Two, two year options to extend. Were only asking for one twoyear option to extend. And before we exercise the final twoyear option to extend, we would evaluate if there were Civil Service employees who i believe chair fewer were concerned would be laid off or have been laid off if they could do the services in step . I totally get that. What im saying is that rather than the airport having the ability to have the second twoyear option at its sole and absolute discretion and suggesting and with all respect to my budget chair, that this only be one twoyear extension rather than the unenforceable language that is being suggested by the budget chair. What is before you is one option to extend. Before we exercise the second option to extend, we would come back to the wards for approval and presumably to present what we have reviewed in terms of if there were other Civil Service positions that could perform these jobs. So are you coming back to the board because pursuant to section 9. 118, subsection b, of the charter that you have to do that . Yes. Thank you for your explanation. I appreciate it. President yee i still need a second. Seconded by supervisor peskin. Supervisor peskin thank you. President yee i see that theres so we will call the amendment. Clerk on the amendment, supervisor stefani. Supervisor yee. Yee, aye. Supervisor fewer. Fewer aye. And supervisor haney. Aye. Haney aye. Supervisor mandelman. Mandelman, aye. Supervisor mar. Mar, aye. Supervisor peskin. Peskin aye. Supervisor preston. Preston aye. Supervisor ronen. Ronen, aye. Supervisor safai. Safai aye. There are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Take the roll on this item as amended. Clerk on item 15 as amended. [roll call] [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection, the resolution as amended is adopted. Madam clerk, the next 18. Clerk to lease Real Property at 333 valencia street for 15 years anticipated to commence on february 16th, 2021, from 333 valencia owner l. L. C. , at a base rent of approximately 2. 2 million per year with a 3 annual increase and to make the appropriate findings. President yee okay. Supervisor fewer, yeah. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor fewer sorry, thank you, president yee. On behalf of the department of Real Estate Today im introducing a technical amendment to this item which will correct the t total amountn page 4, line 12 to 6. 5 million. The total value is listed correctly in multiple other places in the resolution and this will confirm that amount. And the director is available in case of questions today. President yee any questions . Seeing none, could we have a second on the amendment. Motion to amend. Supervisor Stefani Stefani second. President yee madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll on the motion to amend. Clerk on the motion to amend. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection the amendment is accepted. Please call the roll on the resolution as amended. Clerk on item 18 as amended. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Then without objection the resolution as amended is adopted. Madam clerk, can we go to item 19. I have a request. I need to do something sorry and i cant just walk away. So theres usually a break somewhere but i havent seen it for a while. Supervisor peskin will you just take over the facilitation of one or two items. Supervisor peskin i would be happy to come up to the chairs podium, mr. President. President yee okay. So were on item number 19. Supervisor peskin i understand that. Madam clerk on number 19, the contract to amend number 6, are there any members that would like to comment on this . Seeing none, madam clerk, could you please call the roll. Clerk on item 19. [roll call] there are 10 ayes. Supervisor peskin thank you,. Supervisor mandelman . Madam clerk. Could you please read the next item. Its been adopted unanimously. Please read the next item. Clerk the way that the president has this listed he wanted items 20 through 22 to be called together. And here are three resolutions that declare the intent of the city to reimburse certain expenditures from proceeds of future bonded indebtedness to authorize the director of the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development and application and related documents to the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee to permit the issuance of Residential Mortgage revenue one. For item 20 for an amount not to exceed 30 million for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the san christina hotel. For item 21, not to exceed 40 million for 777 broadway. And 15251529 grant avenue, otherwise know as the throughline apartments. And for item 22 supervisor peskin my apologies, go ahead, madam clerk. Clerk and for item 22, the issueance and of sale of Revenue Bonds by the city in a Principal Amount not to exceed 75 million to finance the development of a 137unit Affordable Rental Housing Development located in the city at 4840 Mission Street and to ratify and approve actions her heretofore taken wih all three projects and any application as defined. Thank you. Supervisor peskin thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues, on items 20, 21 or 22, are there any comments . Mr. Chair . Supervisor peskin supervisor safai. Supervisor safai sorry. I wanted to say some quick words about item number 22. Unlike many parts of San Francisco, our district does not have or has not had any family Affordable Housing built in the history of this district. We