Knutzen. This Commission Meeting is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of the bryant act and recent executive orders issued by the governor to facilitate teleconferencing to reduce the risk of covid19 transmission at public meetingful ordinarily, the brown act has strict rules for teleconferencing. The governors executive order has descended those rules. It requires that we continue to notice meetings in advance. The department has met all of the applicable notice requirements. As noted on the agenda, members of the public may observe this teleconference meeting via sfgov tv and may offer Public Comment by calling the published comment phone number. Id like to welcome the members of the public and staff who are watching us live on sfgov tv. The Commission Asks and thanks you for your patience during these unprecedented times. Conducting the meeting through teleconferencing has only happened once last month in our history. That being said, we hope the public has patience. We are working diligently to learn and become familiar with this new system as this may be the way we conduct future Commission Meetings. Madame secretary, will you please call the role . Thank you, commissioner knutzen. [roll call] and please note that Deputy Director [inaudible] is present. Commissioner kutzen, we have a quorum. Wed like to provide instruction for Public Comment. Callers can dial in to the tollfree number and listen to the meeting as they wait for Public Comments to be announced. Members of the public have up up to three minutes to provide comments on each agenda item. I will announce that Public Comment is open on each item for the general Public Comment. During each Public Comment period, viewers and callers will be ininstructed to call 8882512949 access code 685870 pound pound. Once in the conference, press 2 to enter the queue. You will hear a notification when your line sun muted. They will remove you again from the question queue. It is best to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and turn down any electronics in the background. Are there any communications . Hearing none, commissioners ok. Commissioners, your next item is agenda item 4, approving the minutes of the may 6, 2020 meeting. Are there any comments or questions regarding the wednesday, may 6 Commission Meeting . All right. Hearing no do we have a motion to approve the minutes . Commissioner spears . I move. Ok. It has been moved by commissioner spears. Seconded by commissioner lum. And can we have a roll call to approve the may 6 das Commission Meeting minutes. [roll call] hello . Hello . [roll call] the vote is unanimous. Great. Thank you. Commissioners, item 5 is the executive directors report. Good morning, commissioners. Hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to cover a few things since we did get to meet not that long ago. But we have some new things happening. The first is that we did launch the governors great Flight Program about i guess it is going into the beginning of its third week and we have served 1300 people with this program in this very short time. I know that is Pretty Amazing that the staff was able to pull together intake staff in particular were able to ramp up and take lot of calls on we had a few kinks. But the fact that were serving this many people is absolutely amazing. It shows the great need we have t Food Insecurity that we have in San Francisco. And then in addition to that, we have served 54,000 meals in that program. Were using two different vendors and in order to try to get as many restaurants involved as possible. We used two vendors that are kind of an umbrella model where they have a lot of different people working with them. A lot of different restaurants and they provide the back end support and infrastructure. So, it seems to be working well. The confusing thing about that program is its a fema Reimbursement Program and fema approves it on a monthtomonth basis and right now its slated to end tomorrow and we have not yet heard whether it is going to be expended or not. So, were a little bit on pins and needles trying to find out trying to wait to hear what it will be extended. Every indication says it will be. But they have waited an awful long time to let us know that. As of the end of may, we have referred 620 clients to shanti for volunteer support. This is one way that we managed to get food to people. Mostly food but other items as well and its helped take the strain off our meals Home Delivered Program because those programs are operating at capacity. Were referring right now about 30 clients to shanti per week and right now we only have 90 people on our home delivers wait list, which is unheard of. Our wait list in regular times a lot higher than that. And i want to mention that were going to be bringing the area plan to commission for final approval at your next meeting and this got caught up in the whole covid thing. We were just about done with the area plan before the shelter in place hit and so we were given an extension to finish the area plan. We were almost done and were not really going to make many changes to it. We might have changes in service, but in general were going with the plan that we had. And the area plan will go to the Advisory Council for their approval first as you probably remember, it goes to the Advisory Council. They approve it and then it goes on to you for final approval. We have done a number of wellness checks. Weve done over 29600 calls completed by das programs and our communitybased organizations and thats resulted in 265 referrals to the hub. And then were doing an walesing of the data that weve