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Information item. Item five, recommend amendment of the adopted fiscal year 2019 2020 budget to increase revenues by 228,368, decrease expenditures by 787,279, and decrease other financing sources by 1,015,647. That is an action item. Item six, recommend adoption of the proposed provisional threemonth fiscal year 2020 21 budget and work program. That is an action item. Great. Do we have a presentation on these . Yeah, i thought so. Yes we do chair haney. Let me pull up the presentation right now. Can everyone see my presentation . Yes. Great. As the clerk mentioned, we have three items in this presentation. Ill go over the Financial Data part first and then ill hand it over to rachel, the assistant Deputy Director to present the work program for timma. Lets get going. First lets start with the Financial Data. This is the nine month ending march 31, 2020. Total assets of 1. 1 million are related to program receivables from federal and regional grants. Total liability of 658,000 include 375,000 of payable to consultant for Services Provided and 283,000 payable to the Transportation Authority for cost, incurred and paid for by timma. We earned 1. 5 million of revenues and for the federal advance transportation and Congestion Management Technology Deployment grant in the first threequarters, timma incurred 669,000 of expenditures, including 472,000 in Technical Professional Services and 297,000 for personnel and nonpersonnel expenditures. Work on the program from january through march proceeded more slowly than anticipated, mainly due to the delay to better align with the t. A. San francisco pricing study and the current construction scheduled on Treasure Island right now. Okay, moving on to the next agenda item, we have agenda item 5. This is the fiscal year 19 20 budget amendment. This increases total revenues by 228,000 primarily due to the timing of grant invoices for the work and fiscal year 18 19. This is a timing difference between revenues we occasionally have between the fiscal years. Corresponding technical expenditures will decrease by 598,000 as compared to the adopted budget. Just as i mentioned, this is due to the slow down in the work of the timma program. Nonpersonnel expenditures will increase by 5,000 and personal expenditures will decrease for 19 20 activity. The slight increase amount is due to Legal Services needed to review documents related to the establishing of services on Treasure Island. The decrease in personnel expenditures is due to the slow down of work in the timma program and a delay in hiring two staff vacancies as a result of the Overall Work Program review. Now moving on to item number 7, our last item. This is the provisional three month budget for 2021. As you know, mayor breed set timeline for it to be completed by the end of september. We aligned our budget to the same timeline and interim will be required to bring this item before you to continue our operations for timma. Its also necessary to adopt a waiver of the administrative code, requiring the adoption of the annual budget by june 30th. So what i have on this page is a chart. This shows the comparison of revenues for the provisional 3 month budget period and in gray we have fiscal year 2019 2020 for the month of january, august, and september, and the blue bar representatives the projected budget. As you can see here, timmas total revenues is projected to be 460,000 with 84,000 obligated from federal grant funds and 376,000 obligated from tita. Regional and other funds will be used to fulfill the 50 match requirement for the federal grant. Total revenues for the first three months of 2021, july, august and september are projected to decrease by 578,000 or 56 as compared to the last year. So this is an abnormal spike in Program Reviews in 19 20, due to the timing of grant invoices received. We will collect and recognize all these. Projected revenue is 460,000 and projected to increase by 216,000 or 88 as compare to the prior period last year. This would be a good point for me to turn it over to rachel hyatt, our assistant director for planning. She will walk you through the work program and explain to you what will be incuring these costs for the next three to four months. Good morning commissioners. In the next slide, youll see the four categories in our work program. Governance and administration, toll policy adoption and Transit Service delivery, outreach and communications and toll system delivery. On the next slide, ill go through the key activities for these three months work period. The activities during this next three months period are all to prepare for and make progress towards ultimately the adoption of toll policies within this year, not during the three month period, but within the year and also to advance the Transit Service and other programs that will be funded by that revenue and finally to fill the funding gap that we have to complete the picture of the program. On the toll policy delivery front, over the next three month period, were going to complete the Financial Analysis that we have underway of the remaining areas of Affordability Program benefits and around financial risk analysis associated with a range of Development Build updates and range of possible effects on travel demands that could happen as a consequence of the current covid pandemic. The area of affordability, provisions that were looking at are benefits for workers, especially low wage and nonprofit workers and for future low income households who will move to the island in the future. We also are making progress on defining more specifically with the current resident toll exemption and what it looks like and we will be bringing the totals back before the committee this year. We are going to then also in this period prepare for outreach around these remaining areas that have yet to be adopted, outreach that we will need to conduct this year and prepare for that during this three month period. On the governance and Program Deliveries side, we are making progress on funding strategy discussions. We have funding needs on the capital side to launch the program and also we