Health. Happy new year. Of aofi have a few things to highlight. Very exciting news with regard to medy cal expanding coverage to undocumented immigrants up to age 26. This is an expansion that Governor Newsom authorized as part of the states 2019 to 20 budget, including full scope medical to eligible adults ages 19 to 25 regardless of immigration status. Statewide this is expected to have a wide impact, covering 90,000 people, and enrollment started the first of the year. We have to make that expansion will apply to about 1,000 to 2,000 individuals in San Francisco. And we have been working with the Human Services agency to notify eligible san franciscans, including transitioning those who qualify from healthy San Francisco to medical. This is also an important opportunity to remind residents about the available of medical, that immigrants are not pen liesed when they apply for a green card, and there are no changes to the public charge rule as the courts issued an injunction and the federal government cannot implement or force the rule indefinitely at this time. Obviously, the Health Department just to remind the public, and the commission that we will continue to provide Health Care Services through our clinics and hospitals in the San Francisco network, regardless of immigration status or lack of insurance. Everyone is welcome, and we encourage all San Franciscos to get the care they need and deserve. Last year, december, last month, mayor breed issued budget instructions to Department Heads to guide the budget process for fiscal years 2021 and 21 22. The mayor directed the Department Heads to prioritize identifying funding to help people suffering on the city streets and to target deficiencies in their budgets. The city is projecting a budget shortfall of 420 million over the next upcoming budget years out of an annual budget of approximately 6 million. And i think that important for the commission is that the mayor has indicated that a priority for the coming year is providing shelter, housing and services for people struggling on San Francisco streets, and this includes opening new shelter beds and expanding Behavioral Health coverage and services for people. So we will come back to the commission as we do every year, several, a couple times in february with Budget Proposals that of course you will review and help us modify and hopefully approve. So looking forward to that process with our staff and with your guidance and leadership. I also wanted to to highlight the fact that given our vast network of services and all the work we do every day in delivering those services, that we are improving Health Services at three neighborhood clinics, serving more than 12,000 san franciscans. We are this year, we will be working on improving clinic facilities in three primary care clinics including the Health Center in the western addition, the Castro MissionHealth Center and southeast Health Center in the bayview. And im a big believer in how care is delivered and the quality of care is also reflective of the environment in which it is delivered in. That care environment, that physical space reflects our value as providers and as communities and having worked in several of these clinics, a number of decades ago, they certainly, and the staff and most importantly the patients and the community deserve the renovations that are going to go forward. And im hopeful it will also improve our ability to provide a topquality care. So thats my summary today. I stand available for the commission to answer any questions or Additional Details of things i have covered or not covered. Is there any Public Comment . Not receiving Public Comment for this item have not received Public Comment for this item i have a question under the topic Health Department educating the public about mobile vendors and food safety and the need to have the current inspection. Does that apply to the food trucks that are wandering the streets . In terms of current inspection, whether they require them . Do the food trucks have inspections . Yeah. So im getting an affirmative from some of our team that led on this. Is doctor here . Do you want to fill in . I believe they do, right . Require the defaults . So this has to do with food vendors that have trucks, carts. The hand trucks . Correct. So they are permitted. But what happens is we have people that come from other areas that have not permitted, and theres always tension, theres always tension on how we deal with people who are not permitted, because its really hard to deal with that situation when it happens. The carts should be permitted. What happens is some come that are not permitted, and how that gets mitigated has been one of our challenges. My question is not the pushcarts. Its the food trucks. Those are also permitted. So all the food trucks that are every single one. That everybody has to be inspected . Absolutely. And have a decal . Im not sure they have a decal but they have documentation inside the truck that they are permitted. Those are absolutely permitted. We have times when they have violated a permit we have shut down some of those trucks as well. Thank you, mr. Coal max. Item 4 is general Public Comment. We have one request. John edmond abraham. Yes. I have a timer in my hand, and when the beep goes off, please know that is your time to stop talking. Some people would say this is the time to stop talking. Good afternoon, commissioners. And my name is john edmond abraham. And it is easier to call me mr. Abraham. Im here to for a couple reasons. Mainly to let you know of the deplorable condition of the way people in charge, small businesses, the aids foundation 50 plus at the aids foundation, others open house that are there to support