item 10. Yes, item 10, ordinance deaappropriating 282,000 from district 7 general city responsibility and appropriating 235,000 to various departments to support district 7 participatory projects and 47,000 to support the district 7 disaster planning projects, deappropriating 25,000 from department of public works and appropriating 25,000 to support various district 7 play safe space projects and appropriating 250,000 from sfmta and deappropriating 250,000 to support various district 7 vision zero projects. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comment, should call 14156550001. Meeting i. D. , i. I. 146 580 2686. Press pound twice. A system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. Wait until the systems indicates youve been unmuted. Thank you very much, madame clerk. This is a product of supervisor yee, district 7, participatory budget process. Do we have francis here from president yees office . Hel hello. The floor is yours. I note that supervisor yee logged in. Supervisor fewer president yee . Youre doing fine, francis. Thanks, president. Just wanted to give you the option. Good morning, supervisors. This is francis. The ordinance before you reappropriates funds designated back in fiscal year 2020 for the district 7 participatory budgeting program. This marks our year 7th and final year of implementing this program. This has been a challenging year with the pandemic hitting just as we started outreach in the voting process. So this delayed our program by a few months, but it didnt stop our progress. To give you a reminder, president yee created it to increase Civic Engagement and forge stronger relationships. It gives district 7 residents ownership and projects that improve their neighborhood. These are projects they conceive of and propose. So residents 16 years and older can submit tore the project. They address topics of Pedestrian Safety, emergency preparedness, or we have a lot of cultural, educational and Small Business as well. Once all the projects are submitted, district 7 residents vote on what should be funded. So despite having to go virtually with the vote this year, we still had over 1500 residents participate in this years voting and program. Very proud of that. For the funding that is being appropriated today, will go toward 19 projects. That includes play safe activation, Disaster Preparedness programs in golden gate heights, west partle. And as well as Pedestrian Safety improvement along ocean avenue and different parts of the district. Since the inception, participatory budgeting has become an integral aspect of forgery, the relationships between the constituents and other Government Agencies and departments. And its really done a lot to support our Small Businesses in district 7. I think president yee has been very proud of the increased activism and engagement of our residents and the projects in the program has been really innovative and really, you know, amplified and supported our neighbors. He asked for your support on this ordinance. Im happy to answer any questions you might have. Supervisor fewer thank you. Could we have a b. L. A. Report . Chair fewer and members of the committee, the proposed ordinance approves funds appropriated for participatory budgeting in district 7. Ms. Shaye has summarized those profits. We show sources and uses on page 17 and 18 of the report. We recommend approval. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. I see no comments from my colleagues in the queue. I want to congratulate president yee on this participatory budgeting program. I think its a fabulous way to get your constituents involved in Civic Engagement and what is happening in their own neighborhoods. So with that, lets open up for Public Comment, please. Madame chair, operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. Operations, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. If you have not done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. Let us know if there are callers who wish to comment on item number 10 . Madame chair, there are no callers in the queue. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. So Public Comment on item 10 is now closed. Lets make a motion to move this to the full board with a positive recommendation. Could i have a roll call vote, please . On the motion, supervisor walton . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. So we have thank you, president yee, and congratulations on a Successful Program. We have a special order, colleagues. It starts 12 noon. Were at 11 53. Im going to recess the meeting for seven minutes. Well rejoin the meeting at 12 were at our special order meeting today. It started 12 noon. Do you have any announcements, madame clerk . Clerk yes, i can provide that after the read the item. Supervisor fewer thank you. Item 11, ordinance amending the administrative code to require employers of employees covered by the Quality Standards Program at the San Francisco International Airport to provide Family Health insurance to such employees and or to make contributions on the employees behalf to an account established under the section 14. 2 of the administrative code. Members of the public who wish to provide comment call 14156550001, meeting i. D. , 146 580 2686. Then press pound twice. If you have not done so, dial star 3. Please wait until the system indicates youve been unmuted and you can begin your comments. This is our chinese interpreter. [speaking chinese] [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] thank you very much. [speaking chinese] [speaking chinese] thank you. Thank you very much. Supervisor fewer so we have our sponsors and speakers. Our supervisor is here. Supervisor mandelman, would you like to start . Supervisor mandelman thank you, chair fewer. And thank you for accommodating our request to do this today at a time certain in order to get to allow the workers to be here. Before you today, we have an ordinance amending the Health Care Accountability ordinance to require the San Francisco airport employers provide expanded Health Care Benefits for private sector employees by the Quality Standards Program. Health care accountability ordinance passed in 2001, requires city contractors and those at San Francisco International Airport to offer individual Health Care Plan benefits to their covered employees, or to make payments to the department of Public Health. This expands it in the following ways. First, it will require that q. F. P. Covered employers either offer family rather than individual Health Insurance. That Health Insurance be platinum level. And it be at no cost to the employee. Or in the alternative, to make contributions starting at 9. 50 an hour on behalf of each employee, rather than the 5. 