Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Special Budget And Finance Committ

Transcripts For SFGTV BOS Special Budget And Finance Committee 20240713

Colleagues from the city are online today, john fitzky and john francis and the manager of our section at oewd. Well ask for a motion to accept the sud, addresses the number of technical corrections that the City Attorney discovered to help clean up at this time. So on to the presentation. You see the site today and thank you to both supervisors walton and peskin for those introductions. I want to set a little bit of context from a planning perspective, too. And some of you may have seen this slide before. Its the framework at oewd established, the southern bayfront framework with an organizing strategy to help keep track of this suite of projects that the city has processed over the past couple of years and the waterfront, obviously, together, representing an incredible amounamount of space for jobs ad Housing Units and we tried to coordinate an approach that makes the Public Benefits commensurate and the District Needs as a whole. And then moving to the context of this area of this central waterfront, when you see the proposed plan near pier 70, you can see what a transformation al effect these two will have in the area and critically connecting these neighborhoods to a part of the waterfront which have never been open to public access. Thats one of the more important points of the project. Moving to the site itself, you can see that our sequence analysis actually analyzed items the project is proposing do on port listenland, as well. There was a proposed lease agreement, recommended bit Port Commission is few weeks ago and already reviewed and recommended by your colleagues on the Budget Committee whereby the project would improve 1. 6 acres of shoreline, port known property. Here is the proposal itself as a land use diagram, you see a mixeduse project, residential and commercial, the hope is to develop a hotel, as well, on the unit 3 site, adaptively reuse the power block that supervisor peskin made reference to. Here is that same landuse information as a masking state. And 2600 units of full buildout of office and or life science development, as well. A few images of the shoreline here to is sho show you this. Again, such and important feature of the design of the project and, really, a focal point of the documents that draw people to this waterfront, not only to open it up for the first time public access, but to draw people to it and provide space for vitality and dynamic opportunities once there. This really has the potential to become the destination waterfront, perhaps regional in nature, and something were very proud of. This isupervisor peskin made ree to the Community Engagement process and then you add up all of the office hours, the larger scale community, meeting, workshops and the larger social events on the site and that all adds up to hundreds of opportunities where Community Members involve themselves in this process. So ill get to you in a moment, the crux of the matter, which is the nature of the Public Benefits package. Just a quick note on the mediation. Thats and important topic, too. I will summarize that the upshot which is this, that the site cannot be developed as is just described in items in front of you as it is signed off and finalized by the Quality Control board who is the lead agency for those in mediation efforts. Much of the project is ongoing and much is complete. So it has been underway for some time and these agreements go back through a series of prior owners. When this developer stepped into that agreement, collaboration to them and pg e, theyve been able to realize efficiencies in terms of a timetable in accelerating that cleanup and they expect to be able to have the site remediated even to prior schedules. All of that process and the documents associated with this is a public process, of course, and all of that information is available through the water board site. So, on to kind of the crux of the matter, a few different topics. The centerpiece for this project, of course, is the 30 belowmarket rate level that we were able to negotiate with this developer. So a full project that equals almost 800 affordable units on this site and again, without intervention of major Public Participation either in the form of funding or land or both. So the housing plan requires both 30 level and then amis consistent with section 415 of the planning code. Up to onethird of the requirement, the developer is allowed to meet that through fees and those fees will need to be spent within district 10. The onsite units are subject to the neighborhood Reference Program and that fee amount equals over 45 million. On transportation, several items that baked into the project from day one, the extension of this dogpatch line, the project providing layover facilities and a turnaround for that line. Obviously a robust tdm plan and over 65 million in tsf fees going to a suite of important projects in the district and more broadly, this is something weve worked on with the community a lot in addition to many other points, been able to support the potential for a water transit Pilot Project in the area, something that a lot of folks in the neighborhood are interested in, as well, including the ports. The force development, weve initiated a 1 million contribution from the project to help fund job and training, both on the Construction Side and enduser side and essentially well be creating a pipeline for and then putting those applicants to work and opportunities generated with the activities on site, both instructs and then with enduser site. I mentioned the importance of the waterfront and the portowned areas. To that one piece of the openspace framework, including recreational opportunities, as well as passive interaction and in terms of facilities, the developer is in the advanced conversations with the ymca to be the provider of an onsite recreational facility and that facility will be required of the developer through the agreement and the ymca at this point is intended to be the operator. Similarlsimilarly on site for ac library, should they be interested in that. In terms of preservation, this is items that has moved through because of and thanks to the deep engagement of members of the community and so the project thats before you will adaptively reuse the resources on site, notably the station a structure which remains of much conversation and this iconic symbol of the neighborhood that everyone in the waterfront know today. Being a waterfront site, sealevel rise is of concern and we both are addressing that and from an engineering standpoint, through the project, as designed. Then in the outyears, part of a community facilitys district that we will be establishing in partnership with the sponsor, some dollars at which will be available to the city for sealevel waterfront model. So weve been through already a number of commission, all of which receive positive recommendations unanimously at each one and the Planning Commission certified the approval adopted at the end of january. So the actions before you today are three ordinances that we are requesting for recommendation on ordinances that amend the general plan and a planning code. The planning code amendments would establish the special use district and thats the way the city implements the design for Development Document which was part of your package in a much lengthier design focus and, of course, an ordinance adopting the agreement itself, the contract between the city and california barrel. It ensures these Public Benefits weve discussed are delivered. And ill leave you with just a few renderings of the future project. The future of 22nd street and 23rd street, as well as reused station a in the future. So myself and my colleagues are available for questions. Thank you, supervisors, for the time. Thank you, mr. Lao and i want to mention you were an aid to then supervisor Sophie Maxwell and so you have watched this for probably getting on to a decade and a half or 12 years, at least. So i wanted to note that youve seen it all the way through. With that, are there any questions or comments from members of the Landuse Committee . Seeing no questions from Committee Members, lets go to the planning department, mr. Switsku. I. To presentation today but were here to answer questions. Thank you, josh. Lets open this up for Public Comment and i believe the project sponsor, enrique landae may be on the line and madam clerk, lets open this up for Public Comment. I wanted tthis was noted to n economic impact. inaudible . Thank you for that. Well hear from mr. Kahn. I want to go back to mr. Lao, that are amendments to item number 4, the 2039 file. I am not, to my knowledge, in receipt of those. I dont know if my colleagues are, but that is new information for me. I just searched my emails during the power point presentation and i dont think anything, at least not from miss major. Colleagues are you in receipt of that . Or mr. Lao, do you know how we received that, or miss major . This is john. I shared those with the clerk. We can send those to you live. We can get that to you right here in a moment. Ok, maybe if you can email that to the members of the committee and the Committee Clerk and madam, clerk, are you familiar with what mr. Lau spoke to earlier . The technical amendment . Yes. Yes, i can share them if you give me a minute. Would you like me to share them on the screen. Yeah, i certainly would like to know what im voting for. One minute. [ laughter ] and while shes pulling that up, sorry supervisors, and thats a relatively lengthy ordinance, but amendments are not substantive in nature. We will be providing to the clerk updates to the file. But exhibits and attachments as part of the d. A. File, specifically those are an exhibit which is the finance plan, in addition to the workforce plan. And i wanted to have the record show that and share that with you, as well. Well be getting those updates to the clerk. And those are attachments that are incorporated by reference . Thats right. Ok. I see somebodys screen. Thats my screen, clerk major. I dont see any notes as any amendments. Maybe if john can specify which paige anpage and i can navigate. John, if you could send those around. I can do that right now. And well forward it all, as well. So while we are doing that, why dont we open this up for Public Comment. Are there any members of the public, including the project sponsor, who would like to testify on items 3, 4 or 5 . Mr. Chair, our phone staff is checking on the callers. Ok. Mr. Chair, there are two callers wishing to speak. First speaker, please. You have two questions remaining. Hello, good afternoon. Im cynthia gurman. Im calling from local 2. Is there a way to confirm you can hear me . We can hear you. Thank you. Ill try to be brief. We are in support of the proposed mixeduse project. And as was mentioned earlier, one of the many uses of this project would be a very creatively use of some of the Building Elements of the decommission power station for a hotel and we at local 2 signed an agreement with the job at the hotel, specifically a guarantee for a fair and neutral process for the eventual Hotel Workers we ask for your support. Thank you and that will conclude my remarks. Thank you. Another caller . You have one question remaining. You have two minutes and you can begin now. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, supervisors. This is corey smith on behalf of the San Francisco housing coalition, also in support here today. Given Public Comments on this a number of times, but we want to really applaud project sponsor for bringing together a true coalition for this project and having all of the stakeholder meetings and doing the difficult work to build support within the community an in and around the y and move the project forward today. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any callers . You have zero questions remaining. Seeing no other members of the public for Public Comment, Public Comment is closed. Thats me knocking my han on thn the table. So are there questions or comments from Committee Members . Chair peskin, through the chair, i think to planning, just curious in you could elaborate i was, frankly, impressed by the depths of the affordability here, the depths of the average but was wondering if you could lay out the spread in terms of affordable units, how many at each level . This is josh from planning. I think i will have john lao answer that question. Thank you. Ill take a whack at that. Can you hear me . Go ahead. Lets see, maybe i didnt entirely hear the question, but as to the housing plan i was just asking supervisor peskin as to 72 average on amis, which is the deep affordability for the publics benefit and my own, if you could break that down if you have those figures, as to what percent at each level and how we get to an average of 72 ami. Yeah. The Global Response is the city we negotiated with line section 415 and we know theres an importance, a ke connection to e board more broadly. Thats where the averages do come from and we can do the math on the fly, but the 780 units, the percentage and i dont have the specifics. But essentially, both the maximums on price points through sale and rental and we took from section 415 and the overall average was the negotiated point between this city and the developer, of course. Got it, thank you. Mr. Chair, just to follow up to that, it should be pretty easy to break down what the percentages are in each tier. So if you dont have that information, maybe somebody else on your team does, but it should be pretty straightforward to say what at the different income levels. Has that been income levels . Its an average that i understand the average, but i would like to know what the breakdown is of that average. Does mr. Switsky, can you break that down, if you dont have it john . The housing plan as negotiated requires a few things of the developer and then provides flexibility on some related items. So weve required the 30 overall, by phase, ill add, an additional requirement on site and units in the first two phases and the averages and max price points for 415. But beyond that, currently, the housing plan does provide some flexibility in how those averages are met, again, staying within the points provided by 415. So it hasnt been scoped out yet. Well, beyond them needing to keep wi with the average, we knw the developers will meet this through the mix of land dedication, well refer to it is, 100 bmr projects on site, and that inclusionary and a range of amis. Typicalcally those 100 affordable projects are 55 well call them to take advantage of the lowhousing. So well arrive th arranging thd respecting the maximum points at 415. And i understand that the project sponsor, mr. Landa, is available to address that issue. Madam clerk, could you please give mr. Landa access to comment, please. Mr. Chair, it doesnt look like we have that caller on the line. Lets circle around to the email you sent us, miss major, that john lao spoke to earlier. It is very difficult for me to see because most everything in this file is underlined and i assume the only technical changes are what is double underlined. Is that true . Is this a complete substitute . I only find one place that seems to have double underlining. So its very hard for me to see what changes you have made. I see the insertion of the word active under lane frontages and the only things that seem to be double underlined havin are havo do with languagin lane frontage. Is that correct . Thats correct. Well, then, supervisor walton, any final words you would like to add . Thank you, supervisor peskin, and thank you to my colleagues for your