Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 20240

Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 20240712

And the position that youre going for, whether its a request to me to be a member of a board or a commission, that i have the ability to make appointments for. Or if you decide to run for Public Office. You know, when i decided to run for supervisor, i wanted to be a good supervisor for the people of the district i represent, where i grew up in. And so that entailed making sure i knew how to do policy and legislation and i understand how the process worked and the city worked. And the good news id been on commissions and other places. So i understood it. But i actually went back to school late in life, before i ran, to get my masters in public administration. And i ended up graduating from u. S. F. With honors, because i was committed to making sure that i was the best policymaker for the people that i represented. And im not suggesting that you do that. Its just that whatever role you want to play, you set your sights on that role and you make sure that youre prepared to take it on and all that it entails. And unfortunately in the world of politics, and in the world of public service, it also comes with its fair share of criticism. And i think its going to its really important that you have thick skin. And its important that you have ill tell you i made some mistakes along the way. Because, you know, i want to be honest. Im a girl from the projects. Dont come for me unless you want me to come for you. So i have made some mistakes early on where i have cursed some people out and did some things. And what i had to realize is if i want to represent people, it cant be about me any more. So i cant do what i typically would do if its just me, when im entering the world of politics. So i had to grow a lot in the position. Part of it is just really making sure that you make yourself into the best person you can be. You just the best job you can be and you remember youre there representing other people. Dont let yourself get in the way of that. I agree. And i think, you know, i second that point that you make about sort of making sure that youre prepared and know what is required of you. And i think its also about being prepared to make hard choices. Yes. Because its easy to kind of just fall with the rhetoric, where the wind is blowing. Its really hart not to go hard not to go in that direction. People ask us to be leaders to say based on what you know and where you want to do for community, is this the right choice or is it not. Sometimes may not be convenient, right. It may just be the thing that is not the most popular thing that people want you to do. But you think its the right call. I think its important. I think two other things that you mentioned earlier, i think is really important. Optimism. If youre not somewhat optimistic about being able to make change, politics and Public Office isnt for you. Because youve got to be tenacious, you have to believe that you can do something. Its easy to get discouraged if you dont. A story of tenacity. I dont know if you remember, london, you and i were on a trip to israel, right before the mayor made an appointment to the district 5 seat. Do you remember this . Yes, yes. And i remember so, you know, ultimately the mayor ended up appointing someone else, right. And london still ran, right. Shes like well, im still going to run. I still want to do this. She ended up winning, right. I remember on that trip i remember seeing you. You were like whats going to happen. She was thinking about it the whole time. Even though we were looking at different things, learn being, you know, the diaspora. She was tenacious and wanted to do the job. Because it came across, right. Those a few other things. You have to be optimistic that you can make change and be reallying to work hard. The changes that are really worthwhile, are hard to get to. Yeah. It just want to add. I know we have to wrap it up, i see your communications person. I just want to add that you also i think it is important that you are really prepared to make the hard decisions. And at the end of the day, when you make that, is the right decision, not for your political career, is it the right decision for the people you represented. Never lose sight of that. Yeah. There were a lot of things that i supported that no other candidates supported when i ran for mayor. And people were trying to tell me to change my position. I said but thats not fair to the public. They need to know who i am as a person and the kinds of decisions that im going to make. And thats whats so critical. Dont change who you are to fit into it. Thats where sometimes people go wrong because of what they see in the political climate. Yeah. Totally agree. Because ultimately something has to ground you, right. The things that we talked about, about the things that motivate us to do good, if you keep on changing what that is, im not sure you industrial a direction any more, right. Totally. I really enjoyed our conversation. Thank you. Its been a lot of fun chatting with you. And really just kind of i think it offered people a really unique look into how you think about things and, you know, i think its a great opportunity to just highlight, you know, an amazing job youre doing. Thank you for all of your leadership, especially during a hard time and for joining us. And with that im going to turn it over to vivian so that she can help us wrap up. Thank you, madam mayor. Thank you, madam assessor, for such a great conversation. I really hate to interrupt and come in and end it. It was such a great conversation for all of your stories and sharing your thoughts and the passion behind running for offices. Those are really great lessons for us to learn. So at this point i also want to just quickly go into our tour w challenge 2020. As you may all know, that ever since the w challenge has launched, we have