Activity happening there currently until proper Filtration Systems are installed and thank you for your time. Caller my name is anthony and i am a multi generation San Francisco native as well as a resident of the dog match area on minnesota street. Ivory spendly need this company mow greens as well as Barbary Coast and they run a very tight ship, a professional shop and they work a lot with the community and i cant wait to see what theyre going to do in the dog patch. Caller good evening. I have been a resident in San Francisco for 46 years. My office is on cesar chavez and i just want to let you know that i am a social equity applicant that strongly supports 457 mirapos project. Its giving back to the community and to folks that were inaudible for their cannabis offense and this program, i found support. Please, give us an opportunity to have a Good Business here. Thank you. My name is inaudible . I suffer from dramatic brain injury and so therefore im cognitively and physically and emotionally disabled until cannabis was available to me. I have not found managing my disability but i do not have accessible to get to 457 would be closer to me and it would really be helpful to have more competition because i think it would lower the cost because i know longer am available and to work at this point. Thank you. Good afternoon, customers, my aim a resident of San Francisco and i lived me all my life. I am a Small Business owner and im familiar with the location in this surrounding neighborhood. Based on my analysis of this location, i think its suitable for a Cannabis Retail facility. Its accessible by public transportation, bicycle or Motor Vehicle and a developing area that needs new neighbors serving businesses Cannabis Stores provide extra lighting to security, neighborhood clean up and Community Events as well as providing a safe and clean facility with experts on staff for medical cannabis patients to access their medicine. I previously worked with tony and the Management Team for two years and saw firsthand how responsible and professional they were in managing a Cannabis Retail store. He has earned his shot to the Equity Program and i have a new business of his own to counter the impact of the war on drugs has had on his community and the Mission District and on him personally. I strongly suppose Authority Project and i am sure that it will have very positive benefits on the area. Thank you for your time. My name is henry and i strongly support this project. I believe that in a neighborhood and i believe that everyone should be in that neighborhood access of cannabis and actually by security guards that could make the neighborhood safer and they provide san it may and people on the street and provide better place for people to get cannabis and i strongly support this project. Thank you, very much. Caller good afternoon. My name is miranda and i was born and raised in San Francisco. I am raising two children close by and i am calling to fully support the project at 457. Before covid and im hoping post covid well be tending a center for many of memorable shows that you host there and would love to see a safe place to consume cannabis. I would love to see the full hours of being open for full hours to continue to provide a safe place for people to consume in the neighborhood. Its an essential business and it is creating new jobs. I would please ask you to support the project at 457 miraposa. Thank you. Caller my name is michael and im a i live in the residential building to the rare of the property in question and i have a couple concerns. Mainly, you know, im a 21 year resident of the neighborhood. We just got our parks open and the streets paved, mainly because of the chase center, im worried about what happens when this type of dispensary opens up, especially the smoking aspect of it. They have security guards there and it lends to the fact that there might be issues and who is going to take care when we have these issues. Who do we call . The police wont respond. Porter owe weve had issues with smoke entering our building. Measure a pose a. Caller this is lori mack. I live on illinois street. Im calling to oppose this cannabis facility. I can see how this business would love to benefit from the value of the neighborhood, but this business does not bring value to the neighborhood. They would just really benefit from the center there and the new park. Opportunities a good thing for the neighborhood. We could use a market and something that really does actually appeal on a daily basis to the residents that live here so thank you so much for your listening. Caller hello. My name is regina and i live in the neighborhood. Im a strong supporter of these projects because these projects you enhance the neighborhood and green much local economy for Small Business and social equity applicants. Thank you. Well close Public Comment and the matter is before you. Commissioner moore. One question and i do not exactly know who said it, indicated there was of a joining parcel or a parcel nearby where the Housing Operator was intended to buy the project site to build Affordable Housing. Is that anything you are aware of . Michael, before you answer that question, i apologize to interject commissioner moore. We should afford the sponsor and d. R. Rebuttals and mr. Bean has a twominute rebuttal. Ok. It may seem to be an underserved area, according to the project applicant, your own staff report notes that the neighborhood is hitting an effective cap for Cannabis Retailers due to the 600foot rule. Secondly, as mr. Hallahan indicated, we were close, that is the Dogpatch Neighborhood Association and were very close to establishing or agreeing to a memorandum of understanding back in april. The primary issue that kept us from completing that, were the opening hours. The applicant did make an offer for shorter operating hours for the start up phase in his business wit but we felt it was unfair to other retailers in the dogpatch who have agreed to shorter hours. And finally, i would just reemphasize the lack of parking in front of the building. Theres no parking on either side of the street and its very heavily traveled by commuters. