Constant. Peoples habits an preferences and city and state policy always changing and theyll have an impact on the electricity demand in San Francisco. We used the i. R. P. To plan for changes that influence electricity demand and then identify how those changes influence the Electricity Supply portfolios were modeling. Our current work is focussed on analyzing two sensitivities. What if 100 of new vehicle registration in 2030 are electric vehicles. And what if all new construction in San Francisco is 100 electric. For our work now were assuming that would occur starting in 2024. After we complete our analysis, staff will recommend our preferred portfolio for the commission to adopt and that will be submitted to the california p. U. C. The preferred portfolio will tie together our Sensitivity Analysis, findings from our local Renewables Report which we submitted to the commission in february and city and state policy goals. What we submit will serve as a resource road map for clean power s. F. Purchasing and developing activities an meet Program Goals through 2030. We must submit an i. R. P. Every two years but well continue to evaluate our portfolio and plan going forward. In these future i. R. P. S well take into account new information regarding electricity demand, local and state policy changes, Renewable Energy technology and Market Trends and of course new local Resource Development opportunities. Weve also been engaging with the Community Around our i. R. P. At the beginning of the month we held two Virtual Community workshop to provide updates to stakeholders. They were well attended with 19 participants representing 13 organizations. We used the meetings as an opportunity to highlight the local Energy Report as well as the i. R. P. Process we have underway. We also shared information on marketing and outreach and covid19 relief measures, state policy issues and the citys public power initiative. I think by most measures it was a success given the virtual aspect of the meeting. So whats next . We are currently finalizing our modelling work and preparing a written plan with our recommendation for preferred portfolio brought to you for approval at the august 25 meeting. Prior to that meeting, well solicit comments from the public on our i. R. P. Results and recommendation. Following commission approval, we will submit the plan with our preferred portfolio to the california p. U. C. By september 21. And that concludes my presentation. Im happy to answer any questions you may have. Commissioner commissioners, questions . Commissioner mike, in the ven diagram you showed [audio digitizing] in the Program Design we were driving towards the sweet spot. The investment piece is important also but i thought that was more in the cost bucket or maybe theres a fourth bucket that needs to be created because im curious about the job creation this program is promising. Commissioner, you broke up at the beginning but i think youre asking on slide 4 that shows the objectives, the jobs aspect of local investment . Commissioner correct. Do view those as linked together because jobs are a byproduct of local investment. Its not just local investment, operating the Program Creates jobs. In tying our activities as it relates to new Clean Energy Investments and jobs, that is what were referring to in the circle. Im happy to come back and talk more about the jobs that have been created by the program holistically as well. Commissioner i would love to learn more and i know we talked about operationally how jobs have been created through the program but im interested in the Green Energy Jobs potentially be created. Especially when you talk about whats coming down the pike with [audio digitizing]. My hope is clean power s. F. Continues to be a driver and know software and or the hardware and the software of the people power also. Yeah. You were breaking up again but i think i got the gift gist of it and one comment very interested in talking more with you about this. I think onest of it and one comment very interested in talking more with you about this. I think one thing were careful of look at direct and indirect job creation and theres an economy around clean energy. Of course clean power s. F. Is the supplier of the electricity and there are things we do that are more direct that may result in job creations. Others and i just want to take poi point. Commissioner i still want to get in the weeds. Even indirectly were responsible and if we dont make more if were not more responsible we can make anybody else responsible. I think its important we do that as well. And there was a slide where you had sensitivity. Im not sure which one that was. What are we being sensitive too . I see that a lot. Im not sure what it means. I appreciate that. The term were using is related to the analytical work were doing and its changing one variable in the model that were running. So think of this work as theyre actually multiple stages in it. Think of it in many ways a big mac problem. Were Running Software that analyzes a bunch of variables like the Renewable Energy supply of different technologies, the cost. When San Francisco uses electricity when were projecting San Francisco will use electricity. And a sensitivity is, well, what if we change one of these variables. How does that affect the outcome . The variables were focussing on for our Sensitivity Analysis in this work is changes to San Franciscos demand as a result of some of the decarbonization policies were expecting will change consumer behavior. And one of those is electric vehicles and another that were ing is Building Energy use. Moving from natural gas to electriconly buildings. Does that help answer your question . Commissioner not really. I just think when youre using terms like that im not familiar and i would rather have it because i think its important. I want to know more. I think i would like to have that spelled out a little bit more and then i can getized get used to seeing its it. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis,used. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis,seei. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis,ts. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis,s. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about sensitivity analysi it. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis, i. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about sensitivity analysi it. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis, it. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis,it. Understood. Commissioner and you talked about Sensitivity Analysis, anyway, when you say it was good what are you looking for and when we Say Community participation, we should have some idea what wed like to see. And then we can all know whether it was good or not. Theres a base. Just to say it was good and maybe theres five people, i would just like to have a little bit more of a clear idea where were trying to go when we Say Community participation. Okay. I can provide initial response but you may recall, commissioner, we provided a list initially to have the meetings probably when we were expecting to do this in person. I dont have at my fingertips the full count of organizations but it was a pretty long list. I would say probably 30 or 40 of the organizations under that participating i think our goal with the meetings was one, we wanted to introduce what we were doing with the i. R. P. And share work done with respect to local renewables but we also wanted to ice the opportunity to sort of introduce clean power s. F. To a bunch of organizations within the community that may not have been all that familiar with what were doing. So we did provide an overview of what weve been up to with clean power s. F. Over the past couple of years. We provided opportunities for breakout discussions and our goal in that breakout discussion was really to hear more from the attendees about where their interests might intersect with the work we do to learn from that and think how to better engage with the community. So i think we made progress on that. We also wanted to provide an opportunity for questioning for members of the community to ask us questions about the work were doing. I think we succeeded in that. I wouldnt say it was perfect but it was a successful first effort especially given the Virtual World weve been operating in. Commissioner thats good. Thank you. Thats adequate. Thank you very much. Commissioner any more comments . I have a question on slide number 3. Its something i dont think ill ever learn or understand. Are you saying on the graph that large hydro isnt going to count . Is that what you said . Thanks for asking that. We review large hydro as renewable but the state of california in create the renewable Standard Program which was intended to increase the development of Renewable Energy technologies and shift the state more towards those technologies, does not count certain hydro electric facilities as eligible for that program. Theres just a distinction between the states view of what is eligible for renewable. Wed like to refer to it as big r renewable versus little r renewable which is generally a renewable resource that is clean that does not emit Greenhouse Gases, for example. So we are including large hydro electric as a resource option in our modelling. What we wanted to show is the green bar are a floor for technologies only eligible for the california state program. The blue portion could include resource s that are eligible and hydro electric. Both types meet the citys goal of decarbonizing the system. Does that help . Commissioner truthfully, i dont think ill ever understand. It doesnt make sense to me. I thought the state reversed that and now accept large hydro. There are some exceptions. Theres a threshold related to the size of the facility. The state for example, considers in its Program Efficiency improvements to even the large lands that were previously not eligible as eligible. Hydro is an interesting one in the states program. There are a lot of conditions and rules. The message were trying to communicate here is fairly simple is that for that sort of 30ish percent of the portfolio when conducting analysis were allowing large hydro to be in the mix. Commissioner okay. So were allowing it . Yes, were allowing it to be part of our supply mix and targeting the 30 as the potential share. Our modelling effort is cost and to drive the outcome. Were looking for the best resource to meet the goals that clean power s. F. Needs and what the Commission Said forth for clean power s. F. Commissioner okay then im getting closer on understanding it. Thank you for your explanation. Madame secretary, call for Public Comment. Clerk members of the pub public who wish to comment on 6c dial 18882733658 and