Transcripts For SFGTV SF Public Utilities Commission 2024071

Transcripts For SFGTV SF Public Utilities Commission 20240712

We have a quorum. Could you please read the announcement. Dont to you covid19 Health Emergency and given the Public Health regulars issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health, they have lifted restrictions. This meeting is held Via Teleconference and held by s sfg tv. Please be aware theres a brief lag time between what is being viewed on sfgtv. I would like to extend our thanks to the staff for the assistance of this meeting. If you wish to make Public Comment on an item dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line and you will hear an automated voice that when tell you when its your turn to speak and your twominute speaking time will begin. These instructions will be repeated. If they havent done so, ill ask the commission and staff to mute their microphones to minimize background noise. Your first order of business is approval of the minutes of may 26th, 2020. Commissioners, before you, you have the minutes of may 26th, 2020. Are there any corrections or discussion on the minutes . Hearing none, madam secretary, could you please open to Public Comment . Anyone in the public who wishes to make a comment on may 26th, 20 dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line and i would like to remind everybody, this item is for approval of the minutes. Nowdo we have any callers . There are no callers in the queue. Approval of the minutes is closed. May i have a motion and a second on the minutes approval . Approval. Second. Can you take a role call vote. role call . I think youre muted, commissioner. Commissioner maxwell, your microphone is muted. Maybe raise your hand. Commissioner maxwell, at the top, youll see four buttons and one looks like a small microphone, tap it once to unmute. Perhaps while were working that out, could you give us a thumbs up or thumbs down to approve . , yeah, i couldnt see you ad it went blank and i couldnt communicate or see you. Im back. How do you vote on the minutes . Yes, aye. Commissioner paulson. Aye. Thank you, we have five ayes. The motion carries. Next item, please. Madam president , item 4 is general Public Comment and member of the public may address the commission on matters within the commissions jurisdiction and are not on todays agenda by dialing 888 2733658 and access code 3107452 and pound followed by pond again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have callers . There are multiple callers in the cue. Queue. You have four questions remaining. Commissioners, my name is francisca depasta and today i want to talk about blatant racism. I viewed the funeral of george floyd and it brings memories of the discrimination that we are witnessing in district 10. 10, blatant discrimination. indiscernible . Even as im speaking, you dont have your act together because im hearing funny sounds on the system. Anyway, ill be watching the presentations and giving my comments on what you perceive being the best interests of the community and what i perceive to be the best interests of the community because i have a track record attending most of your meetings and witnessed the shenanigans. Thank you very much. Operator you have three questions remaining. Question thank you, chair. indiscernible . Question just briefly, the work of this commission, in the era of covid19 i hope it will pass sooner rather than later and want us to continue to play the long game aspirational goals. Recently it was started at forming a municipal utilitys district and i support this commission being not only a purveyor of generation of clean electricity, but to become an operator of infrastructure. I am concerned about high electric rates in San Francisco and i know that you as a commission are doing your part to help. By offering valued propositions for generations. I ask your continued advocacy in being able to be involved in the delivery side of the house, as well, because the public process that you afford will be able to help to reduce the electric rate in San Francisco. Gun, again, i ask for your contd advocacy as you continue the work in bringing clean, greener and less expensive power to San Francisco. Thank you. Operator you have two questions remaining. Question hello, commissioners. Thank you for allowing me to speak with you today. My name is elaine challenger. Im a member of the san m matteo bike council and we have had many discussions about the problem and possible solutions im going to discuss today. And last year, the san matteo board of supervisors requested a grand januaryery repor jury repe gravity of the problem. They agreed something needs to be done. Here is the setup. Beautiful open space, sunny views of the reservoirs and hills, a relatively safe path on sawyer camp trail and kinata road and a hell hole of cars trying to pass between k irinata road where cyclists are expected to travel with cars at high speeds along highways. On top of that, cyclists cross merging traffic and a gravel shoulder. Cyclists are hit frequently. On may 1st, i witnessed a cyclist hit and the worst thing for me was this collision was predictable and it will happen again and again until we fix this problem. So here is my ask, the pc has existing roads on the land surrounding lower skyline 9 92 d kinata road that would give cyclists a safe path. Im asking you to allow access to connect skyline to kinata road. There are land use issues and a greater need now to accommodate the rising number of cyclists. You can reach me at saferbikelanes icloud. Com and the san matteo bpack invites to our next virtual meeting. Thank you so muc much. Operator you have one question remaining. Question good afternoon, commissioners. This is peter dreckmeyer. There was a new rule that will gut the states for the Water Quality certifications. My opinion, this is the worse attack of many from the Trump Administration on californias quality of life. But right now, california desperately needs agencies leak the sf puc to stand up to