been creating a new challenge every year to uplift women. Also trying to encourage more women to vote, especially for this upcoming election, its so important for all of us. Were going to be running a tenweek social Media Campaign starting from today and all the way up to the election day. We have 100 women from the past century that we have selected. They are local, they are great. Theyve been part of all of the Suffrage Movement, as well as other social Justice Movements as well. So we encourage everyone to go on our website. Im going to be quickly going into it, sharing it on our screen right here. If you go to that home page, all you need to do is to click on the 100 years of Women Leaders here. Then you can read about the details of our campaign. But basically you just need to select two to three women each week and feature on your preferred social media platforms, wchallenge and encourage more women to do that. So were hoping that by uplifting these stories, we are able to encourage more women to vote and take leadership. Just in honor of all of these women that were before us and all that they have done to grant the right that we have today. So thank you so much for everyone who is joining us. We are inviting our partners as well, alison go, president of the league of women voters San Francisco here to give us the final remarks to end todays celebration. Thank you. Alison, the stage is yours. Thanks. Thank you for having me today. I am so touched and really energized to hear the stories and experiences of madam assessor and mayor breed. You know, both as a young woman and an immigrant, really thank you for really your leadership in sharing these moments with us. Thank you for everybody who helped plan this amazing event today. I know normally we would be on the steps of city hall. This is pretty great to hear everyones stories. I can feel the energy throughout San Francisco and a huge thank you to our volunteers kathy bar, who really helped to put this together, on behalf of the league as well. My name is alison go. Im the president of the league of women voters of San Francisco. Were a nonpartisan, volunteerrun organization focused on nonpartisan Voter Education and advocacy efforts here in San Francisco. You know, this election is unlike any election before and unprecedented challenges. Every single time we hear this is the most important election yet. Actually its true this time. And with covid19, the state of california has naile mailed y single voter a battle. This is really, really great. Many of our fellow san franciscans may not be used to the voting process and theres a lot of misinformation out there on how to get the ballot, how to transmit the ballot and election security. First step, making sure youre registered to vote. If youre already registered, youll automatically receive your ballot during the first two weeks of october. And if youre not registered or if youve moved recently or maybe changed your name, you need to reregister. Remember that the Voter Registration deadline is octobe. You can register to vote or reregister on our website at. Wehavelinkstoallofthesethings. And then again if if youre not sure of the voter status and you want to double check sometimes, you can double check the Voter Registration online, same site. You can check what address they have on file to make sure you get your ballot on time. If all of this seems like a lot to remember, go to lwvsf. Org and help make your plan to vote, whether its mailing your ballot in, dropping it off downtown at the auditorium or even dropping it off at your local polling location, just make sure that your vote is counted this november. The league also puts out a lot of nonpartisan voting material. For example, our proand cons guide offers an eas easy to read ballot measure. The guide is budge put togetn many languages to reflect the community in San Francisco. Next month were hosting candidate forums for several of the board of supervisors races. Specifically district 1, 7, and 11. These are free, theyre going to be open for the public. We will broadcast these over zoom and well post them afterwards on our youtube page and theyll be broadcast over at sfgovtv. Org. Thanks to our partnership with them. And guess what, these with always be found on our website on the vote page. The page will be updated throughout the fall, as more of our materials come out. There will be a really great onestop portal for all of this information. So thank you for having me. These next nine weeks, lets get our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues to commit to vote. And make sure that they have a plan to vote, whether its inperson or with the mailin ballot. Please go to wchallenge. Org, especially the women here today. Thank you for having me and please stay up to date on everything the league is doing. You can follow us on facebook or on twitter. Or whic by visiting us on the website. I just saw in chat we have a series of events coming up also. 5 00 today i believe the league is having a partnership with the Mechanics Library and also talking about the Suffrage Movement and tomorrow in partnership with the public library, the neighborhood history project is also having a presentation about the first suffrage march that is happening and was led by a san franciscan from glen park. So stay tuned. You can also visit wchallenge. Org under events to check out those activities that are ongoing. So thank you again for everyone. This concludes our virtual celebration of womens equality day 2020 today. Thank you very much. Welcome to the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission Remote hearing for wednesday, september 2nd, 2020. Before we begin, i would like to enter the following into the record. On february 25th, 2020, the mayor declared a local state of emergency related to covid19. Furthermore, the mayor and governor have issued emergency orders suspend being select laws applicable to boards