old, gay men and women fall far short of the goal and also the whats now called the h. I. V. Care council, the h. I. V. Community council. Everybody is dropping the word the acronym aids out of the equation. The effect is out of sight, out of mind. They think this thing is over. And i just lost a friend two months ago to a. I. D. S that ive known and theres this huge hole. Every other thought is about that person, and our lives, not together, but we were not lovers or anything like that. We were partners in a lot of ways. We came from new york. And i used to say, believe it or not, that the new york city opera and the metropolitan opera, and here, this man was a former eye surgeon, and when he got sick with aids, he couldnt do that anymore, and when i aim out here and i got sick sic with aids, i stopped singing. Is that i should shut up now. How about you finish okay. I just want to give you my telephone number because i know this is going to take some time. And this is not anecdotal. This is strait on from my experience. Please take out your pencils, everyone behind me and everyone in front, 4159216211. We can do lunch or some other way, but i need to communicate the truth of my experience here. Finish your statement, please. That is it. Thank you. Commissioners, item 5 is the finance and Planning Committee report today. Good afternoon, commissioners. The finance and Planning Committee met earlier today to consider a contract report and also a new contract. The contract report has one item on it and it is for the request to approve the total contract amount of 2,296,793. And this is like due to new Grant Funding in the amount of 120,511 annually from the California Department of Public Health for overdose sponsoring nizers. This is funding going to the Harm Reduction coalition. The new contract is a contract in the amount of 107,250 with a 12 contingency. This is for realtime survey services to patients and physicians of the Emergency Department of zuckerberg General Hospital as well as the primary and specialty care, and the term is from january 1, 2020 through december 31, 2020, and both items have been added to the consent calendar for your consideration. Thank you. Any questions, commissioners . Questions . Commissioners . Item 6 is the consent calendar. It contains two items that commissioner chung just noted from the finance and Planning Committee meeting. Oh, im sorry. Is this better . The consent calendar contains the two items commissioner chung just noted in her report back from the finance and Planning Committee. Prepared to take a vote on consent calendar. So moved. Signify by saying aye. Aye. The motion carries if there is no Public Comment, item 7 is a resolution honoring winon a mindolovich. President loyce, commissioners, it is my honor to present a resolution to you this afternoon honoring winonas 21 years of Exceptional Leadership with the department of Public Health. Its a bittersweet moment for me as she is retiring at the end of the week. As you have come to know her over the past years and most recently with her work on our transition formational Electronic Health program, i have come to see she leads with a great sense of compassion and puts her patients and clients at the center of her work which i think has defined so many of her successes here. She leaves us with a great legacy of diversity, inclusion, and diversity im sorry, equity, in the work that she does, by having supported and inspiring so many women to join the Information Technology field, both here and at other areas where she has been involved. I would just like to add that my initial work with her was not here. I have known her for several years. The first time i remember meeting her is the feeling that i got and the sense that i received was warmth but also just a dogged tenacity to get the work done. And it is that that im going to remember most about you in that you just do not let it not get finished. And im just moved by that, and i hope that i can carry on as you have after you leave us at the end of the week. The resolution is before you. And if you have any questions, im happy to answer them. Thank you, commissioner loyce. I want to express my gratitude personally and across the department for your leadership. We werent able to Work Together that long, but the time that we had was so incredibly valuable, both from what i learned from you and the integrity that you brought to the work. Your perseverance was epic, and i think its really key to remind ourselves that it got launched during a time when the department was undergoing a lot of transitions, including in leadership and the tremendous progress that was made and the effort that you invested and your attention to detail and the support of the team that actually executed on the august 1, right . August 3, sorry, how could i forget . But really the leadership that you showed, the tenacity and the fact that you have built a leadership team, i think one of the key marks of a great leader is the team that you build, the team that you mentor, the transition to ongoing leadership is so important, and you have done that. I want to thank you for making a commitment, especially over the last couple years, to staying with the department, seeing this epic transformation be successful and go through, and we will continue the work, and your legacy will lead on. So thank you so much. Thank you. Commissioners. Commissioner bernal. Hi, winona. First of all, i share the observations of the director and him. I would add on top of tenacity, your enthusiasm was infectious this whole time. When you were making presentations, you couldnt help but be on board what you were talking about. My favorite moments were when something moved