Item. Comments will be made in the order that they are received. When the moderator announces that Public Comment is being made, press starthree to enter the queue. When prompted, callers will have the standard three minutes to provide comment. Ensure you are in a quiet location, speak clearly, and turnoff any t. V. S or radios around you. Clerk item 1, roll call. [roll call] clerk general Public Comment. Members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any item within the commissions jurisdiction that does not appear to the agenda. Speakers may address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or personnel. Commissioners are not to engage in conversation or debate with a speaker. Lack of response does not necessarily indicate agreement with Public Comment. Commissioner covington thank you, madam speaker. Are there any public speakers that would like to comment at this time . Clerk there operator there are no Public Commenters. Commissioner covington okay. Public comment is closed. Next item, please. Clerk approval of the minutes of the meeting of july 8, 2020. So moved. Second. Commissioner covington okay. Is there any Public Comment . Operator let me check. There is no Public Comment. Commissioner covington okay. Public comment is closed. [roll call] clerk the motion is unanimous. Commissioner covington okay. The next set of minutes, please. Clerk minutes from regular meeting on july 22, 2020. Commissioner covington is there any Public Comments on the minutes from the meeting on july 22 . Clerk there is no Public Comment. Commissioner covington thank you. Ill entertain a motion. So moved. [inaudible] ill second. Commissioner covington okay. [roll call] clerk the motion is unanimous. And minutes from the special meeting on july 29, 2020. Commissioner covington is there any Public Comment . Clerk there is no Public Comment. Commissioner covington okay. Thank you. Is there a motion to approve . So moved. Second. [roll call] commissioner covington the motion is unanimous. Next item, please. Clerk item 4, chief of departments report. Thank you. Good morning, president covington and commissioners. This is my report for todays Commission Meeting. Just a brief covid19 update. The we have had 15 positives, and we currently have five in quarantine. Two members were hospitalized and have been released but are not back to work yet, but were hoping to get that under control. Since weve not had father green, weve had several priests step up to be interim available for us on an interim basis for a couple of months until we get that program up and running. Budget update. So with we have hearings this friday, the 14th, and then on the 20th. Were meeting with the Budget Committee board of supervisors. So far, i have met with supervisors walton, fewer, and ronen to discuss the budget, and, you know, there are some significant cuts in this years budget, but, you know, my biggest thing is i do not want operations to be impacted, and so that is what weve been going with. Weve also been talking, you know, about our Frontline Services and how we really stepped up during covid, you know, and our hope is that the budget that we submit to the board of supes will be approved, but time will tell. The mayor did add in the budget 2 million for a Critical Response team funding, which is similar to e. M. S. 6, but it is it is were going to be working with a department of Public Health advanced Health Care Practitioner and a peer support individual, someone who has either experienced homelessness or addiction, and we are going to address Behavioral Health issues on the street, so ill keep you all updated on that, as well, and we will have simon pang at our Budget Hearing to talk about this program on friday and on the following week. And there was an article in the chronicle yesterday, as well. I dont know if you how that, but it was about our community paramedics. Very good article. There is an Economic Task force committee that is led by assessor carmen chu, and i have assigned fire marshal dicoscio to sit on that committee and discuss how the city can reopen safely. And where we fall in that is to ensure that we have safe access and enough access to all buildings and streets and and dan dicoscio and his team have been working hard on that. Weve also been asked to look at it from a lens of equity to make sure that all businesses, especially Small Businesses have the assistance that they need to open. You know, thus far, i believe weve lost 300 Small Businesses in the city of San Francisco. We met with myself and cd2 and cd3 met with Los Sombreros and we continue to meet with groups. Weve been doing our station visits again, covid safely, of course, but, you know, in the last week, ive got to station 11, 12, 14, and 15, and i have one more to do, and the rest of the command staff is also stepping up and doing theirs, so i thank them for that. And then, there was a hearing held at the government audit and Oversight Committee discussing recruitment and hiring in our department, and and definitely talking about, you know, looking at it through the lens of equity and you know, and i also want us to look at that through our promotional process, which is why we want to we are working towards instituting inhouse training and classes for everyone who want to promote. They