A business that opens up how they operate, how close, how many employees, how close can they operate. What they have to wear. And yet you say nothing about lets say, tents on the street. You just leave it to the c. D. C. Guidelines about how far things need to be apart. There seems to be my impression and i will close with my impression is that you have put anything related to homelessness into a category that you have decided is a policy matter for someone else to deal with rather than a Public Health issue. And i am telling as a District Supervisor and shared by some others on this board that that is creating, that lack of guidance is creating enormous confusion in the streets. It is creating confusion among the Police Department who are not sure what they are enforcing out there in the district. It is created really complete chaos in the streets. We are all trying to deal with it, but were not the folks who have the power to issue Public Health orders tomorrow like you do. So i would just urge you, in fact, beg you, to not categorically leave all this to the political realm and to take aspects of how we are dealing with homelessness in San Francisco that aspects that are clearly Public Health issues and show the leadership and issue orders we need to let what roles are playing by. And i know my colleagues are happy to work with you to develop the orders as quickly as possible. Thank you, supervisor pressson. By the way, there is thank you, supervisor preston. There are three more supervisors that are on the roster to ask questions. But i just want to this is probably not even a question. I dont remember the specific question that we had last at the end of last weeks session briefing. And you didnt have to answer at the time. It was about plan and that you would two back and ask h. S. H. And the relevant departments and you said that you would come up and give us a sense of a plan. I am not getting any sense at all. Supervisor fewer. Supervisor thank you very much. Hello, dr. Aragon. Thank you for being here. I want to echo and my question mirrors very much what supervisor preston said because actually we were made to believe that every policy complements or in accordance with a Public Health issue, order. So when we are telling the constituents also we are saying really the department of Public Health and that Public Health orders take precedence over everything because we do agree that this is Public Health takes precedence over everything now. Over peoples right to go outside and socialize, like we are monitoring all those things. But there is a lack of policy around homelessness, and actually if i could just politely correct you, you actually work, i think, for the board of supervisors. And so i am wondering if we were to bring a health order to you that we think should be implemented and should be actually addressed, so do you think this is somebody that you would be open to that the supervisors would say that because i actually think there needs to be a health order around homelessness. I said last week that everything that we are doing is through this middle class paradigm. It is not addressing the real issues that are on the street. And actually i think as i said last week, it was a little disingenuous that we come to a meeting months ago and the first thing you say is, homelessness is the First Priority and yet we see no orders around homelessness. It is frustrating and i think actually it is causing confusion. But more than that, quite frank linn this is putting lives at risk. We are floundering here and we dont know what is the best situation for them and we are trying to give defense to them and we have a conversation planned for thursday. So i put this question out to you. When the feds stop reimbursing for hotel rooms and we can only fit 50 or 30 of the capacity of unhoused people into our congregate shelters again because it could be a Public Health issue, what is the plan . What is the plan . What are we working towards . We will still be dealing with this deadly disease for a year, year and a half and what is the plan and the health order to guide this plan around the unhoused population . President president go ahead, doctor aragon. Thank you. And of course, i am always willing to talk and meet and to discuss and to take ideas. And the way the process works for me, me as an individual really have to work with a team of experts to sort of really understand what is the best thing and what is the best action that were going to take next. And so i am willing to and absolutely willing to listen and talk about that. But i will have to work with the folks here at the department of Public Health because that is the resources that i depend on to try to make the best decisions in cooperation with all the departments here in the city as well as the board of supervisors. And to give me ideas and something to make progress on and consistent with our departmental policies, i do try to make sure we are clear about that. I was weighed down about this thing and predicted for years and i said to you, do we have enough sites. You said to me, yes, we do. I said, well, where are they . And how many do you have . And you said to me we are confident we have enough quarantine sites for everyone that would need it. You told me that yourself. Im sorry, dr. Aragon. I think its a little disingenuous. I think what we want are real answers. I look forward to our conversation on thursday. Thank you. President supervisor peskin. Supervisor thank you, president yee. I think supervisors fewer and preston touched on everything i was going to ask. I do want to clarify one thing which is the law. The law is every board of supervisors and we talked a thbt last week in the 58 counties of the state of california appoint the chief health officer. It is also true that dr. Aragon is an