thoughtful questions. Those are things that, of course, were at the forefront of my mind when we were having conversations about the Community Benefits, particularly about Affordable Housing. One of the major things for me, aside from the 72 average, was just to make sure that we have onsite Affordable Housing in every phase, which is very important. As you know, we have Affordable Housing crisis and not too many projects billed in the sale manner and that is something we worked with through the developer, as well as the 100 affordable projects being built for our nonproject developers and our partners which is Something Else we wanted to make sure was a major benefit for communities. So as we think about Affordable Housing on this project and future projects, making sure we make those opportunities available was at the forefront of our mind, as well, aside from getting over 30 affordable on the project. And i just want to just say that having conversations and making sure we looked out for the workforce. We heard from local 2 and thank you so much for everything you worked out with the hotel. As you know, we do not have hotels in district 10 and this is something that will be a major benefit for our community as a whole. With that said, i appreciate all of your suggestions and comments and i will make sure i stay on top of this developer like we always do, 24 7. Thank you swa, supervisor wa, and thank you to the project sponsor, the house of labor and the office of Economic Workforce Development for a project that deals with everything from sealevel rise to Community Benefits to the preservation of Historic Resources to Hazardous Materials and mediation. As i said earlier, the City Attorney<\/a> discovered to help clean up at this time. So on to the presentation. You see the site today and thank you to both supervisors walton and peskin for those introductions. I want to set a little bit of context from a planning perspective, too. And some of you may have seen this slide before. Its the framework at oewd established, the southern bayfront framework with an organizing strategy to help keep track of this suite of projects that the city has processed over the past couple of years and the waterfront, obviously, together, representing an incredible amounamount of space for jobs ad Housing Units<\/a> and we tried to coordinate an approach that makes the Public Benefits<\/a> commensurate and the District Needs<\/a> as a whole. And then moving to the context of this area of this central waterfront, when you see the proposed plan near pier 70, you can see what a transformation al effect these two will have in the area and critically connecting these neighborhoods to a part of the waterfront which have never been open to public access. Thats one of the more important points of the project. Moving to the site itself, you can see that our sequence analysis actually analyzed items the project is proposing do on port listenland, as well. There was a proposed lease agreement, recommended bit Port Commission<\/a> is few weeks ago and already reviewed and recommended by your colleagues on the Budget Committee<\/a> whereby the project would improve 1. 6 acres of shoreline, port known property. Here is the proposal itself as a land use diagram, you see a mixeduse project, residential and commercial, the hope is to develop a hotel, as well, on the unit 3 site, adaptively reuse the power block that supervisor peskin made reference to. Here is that same landuse information as a masking state. And 2600 units of full buildout of office and or life science development, as well. A few images of the shoreline here to is sho show you this. Again, such and important feature of the design of the project and, really, a focal point of the documents that draw people to this waterfront, not only to open it up for the first time public access, but to draw people to it and provide space for vitality and dynamic opportunities once there. This really has the potential to become the destination waterfront, perhaps regional in nature, and something were very proud of. This isupervisor peskin made ree to the Community Engagement<\/a> process and then you add up all of the office hours, the larger scale community, meeting, workshops and the larger social events on the site and that all adds up to hundreds of opportunities where Community Members<\/a> involve themselves in this process. So ill get to you in a moment, the crux of the matter, which is the nature of the Public Benefits<\/a> package. Just a quick note on the mediation. Thats and important topic, too. I will summarize that the upshot which is this, that the site cannot be developed as is just described in items in front of you as it is signed off and finalized by the Quality Control<\/a> board who is the lead agency for those in mediation efforts. Much of the project is ongoing and much is complete. So it has been underway for some time and these agreements go back through a series of prior owners. When this developer stepped into that agreement, collaboration to them and pg e, theyve been able to realize efficiencies in terms of a timetable in accelerating that cleanup and they expect to be able to have the site remediated even to prior schedules. All of that process and the documents associated with this is a public process, of course, and all of that information is available through the water board site. So, on to kind of the crux of the matter, a few different topics. The centerpiece for this project, of course, is the 30 belowmarket rate level that we were able to negotiate with this developer. So a full project that equals almost 800 affordable units on this site and again, without intervention of major Public Participation<\/a> either in the form of funding or land or both. So the housing plan requires both 30 level and then amis consistent with section 415 of the planning code. Up to onethird of the requirement, the developer is allowed to meet that through fees and those fees will need to be spent within district 10. The onsite units are subject to the neighborhood Reference Program<\/a> and that fee amount equals over 45 million. On transportation, several items that baked into the project from day one, the extension of this dogpatch line, the project providing layover facilities and a turnaround for that line. Obviously a robust tdm plan and over 65 million in tsf fees going to a suite of important projects in the district and more broadly, this is something weve worked on with the community a lot in addition to many other points, been able to support the potential for a water transit Pilot Project<\/a> in the area, something that a lot of folks in the neighborhood are interested in, as well, including the ports. The force development, weve initiated a 1 million contribution from the project to help fund job and training, both on the Construction Side<\/a> and enduser side and essentially well be creating a pipeline for and then putting those applicants to work and opportunities generated with the activities on site, both instructs and then with enduser site. I mentioned the importance of the waterfront and the portowned areas. To that one piece of the openspace framework, including recreational opportunities, as well as passive interaction and in terms of facilities, the developer is in the advanced conversations with the ymca to be the provider of an onsite recreational facility and that facility will be required of the developer through the agreement and the ymca at this point is intended to be the operator. Similarlsimilarly on site for ac library, should they be interested in that. In terms of preservation, this is items that has moved through because of and thanks to the deep engagement of members of the community and so the project thats before you will adaptively reuse the resources on site, notably the station a structure which remains of much conversation and this iconic symbol of the neighborhood that everyone in the waterfront know today. Being a waterfront site, sealevel rise is of concern and we both are addressing that and from an engineering standpoint, through the project, as designed. Then in the outyears, part of a community facilitys district that we will be establishing in partnership with the sponsor, some dollars at which will be available to the city for sealevel waterfront model. So weve been through already a number of commission, all of which receive positive recommendations unanimously at each one and the Planning Commission<\/a> certified the approval adopted at the end of january. So the actions before you today are three ordinances that we are requesting for recommendation on ordinances that amend the general plan and a planning code. The planning code amendments would establish the special use district and thats the way the city implements the design for Development Document<\/a> which was part of your package in a much lengthier design focus and, of course, an ordinance adopting the agreement itself, the contract between the city and california barrel. It ensures these Public Benefits<\/a> weve discussed are delivered. And ill leave you with just a few renderings of the future project. The future of 22nd street and 23rd street, as well as reused station a in the future. So myself and my colleagues are available for questions. Thank you, supervisors, for the time. Thank you, mr. Lao and i want to mention you were an aid to then supervisor Sophie Maxwell<\/a> and so you have watched this for probably getting on to a decade and a half or 12 years, at least. So i wanted to note that youve seen it all the way through. With that, are there any questions or comments from members of the Landuse Committee<\/a> . Seeing no questions from Committee Members<\/a>, lets go to the planning department, mr. Switsku. I. To presentation today but were here to answer questions. Thank you, josh. Lets open this up for Public Comment<\/a> and i believe the project sponsor, enrique landae may be on the line and madam clerk, lets open this up for Public Comment<\/a>. I wanted tthis was noted to n economic impact. inaudible . Thank you for that. Well hear from mr. Kahn. I want to go back to mr. Lao, that are amendments to item number 4, the 2039 file. I am not, to my knowledge, in receipt of those. I dont know if my colleagues are, but that is new information for me. I just searched my emails during the power point presentation and i dont think anything, at least not from miss major. Colleagues are you in receipt of that . Or mr. Lao, do you know how we received that, or miss major . This is john. I shared those with the clerk. We can send those to you live. We can get that to you right here in a moment. Ok, maybe if you can email that to the members of the committee and the Committee Clerk<\/a> and madam, clerk, are you familiar with what mr. Lau spoke to earlier . The technical amendment . Yes. Yes, i can share them if you give me a minute. Would you like me to share them on the screen. Yeah, i certainly would like to know what im voting for. One minute. [ laughter ] and while shes pulling that up, sorry supervisors, and thats a relatively lengthy ordinance, but amendments are not substantive in nature. We will be providing to the clerk updates to the file. But exhibits and attachments as part of the d. A. File, specifically those are an exhibit which is the finance plan, in addition to the workforce plan. And i wanted to have the record show that and share that with you, as well. Well be getting those updates to the clerk. And those are attachments that are incorporated by reference . Thats right. Ok. I see somebodys screen. Thats my screen, clerk major. I dont see any notes as any amendments. Maybe if john can specify which paige anpage and i can navigate. John, if you could send those around. I can do that right now. And well forward it all, as well. So while we are doing that, why dont we open this up for Public Comment<\/a>. Are there any members of the public, including the project sponsor, who would like to testify on items 3, 4 or 5 . Mr. Chair, our phone staff is checking on the callers. Ok. Mr. Chair, there are two callers wishing to speak. First speaker, please. You have two questions remaining. Hello, good afternoon. Im cynthia gurman. Im calling from local 2. Is there a way to confirm you can hear me . We can hear you. Thank you. Ill try to be brief. We are in support of the proposed mixeduse project. And as was mentioned earlier, one of the many uses of this project would be a very creatively use of some of the Building Elements<\/a> of the decommission power station for a hotel and we at local 2 signed an agreement with the job at the hotel, specifically a guarantee for a fair and neutral process for the eventual Hotel Workers<\/a> we ask for your support. Thank you and that will conclude my remarks. Thank you. Another caller . You have one question remaining. You have two minutes and you can begin now. Thank you very much. Good afternoon, supervisors. This is corey smith on behalf of the San Francisco<\/a> housing coalition, also in support here today. Given Public Comment<\/a>s on this a number of times, but we want to really applaud project sponsor for bringing together a true coalition for this project and having all of the stakeholder meetings and doing the difficult work to build support within the community an in and around the y and move the project forward today. Thank you. Thank you. Are there any callers . You have zero questions remaining. Seeing no other members of the public for Public Comment<\/a>, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Thats me knocking my han on thn the table. So are there questions or comments from Committee Members<\/a> . Chair peskin, through the chair, i think to planning, just curious in you could elaborate i was, frankly, impressed by the depths of the affordability here, the depths of the average but was wondering if you could lay out the spread in terms of affordable units, how many at each level . This is josh from planning. I think i will have john lao answer that question. Thank you. Ill take a whack at that. Can you hear me . Go ahead. Lets see, maybe i didnt entirely hear the question, but as to the housing plan i was just asking supervisor peskin as to 72 average on amis, which is the deep affordability for the publics benefit and my own, if you could break that down if you have those figures, as to what percent at each level and how we get to an average of 72 ami. Yeah. The Global Response<\/a> is the city we negotiated with line section 415 and we know theres an importance, a ke connection to e board more broadly. Thats where the averages do come from and we can do the math on the fly, but the 780 units, the percentage and i dont have the specifics. But essentially, both the maximums on price points through sale and rental and we took from section 415 and the overall average was the negotiated point between this city and the developer, of course. Got it, thank you. Mr. Chair, just to follow up to that, it should be pretty easy to break down what the percentages are in each tier. So if you dont have that information, maybe somebody else on your team does, but it should be pretty straightforward to say what at the different income levels. Has that been income levels . Its an average that i understand the average, but i would like to know what the breakdown is of that average. Does mr. Switsky, can you break that down, if you dont have it john . The housing plan as negotiated requires a few things of the developer and then provides flexibility on some related items. So weve required the 30 overall, by phase, ill add, an additional requirement on site and units in the first two phases and the averages and max price points for 415. But beyond that, currently, the housing plan does provide some flexibility in how