Casting this meeting. To protect the employees and the public due to covid 19 the meeting in the chambers is closed. Due to state and federal orders and directives. You can participate in the meeting through video conference. Comments are available through each item on this agenda. Comments or opportunities to speak during Public Comment period will be available during. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly. Turn down your television and radio. You can make Public Comment in the following ways. Provide Public Comments via email, it will be forded to the supervisors and be included in part of the decision file. Thank you very much. Can you please call items one, two, and three together. Sus spendin suspending the ct policy and recurring expenditures. Item number two all estimated receipts and expenditures of the city by july 31. Item no. 3 annual salary ordinance and annual budget ordinance for the fiscal years ending 2021 and june 302022. If you wish to give Public Comment on these items police dial 415 6550001 the meeting i. D. 1465718890pound pound and press star three to be added to the speaker queue. Madam secretary will you please open up Public Comment on these items. We have two caller ns in the queue. I will unmute the first caller. Good morning supervisors. I hope im on the right item. I dont see the agenda. Im an African American native since the 40s. Im standing in solid yairity witsolidarity toform a more perr domestic tranquility and asking you to pass the entire 120 which is a modest amount for the next two years for the black community. Im asking that explicitly it would go to the black community for Health Emergency and when you direct fund frs from our poe department. We have to ensure Police Resources respond immediately thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi. Im the executive director of thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Madam chair, that completes the queue. Thank you. Public comment for items one, two, and three are now closed. Welcome to the final day of the Budget Committee meeting. This revised plan is our response to feedback from the public and colleagues this is not the final list. Were figuring out how to give feedback on more priorities. Programs and services cut or reduced in the mayors proposed budget. Targeted investments in black communities and covid 19 response and food security. We have some business to get to this morning and well recess this meeting to finish doing our work to finalize the spending plan. This morning i would like to have a presentation to item number one. We h have some final work to Don Department of public health. We also have the ability to further reduce departments budget without calling departments back to this committee. We will include those deliberations as we finalize the budget. With that, let me call our controller and also our mayors budget director to discuss item number one. You have the floor. Good morning, madam chair. The city has a number of financial policy thats have been adopted under procedure nz ths inthe charter. One time revenues should match one time uses in the budget. That policy was adopted eight years ago at this point. The budget thats before you though has three hundred thirty two Million Dollars of one time revenue resources and less than that in one time uses. Theres an imbalance between those as we talked it out earlier in previous weeks. Thats permitted but it does require the board to suspend that financial policy for the upcoming period. Thats what the legislation before you here today does. Thank you very much. Do you have anything else to add . No, madam chair, nothing to add. Thank you very much. So, i think well helpany colleagues have any comments or questions about item number one . Seeing none, lets go ontooh, yes. Go ahead. I just wanted to say that im very supportive of this item. I just wanted the public to know that while this is not normally a prudent budgetary strategy were in a very very unique and strange year where we have many Revenue Generating measures on the ballot that we hope will pass in november. That will make this one time usemake the use of one time funds for ongoing costs a prudent strategy right now to teal with crisis we have in the city. Because we have potential new revenue coming in that could fulfill those needs in the future. I thought it was important to explain to the public why im going to be supportive of this resolution. We do have a plan for those on going costs in the future. If those crucial ballot measures didnt pass, which i hope will not be the case, well have to come back as a committee and redo the whole budget any way. Well take care of this issue. Just to explain to the public what the thinking is behind this measure. It might appear financial irresponsible, it isnt. Thank you for that clarification. I think it was very helpful. Thank you supervisor for giving that explanation. Since were not going to be able to find out until after november, i doubt if this particular budget compli commitl be handling it but yes. Good luck to everyone. We cant do it without supervisors until we finish the bummingebudget. Okay. Here we go. With that lets here from our departments. Department of public health. First i wanted to make an announcement that we have asked also, we have two departments that we asked to come back. One was the Fire Department. We were able to come to a agreement with the Fire Department that we will not be bringing them back today. This committee would like to reject to cut the funds the department is able to identify six hundred fifty thousand dollars in cost savings in two years. Is this committee in agreement with this plan. I think i see agreement. Mr. Controller no. Sorry. I have a question. The only question i really have is