employee of the department of Public Health in his capacity as a doctor. So both of these things are true. Im not suggesting anything. I just want my colleagues and anybody who is watching and the good doctor to actually be very clear. The designation as this very extraordinarily powerful position is done by and serves at the pleasure of the 58 boards of supervisors in the state of california. I just want to state that on the record. Everything else has been asked and not really answered. President supervisor ronen, you are the last one on the roster and we will end with yours. Go ahead. Supervisor i would also say that supervisors preston and fewer mostly made the comments i was going to make. I wanted to clarify, though, slightly. So dr. Aragon, what happens for your position when this board of supervisors pass adieu nan mouse ordinance requiring that the city immediately open 8,250 hotels and the mayor responds that she wont do it. Dont you need to intervene from a Public Health perspective . And do something . I have not thought about that specific question. I dont have an answer for that question right now. Supervisor okay. That is often the case. I will say that we asked a lot of questions last week you didnt have the answers to and were going to come back this week and we havent gotten those answers. I guess this will be another one we add to the list. And then correct me if im wrong, but one of your earliest orders was not to prevent gatherings of over a certain amount of people on city property. That was correct. Supervisor there is an example of you making a Health Decision for something that is completely under our control, is it not . That is true. Supervisor so why wont you do that when it comes to the most important population that is most at risk in our city other than the Nursing Homes that i really appreciate the work you have done there, but for the Homeless Population that you and i have been talking about on the phone several times and in these public hearings for eight weeks now. And you just wont budge on it. I really, really dont understand it. And the answers. So let me explain how that worked out. We were doing orders for the city, and we had decided the more rigorous we actually applied to our properties, but that wasnt me in isolation telling the city what to do. It was just like we are having now, it was a collaborative process of everyone coming together and saying whats the right thing that we can do to also set an example to the rest of the city about restricting gathering. And that is also true for the big issues. And not like i can in isolation tell all the departments to do something. It has to be something that is going to be achievable and doable and that theres consensus that this is the way we need to move forward, and that is the way that one moved forward. Every time we do one of the principals we apply in Public Health is we try to do the least restrictive option because we also realize that people dont always comply and we try to sort of figure out what can people actually accomplish. So that was an example where the city came together and decided with the broader strategy and town stricter and we didnt build that common vision and making sure that happens. The challenges that i faced in the position that i have. And i think Something Like that to need all of us have to develop a consensus and is the consensus and provision and strategy that gets enacted if the order would not be required. Supervisor i would just second supervisor fewers request. We passed a unanimous ordinance requiring that hotel rooms be made available for every homeless individual who was able to selfcare. And i would ask or second supervisor fewers request that you draft a health order reflecting that unanimous legislation. President any response . Can you put that to me in writing. Again, i think that it is really hard to get that kind of request and to have an answer right on the spot. Like i said, for any of these Big Decisions i really need to consult with a lot of folks and sort of make sure that this is the right thing to do. And i will please put in writing and i will take it under consideration. Supervisor i will do that. President supervisor peskin is only going to take 30 seconds. Supervisor yes. This is really more of a comment. Dr. Aragon, i think all 11 of us and if i may say the mayor are united in not wanting to second guess or micromanage our Health Experts in a pandemic or any other medical situation, and i was a little disappointed when you said that you are rarely contacted precovid19 by members of the board or during covid19 by members of the board. I have contacted you over everything from 5g cell emissions to during the pandemic i know that supervisor ronen has personally spoken with you, i have spoke within you on many occasions. I really hope that you would say to me and my colleagues in the public that yes, you do receive calls from us precisely over the issues that we are talking about, which by way of i dont want to talk tales out of school, be u you agreed with the supervisor as a doctor over issues of reducing transmission in congregate settings, with they shelters, s. O. R. S or on the street. You agreed with this supervisor. You agree with supervisor ronen. You actually expressed to us your concerns that if you made those decisions, your job might be jeopardized. And i actually said to you, that we would protect your job because you serve as the board of supervisors appointee. And we want the best medical advice that you can give and given your powers under state law as the health officer, we want you to implement those. As i said in earlier meeting, doctor, weve got your back. Thats the end of my 30 seconds, mr. President. President thank you. Time is up. Thank you, dr. Aragon, for being here, but i am a little disappointed that we had general question about the same issues that we talked about and my colleagues just talked about, and there was some commitment by you to come back with some overall idea of how you would get to a plan if not a plan. So i will talk to you or contact you in the future to see if we need anymore briefings. But today i am going to go ahead and end todays briefing. Again, thank you, colleagues, for hanging in there. And thank you, dr. Aragon and thank you, dr. Baba for being here today with us. Good night, everybody. President yee good afternoon and welcome to the may 19, 2020 regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madam clerk, would you please call the roll. Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] clerk okay. Mr. President , you have a quorum. President yee thank you, madam clerk. Please place your right hand over your heart. Would you please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] president yee okay. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgov or sfgtv who record each of our meetings and make the transcripts available to the public online. Madam clerk, are there any communications . Clerk yes, mr. President. The record will reflect that since the declaration of local Health Emergency as a result of the covid19 disease, the members of the board of supervisors are participating in the Board Meeting through Video Conference and to the same extent as if they were physically present in their legislative chamber. Provisions have also been made for the public with and without the internet to be able to participate remotely in the following ways. For those who do not have the access to the internet, the u. S. Postal service will deliver your written correspondence. Please address the envelope to the San Francisco board of supervisors, city hall, room 244, San Francisco, california, 94102. If you are interested in listening to the meeting, you can, on your telephone, by dialing 8882045984, and when prompted, end the access code 3501008, and press pound twice. Youll have joined and can listen to the meeting in progress. And if were staying with access by phone, if you would like to provide general Public Comment, which is item 25 on todays agenda, dial that same number thats crawling across sfgovtv and across your screen if youre having the meeting streamed live on the computer. 8882045984, and when prompted, enter the access code 3501008, press pound twice to join the meeting. Once you wish to enter the queue to speak, dial one, and then zero. Youll be moved into the speaker line, and youll be prompted when it is your turn to provide comment. You can get in line early or wait until item 25 is called. The key is to only press one and zero one timed. Otherwise, pressing it twice, youll be moved out of commenting mode and back out of the queue to speak. While people are calling in, please call from a quiet location. That means mute your television and your radio. Speak clearly and slowly. Each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes to speak on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board. Elections are always around the corner, but please, no electioneering at the Board Meeting during your general Public Comment. Address the board as a whole and not to individual members of the board. Two points. The office of Civic Engagement director has assigned three interpreters and are standing by to assist the public in their Public Comment. I would like them to know that they are here for them. Agnes lee. Miss lee . [speaking chinese language] interpreter thank you. Clerk thank you, miss lee. Thank you. And now, mr. Arturo cosenza. Interpreter hi there. [speaking spanish language] clerk thank you, mr. Cosenza. Miss lau . [speaking tagalog language] interpreter thank you, miss clerk. Thats all for me. Clerk thank you. And finally, if members of the public have statements and theyd like to submit statements to the board, board. Of. Supervisors sf. Gov. If youd like to watch it on cable, its cable channel 26. Thank you for your patience with the length of my communication. Mr. President . President yee thank you, madam clerk. Before me get started, just a friendly reminder to all the supervisors to mute your microphones when youre not speaking to avoid audio feedback, and welcome, supervisor safai. Colleagues, today, we are approving the minutes from april 7, 2020, regular Board Meeting, and the april 1, 2020 special meeting at the budget and finance committee, and april 1, 2020, special meeting at the budget and appropriations committee, which constituted quorums of the board of supervisors. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Okay. Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . Supervisor peskin so moved. Peskin. President yee okay. Seconded . Supervisor ronen second, ronen. President yee okay. So its been moved and seconded. Without objection, then. Will you please call the roll . Clerk thank you, mr. President. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Without objection, they will be moved as presented. Madam clerk, will you call items 1 through 5 on the conseco Consent Agenda . Clerk these items lifted hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the board. President yee okay. Do any members of the board wish to sever any items . Okay. Madam clerk, lets call the roll. [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. The ordinances are passed on First Reading, and finally passed unanimously. Madam clerk, lets go to our new business. Please call items 6 and 7 together. Clerk items 6 and 7 are two Airport Commission items. Item 6 is a resolution to approve modification number 6 to an airport contract, Airport Shuttle bus services with sfo hotel shuttle, inc. To address the not to exceed amount of 120 million approximately its actually 116 milli