Okay. Agenda item number 1, call to order. To call the roll call. Clerk agenda item number number 2. President stephen follansbee. Present. Clerk Vice President chris canning . Clerk present. Commissioner Karen Breslin. Present. Clerk commissioner mary hao. Present. Clerk supervisor dean preston. Present. Clerk commissioner claire zvanski. Present. Clerk and commissioner randy scott is absent. President follansbee, we have a quorum. Okay. Can we call the next item agenda, number 3. Clerk agenda item number 3, approval with possible modifications of the minutes set forth in the august 13th, 2020. Is there any discussion on this item . At the corrections or modifications from the board . Ill make a motion to approve the minutes, as presented. Second. Okay. I think we have an opportunity for Public Comment at this point. Clerk okay. The moderator will be opening up the phone lines. The slide presented gives information on the Public Comment callin number, which is 408 4189388, access code 1467291452. For all attendees, please be aware theres a 30second lag time from our presentation to sfgov tv, at which point we will give 30 seconds for people to catch up. And our moderator will let us know when attend eres and Public Comment is open. Thank you, secretary. If you could please at this time we have two callers on the phone lines. Zero callers have specifically entered the Public Comment queue. A reminder to all callers on the line, please dial star 3 now. If you would like to join Public Comment for this agenda item. We will wait five more seconds. Commission secretary, there are still no public callers in the queue at this time. Clerk thank you, moderator. Seeings no Public Comment attendees, president follansbee, Public Comment is closed. , if thank you very much. Well go ahead and call the question, all in favor of accepting the minutes of the august 13th, meeting, Health Service board as presented signify by saying aye. Aye. Carries unanimously. Item number 4,. Clerk agenda item number 4. Vote on whether to cancel the october 8th, 2020, Health ServiceBoard Meeting. Action item. So just as reminder, we cancel the october 8th meeting, toss it is open Enrollment Period and staff under is a fair amount of pressure to handle the open enrollment procedures. So any discussion on this item from the Board Members . I move that we cancel the october 8th, 2020, meeting. Ill second. Okay. So moved and seconded that we cancel the october 8th meeting. Hearing no further discussion, well open it up for Public Comment. Clerk again just a reminder well wait for our moderator to open up the lines after the 30second delay. Madam secretary, if you could please share host privileges with me. We currently have two callers on the line. Zero specifically had entered Public Comment queue. Callers on the line, please dial star 3 now if you would like to join Public Comment for this agenda item. We will wait three more seconds and then close Public Comment. Commission secretary, there are still no callers in the Public Comment queue at this time. Clerk thank you, moderator. Seeing no callers in the queue, president follansbee, Public Comment is closed. Thank you very much. So all in favor of canceling the october 8th, 2020, Health ServiceBoard Meeting, signify by saying aye. Aye. Any opposition . Thank you. It passes unanimously. Ill call for item number 5 37. Clerk agenda item number 5, general Public Comment on matters within the boards jurisdiction. Discussion item. So this item should be open now for Public Comments. Please instruct the host to do that. Clerk all right. Well have that 30second pause. And the moderator will let us know. Thank you, secretary. Currently have presenter privilege. If you could have host privileges, we currently have two callers on the line, zero have specifically entered Public Comment at this time. A reminder to callers, please dial star 3 now. If you would like to comment on this specific agenda item. We will wait three more seconds and then close Public Comment for this agenda item. Commission secretary, there are still no callers in the public queue at this time. Clerk thank you, moderator. Thank you very much. This item is closed. Well now move to item number 6. Clerk one moment. Agenda item number 6, president s report. Discussion item. Thank you very much. So i submitted a president s report into the meeting materials. There are really two items. The first item is referral to the Governance Committee. And just to the Board Members are fully aware of the fact that apparently the City Attorneys Office has decided that each board needs time to have representation specific to the board that does not offer any potential for conflict of interest to attorney consultation and to the system itself. In this case the Health Service system. We implemented this during our closed session member appeal in august. And it appears that i have asked randy scott and the Governance Committee to look at our terms of governance to make sure that we have clarified what situations, which should be quite rare. We would ask that we have specific representation to the board, distinct from representation to the Health Services system itself. No one should take to this to