60 an hour contribution that the department of Public Health to the department of Public Health that is currently required. Second, these requirements must be met for all employees regardless of hours worked. Instead of limiting the requirements to employees who work an average of 28 hours per week, as is currently the case. Far too many workers, the majority of whom are low wage and many live below the federal poverty line, the cost of Health Insurance is out of reach even after the passage of the Affordable Care act. For those covered by individual employer plans, the high copays and deductibles, they forego visits because they cant afford to take on thousands of dollars of medical debt. And thousands of these Frontline Health workers cannot afford family coverage leaving others without insurance multiplying the risk. This legislation could not come at a more urgent or dire time. As the b. L. A. Report notes, s. F. O. Estimates this ordinance will provide quality affordable Health Insurance to more than 4,000 airport employees. All of whom are at elevated risk of contracting and spreading covid19 due to the nature of their work duties which often require them to work in frequent close contact with passengers and coworkers. Airline baggage handlers, wheelchair agents, security screeners and lobby agents must perform job duties that put them in close contact with passengers. Often in areas where passengers are likely to congregate. Airline catering workers spend hours in climate controlled spaces where social distancing is not possible. And ventilation is nonexistence. As they prepare food and beverages for flights and board airplanes multiple times daily to coordinate catering deliveries. Cabinet cleaners must board planes and sanitize surfaces where flights full of passengers have deplaned. The threat of covid19 is just as really for these essential workers as for any other worker on the front line of the pandemic. Especially for people of color, who we know are at increased risk of contracting the virus and suffering its fatal impact. As of today, s. F. O. Has seen 142 confirmed cases of covid19 among airport workers. Earlier this month, a deeply troubling examiner story revealed a covid19 outbreak and attempted coverup by a facility who Services Provider operating at s. F. O. Which employs cabin cleaners and workers who provide supplies, like pillows, blankets and masks for passengers. In recent weeks, Airline Catering workers at s. F. O. Have also seen workplace transmission of covid19. The covid19 pandemic was a new and unprecedented threat to the health of airport employees and consequently to the citys ability to safely and effectively operate the airport which plays a vital role in bringing visitors and residents back to San Francisco when we need them the most. This ordinance seeks to expand coverage to Family Health insurance in order to protect those employees and their families, the community and the traveling public in the spread of covid19 and restore Public Confidence in the safety of air travel to and from the city and county of San Francisco. Leaving airport workers underinsured, not only risks the health and sooft the workers, the family and the public, but further widens the income gap between the richest and poorest in the economy. Budget Committee Members, you will recall weve been discussing the various letter shapes and initially, there was a hope for a v. Recovery where we would rebound. Then there was be talk of a urecovery. And then there is talk and concern about an lshaped recovery, where we get stuck down, not bouncing back. Recently economist have been talking about and actually Vice President biden talked about this in town hall. A kshaped recovery. A kshaped recovery where some, primarily wellpaid white collar workers, are able to work from home safely, continue earning income and stay financially stable, keep their benefits and their health. For these folks, covid19 is a challenge, but it is not impacting their economic status. In fact, some people are getting wealthier. Its not just jeff bezos. But others, mainly lowwage workers like those who work in airports, hotels and restaurants, the vast majority are people of color, are on the other leg of the k. And those folks are at risk of falling deeper into poverty, facing furlough, layoffs and risk missing work if they contract covid19 in their highrisk workplaces. Weve already seen the Airlines Industry claim that Affordable Health care is a cost they cannot afford. The analysis provided by the airport to the b. L. A. Estimates an increase in Airline Health care costs ranging between 8. 4 million and 33 million. I think its worth noting that equates to a projected fare increase of 1. 83 per ticket per passenger. I think it is also worth noting that the Payroll Support Program established by the cares act made 25 billion available to Passenger Airlines. 4 billion to Cargo Airlines and 3 billion to airlines contractors as well as an additional 25 billion available to Passenger Airlines under a separate cares act loan program. We know that the Airline Industry will get bailed out by washington as we go further through this health and fiscal crisis. We also know that their workers will not. I want to thank my partner in this effort, our lead cosponsor, supervisor walton who has been there every step of the way. And i want to thank his legislative aide tracy as well as our other cosponsors, supervisor mar, haney, peskin, safai, ronen and preston. And i want to thank aaron mendy in my office who has been working tirelessly on this for months. I want to thank the workers at local 2 and the teamsters for the sacrifices they make every day to keep our city moving. And i want to thank jane martin, mike casey and peter finn for their tireless work over many years to bring this legislation forward. I want to thank i keep thanking people. I thank our deputy City Attorney lisa powell for all her hard work in drafting this legislation. We have an amendment we can talk about later. But we also have speakers. And i know we have some Public Commenters. I imagine that my cosponsor would also like to say a few things. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you, chair fewer, thank you, supervisor mandelman. I would say that you have summed up everything in terms of the legislation. I just want to add that we want to make sure that all of our workers at the airport are protected and that they are able to provide health care for not only themselves but for their families. And there are a lot of people right now who dont have to go into work every day. Theyre able to work from home. Theyre able to work remotely. But these are essential workers who do not have the same Health Care Protections as other workers in the airport. There is no reason for that. Theyre risking their health every single day. Working with the public every single day. And doing this as essential workers. This is going to make sure that they are able to have Affordable Health Care Coverage for themselves and their families. I am proud to work on this legislation with supervisor mandelman and our cosponsors. And i am just excited about this opportunity because well have more employees covered by health care which we all deserves. It should be a right as we always want to point out. But i appreciate all the work that has gone into this. Glad we were able to get this on the agenda today, so we can work to get this out with a positive recommendation as a committee. Again, thank you so much for your leadership on this, supervisor mandelman. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. So i see that we have yeah. A local 2 worker. I think shes speaking today . Yes, hello. The floor is yours. Hi. My name is. I work for sky ship and i pack Service Carts with drinks, yutensils for american ire airlines. Our health care is unaffordable and stops us from getting the care we need. From my experience, i pay 150 per month for insurance for my company, but the deductible is so high that i have 5,000 in medical debt. I have tried to avoid going to the doctors as much as possible because it is so expensive. Two years ago the doctor found cysts on my ovaries. And i was in so much pain but the surgery cost 2,000. I only make 18 an hour. I couldnt afford it. I have to save up for a year and the cysts were getting bigger and bigger. I was taking painkillers just to get through the day. Now with covid19, i dont want to be afraid to go to the doctor any more. There are already eight workers who have tested positive in one of our other Airline Catering kitchens in s. F. O. Im afraid that i wont be able to afford treatment if i do get the coronavirus. We can no longer wait for Affordable Health care. Thank you. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. And is it louisa . S. A. U. Worker. Assisted by amelia bunch. Go ahead. I work as a cabin cleaner. I tested negative last month for covid19, but i was exposed. One of my workers has tested positive covid19. Knob [inaudible] we work only four, five hours a day. And im scared to catch this virus, covid19, because i might my age, im 60 . And i catch the covid19 and transmit it to my daughter to lives with me. Thank you. Supervisor fewer i think with also have jane martin. Hi. Good to see you. Just wanted to speak to a couple of the details of the policy and why its drafted the way that it is. First of all, this legislation requires affordable Family Health insurance for Workers Service workers at San Francisco airport. The reason that we specify that level of coverage is because lowwage employees cannot afford to pay monthly copayments or high costs for office visits. Otherwise, they and their family members will go without care. For this reason, San Francisco unions have established in the private sector that level of coverage is a standard for lowwage workers in the contracts. Currently the Small Businesses owners that operate concessions at the airport do provide this level of coverage and we believe that Large Airlines and other large employers ought to be able to do the same. This does include directly hired airline employees as well as contributed. What weve seen over and over again at the airport, there is incentive to subcontract when it saves money and then not subcontract when it doesnt. We want to make sure that either way, workers are covered by the Affordable Health care no matter how theyre hired. We know that has changed a lot over time. There has been a question raised whether or not this legislation would result in large layoffs at the airport. We do know while the industry made huge amounts of money as supervisor mandelman testified to and has received billions of dollars in federal aid, they are in a difficult financial position right now. However, the layoffs to stabilize the industry have already occurred. There is a certain amount of staffing necessary to continue operations at the airport. And we believe that any worker that is working should have Affordable Health care for themselves and their family. And then speaking i know were going to talk about the amendment shortly, but i wanted to say its important for us to make sure that workers are offered this health care if they need it and that there is no incentive for irresponsible employers to try to pressure their employees to opt out. We want to make sure that employees have the free choice to get the health care if they need it. I want to make two other points about the legislation. We know this goes towards helping the communities that have been most impacted by the coronavirus pandemic financially and in terms of getting the virus. Low wage workers of color. We heard about the black and latino communities impacted and s. F. O. Is very diverse. Wanted to note there are recent statistics looking at specifically working class asian workers and essential workers. We see when we look at those numbers, if you take out kind of middle class professional asian in San Francisco, the filipino and chinese community, working people, are some of the most impacted as well by coronavirus. A lot of the airport workers fall into those communities as well. And finally, i did want to note that this legislation, although its very urgent given the outbreaks that are happening right now that our employers at the airport will help us in this pandemic under coronavirus, it is to go into place forward into the future. And we know that air travel has played a huge role in the spread of different illnesses, including sars, mers. And were going to need this not just to survive this pandemic which is going on for the foreseeable future, but also for any future pandemic that may come our way in the future. So thank you very much for your support and for hearing this legislation today. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Could we hear a b. L. A. Report, please . Yes. Chair fewer, members of the committee, the proposed ordinance would amend the administrative code to require the Quality Service Program Employers at the airport provide Family Health plans to their employees or to make a contribution on the employees behalf to an account established under the Health Care Security ordinance. The contribution would increase the 9. 50 per hour from 5. 50 per hour. And would cover all employees. The airport would have direct costs for general Airport Security services and hallmark aviation services. The increase cost to the airport is 800,000 per year to 1. 4 million per year, depending on whether the contractors offered Family Health plan under the Current Health plan or whether they would make the contribution of 9. 50 per hour. The airport could have indirect Cost Increases that would be passed through in various ways from Quality Service Program Employers due to the increased cost that those employees would incur. So based on estimated 4200 employees at the airport, 18. 4 million passengers, year 2021, the cost could increase to the employees, the Quality Service employers, not to the airport, from 8. 