Transcripts For SFGTV SFMTA Board Of Directors 20240712 : co

Transcripts For SFGTV SFMTA Board Of Directors 20240712

It is slow today. No problem. Operator this question is now in question and answer mode. To alert the speaker, you have a question, press zero. Each question will be heard in the way it was received. This is Public Comment for minutes on june 30th. So if you wish to address the board on the minutes, dial 10 now. There are no callers. Chair Public Comment is closed. Motion to approve. Chair is there a second . Second. Chair secretary boomer, can you please call the role. role call . Five communications, madam chair. Item 13 regarding the caltrian sales tax has been removed at the request of staff and proposing amendments to the board of directors and we will schedule a special meeting for members of the public to hear our item and for us to act. If you wish to address the directors today on this topic, you can do so under general Public Comment on items not on the agenda. Again, so the caltrain sales tax measure will not be heard at the end of the agenda but will be heard in a special meeting which we will announce shortly, so thank you. The other communications, i have to do my per funk tor functory. All members and staff are attending Via Teleconference ensuring the safety of the board of directors, smfa staff and members of the public. You just might want to send the thoughts a little earlier. We also continue the public to write the board at mta board of sfmta. Com or call us at 415 6464470 in advance and that would be prior to noon on the day of our hearing. While this Technology Allows us to hold meetings Via Teleconference, it may not be as seamless as we would like it to be. There may be gaps and silence and the technology between speakers. Know we are doing our very best and that we ask for your patience and understanding. If you lose the phone connecti connection, well paus pause unt is reestablished. I want to thank everybody. This is far different than when we are on site at city hall. So thank you everyone to make sure that we can hear the public and hear each other. So with that, ill turn it over to the commission secretary. Thank you, madam chair. This meeting is televised by sfgtv and for those watching the livestream, via sfgtv, please be aware there may be a time lag between the actual meeting and what members are saying on sfgtv. If you are watching and you wish to comment on an item, please call the item that is listed on the agenda when the item is called. And the phone number to use is 888 8086929 didnt th 888 808s 9961164. Again, you can find these numbers on the agenda. Please make sure you are in a quiet location, that you turn off any tvs or radios and in youre livestreaming via sfg tv, please mute the sound and this will reduce any reverbations so the board can hear you. At the appropriate time, the chair will ask for phone lines to be opened. If you want to comment, you will be prompted to press 10 and this will add you to the speaker line. Auto prompt will say callers are entering the question and answer time, but this is the Public Comment period. Youll be queued up in the order in which you pressed 10 and an automated voice will tell you when it is your turn to speak. When your microphone has been unmuted, youll hear us ask you to state your name and to make your comment. I will start your twominute time clock when you begin talking and let you know when there are 30 seconds remaining and when your time is up, the chair will say thank you, next caller please. At that point, the moderator will put the speaker back on mute. I will repeat these instructions for how to make Public Comment. Im aware that some members may join the meeting after this announcement has been made. And item of, introduction of new or Unfinished Business. Directors, are there any new or Unfinished Business items you would like to address today . Seeing none, well move on to item 7. Item 7, directors report. Im the director of transportation is today well recover are brief legislative update and talking about our Revenue Streams and finally, the cycling progress. By vision zero, theres a significant update an on fatalis of our roadways. On june 17th, a motor cyclist was killed. A pedestrian, this is a wellmanaged activity and a lot of fun but this year had turned into a bit of a side show and was attracting cyclists and skateboarders who were basically trying to get instagram fame through reckless activity. Our team responded to sfpd and the San Francisco Fire Departments ambulance crew to make quick changes used pavement markets along deloris street to curtail that behaviour. We know our bestskilled skateboarders are able to go over those, but those were no the skateboarders who were not creating a safety problem there through a reckless disregard through the safety of bystanders. And were also very quickly moving forward on a variety of quickfilled programs, including the Mission Geneva safety project that is starting to wrap up and this includes variety of safety zones, new living zones, transit and park and meter changes. Quickfill project has gotten underway, bike facility on the Waterfront South of the Ferry Building. And were also Getting Started on a twoway protected facility on the third street bridge over mission creek, closing a really key gap in the bay trail and the new twoway protected facility that has been built in mission bay on terry francois. Were starting Community Engagement work in august for quickfill completion for the fulsome protective bikeway between second and fifth and a variety of improvement in the bayview coming out of the Bayview Community transportation point. Were allowing safety enhancements to be legalized, particularly mated seen automatd enforcement and were work on how the state sets speed limits on not