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Hallahan, you have a twominute rebuttal. I want to mention, he is correct. We spent a lot of time together trying to work through a m. O. U. And it was very amicable. A couple of things we offered were cleaning services and we were going to clean the area and the sidewalks. We were going to send our people to clean the parks everyday. Were going to have a Community Liaison that will deal with people if theres any sort of neighborhood concerns or anything like that. We have a manager on duty at all times. The security guards are mandated by state law but theyre going to help with double parking, uber drivers pulling up to drop people off for chase center. If people ever smoking on the street, were putting people on the street that will go and prevent that and move them along. I know im not responding to the Public Comment but some of those things are thats the reason behind some of our because we are trying to give Something Back to the neighborhood and were trying to anticipate concerns the neighbors have and take steps proactively to address them which weve done in our proposal, i believe. Thank you. Im the owner of 455 of miraposa, next door, there are a couple issues that havent been addressed. One is i believe theres a clause in the sorry about that. In the condo conversion paperwork where both parties have to approve a change of use. The other thing is, we share a common water meter. How are we going to work that out . They are using more water than i use . Thats it. Thank you, very much. I do apologize for interrupting you. Commissioner moore, the flor is yours and i believe michael, if you what up the to respond to commissioner moores question now. Sure, commissioner moore. Ive never been in receipt of any indication of adjacent property being developed into Affordable Housing. I learned about that today. You first heard that being mentioned . Correct. I just wanted to have that out there. There is no answer. It would be of concern to me and i would inaudible . Thank you. Great question commissioner moore. Thank you for the answer, mr. Christianson. Based on the letter of determination, not dis qualifying the use, ill be supporting today. Commissioner diamond. Im supporting the project and im not in favor of d. R. Because i didnt hear any exceptional o or extraordinary circumstance which is the stand ar for d. R. Would that be a motion . I just have a question to the project response o sponsor or t. This is 5,000 square feet and it looks fairly large. How many people or what is the capacity of this building . The project sponsor can speak to the capacity. Clarify the proposed business is 2,500 square feet. I see, thank you. Commissioner moore. Can the project sponsor answer any question about the capacity . I dont know the legal capacity. I apologize, we would anticipate employees on site at any time and one of the things when we develop this final plan is that some of the neighbors indicated to us during our public they want larger lounge and there were issues of people smoking on the street. Were going to try to make as much lounge space to accommodate people in the Community Tuesday the space. Its 2,005,000 square feet. Its not large insofar i would say its larg its average size. Thank you for that classification. Thank you. I wanted to followup on the reduced hours from 10 00 a. M. To 9 00 p. M. As theyre typical for the dogpatch area. How are other commissioners feeling about that . I would be in support of the shift in hours from 10 00 a. M. To 9 00 p. M. Id like to get the business as much hours as possible just to enable successful storefront occupation. Would anyone care to make a miss. I would make a motion to not take dr and approve as proposed. Second. Second. Thank you, commissioners. If theres no further theres a motion and second to not take d. R. And approve the project and on that motion [ roll call vote ] that motion passes unanimously 60. That will place us on your final item on the agenda number 13201901663, drp2. 375377 hurst avenue this is a discretionary review. Mr. Winslow, are you prepared to make your presentation . Yes, i am, thank you. Good afternoon, president and Vice President moore and commissioners, David Winslow staff architect. The item before you is a public initiated request for discretionary review of building mer might application 2019. To construct a rear addition and exterior stairs and decks to an exist it wouling twounit buildt 377 hurst avenue. The building is one conforming dwelling unit and one non conforming dwelling unit. The rear expansion is to the conforming dwelling unit only. This is a revision to a Building Permit application to legalize portions of the rear wall and to comply with planning enforcement case number 201901266enf. There are three dr requesters. Resident of the adjacent property to the west of the proposed project and Brett Mckinney of 371 hurst avenue, resident of the adjacent property to the east of the proposed project and lisa of 486 resident to the west of the proposed project. All three d. R. Requesters are concerned its out of scale with the neighborhood. It will block sunlight to neighboring properties, impact privacy from decks and windows, and