those averages are met, again, staying within the points provided by 415. So it hasnt been scoped out yet. Well, beyond them needing to keep wi with the average, we knw the developers will meet this through the mix of land dedication, well refer to it is, 100 bmr projects on site, and that inclusionary and a range of amis. Typicalcally those 100 affordable projects are 55 well call them to take advantage of the lowhousing. So well arrive th arranging thd respecting the maximum points at 415. And i understand that the project sponsor, mr. Landa, is available to address that issue. Madam clerk, could you please give mr. Landa access to comment, please. Mr. Chair, it doesnt look like we have that caller on the line. Lets circle around to the email you sent us, miss major, that john lao spoke to earlier. It is very difficult for me to see because most everything in this file is underlined and i assume the only technical changes are what is double underlined. Is that true . Is this a complete substitute . I only find one place that seems to have double underlining. So its very hard for me to see what changes you have made. I see the insertion of the word active under lane frontages and the only things that seem to be double underlined havin are havo do with languagin lane frontage. Is that correct . Thats correct. Well, then, supervisor walton, any final words you would like to add . Thank you, supervisor peskin, and thank you to my colleagues for your thoughtful questions. Those are things that, of course, were at the forefront of my mind when we were having conversations about the Community Benefits<\/a>, particularly about Affordable Housing<\/a>. One of the major things for me, aside from the 72 average, was just to make sure that we have onsite Affordable Housing<\/a> in every phase, which is very important. As you know, we have Affordable Housing<\/a> crisis and not too many projects billed in the sale manner and that is something we worked with through the developer, as well as the 100 affordable projects being built for our nonproject developers and our partners which is Something Else<\/a> we wanted to make sure was a major benefit for communities. So as we think about Affordable Housing<\/a> on this project and future projects, making sure we make those opportunities available was at the forefront of our mind, as well, aside from getting over 30 affordable on the project. And i just want to just say that having conversations and making sure we looked out for the workforce. We heard from local 2 and thank you so much for everything you worked out with the hotel. As you know, we do not have hotels in district 10 and this is something that will be a major benefit for our community as a whole. With that said, i appreciate all of your suggestions and comments and i will make sure i stay on top of this developer like we always do, 24 7. Thank you swa, supervisor wa, and thank you to the project sponsor, the house of labor and the office of Economic Workforce Development<\/a> for a project that deals with everything from sealevel rise to Community Benefits<\/a> to the preservation of Historic Resources<\/a> to Hazardous Materials<\/a> and mediation. As i said earlier, the Public Outreach<\/a> really has been an involvement, not just outreach, but outreach and involvement has been superlative. I would like to make a motion to accept a motion for file 4, 2009, and can we do that without objection . Mr. Chair. Madam clerk, can we do a role call . Yes. On the accepting of the amendments, a role call, please. On the motion to amend as supervisor peskin, supervisor preston . Aye. Supervisor safai . Aye. Supervisor peskin . Aye. You have three ayes. I would like to make a motion to send the file as amended and the other files, items 3 and 5, with positive recommendations to the full board as Committee Reports<\/a> with positive recommendation. A role call, please. On the motion as stated, for item number 3 as a Committee Report<\/a>, item number 4, recommended as a Committee Report<\/a> and item number 5, recommended as a committee 4, preston . Aye. Safai. Aye. Peskin. Aye. You have threas three ayes. We will look forward to the files forthcoming. With that, can you read items 6 and 7 together . By amending the zoning map to change the use classification on certain parcels in the Industrial Redevelopment<\/a> project from n1 and ndp and districts to change the height and roll classification of part and parcels. Item number 7 is an ordinance in the industrial use district. inaudible . Members that wish to provide comment, should call into the number on the screen and press 1 and then 0 to speak. Thank you, madam clerk. This is a banner day for district 10. Supervisor walton, the floor is yours. Thank you, chair peskin. I was going to make the same statement. The two ordinances being introduced are in response to the expiration of the bayview industrial triangle redevelopment plan which was first adevelopmente adopted in 0 and expire on june 30th of this year. This is a very, very small piece of land area in bayview. The first ordinance would amend the zoning map to rezone the parcels and the bay view industrial triangle from m1 and m2 to pdr1g and nc3 Zoning Districts<\/a>. This will preserve pdr and allow for several uses such as building Grocery Stores<\/a>, theaters, recreation spaces in a district that is building over 17,000 units of housing that we have in the pipeline the second ordinance would apply a restricteduse district to the Bayview District<\/a> triangle, prohibiting Cannabis Retail<\/a> establishments in the project area. That does not eliminate the continued opportunity for a manufacturing distribution and culcultivation in this area. This is a small piece of land in bayview. I might add that we have several dispensaries and permits within walking distance from this particular area. The purpose of this proposed rezoning is to stabilize the existing businesses in the bayview industrial triangle and as a result stabilizing the surrounding community. We support the need to add housing and other opportunities in our communities, but this is a small piece of land that would not solve the housing crisis and along the lines and in conjunction with our current bayview plan to make sure that we build housing along third street corridor with commercial on the bottom and housing on top, and this does allow for that in this bayview industrial triangle, as well. The only on position weve had to these changes has come from wealthy landowners that do not reside in this area but would benefit if we were to allow small possibilities of very minimal housing in the bit. Again, it is more important for us, in in particular area, to preserve pdr space, to preserve the jobs that come with the pdr and also allow for the opportunity for thousands more jobs to be in the same area and i might add that this is adjacent to the sewage plant in bayview. Therefore, building housing next to a sewage plant we know is not optimal and creates other issues and were trying to go away from providing this type of nuisance to community and making sure that we are building with optimal for the surrounding community as a whole. I will pass it back to the committee and thank you so much, supervisor peskin. Thank you, supervisor walton and i believe we have a presentation from planning. Is that coming from rhianna tong. Is that correct . Good afternoon. I will be presenting for these two ordinances. So im going to pull up the Powerpoint Presentation<\/a> now. I dont see a Powerpoint Presentation<\/a>. Ok, now ive got it. Thank you. Thank you. Ok, so some backyard on the industrial triangle plan. The redevelopment plan was adopted in 1980 and it is still in effect today. It is situated in bayview, just east of the southeast Treatment Plant<\/a> and west of third street. And the redevelopment plan was developed with Community Members<\/a>, with the Main Objective<\/a> of preserving and expanding industrial and commercial development while also providing a buffer between the industrial eras from the more commercial and residential areas along third street. The redevelopment plan also specified to relocate existing Residential Structures<\/a> from the industrial triangle to nearby residential areas. The redevelopment plan is expiring on june 30th of this year and when that happens, the zoning will revert back to the underlying predominantly m Zoning Districts<\/a> underneath. The m Zoning Districts<\/a> are outdated that the city has been and is continuing to phase out. But it will likely happen if it is allowed to variety back to the Zoning District<\/a> and one of the greatest implications is that office and residential uses, which are not currently permitted under the redevelopment plan would now be permitted and this could lead to some consequences such as property speculation, sizing vents, the displacement of businesses and gentrification in and around the industrial triangle. Supervisor walton introduced this to address the potential impacts of the zoning sorry, i just want to connect that. brief pause . Can everything still hear me . Im sorry. My internet said that it was not connected. Im going to resume. Supervisor walton introduced this ordinance today to address the potential impact of the zoning reverting back to the underlying end zoning and it is to rezone the underlying m1, m2 and nc3 Zoning Districts<\/a> to nct3 along third street and pdr 1g, production distribution and repair general, everywhere el in the bayview triangle. I also want to note there has been a minor amendment to the legislation. There was a typo identifying the underlying zoning for one parcel as m1, when it is actually m2. However, this doesnt change the proposed planning code or the zoning map amendments before you today. And miss tong, do we need to fix that in the subject ordinance . It should have already been sent to you with the amendment. Well get that done. Sorry, please proceed. The bayview industrial triangle to nc32 and its to stabilize the Community Within<\/a> the bayview industrial triangle at least until the africanamericans arts and culture districts can establish a more neighborhoodwide vision for the bayview. Also, the n ct3 zones encouraging zones along the corridor and everywhere else is preserved land for pdr businesses to continue to operate and grow. Housing on much of the third street was recently incorporated into the bayview area commercial district and we are proposing to update the zoning along third street within the bayview industrial triangle to nct3 with the understanding that nctp Zoning Districts<\/a> allow for a greater capacity and density of housing comparhousing compared. Were aware of the pipeline in this area for requiring greater density. Obtaininmaintaining pdr in sanfo has been shown to be a positive contribution to the diversity and dpr businesses and manufacturing, in particular middleclass jobs, especially for those who might not have the traditional fouryear degree and data also shows that manufacturing jobs actually pay higher than retail and offer more opportunities for career advancements. And at a geographic citywide scale, you can see here that the bayview industrial triangle in yellow and outlined in red sits in an area that is largely zoned as pdr already and thats the areas shown in blue. And its important to note that pdr zoning actually allowed for a variety of uses from cafes to Grocery Stores<\/a> to Community Facilities<\/a> and to even a few distribution centers. Another consideration for the proposal is the existing and proposed heights. It allow for 65 Feet Development<\/a> along third street and 40 feet everywhere else. The underlying heights it would revert to allow for 65 feet throughout the bayview industrial triangle with maximum parcels along third street. This ordinance proposes to reclassify those remaining 40foot maximum parcels to 65 feet so that the entire bayview allows for a maximum of 65 feet consistently. I want to go over briefly the racial and social Equity Consideration<\/a> we took throughout the project. On the right, youll see a map of the bayview industrial triangle outlined in blue and purpleshaded areas that are communities of concern. And communities of concern are a crosssection of playings ansecs that are disadvantaged and could include minority populations, lowincome, seniors, people with disabilities. Youll see that the bayview triangles and overlaps with the communities of concern. And bayview remains one of the few neighborhoods in San Francisco<\/a> where workingclass and lowincome households can afford to live. So with this context in mind, we developed some equity goals which include the ones listed here to displacement risks and negative Health Impacts<\/a> on low income, people of color and Small Businesses<\/a> and increasing Affordable Housing<\/a> options and also increasing the opportunity for job access to lowincome people of color. By preserving the nt3 zoning, we believe were helping to stabilize the triangle and surrounding community and making progress to advancing these equity goals. We have been conducting an engagement on this project since june of 2019 and weve been collaborating closely with the economic and workforce development. We have presented a various cac meeting, Merchants Group<\/a> meeting and weve Held Office Hours<\/a> and hosted our own workshops. We presented at Planning Commission<\/a> on february of this year and for that hearing, we hosted the typical online and newspaper postings and sent out letters via mail to people in the area and people in that vicinity. We sent out notices to the project email list and for today, madam clerk handled the noticing for todays hearing. Weve been doing a good bit of outreach on this project. Throughout this process, weve heard support and opposition to the proposed update. Many of the concerns relate to the conditions of building structures, the occupancy and use of lots in the area, safety and homelessness in the bayview triangle and a general desire for more residential and employment density. And we also heard from Community Members<\/a> a request to consider the impacts of any zoning changes on the broader community, especially considering jobs for local use and the sustainability as existing pdr businesses in the area and around San Francisco<\/a>. In the initial rounds of outreach, one of the Major Concerns<\/a> that came up was the large amount of Cannabis Retail<\/a> applications going through the bayview and so that resulted in the second ordinance before you today, which is the cannabis restricted use district and this strictly prohibits Cannabis Retail<\/a> in the bayview industrial triangle and does not prohibit other cannabis related uses. That concludes my presentation and i will be here to answer my questions. Thank you, miss tong. And while we go to miss kan, from the Controllers Office<\/a>, if you can get the clerk and Committee Members<\/a> the amendments that you spoke to earlier for our review, that would be great. And meanwhile, miss kahn, the floor is yours. That was for items 3 through 5 and theyll be submitting an economic report later this week. These items do not have an economic impact. My apologies to the Controllers Office<\/a> for having them speak on the last item. But sobeit and we can review it when we get it and so, with that, i guess this is just on to miss tong as to the amendments that she previously mentioned. With the typo. Touto my knowledge, theyre not before the committee. You mentioned them but i cant vote on them unless you can describe them or i can see them. So the amendment is one parcel where the underlying zoning is m2 currently and this is at the Northern Point<\/a> of the bayview industrial triangle. This parcel was identified as m1 in the ordinance that was sent to you, but it is actually m2. Go it. Got it. Sand im looking at legislative version number one, which is the one and only verge o version of. So where is this in section 2, on page 2 . Theres a list of blocks and parcel numbers. Yes. It would be 5235003. That is listed as m1, when it is actually m2. Ok, so on page 2, at line 18, parcel block lot number 5235003, strike m1 and insert m2. Is that correct. Correct. Thank you for that. Are there any comments or questions from members of the committee . Seeing none, madam clerk, why dont we go to Public Comment<\/a>. Any members of the public who would like to comment on items 6 or 7 . Mr. Chair, staff is checking to see if there are any callers in cue. Mr. Chair, there are no callers wishing to speak. Ok, with that, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. And supervisor walton, any final comments that you would like to make . Thank you so much, chair peskin. I dont have any comments at this point, but i do appreciate the committees time and i want to thank miss tong for all of her work on this project with the community and with our office. Thank you, supervisor walton. Are there any comments or questions from Community Members<\/a> . Seeing none, is there a motion to sen i will make a motion o make the one technical amendment on page 2, line 18, changing m1 to m2. On that amendment, a role call, please. On the motion, supervisor preston. Aye. Safai. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. And then i would like to make a motion to send items 6 as amended with recommendation as a Committee Report<\/a> and item 7 as presented with recommendation as a Committee Report<\/a>. That would be one motion for the two items. On the motion as stated by supervisor preston. A earthquakes. Ye. Safai. Aye. Supervisor peskin. Aye. You have three ayes. Any more business before this committee . No further business. We are adjourned. Working for the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> will immerse you in a vibrate and dynamic city on sfroert of the art and social change weve been on the edge after all were at the meeting of land and sea worldclass style it is the burn of blew jeans where the rock holds court over the harbor the citys Information Technology<\/a> xoflz work on the rulers project for free wifi and developing projects and insuring patient state of at San Francisco<\/a> General Hospital<\/a> our it professionals make guilty or innocent available and support the house Senate Regional<\/a> wearout system your our employees joy excessive salaries but working for the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> give us employees the unities to contribute their ideas and energy and commitment to shape the citys future but for considering a career with the city and county of San Francisco<\/a> chair fewer i am sandra lee fewer, chair of the finance committee, and i am joined by committee supervisors Shamann Walton<\/a> and supervisor raphael mandelman. Okay. We are also joined by supervisors ronen and haney, and supervisor haney, are you here . Supervisor ronen has joined us, and our clerk is miss linda wong. I would also like to thank Samuel Williams<\/a> from sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. Madam clerk, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes [inaudible] clerk Public Comment<\/a> will be available for each item on this agenda and sfgtv. Org is streaming the number across the stream. Public comment will be available via phone by call 18882045984, access code 3501008. Pound, and then pound again. When you are connected, press one, and then zero. [inaudible] clerk speak clearly and slowly and turn down your television or radio. Alternatively, you may submit Public Comment<\/a> in either of the following ways. Email me at linda. Wong sfgov. Org. Thats lindadotwong sfgo vdotorg. Chair fewer thank you very much, miss wong. So i want to say before we move into the agenda, i want to acknowledge the incredible work of the Clerks Office<\/a> in coordinating three Committee Meetings<\/a> today and for accommodating this special budget meeting. Colleagues, we have one hour for this meeting, and must conclude the meeting by 12 30 p. M. In order not to jeopardize the start of the Building Committee<\/a> meeting. No matter where we are, we must stop at 12 30. Madam clerk, please call item 1. Clerk item 1, emergency ordinance to require the city to secure k8 250 private rooms by april 26, 2020, through Service Agreements<\/a> with hotels and motels for use as temporary quarantine facilities for people currently experiencing homelessness, people released from hock will hospitals with covid19 exposure or exphex, and frontline workers in the covid19 crisis, waive the requirement under charter, section 9. 118, that the board of supervisors approve the Service Agreements<\/a> for private rooms, require daily reporting to the board of supervisors on the citys progress in procuring and providing the needed room does, require congregate care facilities for the hockless to comply with social distancing practices and implement covid19 screening protocols, and direct the city to use best efforts to enable people from leaving congregate care facilities for temporary rooms provided by the city to subsequently return to congregate care facilities. Chair fewer thank you. Supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen today, supervisor haney, peskin, walton, preston, and i are introducing an emergency ordinance requiring the city to secure 8,250 private hotel rooms by april 26, which is the anticipated peak of the pandemic in california that will serve as temporary quarter te quarantine facilities for people suffering from covid19, and frontline responders responding to the emergency. When we talk about people currently experiencing homelessness, that includes people that are doubled up in s. R. O. Hotel rooms and do not have a safe place to quarantine in place. San franciscans have been ordered to shelter in place since march 16. Nearly 3,000 people experiencing homelessness in congregate shelters. 5,000 individuals and 19,000 People Living<\/a> in s. R. O. S across the city are still unable to selfisolate and face a much greater risk at contracting the virus. For weeks now, my colleagues and i have stood alongside medical professionals, community activists, and faith leaders in urging the mayor and City Department<\/a>s to temporarily house residents of congregate shelters and the individuals living on our streets in hotel rooms where they could safely shelter in place. There are over 30,000 vacant hotel rooms in San Francisco<\/a> right now, and Homeless Service<\/a> providers have told us that they are ready and willing to staff up these facilities immediately. But instead, the city has held onto a backwards policy of waiting for individuals to first become infected before finally placing them in a private hotel. Last week, we reached a new level of urgency, when the city confirmed the first covid positive case in a homeless shelter. Once they are exposed, Homeless People<\/a> have a much higher mortality risk due to community exposure. As members of the board, we have done everything in our power to move residents out of congregate shelters and into temporary housing as soon as possible, including supervisors preston, haney, and waltons efforts to secure private hospital rooms through private funds and securing every available resource to us as supervisors. Every hour we delay puts more Homeless People<\/a> at risk and endangers our collective Public Health<\/a> as a city. We have no moment to waste, and we will stop at nothing until every person that needs care is brought to a place where they can comfortably shelter in place. This city requires at least 8,250 hotel rooms for parents who do not require hospitalization, quarantine units for our First Responders<\/a> and health care workers, and units where our infected homeless can safely quarantine. Finally, the legislation establishes standards of care at existing shelters, Navigation Centers<\/a>, and other congregate care facilities for people experiencing homelessness that ensure proper social distancing, regular health screenings, and covid19 procedures pursuant to Public Health<\/a> guidelines. If there is one thing that we have learned during this, is that it is our health is inextricablely link inextricably linked to all of our neighborhoods. So far, our City Government<\/a> Public Health<\/a> response has failed people in congregate settings, and people who are unsheltered and put all of us at risk. With this emergency ordinance, we will correct our course and move Homeless People<\/a> into individual shelter like those of us that are blessed enough to have a home. I am happy to answer any questions. I can get into details, how we reached that number. I can compare that plan with what the city is currently doing, and i can talk about cost if you have those questions. But first, i wanted to turn it over to any of my other colleagues who had comments. Cha chair fewer i supervisor fewer, you are on mute. Chair fewer thank you. I want to turn it over to Severin Campbell<\/a> for a b. L. A. Report before i hear anything else. Thank you, chair fewer. Severin campbell from the budget and legislative analysts office. We show the types of beds and people that would be covered under the ordinance in our report. Table 2 outlines the cost. We estimate a onemonth cost for rooms and services of 58. 6 million. This is actually based on existing contracts that the h. S. A. Has for these types of services. These numbers come from h. S. A. We do estimate there could be additional costs for onsite management per month of 1. 6 million to 1. 7 million. Those are some reports that weve done looking at onsite management for other types of facilities. There would almost certainly be some sort of fema or office of cal services reimbursement. We estimate that could be up to 93 of costs or eligible costs, but what is uncertain is what these two agencies would determine as reimbursable, so we did an equation in case fema and cal health did not include a lot of our needs in their criteria. Our guess would be that the number would call somewhere in between that in terms of monthly reimbursement. We do consider the legislation to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. Chair fewer thank you very much, miss campbell. I believe we also have Kelly Kirkpatrick<\/a> and Ben Rosenfeld<\/a> available. Thats correct, madam chair. Chair fewer okay. I have a few questions for mr. Kirkpatrick and mr. Rosenfeld. [inaudible] chair fewer than what is reported in the b. L. A. Report. Either way, i think the question that comes up for me in terms of understanding this is that if we cannot get reimbursed for all of these funds, will these also be come interesting the genercome coming from the general funds . Madam chair, good morning. Ben rosenfield, controller. I think these funds would be drawn from the general fund. Whether that would be the general fund or general fund reserves, that would have to be determined or made, but i think whatever other sources after that would be a general fund cost. Chair fewer and when will we know what that impact will be to the general fund, either . I think it would be sometime as it relates to this portion of the response in part because the fema and cal Health Reimbursement<\/a> process are likely to unfold over the coming weeks and months, and it will be directly related to who occupies these rooms, and what percentage of rooms are occupied at a given moment on a given day, and then, how femas advice evolves through this pandemic, so i think all of us can agree this will be a fluid Financial Impact<\/a> for sometime. Chair fewer and then, supervisor ronen, in your legislation, i notice that this does not include patients that are at laguna honda, just a hot bed for outbreak across our nation, and that 100 of those residents are vulnerable. So i am wondering, does your legislation also include perhaps the moving of patients at laguna honda, which is probably the largest nursing facility in San Francisco<\/a>. And then, also, does it include rooms for our patients who are in Nursing Homes<\/a> . Supervisor ronen it doesnt include Nursing Homes<\/a> because were focused on individuals that can selfcare, and at laguna honda and Nursing Homes<\/a>, its not very common for individuals to be able to selfcare, and so the level of supervision and assistance is greater. Chair fewer would you be open to having it include some ihss patients and nursing home residents and also people at laguna honda because these are people in this age group, 70s, 80s, and 90s, that would need more acute medical care if they test positive . Supervisor ronen sure. I would want to ask d. P. H. About that, whether or not it is safe to move individuals in Nursing Homes<\/a> and laguna honda into individual hotel rooms or whether or not they need a higher level of supervision and care, but i would be happy to add them if that is considered safe by d. P. H. Chair fewer well, i think there is a range, quite frankly, of individuals that do not need extended care. We could be offering care for these patients that need care, meaning, helping with feeding, helping with clothing or cleaning, while still in a setting where theyre not with many other patients that are vulnerable. Supervisor ronen okay. Chair fewer thank you very much. So i see people in queue, but first, i want to make some comments. And i know thats unusual because i normally wait until everyone has spoken. If my colleagues will allow me this one indulgence at this time. I wanted to share my thoughts about todays legislation, and i do believe that securing hotel rooms in the thousands to prevent unhoused residents from becoming ill and to prevent the preventible death of those we know are vulnerable to covid19 is a priority. I also wish that there was a way to move this priority in a way that did not fall into the trap of our tradition Political Division<\/a> because in this moment, now more than ever, i believe that San Francisco<\/a> needs to be united in our approach to save lives, meet peoples basic needs, and protect our most vulnerable residents. For the past week, i have been at the Emergency Operation<\/a> center as has my whole office. I understand better now how this city is torn in its response to covid19 and have deeper appreciation for the tireless work that is being done by City Department<\/a> staff. Has never been done perfectly . No, and truthfully, from the local to the state to the National Level<\/a> and beyond, it has shown how unprepared our systems were for a pandemic, and how already vulnerable populations are at even higher levels of this now. I understand these Community Advocates<\/a> who are fighting and cheering for these people. Unhoused, those in s. R. O. S, and those in shelter and care facilities. So many have been struggling for so long and now are at risk of major Health Impacts<\/a> related to covid19. As a former community organizer, i understand the need for the city to be better and to move faster to address that. I want us to be both responsive to that push but also rise above the temptation to tear each other down during this crisis. We have to help our entire system to be a success, which is why my whole office has been helping out, and i call on every office to help out. In terms of this legislation, and im going to be forthright, this is an incredibly short timeline. And i agreed to hold this meeting only six days after this legislation was introduced, and i urge to pass this out of Committee Without<\/a> recommendation as a Committee Report<\/a> so that it can go to the full board for a vote tomorrow, allowing an additional opportunity for every member of this board to