setting speed limits at what the 15th percentile least prudent driver thinks is their right to drive and were trying to coordinate with a variety of other state and local agencies in order to get that legislation passed. And, of course, at the federal level, theres been a lot of action. We are in receipt of our first care funds which had gotten us through the last quarter and preparing to receive the second funds which is how the agency will survive in the Second Quarter and working with our delegation to find a path to get additional federal authorization through the senate on the invest pact passed by congress is certainly helpful and includes the vision zero policies p and a. As you know, we have a major startup of the rail system scheduled currently on august 22nd and a variety of improvements to the bus system that is happening then. We are also gearing up to start collecting transit fares and weve gun enforcing parking meters and that means all Customer Service functions need to be fully engaged and weve been busy, not only getting the regular Service Center up to speed, but opening a variety of satellites in locations scattered around the city to help our customers. Weve been moving all of our services online, including allowing, for example, new lifeline eligibility testing to be done online. We are shifting our emphasis as an agency a little bit away from making our customers do a lot of work in order to approve eligibility, shifting that a little bit towards making it easy for customers to get the products they need and trusting them and allowing them to verify later either through audit or through followup. And that means lifeline passes Available Online and muni mobile and for more information go to sfmta. Com lifeline and were busy gearing up for citation processinprocessing, as well asg protest letters. And finally, were collaborating with mtc with the clipperstart program and expands our life line plan access from simply discount on fast passes to allow lowincome people in San Francisco to get a 50 discount off a single ride ticket, via their clipper card and finally, we made substantial progress in the last week in collaboration with the San Francisco Fire Department to get their approval of the fall street bike lane in order to help offload the very crowded, very successful path along the panhandle. Thank you. Great, thank you so much director tumlin and we have a few director questions and well start with director brinkman. Hi, everyone, good to see you. Im pleased to hear were looking into automated Speed Enforcement which we have been for quite awhile. Do you feel, i dont know, the and tight oappetite or receptios Speed Enforcement has changed when theres not congestion slowing down and the desire to remove any kind of racial component to speeding tickets and to that kind of activity . So i believe now is a very good time to be pursuing automated enforcement at the state level, particularly for Racial Equity reasons. Eliminating traffic stops eliminates the possibility of biased in who gets the citation and who doesnt, as well as how the situation escalates based on race. And we, of course, need to be careful if we do automated Speed Enforcement where the academies are placed so were treating people equal. There are plenty of reasons why we need actual humans managing our traffic rules and using appropriate judgment but we want to eliminate biased in those judgments and one way of doing that is easy when it comes to speed. The said, the state legislature is busy dealing with immediate directly covidrelated issues and so, when they reconvene after their summer recess, i believe it would be a particularly good time to remind the state legislature of just how important state regulation is and why it matters in an era of increasingly erratic behaviour as a result of covidrelated stress, as well as an area in which were treating racial biased very seriously in our street space. Thank you, director brinkman, anything additional . No. That is all. Well move on to director hemminger. I wonder if today you could give us a brief update on estimated completion today. I think last month used to be one of our estimated completion dates. And so i assume we havent met that and i would appreciate it in the future some kind of briefing on settlement discussions to the extent any are occurring and if that has to be in closed session, i hope we could arrange that, but for today, could you just give us the top line numbers on where we stand . Yes, let me turn that over to tom mcguire and he can give you up to the minute update. Up to the minute update, thank you. Thank you for the question. This is tom mcguire and the key facts right now are that we have a substantial completion date in december of 2020 and our expected Revenue Service date, were currently saying it will be before the end of calendar year 2021 and then, to as for your question of settlement negotiations, we dont want to talk too much of the commercial terms here, but we would i think we could agendaize a closed session in the future. Were working more productive than we have before with the considecontractor and city attoy just to get to the bottom of all of the things related to the settlement. , potential settlement. So that means discussion settlements are underway. So we have engaged so nca and the City Attorney have engaged a team that is focusing strictly on settlement discussions and has been talking wit contractor and that team is separate from the project Management Team that has the job at 96 complete and charging towards the finish line. And so, i guess thats one way of saying yes, theres a structure process in place were talking about all the remaining commercial and liability issues. Well, i wont press any further today, but i would appreciate a closed session on it in the future. Wonderful. Any