have one small tiny housing authority, a 10unit building. But this would be the first family Affordable Housing built in the history of district 11 in the heart of the excelsior. There is an old funeral home at least 75 million, a result of the issuance of these bonds, a result of the hard work that we put in with the community. Bridge housing, the neighbors. And many, many people involved in this project over the last id say five years, but the 3 1 2 years that i have been in office. I want to particularly thank mayor breed for coming in last year during the budget process and chair sandy fewer for supporting that effort and colleagues for supporting that effort, for putting 30 million of our citys money into this general fund money which was then switched out, originally going to be one pool of eraf and it was switched to a bond, Affordable Housing bond money this last november. But that particular gap allowed us then to move aggressively and save a couple years on this projects development. We have a few projects in the pipeline. One private development of 50 affordable that many of you supported that will actually be the first. But this would be the first 100 family Affordable Housing. So i just wanted to call it out at 4840. To thank the mayor for her strong commitment to district 11 and thank you to all of the colleagues that supported that allocation last year. And that is what allows us to do what were doing today and move so aggressively where we will begin this fall in prepping this site for a groundbreaking and moving forward with the development of this site. So thank you, colleagues and thank you for your support. Supervisor peskin thank you, supervisor safai. I see that president yee is back, but while i still have the chair for just a hot second, i would just like the Mayors Office of housing to ed few us on the Revenue Bonds as they relate to 12044 mason and 777 broadway and 15251529 grant avenue in the Northeast Corner of the city that i happen to represent. And with that i hand the gavel back to president yee. President yee miss chan, are you there . Yes, yes, supervisor peskin could you elaborate, you want me to address the effect of this project . Supervisor peskin so, miss chan, as you know, and as the new head of the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development knows, i want to use these opportunities for this unit of government to explain to this board, but more importantly, the people of San Francisco who watch this what these instruments are, how they work, what the indebtedness means, what these projects mean. Like, for instance, 777 broadway has been an Affordable Housing project for most of my adult life. So if you could actually explain this. I mean, we wrote these up every time they come to us, but we never used this as an Educational Opportunity to explain not only to those of us who voted on them, but to members of the public precisely what these instruments are and why we do this. Sure. So these are three and for items 20 to 22, these are existing Affordable Housing projects, including the three sites that you named in that item. And theyre applying to the state California Debt Limit Allocation Committee for an award of tax exempt bonds which are used to finance the construction of these sites. San francisco is the issuer of the bonds. Were not within these items were not asking for the board to approve any city dollars for the funding of these sites. But we are asking the board to approve of the projects being able to apply to the state for this tax exempt bond financing that is required in the federal requirements of the bond the bonds program. So the board and the Budget Committee have seen many proje projects see disapproval because most Affordable Housing projects are financed with tax credits and tax exempt bonds. And the 4 tax program and the tax exempt Bond Financing Program is the primary means by which we fund the projects. Largely because they have been for the most part noncompetitive, but we are seeing with such a high demand for Affordable Housing across the state, we are seeing that the bonds are have started to become competitive this year. So just in summary, again, this is one financing tool for funding Affordable Housing, but it is a very critical one and its just as part of the requirement for accessing, we do need the board to provide approval for the project to seek the awards from the committee. I hope that answers your question. Supervisor peskin see just so were clear through the president to miss chan, this is not the creation of any new housing . This is in essence a refinancing . That is correct. Which would allow the project to do rehabilitation work. The project to do rehabilitation work. Supervisor peskin and relative to item 21, whats that rehabilitation work consist of at 7777 broadway, 15251529 grant, 1204 mason . So as you will see in the file that there is a project description which describes the rehabilitation work which includes those exterior work building lights and improvements, including life safety improvements, as well as common area improvements and unit specific specific unit improvements. There is a long list of improve improvements that is included in the description. Supervisor peskin thank you miss chan. Thank you. President yee good questions supervisor peskin. Im always learning more on what this means. Lets see, so i think we have three items, is that correct . So go ahead and take the roll for items 22 20 through 22. Clerk numbers 20 through 22. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection, the resolutions are adopted unanimously. And thank you, supervisor peskin, for taking over for a few moments there. Madam clerk, lets go to the next item, number 24. Clerk item 23 clerk a resolution to authorize the Mayors Office of housing and Community Development to execute a grant application, as the California Department of housing and Community Developments Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program for funding in the amount of 52 million. President yee please call the roll. Clerk [calling roll] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Member, lets go to the next item. Clerk item 24 is a resolution to retroactively to approve a 89 million agreement between tenderloin housing clinic for master lease and support Services Permanent housing to 1,566 home are formerly homeless adults units to july 1, 2020. President yee okay. Please call the roll. Clerk [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection, the resolution is adopted. Madam clerk, lets go to item 25. Clerk item 25, is a resolution to authorize the San FranciscoUnified School District to issue and sell on its own behalf its general obligation bonds. From the 2016 election series b, in an aggregate Principal Amount not to exceed 280 million without further action by the city. President yee okay, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item 25, [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, and its adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, to next item, 26. Clerk item 26 is an ordinance to approve the Health Service system plans and contribution rates for calendar year 2021. Pursuant to charter section a8. 422, this matter shall receive a vote of threefourths of all members of the board to approve passage on First Reading of this ordinance. This is a nine vote threshold. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call the roll. Clerk i would like the special vote items. On item 26, supervisor stefan stefani. [roll call] supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin members, when two of our members refuse to vote and one of them had to be taken out of the bathroom by indiscernible . indiscernible . Clerk was that an aye, supervisor peskin . Supervisor peskin that wa was. Clerk [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, the ordinance is passed on First Reading. Madam clerk, to our next item. Clerk item 27 is an ordinance to amend the public works code to authorize the imposition of administrative penalties and fines for Illegal Dumping to provide for additional enforcement remedies to kept to electronic waste in the definition of Illegal Dumping to clarify that each act of Illegal Dumping constitutes a separate violation subject to abatement or enforcement actions, and further to amend the police code to provide procedures for assessment and collection of administrative. S for Illegal Dumping and to affirm the ceqa determination. President yee supervisor walton. Supervisor walton thank you so much, president yee. Colleagues, i would like to make a motion to continue this item to next weeks 7 time28 meeting and we are working with the City Attorney to revise certain definition so that theres uniformity. And i would propose these changes next week once we hear back from the City Attorney. President yee seconded by supervisor peskin. Madam clerk, on the motion to continue. Clerk on the motion to continue to july 28. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, the motion to continue to july 28th passes. Madam clerk, lets go to item number 28. Clerk item 28 is an ordinance to amend the health code to require the director of health to adopt minimum health and Safety Standards governing the operation of commercial adult sex venues and prohibiting the adoption of any standard that requires monitoring of patrons sexual activities or that regulate doors or mandate unlocked doors in areas where Sexual Activity may occur. President yee okay. Madam clerk, go ahead and call roll. Clerk on item 28. [roll call] there are 11 ayes. President yee okay, without objection the ordinance is passed on First Reading. Madam clerk, lets go to item number 29. Clerk item 29, resolution to condemn the increase of racial profiling and discrimination harassment from private businesses and individuals, who profile people of color for suspicion of crime or denial of Service Based on the individuals race, age, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status, and national origin. President yee okay. Go ahead and call the roll. Clerk on item number 29. [roll call] supervisor safai pleas add s a cosponsor on this item too. Clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee without objection, the ordinance is adopted unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to the committee reports, i believe . Number 37. 737 am i correct . Clerk you. President yee item number 37. Clerk item 37 was considered by the budget and finance committee at a special meeting on tuesday, july 21st and was forwarded as a committee report. Item 37 is a Charter Amendment and initiative ordinance, business and tax regulations code, adjustment of baseline funding and business tax changes pursuant to the rules 22. 7 this item shall be continued for one week to allow six days to intervene between the first appearance today and any board order of submission to an electorate beginning with next week. President yee okay, colleagues, i want to thank supervisors fewer and haney who worked t