read the full legislation. So i make a motion to move this legislation as approved out of committee with no recommendation. With that, i turn it back over to supervisor ronen. [inaudible] chair fewer supervisor walton . Supervisor walton thank you. And i want to thank the Clerks Office<\/a> for being so prepared and ready to conduct an emergency meeting and also chair fewer for being able to do this in an atypical manner. I do want to say that we are 100 in a pivotal time for us to be working together as city leadership, and that goes for our executive branch, our city branch, and our entire bureaucracy. In my opinion, it is a little disheartening that we are forming legislation that goes against our Health Department<\/a>, who told us we could shelter in place. There are just three things i want to emphasize. I dont want to belabor the point and supervisor ronen did a good job of telling you why this legislation is in place and what the purpose is. One, we have a shelter in place order. It is confimperative we do everything we can. As weve seen within the last week recently, once we had one case at a particular shelter, it spread almost overnight dramatically in terms of when we were able to test and when we were able to find out the number of Homeless Individuals<\/a> in that particular shelter who had contracted the virus. So as we know, as we look at all of our Navigation Centers<\/a>, all of our s. R. O. S, the opportunity for spread is tremendous. Third, i just want to say as we work to be fiscally responsible during this crisis, im glad we got a b. L. A. Report on this, we do know there is a possibility we could be reimbursed up to 93 of costs, but our b. L. A. , as amazing as they are, they made sure that they gave us the most conservative numbers and figures in terms of what we think we could get for reimbursement, which still, in a time of emergency, is an advantage for us. This is a matter of life and death. And as we look at being in an opportunity to actually use resources to save lives and prevent the spread of the virus, that is something that we are fortunate number to be in a position to do that. I truly understand were going to have so many concerns and Economic Impacts<\/a> and so many things that were going to have to mitigate as a result of this crisis. But the reality is this legislation, this focus does save lives, and thats what we want to do during this crisis is make sure that we keep people alive and keep people from contracting the virus. So in the spirit of working together and in the spirit of doing whats right, this is why we put this forward. And again, i want to thank chair fewer for allowing us to have this conversation so quickly because this legislation is something that needs to move forward immediately. Chair fewer thank you, supervisor walton. Thank you also for being available for this meeting. Supervisor haney, thank you for joining us. Supervisor haney thank you, chair fewer, and i also want to thank you for having this emergency meeting, and i want to thank supervisors ronen, walton, preston, mar, and ronen for authorizing this legislation. We delayed for weeks actually bringing forth legislation. We did a resolution. We, a month ago, had a hearing where we brought up our desire to see this happen and the urgency around it. Weve had dozens of calls with mayors leaders and d. H. C. , and we didnt feel like we had any other option as supervisors and make this a full legal requirement by the city. A month ago, we had a hearing, and director rhorer and others were there, and they made it clear that this was not part of their plan, to actually put the number of homeless in hotels to shelter in place. So over the past few weeks, we had tried to work in partnership. We had calls with them that said, let us know how we can help, yet during that time, there was a failure to move people quick enough, and the 70 people in my district who contracted it who are unable to shelter them in place, that is putting them at risk, and that is putting all of us at risk. So i would respectfully say that we did everything that we can work in partnership. This was never about politics, this was about saving peoples lives, and that is how we peoples lives, and that is how we approached it from the very beginning, and a lack of working together is what led to the biggest outbreak in a homeless shelter in the country last week. We have a duty as elected supervisor to protect the public and protect them from the spread of this virus, and that has not been done. We should have introduced this legislation weeks ago, and any further delay will put people in danger, and the idea that we havent try today Work Together<\/a> with the mayor and tried to Work Together<\/a> with the mayor and others is frankly not true. I am now representing a district where thousands of people are still on the streets, where thousands of people are still in shelters despite the fact that a month ago, we told them if they did not move the people from the shelters, and we would do everything we could do to help them, that did not happen. Every minute that we wait to fulfill our responsibility not just as a city but as the board of supervisors, we are failing San Francisco<\/a>, and we are putting Vulnerable People<\/a> in much greater risk. So i just want to make sure that people understand that we started this process a month ago. The shelter providers have reached out to me nearly every day in my office, saying that people are at risk, and so what were doing here is putting forward a plan, and we certainly home that its implemented fully and in partnership with the mayor, h. S. A. , department of Public Health<\/a> and everyone else, including the Public Health<\/a> officer who, a month ago, said this should be the approach thats taken. So i hope that we ultimately unanimously pass this as a board, and i hope that we have the support of all of the supervisors because people in my district, people throughout my city are being put at risk unnecessarily, and if we dont change how slowly this has happened, people are going to die. Chair fewer thank you, supervisor. Supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman thank you, chair fewer, and thank you for your suggestion. I think it does make sense to get this to the full board so that everyone can vote on this tomorrow. I think i dont think there is a member of the board of supervisors who does not believe that we need to use as many hotel rooms as we can to address this crisis. And, you know, i think theres clearly a lot of that anxiety and fear right now throughout San Francisco<\/a>. It is a challenging moment for everyone, including the people who actually have to do the work of unlocking these hotel rooms. And one of the things that i kind of wanted to dig in a little bit if we have the time, and maybe well do this tomorrow at the board meeting, as well, i wanted to understand i seem to recall this administration a month ago talking about how they were hoping and intending to use hotel rooms as part of the response and committing to move on that. I also note from my history, having worked in the City Attorney<\/a>, anything that involves lawyers and contracts is complicated, but i think ensuring safety for the people that have to staff those hotel rooms, and how we are using those hotel rooms. So i think everybody on the board nobody wants to let up or say that we shouldnt be moving as quickly as possible to get thousands and thousands of these hotel rooms used, and i think we have an obligation to understand what some of the challenges are along the way. If were going to be telling people what we think they should be doing, i think we need to search for the people that may be watching at house we need to explain for the people that may be watching at home why it took as long as it took. A week ago, we got a letter or president yee got a letter from trent rhorer, kind of explaining as of that time where they were in making hotel rooms available, sort of broke down for tenplus hotel rooms, where it was in the process, contract negotiating, contracted, and how many beds were available. Id like to hear kind of an update, and as i look at the list of rooms that has actually been contract executed, one of those contracts was 30 rooms for laguna honda. So to the question that chair fewer raised earlier, it actually appears from that and again, we are not the implementers, we are the legislators, but it appears that the implementers at least had in mind that some of the services that they are trying to acquire for folks coming out of Nursing Homes<\/a> thats at least laguna honda, and i assume that would be a particular hotel room that would be at. I would love to hear because people dont always tell us all the work that theyre doing. I would love to hear an update on what were doing in terms of people moving into hotel rooms this weekend. Where are we . Chair fewer okay. Weve had some people that have joined us. I think maybe d. P. H. About the laguna honda patient question, and then maybe danielle taplin no, h. S. H. About where we are on the sheltering the unhoused people in hotel rooms. Sure. Im on the phone. For laguna honda, we did do an assessment to see if they could selfcare in a hotel room as you mentioned or if they would require some ihss support or stay in a hotel room. There was a small group of people, and i believe the last i had heard about half of them had been moved. I do believe that laguna honda wants to respect patients autonomy, as well, so they wanted to try to work with them on that move, but i can check back on the final numbers. Chair fewer thank you very much. And then, Abigail Stewart<\/a> kahn from d. S. H. Thank you, chair fewer, for allowing us to speak about the population that we care about, as always. I think in terms of projecting numbers and where we are, that would be great to get from dan taplin. What i can say is of the prioritized populations that were shared a month ago before i was interim director and included many of the populations that you have talked about, as of yesterday, we have moved a total of approximately 750 into various kinds of hotels with more in motion as we speak and more hotels coming online. Those will be questions for dan kaplan. These are all vulnerable folks in shelters who are moved before significantly before covid positives have occurred. The thing to note before i have to jump off and then youre in expert hands with emily cohen is that the process here is really significant. Were optimistic and creative, and our nonprofit partners are coming to the table every day. Our divestment individuals are coming to the table every day, and they have complex lives and potentially more complex. We know that supervisor mandelman understands the work very, very well with all the work that hes been doing since coming into office. Theres amazing work that dan kaplan and his team have been doing, and then, theres enforcement checks, thinking about isolation and quarantine and peoples selfrespect and liberties. Managing crisis, managing Behavioral Health<\/a> issues and Substance Use<\/a> issues, providing care coordination and access to care. Transportation is more complicated than it would be, say, after an earthquake when i imagine it would be pretty complicated. You think about a bus or an ambulance to transport people, and the fact that people need to be 6 feet apart in a bus would mean that weve moved between 750 and 900 folks in a short period of time. You can imagine how many times that trip has happened, and in between, everything needs to be cleaned, everything needs to be disinfecte disinfected. This is all for us to wrap our minds around, but because they have a community and are in a congregate setting, some have declined, and well go back to them and help councsel them to go to a hotel. I think by the end of the day, we will have succeeded in moving all of the people in our shelters and Navigation Centers<\/a> into hotels and motels, so our next step will be going back to the people that werent ready to go. I really want to can commend the supervisors who have done this work in other locations. Your philanthropy, i think thats a fantastic cross section, and they are doing that with work contracted by the city. And thats maybe okay, but these places have to be staffed, and these individuals have to be cared for in their hotel. Chair fewer excuse me. I wanted to say we have to be done with this meeting by 12 30. Okay. Chair fewer okay. Now dan kaplan. Chair fewer, sorry for the interruption, there are members of the public wishing to speak. Could we open Public Comment<\/a> at this time . Chair fewer so sorry, supervisors. Lets open this up for Public Comment<\/a>. Are there any members of the public wishing to speak . Please remember to speak what is that, again . Clerk one and zero. Chair fewer to be placed in the queue. Clerk madam chair, operator is checking to see if there are any comments in the queue. Please let us know if there are any callers ready. Caller i have four callers at the moment. Please let me queue the first caller. You have five questions remaining. I am with yimby action. I think what they say is potentially a really important thing for the full board to be considering. We do need to be getting people off the streets as quickly as possible. I think the question about fema reimbursement is probably top of mind. We will probably have to spend this money out of our current reserve. It is likely that fema will not be reimbursing for those who have not been found to be testing positive, and those who are not in an atrisk group, and therefore, we will need to think about this, especially in the budget, the longterm implications of this. It doesnt mean we should go forward with it. I think we should, but it does mean that a larger budgeting thing should be held over the longterm. I hope that you can join with other City Government<\/a>s and councils to demand that fema reimburse for that. I think if we can get a larger group of people demanding that fema reimburse for that, well have a greater chance because we know that testing is not happening in our homeless population, so i hope that can spur an advocacy for fema reimbursement. We have a loud voice at the federal level, so i hope that the board can use their voice to call for that policy change. Thank you. Chair fewer next speaker, please. You have eight questions remaining. Hi. This is sonia charo. Hello . [inaudible] speaker . All right. Can you hear me . Yes. We can hear you. All right. Hi. Im here. All right. We dont have to take the hotels word for it. This is sonia trout. Other cities seem to be Getting Hotel<\/a> rooms around the world half as much. The other thing is s. R. O. Rooms will be empty. Im looking forward to everybody getting together to show the mayor that she has the widest support possible. Thanks. Chair fewer thank you. Next speaker, please. You have seven questions remaining. Hello. My name is sarah ogilby. Im with yimby today, and im in full support of the ordinance. If we do not house people immediately, we risk losing all progress made in flattening the curve and conserving hospital resources. Supervisors, please make a well articulated argument to the federal government to cover this need. We can both spend our money now and demand federal reimbursement, ask federal representatives to priorityize this, and use your political power. This is an unprecedented Public Health<\/a> emergency exacerbated by a housing emergency. Decades of substandard policy are now having an impact on our state. We must accelerate housing productions of all kinds to put thousands of workers in an Industry Position<\/a> to deliver San Francisco<\/a> from economic cata strophy. Housing will become a key component to restoring and rebuilding our city. If were going to have to overcome the age of covid19, were going to have to agree that housing and production in the medium term become our mandate. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you. Next speaker, please. You have seven questions remaining. Hi. Thank you very much, supervisors. My name is mary indicakate ape. I support the ordinance. I think its important to get people inside, not merely those who meet the established criteria, but those in vulnerable situations. Those who cannot get inside, families are being discharged from the hospital for reasons unrelated to covid, and they have to live in their cars and shower at truck stops and are in a medically trfragile situations. I would like to see the legislation expanded to include pregnancy . Finally, i want to say that a lot of logistical and physical difficulties are being referenced, and some of them are important for consideration in this city process . I think its essential that the e. O. C. And h. S. A. And h. S. H. Profit with the Nonprofit Community<\/a> . Were operating essential services . Family providers are collaborating services to hotel rooms. Weve located a site and a block of rooms, and were crowd sourcing money which is flexible. At the same time, millions are available from the state, and there are federal funding extremes. I think we need to put our heads together, decentralize the process, and maximize the funding streams to help the most in shelters. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you very much. Next speaker, please. You have six questions remaining. Linda chapman. I dont know if you have received the letter from current action team yet. I was one of the people who prepared the letter, and i thought it was absolutely essential to get people off the street and into hotel rooms. But equally important is not to use the hotels that were originally found to be Residential Hotels<\/a> and that have been converted most illegally or through various tricks because they should not be rewarded with extra money, and then, you would be putting yourselves or the city, rather, of being in a position from almost being estopped from taking action against them. May theyre the ones that have alrea [inaudible] now im speaking for myself. I am surrounded by the kind of hotels that people have illegally changed. Apart from the fact that i was on the, you know, the committee that passed the Residential Hotel<\/a> controls back in the first place, and in one of the neighborhoods in nob hill in order to have that passed in the first place, i worked more recently with sue hester to try to make the art academy restore its buildings, some of which were Residential Hotels<\/a> aon no hill, so im very sensitive to this. I worked with supervisor peskins office when he was doing an incredible piece for technical corrections to convert rooms in other venues. Certainly, s. D. A. Is in favor of it, and c. A. R. A. Supervisor peskin got a quick and dirty version of what changes would need to be made. You have to get these people off the street. I did work for social security. These were our clients, and we worked in an office building, and the other people who used the elevators to get to other offices were not too happy with our clientele in some cases. Obviously, many people just because theyre not living in a house because theyre in a shelter or something are not going to be a problem. But the people that are drug addicts, and they got their checks, instead of having it put in an account, money management, they would be youre going to have some problems to deal with. Chair fewer speaker . Clerk operations, could you please set up you have five questions remaining. Chair fewer okay. We are very short on time now, so could we please have two minutes on speakers . Good morning. My name is francisco, member of united season the mission and member of San Francisco<\/a> day labor and woman united save the mission and member of San Francisco<\/a> day labor and women united. We are a program of delores Street Community<\/a> services which houses mission as our collective collaborative where we have already had participants of the program be sent home after being diagnosed positive and then infected family members because there was no other place to keep them. Our membership is among the most vulnerable during this crisis, exposed to the weather, sleeping under bridges, sharing spaces where they can only rent a sofa from a neighborhood, and the sofa is only for sleeping without the ability to shower on a regular basis. One of our members got permission to shower with buckets under a bridge last week. At least 50 of our members face shelter insecurity and covid19 infection unless they can find a place to stay in shelter. California Health Departments<\/a> already given us a directive, and given this reality for our health and safety of our entire city, together with the delores street commission, i am asking the supervisors pass this emergency ordinance and that the city and mayor act immediately to sign agreements to secure rooms for our most vulnerable neighbors or use commandeering power to secure rooms which cannot be secured through trade agreements. This can save lives. Thank you for your vote. I know that los angeles had the power to move thousands. Please act swiftly. Vote for this emergency ordinance. Thank you very much. Chair fewer thank you very much. You have four questions remaining. Hi. My name is olivia park, and im a graduating medical student from ucsf, and im in favor of this much needed ordinance. Supervisor haney was right in that this outbreak could have been prevented. [inaudible] San Francisco<\/a> is one of the most well resourced cities in the country economically as well as the services for the homeless community, yes somehow we manage to allow the kind of humanitarian disasters to happen before our eyes. We need to move 1,000 individuals from shelters every day, and if we dont, were going to see greater than 64 of the shelter population, including city staff, contract covid19 by next week. The mayor needs to use her commandeering status now to move 1,000 people into hotel rooms a day. I want to see the power of political will. We are San Francisco<\/a>. We can do this. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you very much. Next speaker, please. You have four speakers remaining. Hi. My name is juliana morris. I am a family care doctor in San Francisco<\/a>, and i care for many people experiencing homelessness. Its been heartbreaking to support this population at this time. They know theyre going to be discharged to the streets, they know that theyre going to be unable to protect themselves, and my heart goes out to this population and other people that are vulnerable. I just want to reiterate the call to house all people, nin addition to the most vulnerable. This is to stop the spread and get them the care that they need. The medical Service Providers<\/a> and organizers that work inside the congregate setting, they know what they need to stay safe and to care for themselves within the hotel setting, and they should be able to be directed into those settings and not spread out so that we can make sure that everyones needs get accounted for. And then, in doing this, we need to be housing people before they get sick, not just afterwards. I also want to mention how afraid i am how this delayed and inadequate response is exacerbating illnesses within the city. The African American<\/a> population and latinx population are experiencing much higher rates and morbidity from covid19. Thank you very much. Chair fewer thank you very much. Next speaker, please. You have three speakers remaining. My name is mike chen, and im a member of yimby action. We imagine a future where everyone has access to Affordable Housing<\/a>. The big thing that im concerned about is making sure that we have the funding to do this. We need to make sure that my understanding is that fema guidelines only allow for housing people who test positive. We need to use our power as a city to make sure that we get more clarification from fema such that this is funded. At the same time, we need to make sure that in case fema funding does not come through, we should be leveraging all funding sources, including private donations. We need to learn how to balance the budget to fight a major crisis. For housing, please consider that thats how we can use construction jobs to jump start the economy, creating a saferer and more Affordable Housing<\/a> for safer and more Affordable Housing<\/a> for everyone. Chair fewer next speaker. Next speaker on the line . You have two questions remaining. Hi. My name is lina core, and im a fourthyear medical student at ucsf. [inaudible] and continue to do the social and Public Outreach<\/a> in the face of this pandemic. Weve seen studies coming out of ucla, university of pennsylvania, and boston university, theyve projected that Homeless Individuals<\/a> that contract covid19 are two to three times for likely to be hospitalized, two to three times more likely to require Critical Care<\/a> in an i. C. U. , and two to three times more likely to die. When people who are experiencing homelessness are in congregate living situations like shelters, theyre unable to take the necessary precautions to shelter in place and social distance. Ive talked to folks who are sharing bathrooms, living in close quarters and are failing to social distancing, lacking the care that they need. Its critical that all homeless persons be offered a hotel room before they test positive. I urge you, the board of supervisors, to save lives, and move people experiencing homeless chair fewer thank you. Next speaker, please. Is the speaker there . You have one question remaining. My name is anabel, and im a nursing midwife and a student at ucsf. Im speaking related to problems with depression and post partum. I want to make sure that pregnant and birthing people and people with newborns are being considered especially in this crisis . Its covid19 is unlike any of the other coronaviruses that we have seen, and women are going to be more likely to be impacted by this illness. We do know there are very raptly changing guidelines around social distancing. [inaudible] chair fewer thank you very much. Any other speakers . You have zero questions remaining. Chair fewer seeing no speakers, Public Comment<\/a> is closed. Colleagues, i apologize. I know your name is on the roster. We want to get this to the full board to vote on it, and we are already past our time. The Clerks Office<\/a> has allowed us to be here until 12 30, so i am going to ask my colleagues to save their comments until tomorrow. I made a motion, and its on the table. I make a motion to move this to the full board. Roll call. [roll call] clerk there are three ayes. Chair fewer thank you. Is there any further business before us . Clerk theres no further business. Chair fewer thank you. This meetingss adjourned. The hon. London breed good afternoon, everyone. Im San Francisco<\/a> mayor london breed, and i want to thank the press for joining us, dr. Grant colfax from the department of Public Health<\/a>, as well as members from laguna honda and dignity. As you know, this is a challenging time for the people of San Francisco<\/a> and throughout our country. We declared a state of emergency on february 25 of this year to begin the process to prepare for what we know was coming. As of today, we are at 172 cases in San Francisco<\/a>. We see that continue to rise every single day, and when we look at states all over the country, we know that the early steps we took to not only be prepared but to ask people to stay at home has definitely had an impact on the numbers that we are seeing every single day. But we also know that as dr. Colfax mentioned on monday, it is still going to continue to climb, sadly, things are going to get worse, and its important that we continue to stay at home because it truly does mean that we save lives as a result. We have been working to make sure that we identify the existing resources that we have in our Health Care System<\/a> and that we look to increase our capacity so that when that surge hits in San Francisco<\/a>, that we are prepared, but if the numbers hit the way that they are going in a place like new york, there is really going to be a challenge with our system. And when you think about it, San Francisco<\/a> has many hospitals, we have some of the best health care anywhere, but we are still in a situation that requires a significant rampup, and it requires the need for our state and our federal partners to step up more than they ever have before and to move faster. We see that there have been a lot of challenges with the federal government, but i am grateful for the stimulus package that just passed last night, and i am hopeful that that money makes its way to the people of this city so that folks can survive. But i also hope that it provides us the much needed relief in the Hospital System<\/a> so we can prepare for the number of beds we clearly will need during this crisis. Right now, we currently have about 1300 medicalsurgical beds and 1200 i. C. U. S. We definitely need a lot more than that,. This is not as easy as opening up the bed. It requires that we have nurses, that we have doctors, that we health care professionals, and we have sufficient p. P. E. To keep them safe as well as support the patients that were here to serve. We estimate that we will need more. Its not a question, and were grateful to the governor for the work that he is continuing to do, but we will need more. We estimate that we will need about 5,000 more beds and about 1500 more ventilators to address this significant challenge. We know that its important to make sure that were ready, that were prepared, and we also know that if people continue to kocongregate on th streets, continue to meet with each other, we will not have enough beds, enough ventilators to support the people that we know are going to need them. Thats what this is about. Thats why youre hearing from all over the world to stay at home, to stay within your respective home with your respective relatives so that we can do everything we can to prevent the spread of this virus. We are going to do everything we can to get our Hospital Community<\/a> ready, and it definitely has not been easy. We are doing everything we can to acquire a number of hotel rooms to help house those who are unsheltered and to help those who live in congregate settings, so they dont have to share bathrooms and they can shelter separately. We are setting up a system so that we can keep people apart from one another to prevent the spread, and this has been a real challenge, especially with our homeless population, and we will continue to have updates on our efforts going forward. I have continue to make requests to our state and federal officials. I sent a letter today to governor gavin newsom, as well as Vice President<\/a> mike pence, the head of this task force effort, making clear what we need. This is not the first time weve made clear there is a significant need in our Health Care System<\/a>, and i hope it will be the last; that they will significantly deliver for the people of this country. We need to be prepared to save lives. We need to be prepared to take patients right away, and we need to be prepared with the capacity necessary in order to help people. So i want to thank the Hospital Council<\/a> and our great partners for continuing to work with us in the Hospital Community<\/a>, the provide sector, the public sector. We are working collaboratively around the challenges that we face with testing, with p. P. E. , the challenges that we know will continue to get to a point where we are going to have to keep working together at this supporting one another because we know that, clearly, at this point, the numbers will continue to rise, there will be people who continue to need to be hospitalized. And i want us to keep in mind that we dont want to turn anyone away. Think about when youre out there, and youre socializing, and youre not social distancing from one another. Think about the reactions that could result from your actions that you or a loved one could go to the hospital and they couldnt get a bed at that point. So i ask the public to continue to cooperate, to exercise social distancing, to continue to be responsible for one another because we are in this together. We are all responsible for one another and whether or not this virus spreads more than what we are seeing. We can see a difference by doing our part. So i want to express my thanks to san franciscans who are enforcing the order. Were trying to do everything we can to outreach to individuals and businesses about what this means. The police chief and members of the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> are out there, doing their very best to address challenges with crime and to educate the public as to why this is important. Everyone has a role to play in keeping our city safe and healthy, and i appreciate everything that you all have done and will continue to do to get us to that point. And so with that, i want to take this opportunity to introduce dr. Grant colfax with the department of Public Health<\/a> to provide us with an update and the collaborative efforts between the San Francisco<\/a> department of Public Health<\/a> and our Public Hospitals<\/a> and the hospitals that exist here in sfrichk. San francisco. Thank you, mayor. Good afternoon. I am dr. Grant colfax, director of Public Health<\/a> for San Francisco<\/a>. Over the last few weeks, mayor breed and several bay area counties announced an unprecedented order, requiring residents to stay at home in order to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. Since then, many other counties and the state of california have issued the same instructions, as have multiple places across the country. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who are taking this order seriously, and as seriously as this situation calls for. Your efforts to stay home and maintain social distance is and will save lives. I want to emphasize that. Social distancing is and will save lives. I know there are people out there who would lead you to believe that our efforts are too aggressive, but i cannot stress enough just how vital they are. As of this morning, San Francisco<\/a> has over 170 confirmed cases of coronavirus. Just three weeks ago, we had two. We expect these numbers to continue to rise rapidly, and sadly, we have now reported our first death from this disease. On behalf of the department of Public Health<\/a>, i extend my condolences to this mans loved ones, and i am sorry to say that the worst is yet to come. And yet, we are preparing, as we have since the very beginning of this emergency. The hospitals in our city have tried to empty as many hospital beds as possible to make room for the patients that are coming. Currently, there are about 1300 staffed regular beds across all San Francisco<\/a> hospitals, and about 200 staffed i. C. U. Intensive care unit beds. These beds have appropriate staffing and supplies today to care for all patients who need that level of care, including coronavirus patients. This number of beds could handle an initial surge of coronavirus patients, as well. In less than two weeks, we expect a surge of people needing hospitalization, so our goal now is to, again, flatten the curve so fewer people get sick at once. This will reduce the likelihood this will reduce the likelihood that our Health Care System<\/a> gets overwhelmed. The last thing i want, we want, is for those who need care to not be able to access it. Every hospital in the city wants to care for everyone who needs help. Thats why we must recommit ourselves to staying vigilant and only leave our house for essential reasons. Again, the community depends on it. Now, as we are preparing for the surge of coronavirus patients, i want you to know that San Francisco<\/a> is working hard on an unprecedented and unified response. Our work is being predicted and modelled on the potential disease spread and our interventions. It will help us develop scenarios based on information, science, and facts from San Francisco<\/a>, the nation, and bay area. We are working with some of the worlds top experts, scientists, and epidemiologists, including those at the university of california berkeley and ucsf. We are lowering the number of patients in our Health Care System<\/a> and admit to hospitals. We need to continue to make room for a surge of sicker patients. As ive said, and the mayor emphasized, we have ordered all san francis san franciscans and bay area residents to stay home. We have restricted visitors to hospitals, longterm care facilities, and residential facilities to protect the health of vulnerable populations. These are by health order. We have cancelled or postponed elective surgeries and routine medical appointments and moved services to telephone and video conference. These are being done under a health order. We have provided places other than hospitals for people with suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus to remain safe and isolated to free up hospital beds and hospital staff. We have ordered enhanced cleaning of s. R. O. S, expanded shelter hours, and more meals served to shelters and Navigation Centers<\/a> to improve the health and safety of vulnerable populations in an effort to further reduce hospitalizations. The second effort in getting ready for a surge of coronavirus cases is the work that all san franciscans are doing together to increase capacity. A new floor just for coronavirus patients is being readied at st. Francis Memorial Hospital<\/a> that is being staffed and equipped through contributions from st. Francis, zuckerberg San Francisco<\/a> general, and ucsf. Weve made the hiring of d. P. H. , department of Public Health<\/a> nurses faster and easier, and this has already resulted in adding over 80 new nurses to this collective effort. We are obtaining more supplies and effort when we need it most, including personal protective equipment or p. P. E. And we are growing our capacity to test. We are now processing dozens of tests a day and waiting only an hour for results. Our top priority is our patients, our community, and the people who care for them. I want everybody in our community to know we are doing the very best we can to be the very prepared we can be in fighting this disease. But i must look across the nation to new york city, and i continue to be concerned. It is plausible that despite all these efforts, we could have a scenario similar to the one that is playing out in new york this very day. If that happens, our capacity, our Surge Capacity<\/a> will be far exceeded. Look at what is happening in new york. An excellent medical system, superb scientists, frontline brave courageous nurses and doctors, and even the ability to respond to normal activities is being overwhelmed. In that situation, we estimate we will require over 1500 ventilators and 5,000 additional medical hospitals, and chair of the Hospital Commission<\/a> for San Francisco<\/a> and hospital counsel of San Francisco<\/a>. Thank you. Good afternoon, and mayor breed and dr. Colfax, thank you so much for your leadership. As chair of the hospital, id first like to thank all of our caregivers in the city who keep our city safe. These are unprecedented times that we are experiencing together, and it has never been more of a time for our hospitals to Work Together<\/a>, and i am grateful to be here in San Francisco<\/a> where many of our hospitals have a long history of partnering together to keep our citizens healthily. Like many other states, cities, and hospitals around the world, we have shifted our focus to care for those with covid19. St. Francis is proud to devote an entire unit to that. We, too, are supporting social distancing. We are encouraging our employees to work from home whenever possible. Were supporting social distancing as much we can within the hospital and encouraging our patients to see physicians through virtual visits instead of in person when thats possible. A Public Health<\/a> issue of this magnitude must be addressed with creative solutions. The hospital has been working to identify these solutions since the very beginning of this crisis. No one hospital can do this alone. The only response is a collective response, and im grateful that this collaborative effort to create a dedicated center for covid19 patients will help ensure hospital cares available to anyone who needs it. It applaud the care of the city and county of San Francisco<\/a>, zuckerberg health, and the mayor has the necessary foresight to prepare for whatevers coming our way. Working together, we will beat this pandemic. Its my pleasure now to introduce mark lehrer, the president and c. E. O. Of San Francisco<\/a> Public Health<\/a>. Thank you. Thank you, dr. Cline, 20 seconds, but i wont take the full 20 without talking. Mayor breed, i want to thank you for your courage and your leadership, setting an example for this nation in getting in front of this virus and taking actions that will hopefully help us flatten the curve. And dr. Cline, i want to similarly thank you for your actions, to be aware of the issues that were facing and helping us through that. One of the greatest strengths of San Francisco<\/a> is our sense of community. When theres an issue, when theres a problem, we all step up together to face it. We have a long history of doing this across all sectors, and today i want to talk about particularly how the Hospital Community<\/a> has stepped forward to address the issues that dr. Colfax just outlined. We know we need vastly more hospital beds. We know we need vastly more testing capablity. We know we need Testing Health<\/a> visits, and over the last few weeks, hospitals have dramatically increased the number of tele physicians have dramatically increased the number of telehealth visits. Today, for the first time at ucsf, we took more patients in telehealth than we did in person, a true moment of recognition of an important change. Every hospital in San Francisco<\/a> is doing its part. Kaiser was the first to have a drive through testing center. Sutter health, cpmc, is looking at ways to expand their capacity. Chinese hospital, the v. A. , everybody is looking to see how we can further address the needs of our particular community. At ucsf, we are planning to reopen our mt. Zion hospital to expand our capacity by at least another 50 to 60 beds, but i particularly want to talk about st. Francis medical center, because dr. Cline showed extraordinary leadership to say, we will make space available. We dont have staff, we dont have administration, we may not have the supplies to make this happen in time, but thats where all the other hospitals in San Francisco<\/a> stepped forward. And led by dr. Susan ehrlich, led by the president and c. E. O. Of San Francisco<\/a> general, we all got together and talked about how we can contribute. Weve made a 1 million contribution dedicated to that unit. Sutter health and Chinese Hospital<\/a> are all stepping up and trying to help in any way they can to help make this unit a success because as we all succeed together, it benefits us all, but we all have to come together in order to achieve that. Let me just say, too, that ive spent a lot of time talking about, thinking about silver linings. I mentioned that were doing more telehealth appointments than ever before. But members of the Health Community<\/a> in San Francisco<\/a> are working closer together than maybe they ever have. Theyre all working together to figure out how we can Work Together<\/a>, share resources and services to provide wellbeing to all of the members of the community. As dr. Cline mentioned and dr. Colfax, weve been tapping into resources that we didnt even know we would ever need. The brilliant people at u. C. Berkeley, working with our scientists at ucsf on modelling, the Chanzuckerberg Biohub<\/a> initiative has been an enormous help in making equipment and expertise available in improving our testing. Scientists at ucsf working on not only new testing approaches but also new treatments. And most of all, i want to acknowledge our Strong Community<\/a> of supporters. People interested in making sure that San Francisco<\/a> is always a Community People<\/a> who stepped forward with contacts, people who have stepped forward, taking their n95s and depositing them in a place where they can be used by health care workers, and people who have made financial contributions to get us through this difficult time. We must flatten the curve. We must get in front of this epidemic. We are going to face very hard times in the coming weeks, but if we do the basic things that dr. Colfax talked about wash washing our hands, keeping our distance, and staying home, we can do our part to help this community succeed. So thank you, and ill turn it back now to mayor breed. The hon. London breed so thank you, everyone, again, for your partnership and support and everything that youre doing to get through this crisis. At this time, we want to open it up to questions, and i want to acknowledge that we have here with us, as well, the department of Emergency Management<\/a> director, mary Ellen Carroll<\/a>. We have the police chief, bill scott, is here, and the director of the department of Human Resources<\/a> i mean, human services, trent rhorer, is here. Okay. Im going to go ahead and call on you. Dominick, San Francisco<\/a> chronicle, question and followup. Can someone talk about the mechanics of the unified plan, and whos calling the shots as these resources come in. Thank you. The hon. London breed so i think either dr. Mary Ellen Carroll<\/a> or dr. Colfax, either one of you want to address that . Okay. Thank you. Mary Ellen Carroll<\/a>, department of Emergency Management<\/a>. So we are centralizing resource acquisition and purchasing and distribution. We are working hand in hand with the department of Public Health<\/a> to identify the resources that are needed and to make the appropriate purchases and also request for aid through the state and the federal government. The Public Health<\/a> department will be our link to our partners here to determine the overall city needs. All of that will be centralized here through the Emergency Operation<\/a>s center, and we will work through our existing system in order to ensure that we both are aware of what our needs are, what our burn rates are, as we use it, and where we need to come in where our gaps are. Dominick, do you have a followup . Yes. Just a question about the modelling. With new york sort of being the test case, if you will, or something thats fed into how San Francisco<\/a>s plan came together, can someone just speak a little bit about how the modelling works or how much input would be needed if San Francisco<\/a> starts to look more like new york state. Thank you. So thank you. This is grant colfax. So the model has been developed by u. C. Berkeley clinicians, physicians, epidemiologists, and scientists. Its looked at data from wuhan, china, and local data and looking at information thats coming in from new york to provide a number of scenarios to better understand plausible scenarios with regard to where we are headed in the next few weeks and the next few months. The model takes information, again, from all of these sources and then makes certain assumptions that we do not know to be true but are plausible based on other data to understand where we are and