the identified additional cuts. What are they . They found additional cuts in overtime and in the travel budget. Overtime cut is how much of the cut is left . Mr. Controller, do you have those numbers . I do, madam chair. Let me pull them up. Its three hundred ten thousand dollars in the first year of the two year budget. Three hundred five thousand in the second year of the two year budget. All but a couple thousand dollars of that is to overtime. That couple thousand dollars is the reduction to the travel budget that the chair mentioned. And whats left in that line item . Are they cutting anything . They are eliminating the travel budget in year one with those reductions. The reduction to overtime does leave a remaining overtime budget for both years but its reduced by those amounts. I could get you those amounts if that would be helpful. Yeah. The only thing im worried about is all these fires. Were going to be extending these for mutual aid. I want to ensure that the budget will be able to cover that. Through discussions with the Fire Department and the chief and the financial officer. They recommended this cut from their overtime. It was their recommendation not the bla or our recommendation. They assumed they had enough then . Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much. Are we in agreement. Lets give the controller the indication that we are. Can you please note that theres a thumbs up. We accept the recommendations for cuts this department. Thank you very much. I just want to say because i do have the floor and ability to that i have three Fire Fighters who are in my district and i want to wish them great health and be safe during this time of the fires and thank them for their service. Now we go to the department of public health. Dr. Ko colfax. I believe there were a few residual issues for us to address. Can you give us an update that shows your existing budget. I personally would like to followup on a conversation on infant health investments. Are we able to dedicate general funds money into these programs. I believe theres a question about Testing Capacity for the Community Hubs. Dr. Colfax you have the floor. Thank you. With regard to the three items that you mentioned. We will go in order and our budget director will provide further information to the conclusion for health sf and the other questions you had. I will turn it over to mr mr. Wagner. We have a solution that appears to work from a technical and budgetary perspective to get us where we hope to be. Essentially what this is is in the mayors budget submission there was an assumption thati dont have the exact figure but eight point x Million Dollars was associated to the Capital Budget for Mental Health sf plan. Were able to fund that cost with a one time cost measure. That creates a surplus available for the first year in the two yeer budget. Year budget. It allows us to expand the number of joint crisis teams to six which would provide 24 seven coverage to those teams. That budget balances over two years and then of course as we discussed that the previous hearing, it does leave the issue in the third year, theres a deficit of eleven point four Million Dollars that would be unfunded and i understand theres conversation about the use of additional revenue it fill that gap. Just that third year issue that this expansion would not be in this budget funded in the base for the third year. Any comments o comments or q. No questions or comments with gratitude for all their scored nary work oscorednaryscorednart. Good morning supervisors. Thank you, chair for giving me the opportunity to respond to the concerns youve raised that weve heard loud and clear. Were fully committed to addressing Prenatal Health disparities. Up to this point we have really relied on state and federal funds, grants and philanthropic gifts as youve noted to help health disparities. This new item in the budget this year is our first major investment to augmenting those funds most of which continue in building a sustainable cohesive coordinated program thatto bring those together into a coordinated set of programs all with the same Population Health projects which are to reduce disparities due to preterm birth among African American birthing and low birth weight and moabith morbidity and mortality. Address different silo ses and address different points of this complex problem. We know many disparities in this determinants of health that impact pregnant women including depression, including poor access to prenatal care during the first trimester, including gestational hypertension. We know there are disparities. Instead of the number of programs coming at it from different points our commitment with this new funding is to continue and augment some of the successful initiatives which have been started at the state and federal level building on the gifts that we have received to support this work. Were excited about the direction were going but we know what weve been doing up to this point is a thousand flowers blooming phenomenon. With a collective impact approach, we think we can do better. Thats where were going in the future. I hope to report back to you on what our targets are. How to track those targets, narrow disparities and really address this in a very meaningful way for our families in the scommin coming year. You mentioned there was a new investment . In this years budget almost six thousand dollars of new funding for these programs. I think theni understand what youre saying. I think it is in the right direction. As we sit on the legislative branch. This could also be recommendations brought to this board around things like housing, food insecurity, and those types of safety nets that we need to get to actually before these women are pregnant. How do we support their children