Good morning and welcome to the Transportation Authority period meeting today, february 25th. Could you please call the roll. roll call . We have a quorum. Thank you. Can we have a motion to excuse for the durcration of this meeting commissioner marr requested an excused absence and commissioner safai ewill join us list. We will take that without objection and go to the chairs report. This month i was gratified to learn from our staff and this was actually in the press that the California Public utilitiesy commissioner has ruled to reverse the policy on the confidentiality of uber annalist data. As we know they are regulated by the state p. U. C. Aprequired to submit annual reports to that agency. Despite our advocacy and the City Attorneys Office calling for it as well as the airport this has not been made available to the public or to cities and counties such as ourself. Commissioners proposed decision on data confidentiality seeks to treat these as public by default as well they should be. This decision validates our views why the Public Record act mandates disclosure and cautions companies against making over broad claims and will finally open the door to making task filings public. As we saw in the Previous Research availability and accuracy of trip data is paramount to understand where they ok i pie. What safety impacts they have on the streets, particularly on high injury corridors in areas where new safety improvements are confusing to drivers unfamiliar with San Francisco roads. This is a preliminary decision, the commissioners decision is encouraging. We encourage adopting it as soon as possible. We are aware mayor breed announced she will join us in support for developing a Congestion Pricing Program to address the negative impacts of growing Traffic Congestion be particularly downtown and south of market. It must be based on fairness and equity by considering those least able to pay or with limited transportation and any revenue should be directed towards building our Transportation System. I have long been a proponent of congestion pricing dating back to my first time 20 years ago. My staff joined in research and study models around the world in moving this forward. Ultimately we need the right fit for the city and county of San Francisco and our communities and i look forward to partnering with all of you and the mayor in supporting our staff as they continue the downtown congestion management study. As various discussions take place on funding measures to improve our transportation around the bay area and in particular rail transit in the region i want to underscore the importance of movin move forwar. Our executive director tells me the partners have had ongoing fruitful discussions and that we can finally expect to see the six party m. O. U. For advancing the project on the agenda very soon, that is as we all know a result of the expert panels recommendations and getting this done timely is an essential step towards our ability to grow resources for rail . The region and delivering. I look forward to the m. O. U. Being signed if anybody is listening and that, colleagues concludes chairs remarks. We will go to executive directors report. Public comment on the chairs report . Seeing none, Public Comment on the chairs report is closed. Good morning, i begin with update at the federal level. As early as last month on the house sent Transportation Leaders released reauthorization bills. It is introduced at 489 billion to reauthorize the federal fast ability, would increase funding for active transportation. Priorities are reflected in both bills in both houses effect the focus on climate. We are optimistic that will eventually wind the way through both houses. However, given the upcoming election we do not anticipate approval of a new bill this year and expect extension until 2021. We continue to monitor that work and join the city trip to dc to advocate for the priorities. Turning to the regional level, area workshops were held with a bag earlier this month. We appreciate commissioner ronan an tenting. How we attending. How those are in pricing development and a host of other issues. The Commission Also spoke about planned bay area. The tomorrows Advisory Committee and next month they will update the regional transportation plan. They have requested staff to provide a draft fiscal constrained project list for San Francisco. We are working with partners to provide that based on priorities. We will send that to work with the different agai an agencies. We anticipate returning in june for early action and before the m. T. C. And a bag clearance. At the local level the multi agency staff from m. T. A. Planning and Mayors Office have seen strong interest in the public workshops. I appreciate the folks who came out on a sunny saturday a few weeks ago in the mission a few days after that to participate in these workshops to discuss what we want our Transportation System to look like in the next 30 to 40 years. The events were offered in english ago well as translation available and prior november workshops conducted these types of events in spanish, chinese and filipino aimed at southeast neighborhoods. Staff engaged in a host of q a and Group Activities to generate project concepts on the transit side and streets and freeway side. That work is moving along. We anticipate bringing that back in the next month or two. The input that we gathered, of course, will feed into our county wide plan update which will continue in the fall and into next year as part of connect sf. Our policy and programming staff have been busy conducting outreach on the prop d, last years prop d. Of course, the streets and safe streets