can get access to them here. We are still a ways away from completing that, but we are moving forward, and i want it to be in place after were gone, so and then, you know, in that government audit and Oversight Committee, i also spoke to our Testing NationalTesting Network and some other things that we might be able to change moving forward. Of course, those things cost money, but and i also spoke with e. M. S. Corps, and i spoke to supervisor walton on this, and im hoping that he can take the lead on this and get it funded for us. Weve got all the pieces in place ready to go; we just need the funding. And that can be sort of a pipeline into the Fire Department, into e. M. S. For sure. We do have several members, several people who went through the e. M. S. Corps in the east bay in our department now. And then, i attended the e. M. S. Bumpup academy and then an event with supervisor walton, where his fraternity donated some n95 masks to the Fire Department and to seiu nurses. And last, i just want to talk a little bit about mutual aid. Our Mutual Aid Program has about 220 volunteers that train for wildfires. Its a volunteer program, and they sign up to be available during the fire season, and they need to commit to a 15day deployment if necessary. We respond to requests from nine bay area counties or emergency fire services. And chief mello and chief baker are our two point contacts in this. Theyve been involved in a lot of our wildlands program. So we own five engines that we bought from caloes, and we use them to respond to fires. We also have a program, o. E. S. 1, that we staff when requested by o. E. S. This year, were going to be able to host three type 6 engines, which are basically mini pumpers. So o. E. S. , like i said, is allowing us to host them. So we will have three mini pumpers, type 6 available. We can use them in the city, but when we are asked to, we will be staffing them and sending them on a deployment, as well. We are reimbursed for costs associated with under the california mutual aid system, and mark corso knows all about that. But for personnel that we deploy and then a personnel that we need to cover those folks here. And there are some real covid plans that have been developed for our fire plans this year, and that includes measures in base camps, feeding units, sleeping accommodations, and our crews will follow our own Covid Protocols when deployed. And that concludes my report. Commissioner covington okay, chief nicholson. Thank you very much. Is there any Public Comment on the chiefs report . Clerk there is no Public Comment. Commissioner covington okay. Public comment is closed, and ill go to my fellow commissioners. Is there a question . Okay. Vice president feinstein . Yes, let me find the chief. Did i lose her . No, i have six minutes, six minutes before i need to go. The members that tested covid positive, and you said there were 15 plus five and quarantine and two members hospitalized. Where were they assigned . Are we talking about firefighters, you know, folks from e. M. S. , just to get an idea of what were looking at . Yeah. Initially, we had some folks from e. M. S. 6 who were staffing a particular site that were infected, but most everyone else is from the fire side of things, and when i say five people are in quarantine, that doesnt necessarily mean that theyre covid positive. Theyre just in quarantine because they may have been exposed. Thank you for that clarification. Youre welcome. Commissioner covington were there any other questions . Commissioner cleaveland . Commissioner cleaveland, youre muted. Commissioner cleaveland all right. Can you hear me now . Commissioner covington yes. Commissioner cleaveland one thing you talked about, chief, the National Testing for recruits. If we get rid of that, well have to develop our own, is that correct . Correct, and thats what we used to do. M. T. N. Was brought in as a costsaving measure. It was not brought in because commissioner cleaveland sure. So that is the best thing for San Francisco, yeah. Commissioner cleaveland is that better than just coaching recruits on tests before they take the test . Is there any way to have Training Classes for the recruits before they have to take their tests . In other words, giving them some idea what was going to be asked on the who is going to be asked on the test so they can learn whatever they have to learn. Yeah. There was a little bit of background noise, so im not sure what you said, but let me address what i think you said. Were looking at all sorts of alternatives, and we currently have a Racial Equity officer and a Racial EquityAction Committee, so were looking at these issues and sort of how we can best commissioner cleaveland and make the jump. I get it. Thank you. Yeah. Commissioner Covington Commission commissioner nakajo . President nakajo thank you, commissioner nakajo majority of times our citizens call the Police Department, and now, the Police Department has a protocol, as well. Im not going to say to not properly respond because i know now that theres different priorities, so i find it real interesting that they formalized this team because they seem to be more effective. But it is a result on the leadership and a core that we established in e. M. S. Team 6. I think that reflects our work that were doing, salvaging