Transcripts For SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission 20240

SFGTV Historic Preservation Commission July 13, 2024

First up is general Public Comment. At this time, members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission, except the agenda items. With respect to agenda items, that will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. I had just the one speaker card. Its not me. [ laughter ] no, i know its not you. [ laughter ] its carvallo. Real quick, im from the San Francisco heritage. I just want to mention that the legacy business backlog right now is five months when a business applies to be a legacy business and theyre overwhelmed over there and i think rick could use some help. So any influence you might have to move resources to the office of Small Business to help with the legacy business program, you all know how popular it is, but we try to get a new Business Online and five months is pushing it. So thats all. Thank you for any help you might give. Thank you. I am from the mission district. I came here to bring awareness of one historical fact in sanfrancisco that we are destroying as my point of view. I have a pdf file, and i can maybe put it here. Yes. Its about the historic San Francisco granite in our curbs and it was placed in San Francisco over 120 years ago. I come from a city that is older than San Francisco an. And i have awareness of that and i start to notice and went over and over by myself, didnt happen to do anything, until i went to the public and comment on the trees that was being destroyed in the mission and i said, we would need to be aware more of the granite than of the tree, because when we going to take the tree, we going to wash away the granite. I went over the city, walk around a onehour walk and its destruction is coming from city hall, either us, the department of public works or license by the city hall. People that owns house have granites in front of them and licensed to destroy. If you have a couple of minutes, i can show my walks. This is the history of one company that found granite in San Francisco and its about the kind of Construction Zone of the street over there. And we go over and i walk by, and this picture shows the lefthand side is the mountain and the righthand side is my curb in front of my house. We can see they are the same and we hover here in the mountains. When we cut it through was the railroads. And this picture of the mountain was taken this january and i walk up there. Then here is a city work not a city work, a private work and we see the granite in perfect condition and perfect place. This is mission street. And i went to the person, why are you doing that and the only answer is, im licensed. And i said we are licensed us to do it. Thank you. People asking me only what were doing with this and what we are doing is throwing on the beaches. Your time is up, sir. Thank you for the time. Thank you. We cannot discuss this or approve, but we can direct this matter to be a future agenda. Thank you, sir. I would request that would be taken in the code section 54954. 2a and a discussion for the next meeting. Thank you. Good afternoon, commissioner. Im a licensed practicing engineer, 40 Years Experience and the facade ordinance the city has adopted to restore facades of buildings went into effect of january of this year and it doesnt appear to wood frame structures, per say. For example, my family owns shack number 26 and we removed a transite and restored it. This only applies to fiveStory Buildings, written by the Technology Council and i was the president when we wrote it and its now going into effect and deals with very big downtown buildings. That ordinance is going into effect and probably wont be act actively enforced and these are buildings with tera cota and brick and you have classic russ jacking, will be coming in front of you the end of this year and next year. These are 10, 20 million facade restorations. Youll have a lot of demands on a technical basis, how do you deal with russ jacking, and how do you expedite, when you do the inspection, you find problems . Are you cleaning with environmental . There are a lot of issues coming that arent here yet but you need to start thinking about it. Thank you very much, commissioners. Great, thank you. Any other member of the public wish to address the commission . Ill close Public Comment. That will place us under department matters, item one, directors. Announcements. One within we hav, we have ag commissioner who served her first day this past week and we have a new incoming planning director, rich hilles, and john rams last day will be february 28th and rich will begin on march 9th and we will try to steer a steady ship that intervening week. Thank you. Review of past Planning Commissions Staff Support and announcements. As current planning director josyln reported, we have a new Planning Commissioner that started and i will convey to you, her first and the Planning Commission adopted the departments work program and budget. Through that process, they indicated their desire to increase resources and funding for the Cultural Heritage districts effort. And spoke about drafting a letter from both commissions. And so, there was a desire, a desire expressed to hold a joint hearing for that purpose, but ive got a request into the City Attorneys Office to see through consensus, maybe the commissions separately could direct the officers to maybe meet and draft that letter and send it out without a joint hearing. But if you want a joint hearing, i dont think theres any real opposition to increase or requesting an increase of funding for that effort and if you so chose, we could hold a joint hearing. I always encourage the officers to meet to talk about the agenda and limiting the scope of conversation so that it can be productive. If theres nothing further, we can move on to commission matters, item three, president s report. No report. Item 4, draft minutes for february 5th, 2020. Well take Public