and commissions. Making it possible to hold Commission Hearings remotely. This will be our sixth rerote hearing. The mayor authorized all commissions to reconvene remotely in may. We are requesting your patience in advance. We have migrated to webex, as a result were getting used to the features. To enable public participation, sfgov tv is broadcasting and streaming this hearing live and well receive Public Comment for each item on todays agenda. Please note that there are broadcast delays when viewing the hearing on sfgov tv. Theres a good 60 to 90second broadcast delay. The callin number is 415 6650001. Enter access code 146 318 9801. When youre connected and want to submit a comment, press star then three to raise your hand, in order to be added to the queue. Please note that in webex, if you press star three again, you will lower your hand. And i will not be notified to call upon you to speak. So just press star three once, please. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes. When you have 30 seconds remain, youll hear a chime indicating your time is done. I will announce your time is up when your time is done and take the next caller. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and do mute your television or computer. Id like to take roll at this time. Commission president hyland. Here. Mission Vice President matsuda . Here. Commissioner black . Here. Commissioner johns. Here. And commissioner so. Here. Great. Thank you, commissioners, we expect commissioner growman to pearlman. With respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes. And we do have one request to speak and well take that caller now. Hello. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is richard rossman. And i came in january when the commission talked about George Washington to ask that they have a hearing or designate the building as a landmark. And nothing has happened since the last communication, heritage and myself got was in june of this year saying that they were going to look into it, which is every email we get from the staff, theyre going to look into it. Amy meetings ago you had a hearing about toeland hall. I dont see why they cant have a hearing and make the mothers building a city landmark. Whats the problem . These are very important murals. These were all done by women artists, that were leaders of the time. So id ask the commissioners to ask staff to set a date when this hearing will be or at least ask the commissioners to ask staff when there will be an update on this. I think waiting nine months is long enough. And so i request that the Planning Commission staff start moving on this process. Thank you for your time. Clerk thank you. I will remind members of the public, who have called in as attendees to the hearing, that if you wish to submit your public testimony, now is the time to press star and three. Well take the next caller. Good evening, commissioner. Good afternoon. Im a renter and im also on the board of the neighborhood association. And chair their landuse committee. Im calling in support of the item number 7, 556 scott street. Through my work ive been working on this project a lot. We havent taken temperature officially. Im just speaking as myself clerk sir, im sorry to interrupt you. Unfortunately were just taking general Public Comment for items not on todays agenda. Okay. Clerk but in order to submit your testimony for consent calendar item, we have to remove it from the Consent Agenda item. So i do apologize for that. But procedurally those are the restrictions we are limited to. Caller no worries. Sorry for the confusion. Clerk thats quite all right. Ill remind members of the public 40, are called into the hearing, to press star then three to raise your hand in order to be acknowledged to submit your public testimony. Commissioners, i see no other persons requesting to speak. So with that we will close the general Public Comment. And we can move on to Department Matters for item 1, directors announcements. I dont believe director hill is with us. Did you want to speak . Clerk she does. And shell speak on the next item. So we will move on to item 2, review of past events at the Planning Commission and staff report and announcements. Good afternoon, commissioners. Elizabeth johnson. Preservation needs. Speaking on behalf of marcell, the department citywide Cultural Resource survey. Just an update. Staff is continuing to do Landmark Program to those operational and social equity. Before returning to h. P. C. To discuss priorities. We anticipate this will occur next month and an information meeting should be calendared shortly with a date advanced calendar. That concludes my updates regarding the landmarks program. Thank you. Clerk thank you, elizabeth. I will only add a brief report on the Planning Commission to notify you that commissioner koppel, diamond, and imperial were all reaffirmed by the board of supervisors to continue on as Planning Commissioners for another fouryear term. Also the Commission Approved a planning Code Amendment that would allow certain limited restaurants to convert to full restaurants in the north beach neighborhood commercial district to allow them to basically resume business during this covid period. The commissioners included a findings recommending to the board that they consider this amendment to all neighborhood commercial districts citywide. If there are no questions or comments, we can move on to commission matters, president s report and announcements. I have no report. No report or announcements. Clerk thank you. Item number 4, commission comments and questions. Seeing no requests to speak from commissioners, we will move on to consideration of items proposed for continuance. Item 5, case number 2018009197 coa 1772 vallejo street. This is a certificate of appropriateness and being proposed for continuance to september 16th, 2020. Shall we take

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