Necessary resources needed to implement the components of the legislation and to secure rooms and also take into account the fact that federal and state funds may be available to support the services mandated by this legislation. Supervisor peskin did a good job of touching on all the major points why this appropriation is important. And i just wanted to share my voice in support of this appropriation. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Any other comments from supervisors . Supervisor peskin has made a motion to continue this item and i will make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair as we are in close communication with him and his staff. So id like to make a motion to continue item number 7 to the call of the chair. Could i have a roll call vote, please . On that motion. Walton aye. Mandelman aye. Fewer aye. There are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Now lets vote on item number 6. We heard Public Comment on that. And so id to make a motion. I mentioned in the beginning, the Budget Committee did not have a financial deliberation on this or there wasnt a judgment that we could actually vote on because this is an urging resolution, so there is not a fiscal act for this particular item. So i think that we should supervisor haney, i think that really you should follow up with the b. L. A. With what you mentioned and i think its a good suggestion, but i, you know while i appreciate this, the goal and i did want to also say, yeah, our first line workers are getting us through this. It is tremendous. It is unselfish. It is generous. It is a gift the work they do. However, because of the emerging resolution, i want to caution them also, were going to be discussing difficult budget decisions that will impact the boards priorities and its not responsible extendi funding for services while major cuts are for others. Having said that, there is urging resolution. But i do want to get this out of committee so the full board has an opportunity to vote for it. Id like to make a recommendation to move this out of committee to the full board with no recommendations. Could i have a roll call vote . On the motion. Walton can you repeat the exact motion . Supervisor fewer id like to make a motion to move this out of Committee Without recommendation to the full board . Supervisor walton aye. Supervisor mandelman aye. Supervisor fewer aye. Your ayes are three ayes. Supervisor fewer thank you very much. Colleagues, i want to thank you for your patience today. And also want to thank our listening public for the patience and the glitches. We apologize, were trying to get better at this and we will continue to try. I want to thank i. T. Staff and our clerk and sfgovtv for being so accommodating also. Madame clerk, any other business before us today . There is no further business. Supervisor fewer were adjourned. Thank you, everyone. Good afternoon and thank you for your patience. Im mayor london breed and im joined by the department of human sources, trent roher and department of housing, the police chief, bill scott and youll be hearing from some of them in just a moment. As of today, we have 1,490 cased of those reported in San Francisco with chinatow covid1d sadly, we have lost 23 residents in our city. You can find out more information at datasf. Org covid19. Our tracker with a number of details around neighborhoods, of around race and ethnicity and other information on this tracker that we will continue to update. In addition, there is information on this tracker, as well, regarding our hotel rooms and the number of hotels rooms that are available and also occupied by Homeless Individuals, our Public Health and our Public Safety workers and so lots of great information on the tracker. Today, as im sure you know, that the Area County Health officers announced Additional Details regarding the stayathome order which has been extended through the month of may and the new guidelines include outdoor businesses, the ability to open outdoor businesses, like fle fle marketd hiking and fishing and golfing and these are things that can be done through social distancing and its just providing additional opportunities for people to not only have some flexibility but to get back to work and speaking of getting back to work, theyve provided the opportunity for construction to resume in our city. Thats all construction projects. And this is really great that we are at this point, but i want to be clear that we have a long way to go. And the work that the Economic Recovery Task force is doing to work with the department of Public Health, to provide guidelines for various industries as we look into the future and reduce the curves and get back to the lives we know and love, we know there will be real changes. Our goal is to work on what those changes might be and to provide guidelines in advance so that so many of our businesses in San Francisco are prepared when we are able to resume business. And i know that this will be a gradual undertaking and we appreciate, again, your patience and your cooperation as we deal with this very challenging time. Im committed to not only getting through these next few weeks, but also making sure that we are able to provide you wail a little more guidance, a little more certainty and understanding about exactly what could potentially be available. We know that so many of you are anxious to know that if you are able to go back to work, what will happen with schools, what will happen with children, what will happen with ederly parents or exposure for yourselves and those are the kinds of things we want to make sure we have the answers to as we gradually begin to reopen various sectors in our city. So again, thank you for your cooperation and thank you four r your patience. I