portion of that funding will come to this body for programming. We continue to do outreach on the policy framework, whether we should invest that funding in various ways for larger projects as well as smaller projects. This month we presented to the bicycle Advisory Committee and will present to the Youth Commission and land use in early march. Look for that as an item on the next Vision Zero Committee meeting chaired by Vision Zero Committee chairman yee. The pedestrian improvements commenced instruction following years of planning by the community and city agencies. S. F. M. T. A. Is delivering the first phase of near term improvements on the lower great highway from lincoln way. There will be daylighting, painted safety zones, signs, refreshed striping and back in angle parking. Construction expected to take a few weeks to complete and the m. T. A. Plans to construct additional islands from 2021 from lincoln way to slope boulevard. On the management front i want to voice the Public Service and great leadership of john ram, who is winding up 12 years as planning director. John has been in tremendous colleague. We want to convey staff appreciation to him and the Planning Department under his tenure for a whole host of work, area plans, connect sf, even the Transportation System sustainability project, a policy initiative that moved our city forward in a pioneering way away from level of service to vmt, vehicle miles traveled standard. This is a very important Sustainable Transportation initiative completed under johns leadership. We wish him well. He has done a great job and we want to make sure he enjoys teaching and writings and can come back to contribute to the development of the great city here. Thank you very much. Thank you. Any questions for our executive director or Public Comment on this item . Public comment is closed. Mr. Clerk. Sorry, i missed you. You are fast on the gun. We are living in a time where we have to have a vision for the future. We dont seem to be too concerned of what is going on with the coronavirus and transportation in this city, San Francisco or regional wide. I say that because we speak in generalities that we are doing this, but it is real, mickey mousing in washington, d. C. , but california has always been a leader. Rarely do we say or rarely do we have a check list of what we have attained, what we have done. You dont need to be a Rocket Scientist when it comes to congestion we failed missably. We tried to do something years ago to reduce congestion. It is just getting worse because of the construction and other issues. On vanness, Market Street, harvard, down the financial district, on geary, wherever you go, congestion. I think this coronavirus should allow us to come up with models in place because it is going to affect our transportation, it is going to affect our institution, even city hall, and we shouldnt wait for the last moment. I know it not on the agenda item. It should be an agenda item. To be on the agenda item somebody like me should come here and suggest. Thank you very much. Thank you. Public comment is closed. Would you please read consent agenda. Items 5 to 11 were approved at the february 11th board meeting. They are routine. Staff will present if desired. If any members object did consent items will be removed and considered separately. Any comment on item 4 . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Is there a motion moved . Moved by stefani and seconded by peskin. roll call . We have final approval. Please read items 12 and 13 today. 12 up date on the San Francisco municipal transportation a gene sees light rail vehicle. 13 independent management and oversight report on the light rail vehicle procurement. They are information items. Thank you, mr. Cordoba. Good morning, Deputy DirectorCapital Projects. Thank you for reading two items together. I want to do a quick introduction. Item 12 we have s. F. M. T. A. Director here, the director of transit to give a full update on the light rail vehicle procurement. We have been working in terms of oversight efforts item 13 in front of you. The independent management and oversight report. We retained the international about the summer of 2019. Bob is here, director of transit will give a full report in that regard. I will hands it over to julie right now. This is an ongoing set of hearings we have had around be this issue. Thank you for coming and presenting the current status of the procurement. The floor is yours. Thank you for having me. I appreciate the boards continued attention on this topic. I have been coming periodically to share with the board the progress that we are making with these new vehicles and also to be transparent about where we have challenges. I am here today because i do think we have Good Progress to report. Also, because we have getting ready to come back next month and ask for the funding item that was put on hold last april where i dont think any of us but particularly the board felt we were ready to move forward with the phase two vehicles. Over that time period we have learned a tremendous amount. We have had multiple fleet defects addressed and i think that we will be able to move forward. We are Holding Siemens to a High Standard of performance. The graph in front of usagraph that takes two things. It takes the number of breakdowns that we have that are mechanical and they are responsible. It divides by the mile in the system. It gives us how frequently the vehicles are breaking down for mechanical reasons. We did hit a major milestone in january where we saw the number increase from about 10,000 to 17,000 miles between breakdowns. The reason for that. Can i interrupt you . Does