afterwards. I think that working in coordination and everyone, when you look at these Health Determinants it starts before then. Before even pregnancy. How do we create a safety net around these women so when they do give birth and have children they are healthy and able to thrive. What i was really looking for was a general Fund Investment in this. I feel like San Francisco need it put some skin in the game. Its not just enough to say philanthropy. In San Francisco this is an important issue and were going to dedicate our hard earned tax dollars to this because this is what San Francisco does. Thank you so much for your attention to this major issue. You did draw out the number of investment which is 600k. Is this for other programs to address infant mortality. Yes. That budget item includes 200,000 for the dual Access Program which as you may know started up this year with seed money from San Francisco health plan and bpm c. It also includes two hundred thousand dollars for the abundance birth project and another almost two hundred thousand dollars which actual ri would blywould be in our officeh equity. That would provide staff which we hope will help us do this coordination work to bring together the different programs and see where we have synergies. Really through this collective impact approach pull together all these programs with Community Input and make sure our dollars are used in a meaningful way where we see the health impact. Community and likely to be greater risk than there was earlier in these settings with children. It was also clear on the call this morning with the cadence of testing in these situations certainly there needs to be testing of those adults and children. The degree to which theres a optimal benefit is achieved is not clear. There obviously has to be balance of many of the testing needs that we havethe science around how to do this the best is rapidly evolving. In the context of where we are for covid 19 more resources for testing will allow us to do more. Were looking at having many of the people who would be engaged in this activity to have coverage through private insurers and have private insurers cover this. Were looking at all of the options on the table. Our testing budget is substantial thats proposed and cad icandidly, i think had we n the covid 19 spread, weve been clear that more resources may be needed to do everything as practically as possible. Now having said that i just want to reiterate that there will be some risks in these contacts and in certain situations there will be out breaks even with mitigation. In the context of prevention activities the maps and cohorting of groups and good hygiene practices. There are differences in terms of transmission risks versus Young Children versus middle schoolers. I know you are focusing on the hubs right now. I think what we do to engage in the hubs just as we take the learning from the camps and day care for the hubs. The hubs would help better inform what we do in other educational institutions as they reopen. Unfortunately, i dont have a concrete number for you to tell you, this is absolutely enough. Because this such an evolvingthats what i would say is in the context of where we are and where were headed, certainly i think having Additional Resources in the budget would give us more ability to expand more testing. This is one of my Top Priorities in the budget. I think these hubs are the most essential way that we can help families get through this crisis and fight the achievement gap that has plagued our School System for a very long time. We want parents to feel as comfortable as possible and we want the adults to be as safe as possible in there. I will fight for, i know my colleagues feel the same way. Well fight for what you need and were try to go come up with a figure that makes sense. The figure that we came up with is three point five million, and matching money so it would be seven million matching for the hubs. I know you cant say with certainly but does that say its a fair estimation to greatly run the risks of the hubs . To appease every concern we would test everybody everyday. But thats not feasible. This will certainly help and give usi dpes m guess we havenn able to weigh in on this with the cadence and subject matter that our proposing here. If those resources were made available and we talked to subject Matter Experts at u c sf and there were a site modification or modification of that cadence of best evidence available at the time. I would say based on the current state guidelines as we currently reviewed them, this is more adoptive than what the state is recommending for schools at this time. Once again San Francisco would be lead inning our efforts to mitigating the spread of the virus in these situations from a health perspective, we obviously want to focus on covid 19 but the educational component, the warning gap, we know this has direct Health Effects on kids and their developments. I want to emphasize this is a Health Development mitigating because learn sing can key to familys health. Lastly, i just wanted to followup on the west side Community Health center, a main provider of public health. I wanted to make sure that i restated the black community has been very vocal about not tieing up investmen investment in the k community. We would not like to put it for the black community on reserve. He did give us a blue print on how to ensure transparency through reports of proposed expenditures, this will eliminate the bureaucratic barriers and allow the black community along with the hr c to decide how these expenditures are expended. This is the black communitys request. We asked you to come back to us withare you saying that you are suggesting what we did with director torres recommendation to put this on reserve an