Policing, its never been an Institution Designed to keep us safe and used as a tool for those in power to keep the marginalized people from rising up, going all the way back to the slave patrol. Sharing im the policing unfairly targets marginalized communities, injects massive amounts of people into the prison system. We heard about reform from chief scott today, but all those measures ignore the fact that reform is not effective. We need to defund and sfpd and invest in our communities immediately. I yield my time. Thank you for your comments. It cannot force you to create money in a budget. Cut the budget and cut the numbers of police and Fund Services that help humans. End the violence against black and brown people that is built into policing. I disagree with supervisors assessment of what his constituents want. We want services, not Police Officers. I have heard on this call that over time sfpd at the airport, the focus of sfpd and the mandated reforms are not well understood by sfpd in the city. We all know the rest of the city budget is severely underfunded. We can defund education. We can defund supportive housing, the unhoused population, but we need to hold the line on sfpds budget . No. Cut this budget and focus on human health and safety. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, can you hear me . Yes, we can, caller. Please begin. Hi name is daniel and im a Software Engineer living in district 6. Research shows that a living wage Educational Opportunities and housing are far more successful at reducing crime than police or prisons. As much, i demand more financial supports be directed to those aids. Many Community Organizations can serve as alternatives to policing. Do not forget our poor communities and communities of color who are disproportionate targets to Police Violence. Justice will only be served when the police are reformed, and this will not be possible until we defund them. I would like to take a moment of silence for those slain by cops in an unjust system. Please reflect on who and why we are fighting. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, this is shaun pack, and im a resident of San Francisco district 1. I just want to reiterate basically whats been said on the line previously. I want to mention that basically the fact that were actually here discussing this today speaks a lot to the tone deafness of our Political Leadership here in this city. The fact that were talking about draconian cuts to the School Budget and budgets to assist the unhoused while adding more money to the Police Budget is just mind blowing. Id like to say and support that we immediately defund and divest from the San FranciscoPolice Department, and again, investing in communities, particularly communities of color, black, indigenous and people of color, the trans communities, and the unhoused that we step up our funding for schools in this city, stepped up our supports for the unhoused, assisting these populations. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, supervisors, hi name is kaelin rushknorr and i live in district five. I like everyone else on this call have been waiting for five hours since the start of this hearing to leave a oneminute comment demanding that sfpd be defunded. I truly hope our demands are not going ignored. The city must defund sfpd in this years budget and instead invest in Public Health, education and social services. Resources that actually uplift our Community Members. While reforms may be well intentioned, antiblackness is not something we can reform or train away. The city has implemented in the past and sfpd continues to disproportionately target black and brown communities. The supervisor already mentioned [indiscernible] from last year about sfpd such as a use of force against black and brown residents. It is evident that Police Reforms are a flimsy band aid on top of the deadly infection of the Police System and the only true remedy is to defund and disband sfpd. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, im calling along with the 400 other people on line. Moderator, can you let us know if the supervisors are, in fact, on the call . I find it, like, complete and utter bullshit that weve all been waiting on the call for five hours and we cannot see any of them, or the police chief. Moderator, im speaking directly to you in this moment. To the caller, this is Public Comment. This is your opportunity to help provide us with your insight. Im pausing your time. There is no dialogue in the middle of Public Comment. So ill be restarting your time. Im leaving my Public Comment for the people on this call, and i have no idea if they are actually there or listening. We are here and we are listening. We have been waiting for five hours. We are here and we are listening to every single caller. We are here. Thank you. Supervisor ronenan, were all here. This is supervisor lee. Were all here. Thank you. Supervisor fewer, are you still there . [indiscernible] 200 people [beeping]. Thank you for your comments. Hello . Next caller, please. Hi, my name is michael. I live in district 3. Im calling to echo the demands to defund the police and refund Public Health and Public Housing. The unjustified killings and brute liesations of unarmed people is entirely predictable. A police force is operating under these current rules and responsibilities. Some percentage is going to be overtly racist. 100 are going to be subject to unconscious biases. These cannot be trained away. Under the Current Conditions it is inevitable that the killing of people of color is going to continue. The budget you put forward reflects your values and it should reflect the values of your constituents. Currently its not doing that. Defund the police this year, reinvest in Public Housing, Public Education and the unhoused. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please hello, caller . Caller, are you there . Oh, hello. Hi. My name is brittany. I live in hi. Im an rn with the department of health. I know the city has been planning cuts to funding to all the departments and yet the sfpd is exempt. I think that is unacceptable. Yes, our communities are not safe, but safety does not come from more policing. We know that safety comes from having our basic needs met. Shelter, food, health care for a start. Working for the city i have seen far too much suffering. It needs to stop. We must first fund our priorities. Once our health care and educational systems are funded, once everyone has secure housing and affordable, free, accessible Public Transit, once the streets are free of needles and human feces, once everyone has food and a living wage, once every child has a beautiful park to play in, then sfpd can have what is left over. If the sfpds goal is truly safety in our communities, then of course they will agree. I yield my time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, my name is camilla, and ive lived in San Francisco my whole life. Sfpds chief scott spoke a lot about building a 21st Century Police department with institutionalized reforms. This will not stop street violence we are witnessing in our communities. We do not want reforms. They have not worked. Reforms is what has created this system in the first place. Not a Single Person in the Public Comment has asked for Police Reforms. Every Single Person has zd to defund, disarm and disband, and to be clear we didnt want to replace it with a model of Community Policing. The Police Department just calls themselves the guardians of our community. Nearly half of the sfpd use of force cases last year involved black people. Violence and weapons will not keep us safe. Supervisor, i am your constituent, and listening to your comments today to completely overlook we will vote you out. Defund the police now. These alternatives already exist. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is natalie, and i study and work in San Francisco. First off, i just want to say the sfpd is the most useless asset of this city. It makes me want to throw up knowing that the tax money being taken from a poor learn like me goes directly to racist murderers. How is it that the average sfpd compensation is almost 200,000 a year . That can easily put 433 children in Daycare Services. Youre telling me that sfpd will receive a 43 million increase when schools are facing 26 million in cuts . Alone had over 300 classes cut. This budget issue has been prevalent ever since. To the officers that can make a change but refuse to do so, and even bigger you all. Youre all going to burn in hell. Donald trump. None of you deserve anything nice in this life. Defund, disband and dismantle sfpd. Bye. I am a graduate San Francisco state Public Health program. I am calling like everyone else to demand the defunding of the police and in addition to that we need to do criminal [indiscernible] in the first place and prioritize Harm Reduction and safe injection sites. Our priority should be to support families. [indiscernible] issues if we address the upstream issues and prioritize housing, education, Mental Health and Public Transportation, we will eliminate the need for a police force in the first place. We need to police only protect racial capitalism and the needs of the elite classes. We need to Defund Police and reallocate resources so that black and brown people can thrive. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hello, speaker. Hi. Im a part of a resident of district 8, and im asking to redirect the funds from sfpds budget to go to Public Health, housing and other targets of policing. Im asking for the funds that would be allocated to sfpd to be allocated to communities and other organizations that are trained to be able to handle the issues. Sfpds budget does not correlate to our values. Sfpds budget comes at the expense of housing and social services, resources that create Public Safety. [indiscernible] policing in most cities, but at the same time our education spending per capita is half or less than other major cities, and it makes not any sense for sfpd to get an increase at all while schools are facing 26 million in cuts. As discussion of this meeting. Sfpd officer compensation, 188,000, hundreds of children can get Daycare Services with the same amount of money as one officers salary. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Yes, can you hear me . Yes, we can. Please begin. Can you hear me . Yes, speaker. You may begin. Hello. Thank you. Thank you very much. I just want to say hello to all the people that have diligently waited on the line to share their view that it is time to defund, disband, abolish the San FranciscoPolice Department and redirect these wasted funds to things that the community in San Francisco actually needs. My name is jeremy miller. Im a district 11 resident. I echo this, and i also, despite the fact that we would support a complete defunding now, [indiscernible] our elected representatives are wanting more incremental approach. So i will say this four years ago in 2016, former Supervisor John Avalos put candidate introduced an ordinance to put on hold thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, im calling because its time for San Francisco to be a leader, and we the people have been telling you that all of us here on this call, San Francisco residents, like myself, i grew up here, dont want or need police and that reform doesnt work when the reforming had an origin had the intention of controlling slaves. So we dont want to reform the police, and we have the right to reimagine it, which means getting rid of police and starting over completely, creating a new system. And so if youre not on board, ask yourself why and what racist ideas youre too afraid of to let go. All cops are bad not because they are bad people but because it is impossible to have a position of being a cop and be good because in itself cops were originally created for patrolling police. So its thats all i have to say. I yield my time. Thank you. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, my name is natalia and i live, work and study in district 4 of San Francisco. I urge the board to make racially motivated 911 calls illegal. These calls are so dangerous because the sfpd is juriously violent towards brak people. The hearings to reform and how you brush off ethnic cleansing, murder and exorbitant costs of specialized units such as mounted, motorcycle, marine, homeless, narcotic and gang units, all of which have failed to address homelessness and have only succeeding in tracking, controlling and incarcerating black and brown youth. Recently Text Messages between the mayor and the police chief show the mayor to tell them to clean clear and fix areas of unhoused people. They dont have the empathy or training. We must reimagine what Public Safety for all looks like. You can find our complete concerns at thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, supervisor mandelman, and everyone on the board of supervisors, thank you. Im a Public Health researcher, educator and esf member. Im calling to urge you to work with the San Francisco board of education and uesf to reallocate funds from sf Law Enforcement agencies to San Franciscos unified. They are taking 3 cuts off health and supportive services, we look forward to a 3 cut of sfpd, which is over 20 million, and would be allocated to aur 27 million deficit. In 2018, american Public HealthAssociation Found investment to reforms, including implicit bias, do not mitigate harm or increase accountability. However, Public Health interventions to address policing in marginalized communities include divestment and investment in Public Education and [indiscernible] communities, as well as implementing communitybased alternatives to addressing interpersonal harms and preventing trauma, including Crisis Response thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Hi, i live in district 1. A couple of weeks ago i was sitting in my car at a red light and someone wandered into the street. They were lifting their shirt, disoriented, perhaps under the influence, and they didnt have a mask. They walked towards my car and tried to open the door, and i didnt let them in my car, but i also wanted to help them, so when i asked myself who can i call, the only Public Service option available to call is the police, and i was afraid to call the police because of the history of Police Brutality and racism. I wanted to call someone who could find this person a safe place to be and give them access to services. Its heartbreaking that there are no Public Services i can call without fear to help someone in my community. Please listen to what your Community Needs. They dont need reforms. They dont need police. They need access to services. Please defund the police and invest in your community. I cede my time. Thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Good evening, supervisors. My name is ali. I live in district nine and i work for the city. Im calling for defunding the San FranciscoPolice Department this year in the interests of Public Safety. As a city resident, like the previous caller, i am afraid to call 911 because i have witnessed enough Police Violence and harassment towards black neighbors that i know Police Presence actually threatening their safety. As a city employee, i am outraged to know that San Francisco spends more money per capita on policing than most major cities. Because, as sfpds budget has risen astronomically and promised reforms that havent materialized, certify worker