4 million to 24 million per year depending on the health plan these employees may offer to their employers may offer to their employees or if they chose to make the 9. 50 contribution to the health care ordinance, the cost to the Quality Service program could be approximately 33 million. The cost to passengers as supervisor mandelman mentioned would be estimated 1. 83 per ticket based at 18. 4 passengers in the coming fiscal year. We consider proof of the proposed ordinance to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Lets open this up for Public Comment, please. Yes, madame chair, operation is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. Let us know if there are callers ready. If you have not done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, continue to wait until the service indicates youve been admitted. Could we have the spanish and chinese interpreter provide reminders to callers who wish to comment on item number 11. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] thank you. [speaking chinese] how many each person can speak . Supervisor fewer two minutes. Okay. Thank you. [speaking chinese] [speaking chinese] are there any callers who wish to comment on item 11 . Yes, there are 15 callers in the queue. I will queue the first caller. Im the managing director for state and local government based in the state of hawaii representing hawaiian airlines. Thank you for the opportunity to provide another perspective on this important subject. Im here to speak about the consequences of reduced services contemplated in the proposal by the healthy workers ordinance. If passed this year, and implemented in 2021. Proposal such as this which target the airline sister for sub industry for substantial Cost Increases will further devastate the impact of covid19 and could lead to sustained reduction in s. F. O. This limits competition and restricts growth for smaller carriers. Hawaiian airlines was poised for meaningful growth prior to the pandemic. If traffic returns to normal levels, these cost overruns make it unlikely. It shortterm is not applied fairly when an airline cannot spread across multiple flights and make San Francisco. Prohibitively expensive. We are highly unionized. That means generous wage packages. We do not believe the legislation should supersede our collective bargaining agreements. S. F. O. Is already expensive for passengers. This will have a negative impact on the supply and demand for air service. And result in additional job losses. It will eliminate direct and indirect jobs and over 300 million in annual income to the San Francisco region. On behalf of hawaiian airlines, i strongly urge you to oppose this ordinance. Thank you. [please stand by] [please stand by] 4156550001, access code 1465802686 the goal had been to avoid involuntary layoffs of our employees. Most of our employee groups, we still face that with our pilots. We said goodbye to over 17,000 people through early retirement and voluntary departures as a result of covid. Were a Smaller Airline and will be for the foreseeable future. Here in San Francisco, we lost 100 jobs post pandemic, jobs dropping from 450 to 355 employees in this market alone. We are far from the woods of protecting our jobs and cannot afford the additional costs at this time and could result in fewer people employed. On behalf of delta aliir lines,e ask that you oppose this ordinance. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, next speaker please. Good afternoon. My name is josh dover. Im the director of Government Affairs. Jeff is by no means the largest carrier at s. F. O. But we provide a critical role. Historically, pass passengers increases. The finite resource that is our aircraft, the cost of doing business at an airport is a leading factor. The importance of keeping costs under control has only been exacerbated during the current covid crisis. Higher costs due to policies, s. F. O. Could threaten new entrance like jeff blum from starting new service and decreasing competition and negatively impacting the traveling public in the process. I appreciate you taking the time to address our concerns. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Good morning members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity for us to share our significant concerns regarding the healthy workers ordinance. S. F. O. Is an incredibly important hub to our operation in california for business and Leisure Travel, domestically and internationally. We offer our employees incredible benefits through our collective bargaining agreements, including high quality healthCare Coverage and competitive pay. This pandemic has devastated the Airline Industry. In alaska, we work hard to keep our employees safe and to mitigate involuntary job losses by offering voluntary leaves of absences and early retirement. Today our levels have reduced to 1,600 largely resulting from early retirements and involuntary furloughs which were announced a few weeks ago. Despite these challenges, we continue to offer our employees good competitive pay and top quality healthCare Coverage at affordable rates. We are deeply concerned about the damage this ordinance will cause to our recovery in San Francisco and the bay area and our ability to employing more people and carrying travelers elsewhere. Thank you very much. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. I need an interpreter. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] is [speaking spanish]. I will now proceed to interpret what maria rosa just said. [voice of translator] my name is maria rosa, im 33 years old. Ive been working preparing sandwiches, drinks for Delta Air Lines among other airlines and we need your assistance because our insurance right now is unaffordable. I pay over 300 and then there are copays. I also had several surgeries and i had to pay thousands of dollars in medical bays. I paid a lot of money in medical bills already and in september, i was also infected with covid19. I hoped that my symptoms would not be severe so i wouldnt have to go to the doctor. I shouldnt have to be afraid to go to the doctor and now especially during the pandemic, i am asking that you help us so that we can have medical coverage. Thank you very much. Thank you ms. Rosa. Next speaker please. Hi, my name is reubin. I work for southwest airlines. Thank you for permitting me to comment. Southwest airlines is proud of its records when related to their employees. Over 82 of our workforce is unionized in the highest percentage in the aviation district. We have collective bargaining agreements, negotiated across the country with extremely generous provisions that extend to family members. Currently, southwest employees can choose between a free Healthcare Plan or a premium plan at a discounted rate but its important to note that southwest employees and unions approved these Healthcare Plans to the bargaining process. Southwest has taken the necessary steps to preserve security to prevent layoffs and cut benefits. With the proposal that is approved, it would increase the cost of healthcare during financial challenging times and adding millions of dollars in unnecessary healthcare costs will hinder the Recovery Process and result in consequences. It would reduce head counts in s. F. O. Or shift flights to other airports that are more cost effective. We go above and beyond for our employees and we ask the Committee Members to consider the unintended consequences of this proposal. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your comments, next speaker please. Hi, my name is amy abraham. The chamber prioritizes the house of San Francisco businesses and its employees and believes any ordinance that has an impact on the industry deserves to be fully digested. The airport industry has done their own. S. F. O. Estimate it is direct cost of implementing the proposed ordinance is 83 million, and direct and indirect impacts to 3,000 fewer jobs. Further the Aviation Industry is essential to providing San Francisco with its tourism base, which generated 819 million in taxes and fees to the city in 2019. Its imperative to understand how this ordinance can add further reduction in operations to s. F. O. s ability to bring in tourists. We have further concerns with ordinances on s. F. O. Employers. Restaurants an cafes in s. F. O. Have experienced furloughs since shelterinplace and cannot sustain more costs during co cove covid. We are asking for this to be furthered in a meeting to discuss the impacts it will have. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, connection speaker please. Good afternoon, my name is melinda and im managing director at United Airlines. Im here today to speak with you about jobs, or more accurately the loss of jobs at s. F. O. Which would occur if a proposal set forth by the healthy workers ordinance is to be passed this year and implemented in 2021. Proposals such as this that target the Airline Industry will only further xas rate the Financial Impact of covid19. It could lead to massive job cuts. This is clearly not the intend of the proposal. As you know, united is the largest carrier at s. F. O. Prior to covid19, just at the beginning of this year, we employed over 12,000 workers throughout the airport. Unfortunately just a few weeks ago, we had to furlough approximately 3,000 employees at s. F. O. And 13,000 nationwide, due to the pandemics Financial Impact. It was truly one of the most difficult days we have experienced as a company. S. F. O. Has taken a huge hit and we expect a slow recovery in the future. Contrary to what i heard from some other congressmmments, the couldnt continue. We negotiate collective bargaining agreements which are voted upon and approved by the employees. That include generous wage and benefit packages. We do not believe this legislation should supersede our collective bargaining agreements or interfere with our relationships with our labor partners. S. F. O. Is among the most expensive in the country for airlines and passengers. Significantly increasing the cost of doing business at s. F. O. Will have a negative impact on the supply and demand for air service and result in additional job losses. On behalf of United Airlines and our over 9,000 remaining employees in the San Francisco bay area, i strongly urge you to oppose this ordinance. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Of hello, im david lee. Today is the most challenging environment than i have ever seen in my 23 years in this sector. Its an incomplete view of the cost and risks in this proposal. There are five issues i would like to bring to your attention. It reports the cost of the ordinance of your choice. Stakeholders can pay higher Employer Healthcare costs or higher fees. In reality, the airlines will incur higher costs for both options. Two, cost per industry. 4,260 employees fall within that scope. That contrast according to a surface, united, alaska, southwest, is 11,700, which is 2. 75 times longer than the b. L. A. Figure. Our survey does not include employees from other airlines that serve s. F. O. Such as american, jetblue, and Major International carriers. The ordinance will dampen demand by making air travel more expensive for local residents and visitors. They estimate that the proposal will cost 1. 83 per ticket. In contrast, they estimate the cost to be over 8 for the carriers. The report does not account for the loss for the air service. The proposal will hurt local restaurants, actittractions and shops. It fails to estimate the loss jobs, loss income, and benefits for airline and supply chain employ employees. This will hurt the local economy. It will hinder the ongoing recovery and your time has expired. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Good afternoon, im the director of Government Affairs for American Airlines in the western United States. Im glad to be here to speak on behalf of our airlines. The pandemic has prevented our industry with the most significant challenges we ever faced. We continue to navigate an unprecedented drop in air travel and ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers, as well as the longterm health of our company. Our capacity is down 60 and we continue to evaluate our plans based on current projections. We now find less than 50 of our airlines in the fourth quarter, in internationally, reduced to only 25 of 2019 levels. The worse news of this pandemic has been the loss of jobs in our industry. In total, our team will have at least 40,000 fewer people than when we entered this pandemic. The regional carriers and management, more than 12,500 of our colleagues made the difficult decision to leave the company permanently. 11,000 team members agreed to be on leave. Because of the Financial Impact of the pandemic, we were forced to begin the difficult process of furloughing 19,000 of our colleagues and employees. As we know, the pandemic is not over. The recovery is taking longer than previously expected and will continue for an unknown period of time. Its hindered further by this ordinance. We kindly ask that you oppose this ordinance. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, next speaker please. Good afternoon supervisors, my name is matt. Im representing the Bay Area Council and the 350 employer members across the bay area. To be clear, i dont think anyone is opposed to any employee getting appropriate healthcare, but in this situation that we are currently in, we need to look at the broader ramifications and implications of what is being proposed. In the three months, we lost 2. 5 million jobs, 600,000 of those jobs in the bay area. Our recovery has been slower than the National Rate of recovery. The National Unemployment rate is less than 8 . Were at 11. 