where we may be going. The model with regard to new york, thats really based on what new york is experiencing and their specific resource needs right now with regard to ventilators and hospital beds, so that is focused on if and its still plausible, its certainly plausible, San Francisco<\/a> does not succeed in flattening the curve and gets to a place where new york is. We estimate at this point we would need at least we estimate at least 1500 ventilators in our system and an additional 5,000 medical surge beds. There are other estimates that if our shelter in place and other interventions are working, that we would not get to that point. But i want to stress that we are doing everything we can with the partners here today, with mayor breeds leadership, with the collaboration and cooperation of mary Ellen Carroll<\/a>s department, to Work Together<\/a> locally. But there are situations that could put us in a scenario like new york city is in, where our capacities are far exceeded and would require the help of state and federal health. Liz from abc 7. Are you on the line . Okay. Im going to move on. Wilson from kpix. Wilson, kpix, next question. I understand the scenarios are always changes. You mentioned see always changing. You mentioned seeing the surge in two weeks. As you understand that path now, can you tell us what it looks like in terms of, i guess, sharpness, for lack of a better word, and duration. If thats the start in less than two weeks, what kind of a timeline . I cannot give you a specific timeline at this point. Im basing the surge information if you look at the curves in new york right now, if you looked at what happened in wuhan, china, the curves are very steep. Trying to get as specific as youre asking for, we simply cannot do. Were tracking the data to see what the plausible scenarios are. In terms of what this may be, we really dont have an answer to that because were doing a shelter in place right now. Were hoping that thats effective. Were wanting everybody to stay at home to save lives. If that works, that will greatly did greatly deaccelerate the curve and flatten the curve. The other thing, following the sign and facts, you need to sustain that over time. You can flatten the curve initially, but then, if things go back to normal, the curve can easily go back up. Wilson, followup. Im all set. Thank you. Okay. Im going to go back to liz, kgo 7. Liz, kgo 7 . Okay. Im going to go to kate, kqed. Kate, kqed . Okay. Im going to go with mission local. Nope . Okay. Christian, ktvu. Christian, you there . Im here. Yeah [inaudible] okay. Okay. I have a question. Okay. Go ahead. Im wondering what is [inaudible] christian, youre cutting in and out, so im going to move on. [inaudible] okay. Christian, we didnt get that, so im going to move on. Why dont we go, goran, new york times. Goran, new york times. Julio, univision. Jackson, nbc bay area. Yeah, can you hear me . We can hear you. So dr. Colfax or whoever chooses to answer, we understand that some ucsf physicians are seeking the seeking the pulmonary and Critical Care<\/a> facilities are seeking for everyone at ucsf are requiring everyone to wear masks to protect against the spread. Whats the current response to that . Were led to believe that at least s. F. General, the answers been not yet or no. This is mark lehrer from ucsf. Theres been a lot of science on the spread of covid19, and the predominant science belief is this is droplet spread, not aerosolized, so the approach has been to use droplet and air precautions rather than aerosol precautions. The ideal response would be to have lots of p. P. E. , personal protective equipment, for every employee. But the reality is were working under pretty intense shortages right now, so were making sure we give the appropriate p. P. E. To physicians, nurses, and other staff who are in circumstances where they actually need it, and confer and were trying to conserve our supplies for them. In the future, well try to expand the services in which those are utilized. Jackson, do you have a follow up . Yeah. Also, i think they were going to try to contain the issues of one sheriffs and cadet involved in screening at city hall. Are you guys concerned about people at city hall 1,000 people a day went into city hall until you guys closed it up. Im just wondering, if you done any research jackson, can you turn down your youtube feed . We cannot understand your question. Basically, i understand a screener at city hall has tested positive, a cadet at Sf Sheriff Department<\/a> can you hear me now . We can hear you now. Okay. So a screener has tested positive, and we were just wondering whats been the fallout from that . Do you know the potential of those being exposed . Youll have to turn down your youtube screen. Youve got to mute it because youre coming in choppy. As i understand it, your question is what is being done for screening at city hall done regarding screening at city hall because some sheriffs deputies have tested positive for covid19. I didnt catch that. Im sorry. Can you repeat . Im going to repeat your question. Youre asking about sheriffs deputies that have tested positive for covid19 at city hall, and if theres anything different being done at city hall for screening. Well, and to notify screening, as well, yes. Dr. Colfax is here to answer your question. Just we are following all recommendations with regard to the c. D. C. And the exposures, whether they are in city hall, whether they are in any other institution. We are working with the Sheriffs Department<\/a> and any other institution to make sure all appropriate precautions are being taken. People at risk for high risk exposure are given the materials they need, and again, people who tested positive are being given the proper guidelines for protecting themselves and protecting others. I want to emphasize, the most important thing in the community is that we continue to social distance, and only the most essential workers be at work. Our First Responders<\/a> are on the frontlines, and it is our priority at the Health Department<\/a> to ensure that they and their leadership get all the information they need, and in the case of exposures or positive tests, that the right Public Health<\/a> procedures are being followed based on science, data, and facts. Okay. Im going to go ahead and read liz question from kgo. We know in some hospitals that they have banned partners during childbirth. Is that something thats being considered in San Francisco<\/a> . So we issued an order severely restricting visitors to a health order restricting visitors to all hospitals, all but the most eventual visitors were allowed in. We think that this is based on Public Health<\/a>, and we think that further restricting at this point is not not necessary. Thank you. So im also going to read kristin captains question. What is being done to crack down on hot spots, including 850 bryant, where there have been a number of cases, and laguna honda . So with regard to laguna honda, from the very beginning of the declaration of emergency, laguna honda has been a key focus of the Health Departments<\/a> efforts. As you know, we focused on ensuring we do everything we can to protect vulnerable populations, and we have the best health experts, the best clinicians, the best people looking at hygiene. We have taken a number of steps, including screening staff, ensuring they are not exhibiting symptoms of illness. We have had major restrictions in visitors. We are issuing a health order to not allow patients to be leaving laguna hand onda. That order has been issued today. And were making sure that staff have the protection they need based on c. D. C. Guidelines for the care that they need. If a patient does test positive at laguna honda hospital, we will follow all the proper guidelines. I think that a number of people know that staff have tested positive for covid19 at laguna honda. The neighborhoods where they work, the units where they work are on quarantine, and all proper precautions are being taken at this time. And i will let with regard there was a followup question to that, i believe. 850 bryant. At 850 bryant, and chief scott will answer that part of the question. Thank you. So for 850 bryant, the San Francisco<\/a> Police Department<\/a> had two of our employees to test positive for covid19 at 850 bryant. We have quarantined 24 officers, 27 total employees from that unit, 25 sworn and two nonsworn employees. We have sanitized that work location, and we had already restricted some of our workforce from being in the office. Weve broken up our investigative units into details, so we are rotating them from telecommuting to working in the office to when its essential to working out in the field, we weve Aunited States<\/a> noed which weve announced the other day. The courts have restricted their Court Activity<\/a> to basically all essential Court Activity<\/a>. I just got an email just as i was listening to the mayor about some jury trials have been postponed, so its the same concept that dr. Colfax and others have been preaching social distancing, limiting the amount of people in a confined space, and thats what were practicing, so we hope that that will have a difference and limit the exposure to our workforce. Thank you. Okay. Im going to read the next question from mission local. We keep hearing from our Hispanic Community<\/a> that they are afraid of getting tested because of their current status. I think we should emphasize how important it is for latinos and everyone to get tested. Grant colfax, department of Public Health<\/a>. So i just want to emphasize that the Health Department<\/a> takes care of everybody regardless of immigration status. We are a city and a department of compassion, and that nobody will be discriminated against based on immigration status. San francisco is a sanctuary city, and people who need care should avail themselves of the care across this citys Health Department<\/a>. If you meet criteria for being tested for covid19, you should be tested. We will test you, we will take care of you. Okay. Next question, alexander, San Francisco<\/a> business times. Alexander, San Francisco<\/a> business times. Hi. Can you hear me all right . We can hear you. Go ahead. All right. So i wanted to see if trent could maybe answer this. But i wanted to see if theres any update on the hotel situation in terms of the number of rooms being proposed in response to the r. F. P. Last week, and also, if trent could clarify, at the press conference on monday, there was it seemed it wasnt quite clear whether he was supporting hygiene stations for Homeless People<\/a> on the streets or or putting them in hotel rooms, and i guess you could speak a little bit more about how the situations changed. Hi. Trent rhorer, executive director, Member Services<\/a> agency. We have secured leases for 300 rooms. We have contracted with the department of Public Health<\/a> to move others who cannot selfquarantine out of the hospital and into these isolation rooms. This is our number one preparation for individuals who are in the hospital who only need to be there because they cannot selfisolate. We have assessed certain hotels for their viability, and we will be entering into contracts as soon as we can come to agreements with the hotel owners. With respect to individuals that are on the streets, the priority must remain to keep the hospital beds open for the potential surge s. The second priority must be to thin out our existing homeless shelters, meaning creating social distancing within those shelters as part of that plan. We are targeting the vulnerable individuals in our homeless shelters. These are people who are aged 60 or older or with Underlying Health<\/a> conditions. They will be prioritized if they can selfcare will be prioritized for some of our Smaller Hotel<\/a> rooms. In addition, were bringing on an integrated shelter at moscone north for individuals that cannot selfcare, and that will be a medical shelter to provide the medical supports in a congregate way. For individuals on the street, we continue to promote social distancing with our Homeless Outreach<\/a> teams. In addition, we are setting up hygiene stations for them, as well. When we encounter vulnerable populations on the street, once our incident greattegrated car activated, if they want to seek shelter, they can do that. They will be equipp if can be equipped with selfcare, they would be set up in one of our hotel rooms. Okay. Im going to read the question from kate at kqed. What is the number of rooms that will be able to be supported, and how many people will be treated . This is david cline from st. Francis. So we have the ability to take care of 40 medical surgical patients on the unit, and an additional eight in a Critical Care<\/a> unit thats two floors above that. Our plan is to initially open up ten beds which will be available the first week of april, and then, we can grow very rapidly from there. So i would say the total capacity would be 48 patients. Okay. Next question is from goran, new york times. Have we reached the stage where every san franciscan can get tested as soon as they experience symptoms and not just higherrisk patients . Thats the first question. Again, the question is, have we reached the stage where every san franciscan can get tested as soon as they experience symptoms and not just higherrisk patients . So we know that theres a National Shortage<\/a> of testing for covid19. We are rapidly accelerating our testing abilities here in San Francisco<\/a>. Right now, among our partners at the Public Health<\/a> labs, at ucsf, and the shenzuckerberg hub, we expanded our testing, and we are able to do tests, over 400 a day, and those are the rapid tests. I think one of the things in this discussion thats really key is turning tests around in a day or two days is really vital to better understanding how to care for patients and we are we are in the especially where we are in the epidemic. Some of these other tests, the results take six or seven days, and other areas around the world, what were seeing, that is just insufficient for us to respond to the epidemic. We are working so that those who have symptoms consistent with coronavirus can get tested and know their status. We have also issued a health order as of yesterday that required all testing agencies in the city to report the total number of tests that they are doing, the total number of positive tests, and then, the total number of negative tests. This is an unprecedented effort to better under the testing effort across the city and undering where we need to focus understanding where we need to focus our testing efforts. Okay. That was the last question. Thank you very much, everybody. This concludes our press conference. Ssion remote hearing for thursday, april 9, 2020, before we begin, i would like to enter into the record the following announcement and acknowledgements. On february 5, 2020, the mayor declared a local state of emergency related to covid19. Since that declaration, the county Health Officer<\/a> has issued a number of Public Health<\/a> orders related to covid19, including a st stayathome order. The governor and state Health Officer<\/a> have issued an overlaying stayathome order. Therefore, due to the emergency and to protect commissioners, staff, and members of the public, the Commission Chambers<\/a> and city hall are closed. Furthermore, the mayor and","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/5\/items\/SFGTV_20200414_040000_BOS_Special_Budget_and_Finance_Committee\/SFGTV_20200414_040000_BOS_Special_Budget_and_Finance_Committee.thumbs\/SFGTV_20200414_040000_BOS_Special_Budget_and_Finance_Committee_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}

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