imply that were unhappy with any of the services we receive from the City Attorneys Office. But i think as a matter of good practice, to make sure theres no confusion over the advice that the board is receiving in this situation. So i referenced that in the first item. In the report. The second item is that chair randy scott couldnt be with us this afternoon to report on the Governance Committee meeting on september 3rd. And the report, which he has reviewed, is present for you looking at again the look at the r. F. P. Process, including the scope, objectives, timeline requirements, restrictions for the calendar year 2020, nonmedicare Health Care Options for active and early retirees. Again being clear not covering any of the current medicare plans. So the report is available for you and we will hear more about this in terms of when the r. F. P. Will finally be released to public view, which includes a view by all Board Members. Well hear about more of this i think in the directors report. During the committee meeting, it was raising the possibility of Board Members being present at the earlier points of the process before the final presentation scheduled now for february 2021. Particularly the possibility of some sitting in on the file interview process was raced and direct was raised and theyll report back to the Health Service board with recommendations to the fees county, as well as the definition for the observer role the Health ServiceBoard Members in this point and the process. Well present that hopefully at the november 12th Health ServiceBoard Meeting for discussion, potential action. So that concludes my formal president s report. Ill open it up for discussions, questions from the Health ServiceBoard Members. Anyone have any questions or comments or additions . Hearing none, well open this up for Public Comment. Clerk okay. Well have our 30second lag final. Thank you. You have two callers on the phone lines. None of those callers have specifically entered Public Comment queue at this time. A reminder to all callers on the line, please dial star 3 now. If you want to join Public Comment for this specific agenda item. We will wait three more seconds and then close Public Comment for this agenda item. Commission secretary, still no callers in the Public Comment queue at this time. Clerk thank you, moderator. No attendees in the queue. Public comment is now closed. Thank you very much. So now i call item number 7, directors report. Clerk angel item number 7, directors report. Discussion item. Good afternoon, commissioners. I would like to start my directors report by that our chief mention officer, this is her last Health ServiceBoard Meeting. Quite a few meetings at this point. And i do want to read to you what is forthcoming in a proclamation from the board of supervisors. Whereas on behalf of the city and county of San Francisco, im pleased and honored to recognize pamela on the occasion of your retirement from the Health Service system, throughout your 20 years of service to the city and seven years as chief Financial Officer of the Health Services system. Your work has driven financial and operational improvement, necessary to provide the best care to San Francisco retirees and employees. Your passion to provide Exceptional Service and devotion to your fellow san franciscans is very admirable. Your years of service to our city are truly commendable and represent San Franciscos values as the best. Therefore, i this read that the seals of the city of San Francisco is affixed to this. We anticipate the signature of our mayor london breed. So thank you, pamela. Its been great working with you and i know youre ready to move on into your new life of retirement in a state with healthier air. And so best wishes to you. Id like to give the Board Members an opportunity to comment. Ill take a moment to thank pamela. My short time on the board, ms. Leaven has been extremely helpful. Best wishes to you in the next chapter. Mary hao. I want to wish you a great chapter in retirement and thank you for all the hard work that youve done for this department, also for this board. And for the city and the county, too. Hello. This is claire zvanski. I also want to thank you. I was actually able to read all of the finance reports that you gave and understand them. So i appreciate that very much. And the only warning i have is someone who has now been in retirement a few years is be really weary. People will ask you to do all kinds of things, because they think, oh, youre retired. You have nothing but time. And before you know it, youll end up busier as a retiree than you were as an active employee. So be aware of that. And i hope that even remotely you will consider joining raccsf. Because wed love to have you in the membership any time and so ill figure out how to send you an application. But good luck to you. Enjoy your retirement. And do what you want when you want. Dont let others hook you into anything. Take care. Thank you. Thank you. This is Karen Breslin here. I wanted to congratulate you for one thing and wish you the best in your future, wherever you may go. And thank you for all your work at h. S. S. Thank you. This is chair follansbee. A hard time balancing