trump. February 25th, commissioner vitor opposed the Trump Administrations buy love cal bl administration for the delta. Thank you. Youve been a great leader. Three and a half months have passed and still nothing has come back to the commission. Please step up on the vital issues. Today i ask you to not just oppose the latest epa rule of degradation to our environment but to sue the Trump Administration. This would send a clear message. I hope you will agendaize agends for your next meeting. Operator you have one question remaining. Question im a resident of san matteo. Its reported my citys average use is 86 gallons of water per person and in contrast, San Francisco is 46 gallons per day. According to the integrated information system, the bay area is in a moderate drought. But even though theres ample storage, usage will be high this year. Especially at a time when delta water levels are not repennished, for the habitat to sustain part of our economy such as salmon, theres a lot of room for better water management. So the focus on the specific opportunity, i would like sf puc to be working with wholesale buyers to show them best practises and improve water demand management. Sf puc Water Conservation is not what we see down here. We should all come together on this and communicate that its a better that its a Community Priority to manage water better and why. But sf puc needs to be the main driver on that. Thank you. Thank you. There are no more callers in the queue. Public comment on item 4 is closed. Madam secretary, could you please read the next item. Madam president , the next order of business is item 5, communication. Commissioners, any comments on communications . Madam president , a couple items. Last meeting, commissioner maxwell ask about a request i made of staff to develop a water budget work sheet. Ive provided a repan an expanso the commission and i wanted to say if anyone wanted a copy, if you contact the commission secretary, shell be glad to send them a copy. The other comment is on 5d, the alternate water supply Quarterly Report. Number one, i thought it was an excellent report. This presented a thought process behind it and i thought that was very positive an positive and u. The take away for me on that, theres a table on page 4 of the report that its a pie chart and basically says that in a worse case scenario, what we would be looking for is 100 mgd of supply and we have identified about 75. And those are very round numbers, leaving about 25 mgd with no identified solutions at this point. So in terms of responding to commissioner vietors request about what do if we had to meet the requirements of the delta plan, were short on that and we need to identify additional projects of that at least in theory might help bridge that gap. But again, i thought it was very positive. On the water budget, this kind of goes hand in glove with that report and i would also hope that, perhaps, by as early as the next meeting, we could have something to show in that respect. Thank you. Now. Commissioner, could you other commissioners have copies of the additional thoughts you had, the personal point that you made . That has already been distributed to the commission by the commission secretary. Its fairly brief, about two or three perhaps and it has a narrative and theres to numbers involved on it, but it does lay out the basic thought process i was looking for. This was briefed but very well done and you could understand it, so thank you. Through the chair, i also appreciated the effort that went into the report. Id like to request, especially because of commissioner morans interest in leadership on the water supply budget work i dont know what it looks like, but at the next meeting, so that its not just in communications but some kind of workshop so that we can dialogue and ask questions of staff if need be, especially when commissioner moran is a little further along in his thoughts and maybe already now, but i feel like that is a better way for me to kind of digest and process, to actually have a presentation, have someone kind of walk us through the highlevel points and to say that it looks like theres a 25 mgd delta, what do we do about it or what have you . Any other comments on the subject . Mr. Kelly, could you comment on 5f, which is your report on contracts . This is the first time its being present aske and presentee to draw attention to the report that is in communications. Yes, so 5f is a report of all of the contracts that are delegated, that you have delegated under my authority to approve. In the act of transparency, we wanted to provide a list of contracts and they hav who theyn awarded to and bring that out so everyone can see all of the activities that have been delegated to me and not go to the commission. So thats the purpose of the report. Were going to submit this quarterly so that you can keep track of all of the contracts that we have let out under my authority. So thats what the purpose of this report is, is to increase transparency. Is that mean to say, ann, or do you need mor . Yes, yes, so well be seeing this quarterly and well be seeing it under communications. You certainly didnt do much between january and march. [ laughter ] oh, dear. Any other comments by the commissioners on communications . Could you please open this to Public Comment . Members of the public who wish to provide comment on item 5, communications, dial 888 2733658 and access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line. Mr. Moderator, do we have any callers . There are multiple calls. Thank you. Operator you have three questions remaining. Question thank you. Im going to talk to you about the clean tower sf report and i thank you for presenting it. Its very clear and it looks like were doing a lot of good things. We are thinking about our customers by keeping covid19 and all of its attended issues in mind. Thank you for having good relief in place to help the people of San Francisco, to keep them in this program, which is clean power sf. It shows leadership and protection and respect