5 . Here in the bay area, we are even lagging californias recovery. We only recover add third of the jobs we lost in the first three morms of covid. S. F. O. Has been lynch pinned for our economic recovery. Every job in our economy is dependent on the success of the recovery of s. F. O. Reduce service at s. F. O. Will mean our economic recovery prospects will be greatly dampened and well be looking into the middle of next year before we return to any semblance of job recovery that matches national averages, analyzing all the impacts that this will have across our regional economy. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, next speaker please. Hi, my name is kimberly. I was a cabin cleaner at s. F. O. We make sure the planes are clean and safe. Unfortunately i had an incident where my ankle was sprained doing the security checks. I went to my personal doctor and they said i needed to take days off so i can heal. I had to go to the doctors provided by the company and they said that i could continue to work. Over time i started to work and it got worse. I told my employer that i wanted to go home and they responded with, can you do another clean while i was in pain. So hitting me with the harsh reality that this company does not care about my wellbeing. Also, we work for this company, we work for s. F. O. And we have to go home to our families. The fear is that i have covid. We are up close and personal. So its right after the passengers get off the plane, were in contact with their seats. All of my coworkers go home to their families. The healthcare that is provided, none of my providers may have the healthcare because its not good enough. Were in constant contact. Were in fear that we may catch covid. We all have families we have to go home to. Its free because were putting our bodies and lives on the line for this company and the airport and i think its more than, you know, its only right that we deserve this. Thank you. Thank you for your comment, next speaker please. Hi, good afternoon. My name is shawn williams. Im at airlines for america. Were part of the passenger and Cargo Airlines here in the United States. Im sure its no news to you but to reiterate, the Airline Industry is in an unprecedented crisis right now and cannot sustain such a massive and unnecessary increase in cost at s. F. O. Without devastating outcomes for s. F. O. And for the region and for many of the employees who work there. The airline is and will be in the foreseeable future be in a vulnerable financial situation in the history of aviation. The pandemic has hurt s. F. O. More than other markets statistically and s. F. O. Has among the highest flight reductions in the country in terms of major airports, as well as already as prepandemic, among the highest airport costs in the country. The perhaps unintended consequence of the proposal is very likely to be severe and extraordinary economic pain for the very people who would have supposedly designed to help. Lastly, i just want to complement on two things said earlier, one regarding cares act and one regarding the layoffs. The cares act and the Payroll Support Program was referenced on more than one occasion. Just to be clear, that was a pass route to airline employees to make sure they remain employed, despite the demand for air travel being at a fraction of where it was a year ago. Its characterized as a bailout to companies, but its not. Its a direct pass through for employees. Secondly, the layoffs have already occurred, nothing can be further from the truth. Yes, some layoffs have incurred as a result of covid but the layoffs that will happen is a result of this proposal and its completely unnecessary. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. There are four callers in the queue. If you have not done so, press star 3 to be added to the queue. For those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. Please look at the reminders provided in spanish and chinese. [speaking spanish] [speaking chinese] thank you. Next speaker please. Hello, my name is arnala. Im a wheelchair agent at San Francisco airport. I am concerned that if my family gets sick with the coronavirus or any other illnesses, they wont be able to afford their medical and prescription bills. So if i get sick from my family, i could bring it to work and infect wheelchair passengers. I do not have the option of social distancing from my family or my passengers. There are times that i have held their hands. I am so worried that every passenger that i push that day will all get sick and everyone else on the plane. This is why we are in dire need of your help and i am confident that you will pass a good healthcare for us and our families. Thank you. Thank you for your comment. Next speaker please. Good afternoon supervisors. My name is kevin carol, im the president ed and c. E. O. Of the Hotel Council of San Francisco. Thank you for your time today. With the u. S. Airline industry in the most fragile and vulnerable financial position in the history of aviation, and s. F. O. Moving more flights than most airports since the pandemic began, this ordinance adds unsustainable costs to airlines supporting our airports and will have dire consequences, which will include massive job losses. Our hotels depend on the business and Leisure Travel driven by the airport partners, policies which further harm our financially devastated airline. It doesnt just hurt airport jobs but it has a negative Ripple Effect through our economy. Less airport jobs means less hotel jobs, restaurant jobs, at a time when our economy cant afford to lose more jobs. Our Hotel Industries have been devastated and if passed, this will impact jobs outside the airport and ultimately our economic recovery for the city. I urge you to oppose this ord order ordinance for you and i thank you for your time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Hi, good afternoon chair fewer and Committee Members. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today. My name is cassandra and i work for the San Francisco travel association. Were a Nonprofit Association that market San Francisco as a Global Destination and we sell group business. We are working really hard to bring back visitors to San Francisco and restore San Franciscos number one economy, which is tourism. The timing of this measure is problematic as the Tourism Industry has been completely decimated by the covid19 pandemic. We were hit hardest by the pandemic and we will take the longest to recover. This ordinance targets travel and tourism and significantly increases costs, which will result in additional job cuts, increased services, and increase costs to visitors. As been noted before, weve been devastated by this pandemic and the Airline Industry is at the heart of it with passenger volumes down 70 . The crisis hit s. F. O. Particularly hard with flights down 60 to date. This measure will likely decrease low demand for air travel in an industry that is working so hard to bring back visitors and stimulate San Franciscos economy. The