his checkbooks. But thank you for, number one, your patience and your tolerance its been quite a learning curve for me. I really do appreciate the time youve spent both with the board and in service to our members and the city and county of San Francisco. Also personally on a personal level, to help me understand and progress. Let me know when you stop dreaming about work and have nightmares about the work youve been having to do. Congratulations and best wishes. Thank you. And this is dr. Dean. I just wanted to add my thanks for your service and best wishes in your retirement. As the newest member of the board, i had barely joined the board when i learned of your retirement and was struck by how unhappy everyone around me was about the fact that you were retiring. Probably says a lot about your work. But i really do appreciate the work, especially so much of what you do is work that occurs behind the scenes, is work that enables us on this board to actually play the oversight role that we play and keep the system running. The stuff that i think generally often the public does not see and certainly doesnt know who is doing a lot of that hard work. So i want to thank you for your Longtime Service and wish you all the best in retirement. Thank you. I have a couple of comments. Pamela, [indiscernible] over the last couple of year, ive been honored to work with the Health Service system. I have learned a lot about the Health Benefit business and insurance and about myself. And i have worked in the Public Sector for almost all my career, because i wanted to make a difference in peoples lives. The experience in both this department and the department of Public Health have been tremendously satisfying. I want to take this opportunity to thank my staff for their work, in addition to paying the billing, procuring resources and creating and monitoring two annual budgets. They create the booklet rates, they rate decks produced by anne. They produce two reports for the board each month that are put together to form one report. And they ensure that were not getting overbilled by the plans and continuously update the policies and procedures. Their job is behind the scenes and its critical to the department. I would also like to thank and recognize the contributions contributions of the leadership team. They help me do my job, as much as i help them do their job. Id also like to thank the Department Staff as a whole for their contribution to the success of the department. Finally, id like to thank abbie yant and mitchell griggs. Weve done a lot of good Work Together. Im confident that you will be in good hands with larry, the incoming c. F. O. He has a lot of great experience and hes very smart and talented. Although hes only been here for a few months, hes already made significant contributions to the finance area. And i will be monitoring the changes that are made, of course, in the retirement, early retirement. I will be in mexico the end of october. And i really am looking forward to having another area, another, as people have said, chapter in my life. So thank you so much for the kind words. Thank you, pamela. Just to continue for a moment in the area of personnel, pamela did have an opportunity to be involved in the hiring of one of the interns that we had in the department as the principal accountant in the financial area. Todd carol has just started the last week i think on that team. And its thats kind of a nice circle. The city has a very Excellent Training Program for accountants. And we had an opportunity to work with this gentleman during his training. And as it turned out, he was in the select available for selection when we had an opening. So it was competitive, but he did well and hes joined our team. And were really happy about that. We also in the area of personnel, we continue to struggle with recruitment, with a Member Services manager. The position has been vacant for some time. Were engaging the help of a Recruitment Service to help news that regard. It is a critical position, as im sure you know. And the employee is doing double time, doing that work. Otherwise were pretty steady footing personnelwise these days. I did want to give an update on the r. F. P. To my technical team, if we can call up that slide. Id appreciate it. The notice of intent to issue the r. F. P. Went out a few weeks ago. Weve heard from a number of entities who have engaged and told us they may be interested in respon responding. Mutual confidentiality agreements have been signed, as they entered arena, if you will. Were currently on track for a release date of monday, september 14th. In that process, everyone has access to the full r. F. P. , not the questionnaire. That is housed in a secured manner. But the r. F. P. Itself is readily available for folks to look at. And then theres a preproposal conference on september 16th. We do anticipate questions to be coming in, as soon as we release that r. F. P. , clarifying questions, all kinds of questions that come in. Michael visconti is our contracts manager and is doing a heroic job helping us orchestrate this complex process. And we centralize all calls, all emails go directly to michael. I dont take them. I forward them directly