want to talk a little bit about how excited i am that construction is able to resume in San Francisco. It not only means opportunities for the people who are working in this industry, to go bac baco work and again, there are guidelines that are been put in place to keep workers safe, but it provides the opportunity to continue what we know important construction work around housi housing. Housing production is necessary because even though were in the midst of a Public Health crisis, we are already experiencing a huge homeless challenge. And the need to make sure that we are not stopping Housing Production because of what will be needed on providing us the ability to move forward and to make sure we have this muchneeded housing. Its so important to move forward and so, we know that this has been a problem in our city and its something ive been pushing for, this challenge of providing housing and the issues around homelessness because of this crisis could potentially get worse and this is why its so critical that we continue to build housing and so, im excited about this and i know that this will make a real difference in our city and in the bay area. Housing shortages, as we also know, lead to higher costs and higher housing costs leads to more people becoming homeless. From this population, they cannot just stay at home, because they dont have a home. We see playing itself out all over the city with the number of tent encantments and so far weve placed almost a thousand people and s in hotel rooms whie been an incredible logistical challenge and continues to be. But as weve talked about before, we need hotel rooms for frontline workers who are out there, working every single day, essential workers who are putting their lives on the lines because we dont want to risk them in affecting other people and their families. In addition to securing and staffing hotel rooms, were creating alternative shelter locations, including 120rv 120 v trailers at bayview and Hunters Point. This will provide a safe place for people who are homeless in the southeast part of the city. And i want to be clear that these rvs will serve the bayview, Hunters Point community and trent roher will speak more in detail, but the hotel rooms we are provides are for people who were homeless in San Francisco before this crisis. The rvs that we are providing in the bayview Hunters Point are for the bayview Hunters Point community and we are only going to serve during this crisis and i want to be clear because ive heard a lot of conversations, a lot of talks and a lot of feedback from people out there on the frontline, where people are showing up in San Francisco from other places and asking where their hotel room is. Thats a room problem for me because again, we have a real challenging problem as it relates to homelessness as it is and i want the message out loud and clear that the people who are already in our system of care, we have a coordinated system to help and if you were no in the system in thnot in the beginning, we will not prioritize you for the resources that we have available. You will not be prioritized over them. So i want to make that loud and clear. Only people who are currently in a homelessness system of care may qualify for the rooms and at bayview Hunters Point or other folks in the coordinated care system may qualify for the rvs and trailers we have available. No one from other cities should be coming to San Francisco, expecting theyll get prioritized over the people who are here. And to be clear, we are going to have we have enough challenges with trying to provide services and support to our existing residents and we are most likely not going to be able to serve everyone as hard as we are trying to do exactly that. So i just want to be clear so that we can make sure that that word gets out because sadly, that is what we see happening and playing itself out on our streets. And what i want to also talk about is density and crowding and how theres a National Conversation around the fact that places that are more dense, that have a lot of housing are places where there are real challenges with the virus. In San Francisco, in particular, we have been able to not necessarily reduce the curve but keep it relatively flat as a result of the work that we have all done together, but we also know that the lack of housing, the inability to have places for people to live where they have their own bathrooms and their own kitchens and theyre not sharing these congregate Living Spaces and more importantly, we know that the cost of living has made it difficult for families who are living with one or two families and extended Family Member exposs and those are thes of environments that make it possible to spread the virus quickly and the conditions that people sometimes live in are very challenging and this is, again, why the need to build more housing and to have more opportunities for people to not be in units where there is crowding or overcrowding is important, especially during a pandemic as we can see. Weve also seen how our lowincome communities have been hit harder, in part, because people in those communities are often forced to live with multiple roommates or other Family Members in the same unit. And this is what i moon b mean e housing impacts, the fact were not building enough faster is having a tremendous impact on our city. Although in comparison to other cities, San Francisco is relatively flat. I mean, we are the second densest city in the country. Yet, we have not experienced, you know, close to the impacts that other cities who are far less dense than we are have. So i wanted to spell the myths of the need to not produce more housing as a result of this pandemic. It is a serious need in our city executive wanand i want us to co move