from red to yellow or yellow to green. At the top of the like a great victory. You always shared the credit with your team as well, which is admirable because you had a great team. So thank you for seeing us through that whole period of time. We are deeply grateful, so thank you. Commissioner chow i also want to add my thanks. Having followed the episode of the birth of dhr from its conception, shall we call it, and the term during its gestation and the real question whether it could be carried off because of the challenges of transition, i couldnt imagine that came off not only on top but as well as it did. And its got to be from your leadership. So i want to echo that not only i know for the many years that you have been working here but particularly for that project, which weve been watching so carefully your shepherdship of it, your stupidship of it, and bringing it through your stewardship of it and bringing it through is by itself a credit to all you do here. Thank you. Commissioner i would like to echo everyone else. They call it epic for a reason. It was an epic task. I remember sitting here being through an implementation, and you would present these objectives and key results, i thought they were beyond stretch goals, i mean how many people you were going to train. I couldnt do the math. Yet you did every one of them and got the team on board, and its not easy working with epic, i mean people out of the corporate offices, and yet you obviously pulled the best from them and the best from our department. And your leadership was just incredible. I was so happy to see. I couldnt even believe those things were going green as quickly as they were and as on time as you were able to accomplish them. Thats fantastic leadership, and we are grateful, and i wish you would stay. [laughter] you are in good hands. I would like to add my compliments to you as well. I remember a couple of presentations you made for us. I think the compassion, the warmth and care about patients is very important, but i also think bringing a sense of humor and that smile when you were presenting, i always knew you were right on point and that if i listened, i might learn something. So thank you very much for your service. The resolution is in the hands of the commission. Can i have a motion to adopt the resolution . So moved. Second. All those in favor, signify by saying aye. Aye i want to say a couple words to president loyce and commissioners and a few of you i have worked with in finance committee side of things and director colfax and secretary, its been with our support that we were able to accomplish this over the last few years and it indeed was an epic journey. There were many contracts and amazing number of contracts bringing to you so with your support and listening to me with my many yellows and greens and our status, and last time presented to you it was before we went live, so i knew we were going to make the date, but it isnt because of me. I had a fantastic team, many of which are in the audience and the leaders in dph, it has been an absolute pleasure to work with this group of people over the last 20 years and just to do the work that we do and serve the population that we serve has been an absolute pleasure for me so thank you very much. [applause] thank you. Commissioners, after you shake her hand, you can join her for a picture over by dr. Colfax and i. [indiscernible] [applause] thank you, everyone. Ill note there was no Public Comment for that item. Item 8 is the office of compliance and Privacy Affairs annual report. I would like to note that mr. Chatfield has been here three times. This is his third time. Twice he had to be canceled due to a meeting having to end so can we thank him by a rand of applause a round of applause . [applause] thank you. Can someone help me with that . Sure. No worries. Okay. Good evening, commissioners. Thank you for having me tonight. My name is chatfield, im the acting director for the office of compliance and Privacy Affairs. Im here to give you an update and annual report for the fiscal year 2018 2019. Just an overview, it was established to help mitigate the rest of the department, both financial and reputational in four general areas, one being compliance. This context, we are talking about fraud and abuse, financial compliance with the services that we get paid for by medicare and medical. Privacy, of course, to protect patient privacy and data security, making sure when we share our information with our partners and members that its done legally and appropriately, and then of course to investigate complaints that come to the office either to the program or directly to us. And not just with compliance and privacy, but conflict of interest rules, misuse of city resources and things like that. So we try, as a general overview, we try to educate staff on responsibilities by doing annual training, providing newsletters and advice to departments. Making sure our policies they understand what is appropriate and required of them, assess risks throughout the department to make sure we are doing the things we are meant to do, and then of course look into wrong doing and come up with corrective actions to correct that if we find something that needs to be corrected. So quickly just organizationally, how we are set up, the director reports to the director of health. The director currently has been reassigned to home and hospital at the moment. Theres currently two Compliance Officers that are in each hospital as privacy officers and two vacant positions as well for Compliance Officers. We have an auditor and an investigations officers for whistle blower and then theres three privacy investigation positions, two of them currently are vacant, whi