for the brand. And so, please continue with that. When i went to look at various rates, i appreciate you all publishing the rate. There are two support rates involved. Other than that, i appreciate your continuing work and i look forward to frequent reports and conversations about this program. Thank you. Thank you. Operator you have two questions remaining. Question this is peter dreckmyer. I sent you a couple of letters yesterday. The one on the water supply budget work sheet that commissioner moran has requested. And regarding 5d, i agree, its a wellwritten report. But i feel its based on an old way of thinking. And this is in no way a criticism of staff. I think paula does great work, but trying to work within policy that is dated. And so im very enthusiastic about the water supply budget work sheet. I think we will have a much better understanding of water supply, issues related to that. So i hope you get a chap chanceo look at my letter. I requested there be a backgrounder included with that, so the elements are clear on how the system works and water rights. So information about the baker act, the 1995 flow schedule and i requested that there be information in there to look at the history of water entitlements and demand and storage level and so annual entitlements, tourist demand over the years and how much water was remaining in storage at the end of the year. I think that will be very helpful in transformin determiny moving forward. I hope there will be an opportunity to for the public to ennaturengage in using this too. Some of the factors to be considered are entitlements but alternative supplies, demand is we know demand is much lower than it was projected. New storage could be included and level of rationing and taking a look at the offramps and all of that is explained in my letter and i look forward to bringing this issue back in a couple of week. Thank you, caller. Operator you have one question remaining. Question so commissioners, on the water issue, i have requested several times to contract the tribes who have a vested interest in the reverse and the water which they consider water which we stole from them. So much like the racism that we are witnessing today, this issue happened during a time where congressmen could make bills with other areas an, steal the water and bring it to San Francisco. Thats ashame. You need to make it right. We have some telling you what is right and what is wrong you like to do wrong. Right now, they cannot speak for themselves. I said this before. We need to hear from the tribes. , the indigenous people, who were here for 15,000 years, unlike the strangers who came here from 400 years ago and screwed up everything. We need to hear from the tribes. This pandemic is something we should reflect upon. Thank you, caller. Your time is up. Thank you so much for your comments. Operator you have zero questions remaining. There arent any more callers in the queue, madam secretary. That closes Public Comment on item 5, communications. Madam chair, i have a question on 5d, im sorry. Is it ok if i ask it . Of course. 5c is the bay area watershed and rights of way wildfire preparedness and i just wanted to know if there is someone who can answer that. Is there a particular goal . Is there a place were trying to get to in being prepared for wildfires in these watershed areas . This is steve ritchie, assistant general manager for water and i would like to ask tim ramirez to respond to that question and hes on the loin. The line. Thank you for the question. We try every year to do the work that is outlined in the report, so what weve tried to do is to describe the entirety of the preparation work that needs to be done, the mowing, the massty case, vegetation and were on track to do that. In general, we try to get all of this work done by july 4th. We use that date for a couple Different Reasons and some are obviously, perhaps, associated with the holiday and others are based more on the vegetation and its growth, which is highly variable. So were generally on track to get all of that work done and were also theres a couple of updates from the memo. Were hoping to have our prescribed burn next week at san andreas dam, and i will be sure to get an update when i have that schedule down. Well be working through the details and i think well able to get these things done on schedule in the next few weeks and then well be as best prepared as we can be to fight the fires, help fight the fires that undoubtedly will happen. Weve had both meetings remotely like this one and thanks to brad and lee and it went very well, all things considered. Were in as good of a spot as we can be at this point. Great, thank you, and thank you for the update. Commissioners, before we move on, is there any further discussion of any of the items under communications . Madam secretary, the next item, please. Madam president , the next item is item 6, report of a general manager . Good afternoon, commissioners. Before i jump into the covid agencywide update, i want to recognise our black community. Today george floyd was laid to rest following his tragic killing by Minneapolis Police department on may 25th. Mayor breed asked all City Employees to hold a moment of silence for a full eight minutes and 46 seconds at noon today to mourn his loss. To mourn in this. This is the same amount of time that a Minneapolis Police officer pressed his knee into mr. Floyds neck until he died. Last week, i sent a statement of my reflection on George Floyds murder and in it, i shared my experience and invited their staff to share this. Over the last week, i received a ton of emails everyday from staff sharing their stories with me. I think this is important for a step in laying the foundation for identifying what the puc can do to create a Work Environment where employees of all race can strive and still respect it. As we move forward, i wanted to make sure that we take an approach that goes beyond lip service and instead puts in the hard work to unders

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