will disrupt the mid block open space and the size of rooms and bathrooms suggest supporting house with independent single room units which is not consistent with the Single Family home this neighborhood. To date theres no letters in support and no letters in opposition. There are circumstances with respect to this proposal and some modifications are necessary to ensure conformity with the residential Design Guidelines as related to building scale at the rear, a access to mid block open space and privacy. They modify the proposal to reduce the extent of the rear extension of the upper two floors no further and three feet from the back rear wall of the neighboring building to the west while maintaining a five foot side setback adjacent to 371 hurst. Reducing the deck at the second level and maintaining five foot set backs from the adjacent property line. In addition, reducing the height of the roof to no higher than what would be required for a roof curb. Staffs recommendation is to take d. R. And approve with these proposed modifications. This concludes my report and i will be here to answer questions. Thank you. We have three dr requesters who will be afforded five minutes each the project sponsor will then get 10 minutes and members of the public will receive one minute. Mr. Mckinney, you have five minutes. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is Greg Mckinney and im getting some echo. If you have your my computer is muted. Ok. Im one of three d. R. Requesters concerned about this project at 375377 hurst avenue. In the photo, the subject properties in the middle house, my house is on the left and i run swiming and softball programs. So the subject property is shaded in orange on the map. My house is indicated with the dark border and the arrows mark the homes of all the three d. R. Requesters. The reason were here today is because the new owners of 375 and 377 hurst avenue received a permit to gut and remodel the house, keeping the original footprint. They violated that permit by removing moore than 20 of the exterior walls. They got caught and were ordered to stop work. Now theyve applied for a new permit to build a new intrusive and oust character house. Looking at the San Francisco residential Design Guidelines there are principles stated up front. Ensure the building scale is compatible with surrounding buildings, ensure that the building respects the mid block open space and maintain light the adjacent properties. Next. We analyze tax accesser data to determine what is the scale of nearby sunny side homes. We considered all the homes on the block plus those on the opposite sides of the four streets. So there are 85 properties included. The Data Confirms what we already suspected. The plan house is not consistent in scale in fact it creates a whole new size category of sunny side house. So this project pushes the envelope to the extreme and every possible way. Building depth, total living space, storage, bedrooms, bathroom, et cetera. This project is exceptional and out of the norm. The planned building will go 0 feet past the end of my house and 30 feet beyond the house at 39. The planned house will disrupt the midblock open space. Today, my deck has access to light and air. But if this overly large and crease i have edition will block sun from the back of my house for most of the afternoon. You can see how close my kitchen grown house window is to the subject property. Its two and a half feet. This window provides significant Natural Light and ventilation of my kitchen. When this edition is built theres significant negative impacts on light, air and privacy. The plan house appears to be designed as a boardinghouse. Bedroom suit suites are set up s bedroom units. All six bedrooms haven suite dedicated barge and a large roof deck party space. This is not designed as a Single Family home. The dr requesters have made several attempts to find compromise but the Property Owners would not participate in any of the meetings. We suggested that they pull back to a depth compatible for the neighboring houses. So we asked the Planning Commission to take d. R. And its too large, it disrupts open space and it reduces access to light and air and theres problems of privacy and it also sets a precedent encouraging overly large intrusive and out of Character Development in the neighborhoods. So the commission should consider three neighbors have submitted d. R. Applications and doing wide neighborhood agreement this project is problematic and 40 residents signed our petition. Thats your time. Thank you. Ms. Etchavary you have five minutes. Can you hear me . Thank you. Hi, good evening, my name is kathy and i would like to thank the Planning Commission for take our question for discussionary review on the project today. A little bit about myself. I grew up on bernal hill and attended the local schools. Im a 15 year resident and a home owner in the sunny side neighborhood. Im first generation san franciscan and my parents immigranted to this country in the late 50s and purchased homes and raised their children here. Ive served over 20 years in the United States air force and satellite and space race and when i retire i returned home to dare for my aging and ailing mother and care for my mentally disabled sister. I am a leader and participant in numerous volunteer community and Church Activity and im also a San Francisco landlord and i add that because i know what it is to own property as a resident and as a landlord in this city. I have nothing against renovations to properties in fact, i see the value in improving property that we own because it not only improves our properties but the neighborhoods in which we live. It is because of