captured. Amazingly enough, that for the most part, people we have called have not needed a lot of thing outside of what theyre getting. It is good to know. It means that people in our system for the most part, in getting what they need and that means our staff have done a really good job in assessing those needs with people. In addition to just moving on, thinking about our Quality Management service team, in addition to providing fit testing of n95 masks for das, c. Q. A. , which is our quality clinical and Quality Assurance unit, nurses are assisting in fit testing for family and Children Service staff so its nice that theyre using their expertise to help across the agency. Theyll be working with h. R. With the need to [inaudible] field based staff. One of things about this is now that were finally getting the correct personal protective equipment that we need, were able to really do a better job of serving our clients because, without that, we werent really able to pair some staff out and we were really having to prioritize both of our own staff and our community providers. Now that the personal protective equipment is flowing much better, were able to really make sure that people have what they need to serve. In terms of our shelter in place sites, were continuing to provide support for vulnerable clients with Home Care Services as well as Case Management. Currently were serving over 70 clients on an ongoing basis in that program. And then c. L. F. Is serving 17 clients with Case Management and a. P. S. Continues to respond to clients in need of that service needed that service. And then for conservatorship, were working with the City Attorney to legalize our processes for conservatorship program. This is something that we talked about precovid and probablying havent heard about since but were trying to march forward with that program and get it in place. And then i just wanted to shift and talk about the state budget for a moment. As you probably hopefully have been following the state budget process, and the governors [inaudible] there were a number of cuts to Older Adult Services and there was an outcry among advocates and heard from a number of adults across california, not just aging services, but really older adults themselvess who really said, you know, this is not good time to do this and the legislature has responded by not accepting the majority of those cuts. And i know that dan is going to go into more detail about specific items and our local budget and some of those state impacts from the state budget. But at this point, looking much more positive than it did a few weeks ago and were hoping that those reductions will not take place and that the programs that were at risk will stay. And then i just want to i dont have anything specifically from the federal level at this point. There is, you know, theres still the heroes act in play. But, you know, you have to wait well have to wait and see what happens with that. There is money in there for Senior Services at a variety of levels but there is not that much point in talking about it unless they start to see this, the thing happen. And i just want to end by saying june is elder independent and adult abuse Awareness Month in california. We have two webinars planned to recognize this month and also in support of world elder abuse awareness day. So webinars we have some webinars planned in conjunction with the institute of aging. Today we have one that is in the process right now, focused on educating the community about covid scams that target older people and adults with disabilities. The i. O. A. Has developed a fact sheet on scams and Legal Resources for fighting back and we can actually send that out to all of you. And then next week on the 16th, were going to host a second webinar and that will be a Panel Presentation that will cover elder abuse in longterm care facilities and it will explore the Critical Role of the ombudsman and also policy efforts that are focused on protecting the rights of vulnerable longterm care residents and so with that, i will end and take any questions that you have. Thank you very much, director mcfadden. On behalf of all the commissioners, i want to say and to you and owl of your staff, thank you again for another unprecedented, unimaginable month of work. We just really appreciate what youre doing and i want to say thank you for everything that you dont do. Do i have any other comments from other commissioners . Im not seeing anything there. So, ill turn it back to our secretary. Thank you. Commissioners, item 6 is Public Comment an opportunity for members of the public to address the commission on matters that are not on todays calendar. Moderator, please open the phone line for Public Comment. Members of the public already dialed in and wish to provide Public Comment thurnld item, press pound 2. If members of the public wish to provide comment, call 8883512549 and access code 6858700 poundpound. Well wait 30 seconds. Do we have any callers in the queue . Operator there are currently no callers in the queue. Thank you. Seeing none, ill call the next item. Commission kerr knutzen and members of commission, the next item is item 8, new business. At this time, the department of Human ServicesAgency Budget director dan caplan will present the das fiscal year 20212022 and 2122 amed budge. This is an informational presentation only. This does not require a vote by the commission. Go ahead, dan. Ok. There we go. Can we move to the next slide . Or do i do that . Yes, i do. Ok. No . If your controls arent working, press anywhere ton presentation before trying again. Thank you. Ok. One of the thing thats interesting about this moment is im coming to appreciate how many different Video Conferencing programs there are out there and each one handles things like moving slides forward slightly differently. So, im pleased to be here today. This is an extraordinary year for the development and redevelopment of budgets. And what we are bringing to you today is really an update. Over the last several weeks, we have been working on a rebalancing of the budget and the thing that necessitates this is that we have a very Strong Economy three or four months ago. To an economy that is now officially in recession. And its happened very quickly and people throughout the cities are scrambling to deal with it. So in the city of San Francisco, we went from a december shortfall projection of 419 million gap to a march projection of 1. 