in this direction. Its one of the reasons why i, along with the president of the board of supervisors, norman yee, we moved forward the balance bobalboaresident projec. This will create permanent jobs and 1,100 new homes with 50 , which will be affordable right next to city college. There will be housing for teachers, for families, for lowincome residents. There will be a great new addition to the neighbor near Public Transit and near city college and this is absolutely incredible and this is what we need to do. And its really why i am very surprised and extremely disappointed that the board of supervisors yesterday decided to continue the mission rock project, the mission rock project which provides 1,200 homes, 40 of which are affordable and 14,000 construction jobs and over 10,000 permanent jobs. When were thinking about what is happening with this pandemic, we cant wait around to move these projects forward. People have lost their jobs. Over 60,000 people in San Francisco have filed for unemployment and we anticipate that 40,000 more will. We cant stop our economy. We cant stop moving forward. People are going to need tack as to Employment Opportunities and people are going to need places to live. So it would be interesting to hear exactly what the reason is for why this very important critical housing and jobs project was delayed by the board because this does not help our city move forward. Finally, i want to talk about the support we announced yesterday for workers. In San Francisco, we have a law that requires employees who dont provide insurance to pay into a fund that gives workers access to funds for health spending. And you think the citys bureaucracy is challenging, i mean this program which is meant to help workers and the challenges that they have had in maneuvering this system has made it difficult for them to access money that theyre entitled to. And were not just talking about a few dollars. Were talking about in this particular case, 138 million. Its just sitting in healthcare accounts and because of restrictions and bureaucracy, its too hard to spend and yesterday, we were able to announce what we did to fix it and i will tell you this is something weve been working on for a long time. And thanks to the city attorneys office, the office of economic and workforce development, some people from labor and other great minds, we were able to come up with a really great solution so that we can get the hands, the money from this account directly into the hands of the people who need it the most. And so, we are going to do just that. Every Single Person who owns one of these accounts and there are over 100,000 accounts, will now be able to access this money and we will make it easy and quick for them to get it. This is really something that will help tremendously with what some workers and in many cases, these are the workers who have most likely been laid off from work and could use what could amount to anywhere on average 1300 per person. So im really grateful to all of the people who worked on making this resource available. As we deal with this real challenge around Public Health, simultaneously, we must ensure that the things that we are able to do and provide, we need to do it. People need to work and theyre going to need jobs when this is over. People are going to need to have places to live. Were going to continue to need to deal with the challenges around homelessness and so, this will be very difficult and require some very difficult choices. An estimated 1. 1 to 1. 7 billiondollar budget deficit is nothing to sneeze at. So as we are making decisions today, we have to be mindful of that and what that means to the success of our city and the future. The success of our economy in the future. And those are the reasons why these housing projects are so critical, the Job Opportunities that they create are so critical, our work to support, our existing residence, including our existing Homeless Population and to not increase that significantly is so critical. Its why we have to draw the line somewhere because we dont have an endless pot of money available to serve everyone who needs it and that is going to be our challenge as we go into the future and make the decisions we need to make around Public Health and safety and our economy, its important that we do everything we can to support our existing workforce, to support our existing homelessness population and to get through this pandemic together. So with that, i would like to introduce dr. Kolfax is not with us, but dr. Philips from the department of Public Health will be providing an update. Good afternoon, im dr. Susan philips. Thank you, mayor brisked. Breed. Today there are 1,497 San Francisco residents with confirmed cases of covid19. And a total of 23 people in San Francisco have died. I send my condolences to their loved ones. Mayor breed also begins her remarks with these numbers as a way to honor those who have become sick and those who have died. But also an and important reminder to us all. Even though we have made tremendous progress as a community to slow the spread of the coronavirus, it is still here and can spread as easily as it did a month ago and will thrive if we let it. We announced when the stayathome order expires sunday night, a new one will take effect. That will last through the end of may, giving us time to build the systems we need to support or recovery. I know this is hard. I greatly appreciate the sacrifices everyone in San Francisco and the greater bay area have been making. When we think about the family and friends we are missing, we must remember, they are the people we are protecting by staying apart. When we think about the jobs changing or lost, we must remember or economy would Face Even Greater setbacks if we did