Comment on our to draft minutes from february 5th. No Public Comment. Bring it back to the commission. Move to approve the minutes. Second. Thank you commission commissd on that motion, commissione role call . So moved and that motion passes unanimously 70, placing us on item 5, commission, comments and questions. I dont see any. All matters under constituted consent calendar are considered routine by the Historic Preservation commission and may be acted on by a single role call and no separate discussion unless members of the public, staff or commission so requests, in which the matter shall be removed from the calendar and considered as a separate matter at this or a separate hearing. Next 933 to 935 valencia street and item 7, 20191839 co8 at 1128 market street, certificate of appropriateness. I have no speaker cards. Well take them both together . Consent calendar item, you may and if anybody needs to be recused, we can take it separately. Theres a typo in the 933 valencia street. Theres approval of proposed minutes but nominutes. Its on the second page, basis for recommendation, departments recommends approval with conditions. Thats simply the executive summary. Youre adopting the draft motion and as long the motion is accurate. I think its repeated there. Yes, its repea repeated there. So we need to approve the conditions. Yes. Any member of the public wish to pull either of these items off the Consent Agenda . Any commissioners wish to pull this off . No. Could we have a motion . Motion to move. Second. Motion to approve . A motion to approve. Second. Thank you, commissioners. Then theres a motion that has been seconded to approve items 6 and 7 under the consent calend calendar. role call . So moved it passes 70. Places under item 8, 740 tennessee street, certificate of appropriateness. Good afternoon, commissioners. Im the department staff. The application before you is a request for a certificate of appropriateness for the property at 740 tennessee street, a contributor to the dog patch landmark district under article 10 of the planning code and located in an rh2 zoning district. Its with a four Story Building constructed, constructed circa 1878 as the episcopal church. It was converted to a factory at the ground floor in 1921. The proposal includes construction of three new roof dormers, a new roof deck at the northwest corner of the roof, a new balcony at the rear facade and existing windows will be redone. There will be a new storefront window and garage door. New doors will be installed. The proposal includes extensive interior renovations and four existing residential units in common areas. The project wil. Theres removale rear elevation wall and 20 of the existing stucco finish, 100 of interior floor framing and construction of a new framing roof deck at the rear. The department received one request for information about the project. No members of the public have contacted the public. The project sponsor has presented the proposal and several subsequent revisions to the Neighborhood Association and is generally supportive. Staff determined that the work will be in conformance outlined in article 10 of the planning code. Based on the analysis in the report, staff recommends approval with the following conditions, first, that prior to the two Building Permit issues, the project sponsor shall submit a construction schedule for review by Planning Department staff. Second, that the sponsor shall submit monthly progress to the Planning Department via email with description and photos of completed work. Planning department preservation and or enforcement staff shall conduct periodatic street instructions for windows, siding and stucco and confirm abatement of the violation. Staff finds that approval of the third condition pertaining to restoration and repair of existing stucco on the front facade will bring this in greater compliance wit standards with the standards. This was installed during the period of significance for the dog patch landmark district. They are based on physical evidence based on site and the building was adopted as a contributor to the landmark district in the current condition. The project sponsor prefers to remove the stucco with wood siding with the plans in your packets today. Approval would require the sponsor to revise plans to include restoration and repair of the existing stucco at the front facade and prepare a mockup of the finish for areas of loft, for department to review on site. The fourth and final condition provides if additional windows require repair or replacement beyond what is identified in the proposed plans, there will be a consultant window assessments for any windows to be deteriorated beyond repair for review and comment by preservation staff. This additional scope of work shall be documented in a new building document application. Only those windows found to be deteriorated beyond repair in the conditions assessment will be eligible for full replacement in kind. This concludes my presentation. Department enforcement staff is here today and we are both happy to any questions you may have about the project. Thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor. You think five minutes is sufficient . Yes. Im pat buscavich. The records burned in a fire. There is a record in 1922 to add a pasta factory. It was a church and it was converted. There was a seveninch sag in the building and we shored the building to make sure it was safe to remove and make the plaster safe. There is no permit weve been able to find to convert the building to units or put the bay windows on our do the stucco. Were confident with planning and done in the 20s when the phone records and the water records show four units. 