recovery from covid will take years and the crisis is great worse than the Great Recession and 9 11. Our industry is not expected to recover until 2025 at the earliest. Please oppose this ordinance and lets Work Together to bring back visitors, move the businesses that rely on visitors such as museums, restaurants, cultural institutions, accommodations, retail and thousands of Small Businesses and bring back the much needed jobs to over 80,000 employees in San Francisco who rely on tourism for their livelihood. Thank you so much. Hello this is amelia. I am the can you hear me . Yes. I am the coordinator for u. S. Ww air force in northern california. I like to point out that the airlines are subcontracted workers. So those are the cabin cleaners, the wheelchair pushers, the catering workers, so forth, who live below the bay area poverty line and can no way afford the high cost of healthcare. You heard so many of them today. We have seen the Airline Industry wash their hands of these subcontracted workers over and over again. The airlines have been talking about their generous collective bargaining agreements. Their wages and benefits cannot be described as generous. Workers have to work two full time jobs at the airport to survive. We have only been able to improve their working conditions by working with the board of supervisors to raise the living wage on legislation like this to acquire Affordable Healthcare. Its critical more than ever to ensure clean claims and safe travel. Its the price that any passenger would gladly pay for the assurance that the person cleaning and servicing their flight has access to Affordable Healthcare during this pandemic. In order to approve our economy and reestablish public trust so there can be safe travel again, we need to do Everything Possible to ensure essential Service Workers have healthcare. Thank you. Thank you for your comments, next speaker please. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish]. [voice of translator] i will proceed to interpret what the caller just said. My name is conswelo. My work is to provide food and beverage carts for United Airlines. We needed this law because everyone deserves Affordable Healthcare, especially during the pandemic. The insurance at my work costs half of my monthly paycheck and i cant afford it. I have two children. I cant survive paying for such expensive insurance so i never had insurance from my company. Now i am still on furlough but when i return to work, i will be risking infection to provide for my family. I dont want to live with the fear of getting infect with covid19 and not being able to pay the bills. If someone is sick, they should concentrate on their health, not bills that are so expensive that they are impossible to pay. As workers, we should be treated fairly. Medical insurance that cost half of our paycheck is not fair. We need this law so we can be protected during the pandemic and give our kids a better life. Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for your comments. Just want to note that currently there is one other caller in the queue and 25 listening. If you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be entered into the queue. For those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. [speaking spanish] [speaking spanish] [speaking chinese] [speaking chinese] thank you, next speaker please. Yes, how are you doing. This is James Spencer from the airport division. Were just looking for improvement on our healthcare. I just went to a rally today and over 200 people were there, you know, talking about healthcare and we really need this for our families. We also have a petition of over 750 people have signed already saying that we need healthcare for our families. We need Affordable Healthcare. This is greatly needed and i hope that everyone will listen to it. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker please. Of. Hell hello . [speaking chinese] [voice of translator] now i will interpret what the cantonese caller said. Thank you for answering my call today. I work at s. F. O. For five years. Im asking you to support the healthy airport ordinance due to the impacts of the covid19 pandemic. My coworkers and i cant wait anymore to get an Affordable Healthcare insurance. I got a severe Food Poisoning which made me sick while at work. When my colleagues saw me, they wanted to call an ambulance but i told them not to do that because i didnt have a healthcare insurance. I was Getting Better from Food Poisoning, the manager said he could cause an ambulance but said that the company could not help me pay for the medical bill. I was seriously sick and i had no choice. I had to stay in the hospital for four hours. I ended up getting a bill for more than 15,000. I cant afford it. The healthy airport ordinance would ensure s. F. O. Workers could assess a good and Affordable Healthcare. It matters to me, as well as my coworkers. Its very hard to keep social distance in the catering kitchen and some of my coworkers already tested positive for covid19. We cant wait and we dont want to see others get sick and pay for 15,000 bills like me. We ask your support to pass this ordinance now. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker please. Are there any callers in the queue . Hello, my name is hello . Hello. Hello, i work at s. F. O. On the cabinet security. Our healthcare is required and our family has to pay extra amount of money. [inaudible] i have to cover my rent and ultimately 700 if i put my spouse and kids on my insurance. Were blessed that my family does not have health issues, but my daughter has wanted to get dc fb the lol for the longest ti but we didnt have extra money. So if we get infect with the covid19, we can take that to our families an contaminate our families. Many of us are breadwinners in our families because of the climate like covid19 has had become [inaudible] healthCare Coverage, if approved in San Francisco, San Francisco and california and other states, the extra cost that we have to spend on the healthCare Coverage can pay for other things such as groceries and education, or other things such as grocery and education, and free healthCare Coverage ensures that s. F. O. Can tackle the climate like covid19 and save money for employees that the city and the businesses. I ask them to consider free healthCare Coverage so no one should be denied access to free health your time has expired. Thank you for your comments. Are there any other speakers in the queue . Madam chair, that completes the queue. Thank you very much. Public comment is now closed on item number 11. Supervisor mandelman, you have been an amendment before us. I do, jane martin explained it briefly earlier. It should be in your inbox. It relates to the waiver provision right now and this is if an employee already has Health Insurance, they can wave coverage. There is very little currently in the way of documentation