that include flat wheels . It does not. Thank you for the clarification. One of the things that i think i had done in previous meetings is equate this number to our greater number where we track mean distance between failures. This is actually a very narrow definition of failures and it is those that are mechanically related and need to be addressed in the vehicles. Something like flat wheels, Something Like the operator locking up a Circuit Board by pushing a series of buttons inappropriately wouldnt be something we would hold siemens accountable for. It is something we are tracking. We are going through all of the same data using the same method that we track for data to make sure we see the performance pull ahead of the performance which we are seeing now in both december and january. The reason that we are seeing the improvement in performance is primarily because we are addressing fleet defects on the vehicle. This is a number of breakdowns that we have had since we started our Reliability Program in august of 2018. Every mechanical failure is tracked and evaluated. By far the Biggest Issue is the hydraulic power unit which caused this real dip that we saw last summer in the mayjunejuly timeframe. Anytime i talk about brakes, i want to clarify this is not a safety issue. The issue is the brakes were locking up and we were unable to move the vehicle from stopped position. Since we put in the hardware and ultimately took the software fix as well, we have seen zero repeat instances. I am confident we have solved this issue. There are a couple outstanding issues. This is what is going to have to be addressed with any emerging issues to meet the contract requirements. The contract requires siemens to achieve 25,000 miles between failures and hold at that for six month period. They need to continue to invest in the vehicle until we reach that goal. We are currently withholding retention on the contract until they meet that goal, and we will continue to. I dont anticipate this issue is following us to phase two, but one of the things that we have discussed with the ta staff is to continue to hold that retention as well as to take even further step to not accept phase two vehicles were this not to be met. Perhaps the biggest improvement we have seen in addition to rely ability over the last year is doubling of mil mileage. The vehicles are more more relie and more quiet. There is a doubling of mileage since we began lookin looking as in january. We are still not quite at our vehicle target. We had set a goal of 48 vehicles in service in january. We are currently averaging about 45 to 46 each day. That is going to continue to improve. The reason it is going to improve is because we still have nine vehicles to get back out on the street. We have three vehicles we have not purchased yet. One of them is back on property and it is going through the acceptance Testing Process. The second 2003 will come to us next month. These were the original vehicles we did all of the Testing Program on. The second is a vehicle 2033, which is shown in this picture here. You can see that a lot of the parts have been removed and it looks like we went through it and borrowed heavily. We did. We did that in order to keep other vehicles up and running, but we also tracked closely all of the inventory removed. Everything will be restored on this car and will go through the same acceptance Testing Process as the rest of the fleet. Relative to the borrowing, is that a function of the fact that siemens did not have the Replacement Parts we needed for this particular vehicle . It was not knowing where we would have the fleet defects. As they emerged we were able to keep other vehicles in service. To the extent that i think in one sense you could call it parts. It is more related to newness of the vehicles and the issues we are experiencing. Each one of the pieces of Rolling Stock is expensive and we are trying to hit targets. Did we pay for this vehicle . How did that work . Did we accept this vehicle . It seems kind of strange that we are down one vehicle that we are borrowing parts from the we have already accepted it and paid for it. I appreciate that question. We have not bought this vehicle. This is a vehicle that siemens owns and they are using it to keep our vehicles in service. We will not pay for it until it has been fully restored and it has gone through the full acceptance Testing Program. We also have six vehicles that are on hold because they need new wheels. This is again an example of a parts challenge because we had no anticipation at the beginning of this process the flat wheels were such an issue on our system. The wheels have like a nine to 12 month lead time. It is a very long time to get the wheels in. We have wheels in now, and we are replacing them on the trains at the pace of one vehicle each month. The first vehicle has gone back into service, and we have new wheels going on a vehicle currently. When they go back to service, are they also outfitted with mushroom brakes . Yes. In this slide i say that we have added 51 vehicles have the new track brakes to prevent the flat wheels when we push the emergency button. We are up to 60 right now, includes the vehicle where the wheels were rebuilt. Yes, we want to make sure as we put the new vehicles in service we are protecting the wheels from further damage. The last mechanical issue that i think is worth focusing on with this group is the sheer pins. We have had two issues with the sheer pins. In april of last year, we had an issue where we had the sheer pins break in service. That revealed that there was a design problem with how the coupler was designed and the end stop which