access code 3107452 then and pound then pound again and then 1 and 0 to be added to the speaker line. Do we have callers . We have several callers. Caller thank you for the presentation we look forward to commenting on which particular scenario goes forward. And its like changing one dial to see the change. Were doing our best to make sure all is electric. We encourage more regular power update readings. Other have their on a regular standing basis for stakeholders or at least some do. A great example is nce. I encourage you to look on their website the Community Power collision includes basically all Community Stakeholders in their territory that engage with them. [chime] clerk youre time has expired. Caller thank you. Ill use she and her. This is important and im looking forward to the detailed plan to be presented that will be submitted to the p. U. C. Im looking forward to reading that. I think we need to take an aggressive stance for our acquisition of renewables im supportive of a building electr electr electricification of vehicles and so i want us to have more to go forward. I heard a debate about hydro electric. That is Greenhouse Gas free. As an agency and brand our renewable should be based on solar and wind so we dont have the questioning over does high dry qualify. Its clear cut and look at geothermal. Lets bring it forward but we need to be aspirational in acquiri acquiring purely renewable resources. Thank you. Clerk do we have other callers . Theres one. Caller hi, commissioners. This is melissa whyu im an organizer with the sierra club. We appreciate your continuedyu organizer with the sierra club. We appreciate your continuedyu organizer with the sierra club. We appreciate your continued engagement with stakeholders and support and i just want to make one additional comment we recommend you look at a lower metric ton. Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Clerk thank you. Are you further callers . No other callers. Clerk Public Comment on item 6c is closed, madame president. The next is 6d the delegation of authority report. This is craig lyman and currently monitoring the meeting so i will be presenting this at this time. Clerk thank you. As you can see theres one item, one contract on the list that was a sole source contract. This contract between the month of april and june was a 6,000 contract with green Energy Annual verification process the super green product offering. A fivepoint contract. Because the contract was less than 10,000 no competitive solicitation was required however, in the interest of fairness we performed an informal solicitation by reaching out and questioned folks who applied. One we entered into a contract with. The other indicated they were not interested in performing the work. That completes my report. Commissioner commissioners, any discussion, questions . Madame secretary, can you please open it up to Public Comment. Clerk members who wish to provide Public Comment on item 6d dial 18882733658 access code 3107452 and and pound then pound again and 1 then 0 to be added to the speaker line. Do we have any callers . Madame secretary, there are no callers in the queue. Clerk Public Comment on item 6d is closed. The next item is 6e water ent price Capital Improvement program report. Im going to share highlights from the water enterprise Third Quarter report on work performed january through march. [please stand by] the program has a cheefed d 35 completion. Inspection of the beta vision pipeline number two was performed on the city valve lot and found to be in Good Condition which will significantly reduce the scope of work for that project. The reservoir improvements continued in final design. Anticipated to be advertised very soon. As i explained before, minor interruptions were experienced at the end of the First Quarter due to the shelter in place. Ill walk through some highlights to go over some of the great work going on out there. This scaffation is bein ex scaf. That will be construction out there around the same period. Next slide, please. In january 2020, sft c submitted a letter to the safety of damns including a commitment and draft scheduled to our 18 u unregulatd damns. The water enterprise vip will additionally address the damns in the regional system as well as damns in the local system. This highlights some of the improvements happening now, and these will be going on for quite some time. Next slide, please. For the San Francisco ground water supply project for the park. Phase two construction of these wells were 90 complete in the Third Quarter. The bottom photo of a worker wearing a mask during the Third Quarter. These wells will be converted for potable use. That brings us to the west side recycle water project. The Treatment Facility at the ocean side water control plant is for than 50 complete in march. The top photo shows the concrete walls and some of the piping thats being constructed. This project has made significant progress in the last six months. The pump station shown until the bottom foe oh photos is more th complete. We can also see workers working with mafng masks on. Main replacement continues to replace one hundred to one hundred fifty year old Drinking Water pipes in San Francisco streets. At the end of the Third Quarter seven miles of pipe have been replaced for the year. Sneak peek of the last quarter, due to the reduced traffic in San Francisco due to covid 19