e. M. S. 6. As a social worker, it becomes the services of the various agencies, the Fire Department to the department of Public Health, that were taking the definition of services to our public citizens in San Francisco still to the point of where were trying to save and rescue our citizens, and its much more of a Behavioral Healthmental Health System that were forming. I dont think we realized that in terms of where were going, to get some folks relief frequent fliers, we called them i just think its really important for the city and county, in the budget process, as well, particularly the Fire Department and e. M. S. 6. Thank you very much, chief, and thank you, very much, madam president. Commissioner covington thank you, commissioner nakajo. Chief nicholson, i will hold my questions until later. I know you have to go to the mayors meeting of the department heads, so thank you. If you do have questions about mutual aid, chief velo can certainly speak to them, but i am going to mute myself and make myself go black, and i will be back. Commissioner covington okay. That was the chief of the departments report. Is there any Public Comment on the chiefs report . Clerk lets see. Theres no Public Comment. Commissioner covington okay. Thank you. So then, we will go to chief wyrsch. Good morning, madam president covington, Vice President feinstein, commissioner cleaveland, commissioner imagi commissioner nakajo. Clerk actually, can we go back to Public Comment . I do see a hand raised here. Commissioner covington okay. Thank you, chief wyrsch, for holding on this. Caller, can you hear me . Yes, i can hear you. My name is francisco dacosta. How are you, commissioners . Commissioner covington mr. Dacosta, im fine. Mr. Dacosta, you have three minutes. Thank you. I was listening to several meetings yesterday, and they were talking about the Homeless People and people that were suffering on our streets, the relative department that deals with the homeless folks was not present for the meeting. And we constituents of San Francisco appreciate when the Police Department and the Fire Department have to go and deal with the situation because its an emergency situation. But commissioners, we have reached a stage where so many people are slowly dying on the streets of San Francisco. Its faster than you can think, and it would help if we can address the situation as crimes against humanity. Because those of us who lived here in the 50s, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, until today, know that for the majority of the time, we did not see so many tents, so many Homeless People on the streets of San Francisco. But what is important to note is that a lot of those who are on the streets of San Francisco today are middle class families. Some, father, mother, and children, and we have to do a needs assessment. The Police Department, the Fire Department, the City Attorney, the Controllers Office, and you know, commissioners, some of you all know i participate in these meetings so i can address the concerns on my block. So i want to thank you all very much. I havent attended in a long time, but i used to attend your meetings a long time ago. Please, on behalf of the people, do your best. Thank you very much. Commissioner covington thank you, mr. Dacosta. Are there any other members of the public that would like to comment at this time . Clerk there are no other members of the public. Commissioner covington okay. Thank you. Then Public Comment is closed, and we will go to chief wyrsch. Deputy chief wyrsch good morning, again. I want to say thank you to marina and theresa for their assistance. This is my Operations Report for july. Can everybody see that . No. Commissioner covington i dont see anything i mean, i see you, but i dont see the report. Lets see here. I actually dont see chief wyrsch other than hes grayed out and pushed in in a little bubble. I might have to get jose in here. Chief velo . [inaudible] excellent. Deputy chief wyrsch there we go. Commissioner covington there we are. Thank you. Deputy chief wyrsch ill get this down before i retire. So we had six greater alarms in july. The first [inaudible] deputy chief wyrsch there were no injuries. This fire is still under investigation. This was chief broadbecks fire. This was a fire in the restaurant. They were utilizing the roof as part of the restaurant, as you see here. That was a fire that was attacked on the exterior first and then a second alarm was pulled because we had an interior attack and exposures on the bravo and delta side. All companies did an excellent job. The second fire here was a third alarm. This was a third alarm at 1917 hours on the 10th. This is assistant chief r rex hales fire. This fire was at 1927 washington. They reported heavy fire on the second floor, so a third alarm was struck. Fire did damage to three buildings. The strategy was very aggressive. Again, it was a very heavy volume of fires, and the companies did an excellent job at keeping this a third alarm. It could have easily gone to a greater alarm. All right. Our third greater alarm was a second alarm, and this was on the 10, at 3745 spruce. This fire is also under investigation. This was an offensive interior attack. All companies extinguished the fire rapidly. A second alarm was pulled, though, because of an exposur