other questions, director hemminger . No, madam chair. Chair great, dr. Eakin. Thank you, madam chair. I thinthis is heartbreaking o hear. And im just wondering if you could can sort of the recent events into a little bit of context. I think that theres a period of time when in the maybe the earlier shelterinplace where we experienced a reduction in injuries in fatalities compared to the same time the previous year. Overall, fatalities for this year, how are we comparing with last year and is some of that erratic behaviour, driving behaviour you spoke about, is that putting us into a more dangerous situation than we were last year or overall with driving still down, our streets still safer . Im wondering if you can help us understand what youre seeing. So today, july 21st, weve had a total there was an uptake and i can their rise that is with the other social behaviour weve seen, which, think, again, i would their rise i theorize to e shelterinplace affecting so many people in San Francisco. We need to be paying attention and finding ways to return to civility and to care for each other. Chair director e absolutery logistical questions . If members of the public watching today or interested in these issues, if theyre just issued in just tracking where we are with vision zero in a given year, just understanding the numbers, do you know where they gwould go to find those numbers . Tom, do you know the actual revision . We have our annual recording that is done and i im not sure theres a link to live data. Tom, youre muted. Do we have that kind of data we would be able to share and do we know i mean a big city like new york with all of the people they have, its pretty shocking that they could go so long. Do you surmise why the conditions are there date than here . Is it because of speed that people can go faster on our streets would you surmise . I cant tell you why. We do know the factors that contribute to the likelihoo likf a crash and if there is a crash, whether thats a fatality. The most important factor in whether a crash will be a fatality is absolutely speed. And so, this is one of the areas where there is where we have intention with our objective of the Emergency Service providers. Where from an overall Traffic Management and Traffic Safety perspective, we want to reduce speeds closer to the design tolerance of the human body, which is 15 Miles Per Hour. And so, our body design tolerance perfectly manages the average sprinting speed. Our bodies are designed to withstand a trip and fall while standing. At speeds greater than 15, the force varies time the square of their velocity. The square velocity part of the equation that dictates crash severity and at 15, i might get a bruise and at 40, im going to be dead. Chair thank you for that. With that, i will release res directors have additional questions, i will move on. This is discussed by director tumlin. And moderator, if you could open the phone lines and members of the public who are listening on the at t call line, please dial 10. We are opening the phone lines and we have six callers. If we could take the first caller, please. Member of the public, if you could please give us your name, we will start your two mensae ms when you begin talking. Moderator, if you could unmute the first caller. First caller, please give us your name and well start your time. Speaker thank you, kindly. This is john misosky, automated Speed Enforcement is important and i hope we can push it through to reduce biased and make it safer. One note, accucensus has brought cameras to that country and hundreds of thousands of drivers that are illegally texting have been captured on camera and cited. Given the epidemic of distracted driving in california, i would be interested in bringing in cameras that can capture texting in smart algorithms. I appreciate the directors words about wishio vision zero. We desperately need a link for cyclists between the hate and the inner sunset, not least to give cyclists access to the Medical Center way which is a beautiful route through forest knolls. That link doesnt exist right now and we need it badly. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Speaker, if you could give us your name and we will start your two minutes when you begin talking. Speaker yes, Steven Miller and i just wanted to call in and say im all for automated enforcement in general. And something as we were talking about vision zero that i was concerned about is i was biking along john deer drive yesterday exi didnt realize this, but its posted as a 40mileanhour zone and this is where somebody crossing street was hit and killed last year and i definitely encourage you guys to work with the state to lower that speed limit because thats very dangerous. Also, in regards to san bruno, we need more Parking Enforcement because something that makes it so dangerous is double parking and cars are driving on the wrong side of the road to get around it and it makes it very unpredictable for people crossing the street and get off at bus stops. Thank you. Next speaker. Speaker i appreciate you making lifeline a program that doesnt require patrons to have to appear in person and that really, really is a long overdue update and this should be part of a larger conversation. To be able to take off board, being able to interact with various services and people can do it in the community they live. The tack car system allows for remote renewal of the fair card and the Regional Transportation Authority of chicago is mailing me a new reduced fare card due to covid19. And that is the agency that owns the legendary and historic chicagol. Its important that we help to get people signed up for this program as a safe registered means of managing narrative thes and saving money. So

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