San francisco is surrounded on three sides by water, the fire boat station is intergal to maritime rescue and preparedness, not only for San Francisco, but for all of the bay area. [sirens] fire station 35 was built in 1915. So it is over 100 years old. And helped it, were going to build fire boat station 35. So the finished Capital Planning committee, i think about three years ago, issued a guidance that all city facilities must exist on Sea Level Rise. The station 35, Construction Cost is approximately 30 million. And the schedule was complicated because of what you call a float. It is being fabricated in china, and will be brought to treasure island, where the building site efficient will be constructed on top of it, and then brought to pier 22 and a half for installation. Were looking at late 2020 for final completion of the fire boat float. The historic firehouse will remain on the embarcadero, and we will still respond out of the historic firehouse with our fire engine, and respond to medical calls and other incidences in the district. This totally has to incorporate between three to six feet of Sea Level Rise over the next 100 years. Thats what the citys guidance is requiring. It is built on the float, that can move up and down as the water level rises, and sits on four fixed guide piles. So if the seas go up, it can move up and down with that. It does have a full range of travel, from low tide to high tide of about 16 feet. So that allows for current tidal movements and sea lisle rises in the coming decades. The fire boat station float will also incorporate a ramp for ambulance deployment and access. The access ramp is rigidly connected to the land side, with more of a pivot or hinge connection, and then it is sliding over the top of the float. In that way the ramp can flex up and down like a hinge, and also allow for a slight few inches of lateral motion of the float. Both the access ramps, which there is two, and the utilitys only flexible connection connecting from the float to the back of the building. So electrical power, water, sewage, it all has flexible connection to the boat. High boat station number 35 will provide mooring for three fire boats and one rescue boat. Currently were staffed with Seven Members per day, but the Fire Department would like to establish a new dedicated marine unit that would be able to respond to multiple incidences. Looking into the future, we have not only at t park, where we have a lot of kayakers, but we have a lot of developments in the southeast side, including the stadium, and we want to have the ability to respond to any marine or maritime incident along these new developments. There are very few designs for people sleeping on the water. Were looking at cruiseships, which are larger structures, several times the size of harbor station 35, but theyre the only good reference point. We look to the cruiseship industry who has kind of an index for how much acceleration they were accommodate. It is very unique. I dont know that any other fire station built on the water is in the united states. The fire boat is a regionalesset tharegional assete used for water rescue, but we also do environmental cleanup. We have special rigging that we carry that will contain oil spills until an environmental unit can come out. This is a job for us, but it is also a way of life and a lifestyle. Were proud to serve our community. And were willing to help people in any way we can. Good morning, everyone, the meeting will come to order. This is the september 30, 2020, rescheduled budget and finance Committee Meeting. Im sandra lee fewer. Im joined by Shamar Walton and ra rafael mandelman. I would like to thank kaleena from s. F. Government for broadcasting this hearing. Members will be participating in the meeting remotely. This precaution is taken pursuant to the various local, state, and federal orders. Committee members will attend the meeting through Video Conference and participate in the meeting to the extent as if they are physically present. Public comment will be available on each item. We are streaming the number across the screen. Each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. Comments or opportunities to speak during Public Comment period are available by 415. [inaudible] when connected, you will hear the meeting discussion, but you will be muted. When youre item of interest comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. You can make Public Comment by an email to myself indescernable . If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be forwarded to the supervisors. Finally, items acted upon today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda indescernable . Chairwoman thank you very much, can you please call item one. Item one, resolution authorizing the lease of Real Property indescernable . For an additional 25 year term, with an adjustment of 3 with one fiveyear option system to commence upon board approval and mayor. Members of the public who wish to provide Public Comments should call if you havent already done so, please dial star 3to speak, a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. Chairwoman thank you very much, madam clerk. Colleagues, you may remember we continued this item from last week. This is concerning a lease at 20 Petroleum Incorporated at 598 petroleum drive. This is a long time, Small Business, independentlyowned gas station. And last week i believe that we heard the b. L. M. Report and we had discussion on it. And after we had discussion, i think i brought up some issues around could we actually build Affordable Housing on it. And supervisor mandelman brought up some points on our dependence on fossil fuels and the commitment of california and San Francisco, actually, to go electric and hopefully eliminate fossil fuels, which are killing our environment. Ive had discussions during the week. I just want let everybody know i had discussions during