56, they added asbestos siding and it doesnt belong on this building. What we know is the building was converted to look like this somewhere between 1920 and 1956, probably in 25. The stucco was poorly done and thats an understatement and we believe the windows were re rettrougretrofitted. We have a rehab of the windows, but on the stucco, a proper stucco is threecoat and this is twothe coat. The overlaying stucco is delaminating off and not working. They attached it to the building by wood spacers and lapped over that and used nails into the boards, not even into the stud. Those nails are not galvanized. And with the delamination, we dont think that the current stucco can be a salvaged. The idea is to preserve a building with stucco, you would want to apply with building and reapply the right building papers and stucco over the front but its so badly deteriorated, its not salvageable. And we have done a seismic on this building. The 20 number, you heard about the facade well, most is the window and the garage door on the facaded building and theyre being replaced and you can see that there. There are three holes for steel beams that pop out and there was exploratory stucco trying to figure out whats up with the stucco. We have an architect happy to talk to you about the issues with the building and ill be here again. Great, thank you. Im the preservation architect here in San Francisco. If i can have the overhead, please. So the dpr form for this property lists the buildings as an example about the only surviving remnant of a church in the district and multifamily building. This is a classical revival style. It generally flows along the lines of this design and some of the churchs detailing are present and the bay windows have classical ornamentation. The wall finish is not a prevalent aspect of it, so you take Mission Revival station and this is the building mentioned in the report or Mission Revival was important to the design didnt genre. The stucco needs full replacement and letting water get into the building and not a premiere feature of a classical revival style of architecture. So possibly consider an alternate material such as smooth wood board may be appropriate. In the rear of the building has been modified and added to over time and may not reflect the kooconfiguration. Its not being a premiere feature and were proposing alternate window materials, like metal, and it could be considered for an alternate material, so thank you. Great, thank you for your succinctness. Im the actual project sponsor and so, the building was built in 1878, all four sides had siding on it and the siding today from 1870 is still on the front of that building. On the right and left side, beneatunderneath the stucco. It was altered in the 20s and then before 25, converted to four units. So as we look through the history of this building, its unique because it has three different areas, 70, 21 and 25 and that the siding is being replaced and rehabilitated on the sides, so we have a chance here of combining all three histories with 1870 yet with the actual siding over 100 years old, with the stucco. We have a chance to take the stucco out and then celebrate the pasta factory that shows the window so theres the first celebration. The second celebration of the past window on the third one is celebrating when it became four units. So that was originally with the stucco over it. Wouldnt it be nice to include the history from day one from 1878 to 2020 to combine it and look at it and say we have the siding of 1878, the pasta factory window. Its no longer a pasta factory but well celebrate the history and have the actual siding of 1870 be the front facade for the building. So somebody looks back and go, thesthey treated all history bee you cant pick and choose what part to designate for the building and you should celebrate it and we do environment opportunitdo theopps actually here. We know for a fact that the siding is on the building and that is an actual fact. So we had another part and the dog patch association which is a vibrant association, so we reached out to them like six times and we went and met with them and had two city Hall Meetings and adopted the drawings three or four times to assert what they believe to be correct. The poster board on the right side is what they would like and approve and i can read you this email, full confirmation of approval from the dog patch community, if that works. I dont know if you need to read it, but you can submit it to the secretary. How much more time do you need . Were out of time. One minute, 60 seconds or 30 seconds. On the rear of the building, we have wood windows in the rear, but we would like to change not the design of it, but the material from wood to metal windows and the same design, ad i can show you the poster board. So the design stays the same and the significance on the rear and youre allowed to differentiate what is the material you would like to use. So if you could lift it up, robert. So right there, this is what has been approved, but its in the wood windows and we would like to change just the material to wood metal because it is more maintenance material and et cetera than in the rear. We need to change not the design but the material to wood. Thats all i have to say, but lets celebrate the three parted of history, please. Great. Are there any questions for staff for the project team at this time. Time . Well go to Public Comment and one speaker card, patrick oneil. And any other member of the public wish to comment on this project . Commissioners, comments . Commissioner perlman . I always think the word that mr. Oneil used was celebrate and, of course, this is our job, as preservationists is to celebrate the history of our place. I think its a funny word and thought because we never tell the story of the building, because we dont put a plaque out and so someone walking by, whether it has all three pieces of the history or just two pieces of the history or one will not know the difference. You know the difference because its your property and thats not what im eluding to. What im eluding to is so many buildings in the city have been added to badly over time and in this case, the stucco put on in what is clearly a very inferior meth

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