or to keep track of that and it lends itself to potential abuse. To address that, this amendment would clarify the circumstance which an employee may offer Health Insurance under the h. C. A. O. It would require that the employee provide proof of Health Insurance benefit and for San Francisco airport employees, that would require proof that the employees dependents have Health Insurance and group form for voluntary waivers would be required to detain those waiver forms and would have to provide a fee on request. That would apply to all hcao covered employees, not just s. F. O. Employees. The amendments are on pages 10 and 11. This is substantive so i would either i or you can move the amendment but we need to continue this for a week. Sure, i see president yee has joined us. Do you have any comments or questions . Yeah, this is a good time for clarification questions. Sure. So, with regards to who were targeting for the benefit, it seems like the people that are the airlines. Are these people that are the employees of contracted services or how does it work . Supervisor mandelman . Yeah, i mean the work of the airport is done in lots of ways. Some of it is done by people who are directly employed by the airline. Some of it is done by contractors with whom the airport or the airline contracts. Sometimes those positions may move back and forth from contractors to the airline. You know, the coverage that employees of the airlines themselves may vary and the airlines themselves can decide whether it makes more sense to hire people directly or to contract the work out. Let me just thank you so much supervisor mandelman. Let me just add president yee that there are contracted employees that receive full benefits and some of the jobs that we are calling out on legislation dont have that same opportunity. What are the differences in terms of types of entities . You may not know the answer, but im just thinking about what this is for. Well, i mean i think we can follow up with you in your office. Im not sure it makes i think you know, i believe we heard from folks who are employees. I think the employees of the airline, depending on their position, have a wide range of coverage, whether for themselves or their families. Some have good insurance and others may not. The folks that are kept away are many low income folks of col color, essential workers. They dont have these protections. It is my understanding also, and correct me if im wrong, that it covers Airline Workers and it also covers people who work in the food prep air for airlines that have no coverage. Its also to give them coverage. Its part of people who work on the airplanes and the airlines and others that pack the food and they dont have healthcare. So, it is also going to give them coverage. Then the people who work for the airlines dont have dependent coverage. This allows them to add to their dependent coverage because they dont have it. Correct me if im wrong. I think you are correct. It may help if jane martin is still on to invite her to speak. Yes, thats absolutely correct. It does those two things, expands family coverage for Service Employees that have coverage and it also expands coverage for Airline Workers that dont have any kind of affordable or individual coverage. So those caters caterers are contracted out . Yes, theyre contracted out by the airline. Okay. [inaudible] as supervisor mandelman just said, those employees are contracted out, those who push wheelchairs are contracted out. We seen airlines bring those workers inhouse when that allows them to lower the cost of benefits or wages. So whether theyre directly employed by the airline or contractor that theyre getting Affordable Healthcare. Got it. So basically, if its companies that they contract with, it will cost them and then the contractors come to the airlines and then they lose money or is it passed on to someone else to pay for . Well ultimately, you know well again, jane may want to weigh in on this as well. Some of these costs and airport co costs, some of them ultimately go back to the the airlines. The airlines use the airport to do their work and then theres a whole economic ecosystem that revolves around that. Its ultimately the cost made, some of them is picked up by the airlines. I forgot who said it, that if it was passed on to the passengers, then it would cost 1. 87 per ticket. Yes, thats from the b. L. A. s analysis. So, in other words, all these costs that were talking about sounds like a big number, but ultimately it goes to customers that pay for it. Were estimating it will be less than 2 out of a thousand dollars ticket. Yes, that is our understanding that we are basing our information on data provided to us by the airport, but yes, as of now, that is our understanding. And if the data is off by 50 , could the number of customers then that are returning more [inaudible] Something Like that . Yes, thats correct. Okay, that makes sense. When youre trying to pick a number, its one way to look at it and theres another way to look at it, the impact here. Like Everything Else in many of these industries, if the cost goes up, the price goes up. So thats why i asked whether its the customer that will pay for it or is it just the airline that is going to make enough money . I dont know what the pattern is. I assume that any Business Model that some of the propositions moved on in the past. It will cost all this money and ultimately they say no, the members will pay for it. Okay, that helps a little bit in terms of in my mind really were the Economic Impact is and will it deter feel from flying into San Francisco or flying out of San Francisco. Im thinking personally, you know, just save 4, im not going to go to san jose. No, im sorry. Im not going to oakland. Okay, so i just thanks for the clarification. By reading, i couldnt really understand everything on there. Sure. Thank you. If there are more questions that our office can help answer, we can try to get more information. Right, because were going to continue this item for a week. So do we have a motion on the table right now to set the amendment that was put before us. Could we have a vote on the amendment. Just a clarification, the amendment supervisor mandelman. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. There are three ayes. And i want to continue this item as amended on the next meeting. On that motion, supervisor walton. Aye. Supervisor mandelman. Aye. Chair fewer. Aye. Is there any further business before us today . There is no further business. Thank you colleagues, we are adjourned. [ ] welcome to the San Francisco remote hearing for october 22nd, 2020. On february 25th, there was a state of emergency related to covid19 on april 3rd, 2020 the Planning Commission received authorization from the Mayors Office to reconvene remotely through the end of the shelter in place and this will be

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