the week with president yee. I understand that this was a compromise that was struck between the department of real estate and also the property and the leasee, and i see president yee, who actually was trying to get on earlier, and had a little trouble, has joined us now. And so i am ready to have restart this conversation or continue the discussion, actually, about this piece of property that is being about this piece of being used as a gas stationp and thastation and hasd as a gas station for a very long time. I see nobody is in the cue, so i wanted oh, president yee, is that okay, supervisor mandelman, that president yee speaks . Thank you very much. President yee, you have the floor. Good morning. Im part of the budget discussion. I cant even get on the thing anymore. [laughter] good morning, and i hope you all had a good night sleep. I actually wanted to make a couple of comments about this particular item. And i want to say that one of the reasons why im here today to speak up is that it has been a fixture for the community for quite a long time. The business owner, michael gareb, has been operating this particular auto care station for decades now. And it is really a fiber of the community. The a few years ago, when there was some issues to where michael had to make some adjustments at twin peaks auto cure, the Community Came out very strongly in saying this business here is something that has been here for a long time. He contributes to the community, sponsoring movie nights, and so forth. So he is not a businessman that is just here for a few years and decided to make some money and leave our community. And after all, he is a legacy business. And i spoke to him recently. And i said, ive known you for a while, and ive known that you have already made some compromises from the original lease that you were asking for, and that now the question i have for you, michael, is, as you know, these are evolving, and it might not be next year, but certainly in the future, that the type of automobiles automobiles will not go away, lets face it. Maybe there will be more people using mass transit and more people taking bikes or riding bikes but the automobile by itself is not going to disappear. So i asked him, what are you predicting in the future . And his response was, you know, im here to make a business run. And if something is not needed, im not going to keep on pushing it. I will make my adjustments. And i said, well, does it mean if there is no need, you know if nobody is buying gasoline, are you going to sell gasoline . And he was, like, no. At some point with whatever the automobiles need, whether it is electric or biofuel, he made the commitment to me that he will make that adjustment. And i believe it because he has been there for so long. When you talk about businesses, if the demand isnt there for a product, there is nothing to sell. So to me, i make this sort of conclusion that if youre going to if there is still a need, maybe there is less of a need in 10 years or 15 years or 20 years for gasoline itself, and we drive everything out of San Francisco as you know, weve done that before we drive somewhere else, which means were going to waste more gas getting to the places, and my prediction is there are going to be other gas stations in San Francisco. Youve seen it. You have lived here long enough, that the number of gas stations have been reduced over and over and over again. And it is sort of a natural sort of extinction in terms of trying to sell gas. There is just not that demand. So, number one, he has been there for a long time. Number two, he wants to stay in business and serve the community, whether it is continuing to do the repairs that they do over there, or whether he needs to switch over to some other form of energy. And so thats im really going out to bat for him because he again, if it was somebody i didnt know, that has been in the community for a long time i dont know how many employees he has, but i go over there once in a while, and i see different people working. And i ask them them maybe not at this time, but a couple years ago, i asked them where are you getting work, and they pretty much all live around here. I appreciate that, and the community appreciates that. And i hope you will honor what is it, the agreement . For this auto care as with the city. And im pretty sure that most of you are familiar with that property. It is a sliver that runs along probably the worst intersection that you would think of in terms of pedestrian. ,00there are cars that shoot through there, and there are about 10 signals going in different directions. And it is not connected to dl over there. It is actually just land in between this. So it is not a continuous type of thing. And, um, ill just leave it at that. I guess im here to just support it. And i hope that you will also send a positive recommendation. Thank you. Chairwoman thank you, president yee. Supervisor mandelman. Thank you, chair fewer, and thank you president yee. I regret having the additional time to think about this lease. But last week when we talked about it, i expressed, and have generalized heartburn, about the idea of entering into a lease potentially for a gas station to stay on there for a potential 25 years. I did point out that this lease does not require it to be used as a gas station. There is car repair, and there is potential for alternative clean fuel, there is a grocery store, a car wash, so there are a lot of things that can happen on this property that are not the sale of fossil fuel. But following up on that hearing last week, i did feel like i needed to better understand what policies the city has already adopted, what weve already committed to, and what our vision of getting to 100 Renewal Energy is over the next decade. So i reached out to our friends at the department of environment, and they reminded me that, you know, last year this board heard the