know that well have an additional funding need on the operating side during the first years of operating the program, so we continue to speak with our local partners here in the city. Our regional partners and we continue to look for state and options with federal grants as well. During this three month period, we continue our discussions and Service Planning with the water transit operators and with potential east bay Transit Service providers and incorporate those into our Financial Analysis. The toll System Design does proceed during this three month period because that is incorporated into the infrastructure design of the roadways and ramps. Lastly, there are some other aspects of the program that proceed this month, in particular the grant funded Autonomous Vehicle shuttle pilot and i believe that will have a more indepth presentation to your update to you in the coming months. Lastly, the bicycle and pedestrian planning, particularly on the island and the connection to the bay bridge touchdown proceeds during these three months. The next slide gives you a preview of the anticipated work program for the rest of the fiscal year. We do anticipate needing to adopt toll policies this year. That timeframe is whats needed to set up the program to launch in mid 2022, which is when the program could launch given the infrastructure schedule. So that is our launch schedule leading back from that, toll policy adoption within this year is needed to then go ahead and set up and be ready with the Transit Services and other services well need to provide. So, to get to that, theyll need to continue Community Outreach this year ahead of those adoptions. Well need to complete discussions around the additional funding we need to secure, both on their capital si side, as well as the earlier operating side. Then we will start to design the toll system, doing the texting and Development Work that we need based on the policies that are adopted and proceed with the remaining work to implement and start providing the benefits like the transit pass that will be available to residents and workers, the Parking Management program, the ferry and the east bay new Transit Services that will launch in 2022 with the whole program. So the next slide is just a reminder of the next step here, which is the action item that were seeking your adoption of the three month budget and work program. A next step will be us coming back and cynthia speak to the timeframe, a september timeframe actually for the full fiscal year budget and work Program Approval for the remaining month of the year. That concludes my presentation on this item. Thank you so much for that. I had the opportunity to see this presentation before and review it. I dont have any questions, but colleagues, do you have any questions or comments on that report . All right. I dont think i see any. Do we have any Public Comment on this report . Chair, there is no Public Comment. Okay, great. I believe this isnt an informational item i mean this isnt an action item, so we dont need to take any action on this, is that correct . Item four is information, item five and six are action. Oh, thats right. With legal, they advised us we can do a motion and roll call for both items at the same time, if you want. Okay, great. Can we have a motion to approve item five and six . Mandelman will move it. Thank you. Is there a second . Second. Great, can we have a roll call vote on items five and six. Sure, for both items five and six, commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Im sorry, walton aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. We have approval for both items five and six. Fantastic, thank you so much for your work on that. Much appreciated. Madam clerk, can you call the next item. Item seven, recommend exercising contract option for oncall Modeling Services to wsp usa, inc. And resource systems group, inc. In an amount not to exceed 100,000 for a combined total contract amount not to exceed 300,000. This is an action item. This action is to exercise a one year option on an existing oncall financial and demand model and contract that we have and that we use for the Financial Analysis in support of the timma program, particularly in the analysis toll policies Affordability Program. Its an existing set of on call contracts we have and this action would exercise the first of two options and extend the contract in time and in value for one year. Happy to take any questions you may have. All right. Thank you. Ms. Hyatt, are there any questions or comments from colleagues on this contract . Seeing none, are there any members of the public that would like to speak on item seven . No Public Comment. Can i have a motion and second on item seven . This is your big moment colleagues. Moved. Moved by commissioner walton. Were switching it up here. Second from commissioner mandelman. Can we have a roll call vote please. Yes, commissioner haney. Aye. Commissioner mandelman. Aye. Commissioner walton. Aye. Item seven is approved. Great, thank you. Madam clerk, will you please call item number eight. Item eight, introduction of new items. This is an information item. Great. Colleagues, are there any items that you all would like to put forward . Seeing no one on the roster. Are there any members of the public that would like to speak on item eight . There are no members of the public. Great. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item, item number 9. Item 9, Public Comment. Great. Operator, are there any members of the public who would like to speak . Chair, there are no members of the public. Okay. Public comment is closed. Madam clerk, will you please call the next item. Item ten, adjournment. Fantastic. This meeting is now adjourned. Thank you everyone. Have a wonderful day. Thank you. [ ] up all the devices. The first item on the agenda. Press mccarthy. President mccarthy. Present. Vice president moss. Present. Commissioner clinch. Here. Commissioner jackobo. Here. Commissioner tam. Here. Commissioner alexandertut. She is present. Commissioner alexandertut, were doing roll call. Shes present. I call her

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