1 to 1. 7 billion. And then in may, we settled on a 1. 7 billion shortfall. Thats what the city is trying to balance around. This is a shortfall that covers the current fiscal year and then covers the budget year and the budget year plus one. The second year. And, you know, its an extraordinary situation. Obviously for things to have changed that quickly. So, in making this 1. 7 billion projection, the Key Assumptions that were made by the Mayors Office and Controllers Office budget and legislative Analysts Office is that wage increases, which would have gone into effect on july 1 are delayed six months. That e. P. I. Assumptions, which really guide the budgeting for materials are revised. That we made no assumptions about the extraordinary costs related to covid19. [talking in background] and as she mentioned before, on the feeding side, there are clearly extraordinary costs which we are still working on. On the side of the alternative Housing Program which h. S. A. Working for das has taken the lead on. We are looking at a program that will have annual costs in the low hundreds of millions of dollars. Very substantial federal funds for reimbursements for those cost. But we are still trying to parse out what the general impacts of that are. The other key thing about the may projection is it assumes no Additional Support from federal or state, but it also assumes no loss. And as we know, the Governors Office has rejected a 54 billion loss in may revenue and has proposed a may revised budget that comes to address that and also mention the legislature has received that a revised is budget and is in the process of modifying its own budget. Paying for programs like the das program. The good news is that both the governor and the legislature have acknowledged that this is the time of extraordinary need for the sorts of services that the [inaudible] agency provides. And there is some luck in revenues in our programs. But on balance, we [inaudible] goes up during this period. So, moving forward to the next slide, this breaks out the [inaudible] estimates a little bit more. Ill just draw your attention to the line at the bottom, which is cumulative shortfall lines. [talking in background] the estimates are compared to our budget in the current fiscal year. We will have a general fund. In terms of general funds, a quarter of a billion worse off than people would have been four months ago. And then in each of the next two years, well be about three quarters of a billion dollars worse off than we anticipated. If you add those all together, you get to the 1. 7 billion. There is a lot of uncertainty, as you would expect at this time. The federal money that has been [inaudible] through the cares act that has been allocated will be gone quickly. As i said before, we have not fully come to terms with estimated [inaudible]. [talking in background getting louder] of the covid19 response of program. And we have a lot of other uncertainty, some of it financial and just very operational. That is the situation that were in. And all of this is becoming clear, but very slowly. We are, of course, moving forward and build a budget to continue operation. We have been assuming that programs like the d. A. S. Program will be running in remote load for the most part during the next fiscal year. Were still teasing apart what that means for an agency like the [inaudible]. Theyre assuming that the lions share of workers will be telecommuting or working as mobile workers. So, folks who are social workers and and clients will continue to do so after those are, for the most par, oneonone meetings at clients homes. Our offices will be largely unopened and both the buildings will, in fact, be open on some level. The city has laid out guidelines for reopening buildings which basically suggests a fewer than 20 of the workforce should be in the building at any given time. I think we will probably be able to get a lower rate than that. But what that means that we will be retooling a lot of the [inaudible]. So, that is [inaudible]. And then, as i said before, the state is facing significant revenue drops. And a significant portion of our funding comes from the state, we the city will [inaudible] within h. S. A. And well feel that a little bit less. As part of rebalancing, the Mayors Office has given additional reduction targets to agencies. As you see at the top of this slide, our targets for next fiscal year will be 6. 2 million with another 3. 2 millionish of contingency reduction to be aware of. And then 9. 4 million in the subsequent year. Remember that in february, we proposed the budget with reduction targets met and 2. 2 and 4. 4 million. So, those count to the total. So, what we are coming up with now is an additional reduction of 4 million. In the budget 5 million. [mumbling] the Mayors Office