focus 2030 report, which was in response to the Climate Emergency resolution we did. And that report pretty clearly calls for it does call for 25 of all private cars and trucks to be electric by 2030 in San Francisco, and 100 by 2040. Thats the way we get to, you know, not having fossil fuel emissions from cars by 2040, and get to being a zero emission city by 2050. And then also there is the mayors electric vehicle roadmap, which was i dont think it has been heard by this board, but, again, it kind of shows the path to how do we get to a point where we are not continuing to put fossil fuel and gas emissions out into the atmosphere . And in that document, again, consistent with the Climate Emergency resolutions, says all transportation from points starting in San Francisco, our goal that we have and that the mayor has said, those trips have to be emissionfree by 2040. So at a time when, you know, we have clear evidence of Climate Change, when the sun didnt rise two weeks ago, when we see the fires burning, and i think a lot of people have anxiety that our timeframes are too long, and that if it takes us until 2040 to get there, that we should be even more aggressive than that. I dont think i can support a lease that on public land contemplates the sale of fossil fuel past the goals that we have set. And i dont think we can rely on the market to solve this. I think we have to send the direction to the market to change behavior. So for me, at the very least, i would think that we should put in a prohibition, this 25year lease, and it could go to 2050. We should be clear that fossil fuels cant be sold on this property past 2040, recognizing that this isnt a giant oil company. This is a small local business, a legacy business, a good actor in the community. I hear all of the points that president yee raised, which is why im not saying we shouldnt, you know, renew the lease, but i just dont think i can support doing it in a way that will cause us to violate our own climate goals that weve established. So i dont know if that works. I dont know if that is something that other members of this board or president yee want to contemplate. I wont i could vote to send this to the full board without committee recommendation, but i probably cant support this lease the way it is currently presented. Chairwoman thank you very much. Supervisor walton. Thank you so much, chair fewer, and thank you for coming on this morning, president yee. I definitely, 100 appreciate supervisor mandelmans comments. Obviously this is something with talked about, and this is why we have the robust discussion about the item. I think from my standpoint, one of the things that made me okay with supporting the lease is because were talking about a lease that does not guarantee that this would be a gas station for the duration of the lease. And, in fact, there is a commitment from the owner that if the Business Model needs to change, if the Business Needs to change, thats something that they have they will adapt to. And i think that part is important to note. I also do agree with supervisor mandelman in terms of our commitment as a city, and where we stated we want to go in terms of zero fuel by 2040, and alternative fuels and electric cars, and obviously this lease does not extend to that far out. But im wondering, is there an opportunity to include a commitment that supervisor mandelman is asking for in terms of making sure that we dont do anything past that time period with this site that would be counter to our environmental goals . I think that is something that is not too much to ask. But a also want to note that as we continue to have this conversation, i am okay, like supervisor mandelman, if we did forward this without recommendation. But i do want to keep in mind that president yee and the community, the surrounding community, is supportive of this legacy business. They employ people. Tea dthey do not have a service like this in proximity. And were all weaning away from, obviously, using gas, but there is a reality of how people get around right now, and making sure we do accommodate the residents in this city that rely on certain means as we continue to do better for the environment. So i think that it is totally appropriate to have some type of provision that states past this time period, we will no longer allow and accept this use at the site. Even though this lease does not go to 2040, i think making that commitment solid and putting it in writing and documenting it is something that is important. I do agree with supervisor mandelman on that point. Chairwoman okay. Thank you, supervisor walton. I think what im hearing from our colleagues is that theyre not comfortable voting for this with a positive recommendation in this form. That they are open, actually, to maybe some changes in the lease in and around the agreement. And maybe the timeframe, and so im going to suggest that we would maybe send this to the committee i mean out of Committee Without a recommendation and allow the full board to have discussion on it. You know, personally, my questions about this were really about building Affordable Housing on that site, and whether or not that site but i have also been in touch with supervisor yees office and understand deeply how that site is configured, and there is another jurisdiction that actually owns the back of the site, but i thought we own the whole thing, but we dont own the whole thing. So im thinking of Juvenile Hall, and one big thing, but, actually, i think it is much more complicated than that. Lets open this up for Public Comment before we have a vote. Operation is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. Operator, let us know if there are callers. If you have not done so, please press star 3. Please let us know if there are any callers who wish to comment on this item. There are currently 11 callers in the cue. Ill cue the first caller. Chairwoman thank