Its great to be in city hall during the holidays season. I i love to see the tree at the top of the stairs, its a festive time here. Welcome all. So, lets begin. For the record this is the december 11th, 2019 Treasure IslandDevelopment Authority board meeting. Item number 1 call to order. [roll call] we have a quorum clerk general Public Comment. This item is to allow members of the public to address the Treasure IslandDevelopment Authority board on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Authority Board and that do not appear on todays agenda. In addition, Public Comment will be held during each item on the agenda. Members of the public may address the board for up to throw minutes and you will hear a single chime when there are 30 seconds remaining, prior to making your comments, state your name and the organization you represent, if any, for the record. Please come up, hello. Thank you, very much. My name is and im the c. E. O. For Health Rights 360. The last time i spoke with you was a meeting on Treasure Island and you were about to turn the keys over to us for the Additional Units on marner street. And so, weve now opened those units. I just want to thank you so much for allowing us to mak use of te units. I dont think theres a program when we operate with the largest substance provider in the city and county of San Francisco and i dont think theres a Single Program we offer that has more of an impact on our clients than these services we provide in these units. Its amazing. People who come to us for substance treatment are 94 of them are unsheltered and they have no homes at all. They live outside. They come in for residential treatment. The end of 90 days of residential treatment you know in San Francisco theres no housing. What weve done with these units is weve deployed them in the service of a transitional recovery residents so that the clients can step down into residents and it doesnt have all the rules and restrictions and intensity of residential treatment. While they go to school or get jobs and they can continue their and its been remarkable. So, clients condition their treatment and a high degree of participation and they get jobs, save money and move out. Right. I mean its really transitional. In the true spirit of traditional housing, people put together enough money to go and find places and apartments of their own. And so, i just want you to know that the impact. It has a broader impact than just that because there are some clients who are living outside and concerned about coming into residential treatment because they think like why bother, i have no housing on the other side. So it brings more people into care in general. You should know the impact of your decisions and in this case, it was amazing and very rapid. Those units are all full. They stay full. Sometimes theyre residential treatment beds arent full, these units stay full. I wanted to thank you for that and let you know the impacts. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your service. Good afternoon, Sherry Williams with one Treasure Island. Im not sure if all of you saw the front page article in the chronicle that San Francisco is now the most expensive city in the world to develop housing. One thing that i think is important for us to always keep in mind in that context is that Treasure Island will continue to be a very competitive place to build Affordable Housing. If you looked at the chart of costs, their age for site control to acquire sites is 150,000 a unit and ours is zero. If you take the Authority Units, the 1866 units, that the Authority Unit has power to build above the inclusionary, were talking over 300 million so our housing on Treasure Island will always be competitive. Its not just because its fro but its also fully entitled, flat, theyll have the Geo Technical improvements and all of the utilities to the curb. I just wanted to just call that out that thats the legacy from all of the negotiations and the approvals that happen in 2011 that we will be in this position where women be com pe where we e competitive for those dollars and it will be a positive impact for Affordable Housing on Treasure Island. Thank you. Seeing no one else. Next item, please. Clerk report by Treasure Island director. Thank you, chair, members of the board. Last night, it was the navys Restoration Advisory Board meeting on the clean up program at Treasure Island. Also, this past m. Th months, te office of civic innovation selected a proposal prepared by one Treasure Island and tida for their civic Ridge Program to prepare a construction jobs forecasting tool that we would implement in partnership with Alex Francois and his Program Within one Treasure Island to there is a pro bono for the tool to be produced and if we are in agreement at that time we would move forward with the r. F. P. The last Treasure Island flee for 2019 was held november 23rd and 24th on Treasure Island and as i mentioned before, the fleet will be taking next year off as theres a utility work along the eastern shoreline in particularly the Sewer Force Main and interim gas main that were not compatible with the proposed schedule for the flee a market. Also on the eastside of the island, work is underway to remove the propane fuel thanks that used to fuel the fire simulators, the Fire Training academy. We are working with our Environmental Consultants to remove those and that work should be completed next month. Work is continuing between tida staff, puc staff and d. E. M. To do an afteraction assessment of the power outage thats we had on november 5th and november 11th with various groups looking at communications, systems and response and weve also authorized the p. , c. To make pe improvement this is advance of the replacement of the installation of the new primary switch gear which is, we discussed it before, scheduled for the end of 2020. That will be a significant milestone for us in improving the reliability of the electrical system on the island. On the condominium being constructed is under construction and last month the construction crane went up at the site. If you drive in from the east bay theres a prominent construction crayon the eastside of the island. A real symbol of progress. On Treasure Island, the wood grain insulation at the Wastewater Treatment plant is nearing completion to be followed by the due technical improvement of the site where it continues at the wear wate breas well as the causeway reconstruction where the west side of the causeway is nearly ready for reconstruction with the schedule of that being fully reconstructed by may, june timeframe and traffic being shifted to the west side so that the eastside can b be reconstructed. Ticd was awarded the utility and roadway construction packages for the first sub phase area on Treasure Island which will be critical as we worked to as they work to have those roadways and utilities in place consistent with the schedule for the development of the first residential project on Treasure Island, which is ccdc and source to plow shares building for former veterans. That project is expected to begin construction the First Quarter of next year and be completed in the fall of 2021. Work continues with ticd to plan logistics, demolition, utility relocations for the next sub phase area around hangar 2 and hangar 3 on the eastside of the island. On the as a reminder, our on island meeting schedule for next year will be to have throw on te onisland meetings in march followed by on island meetings in july and november. That completes my report. Thank you, very much. Theres a question. Thank you. Director beck, i wanted clarification about the generators situation. So i think in your report, you had mentioned that we were in this case luckily able to find someone to bring the fuel up and available to conduct i guess maintenance or followup work as needed. Is that an ongoing, i guess, contract that we will have with them moving forward so that we cannot encounter the same fuel shortage issue in the future . Yeah. We have through the p. U. C. We have an ongoing open maintenance contract with an agency that comes out and performs periodic testing the generators and so fourth and theyre also on call for emergency repairs of the generators. The refueling issues we encountered on november 5th, we are working with vendors to make sure we dont have a recurrence of those delays that we had that first evening in the event of future outages. Thats a critical issue, not just for the island but for all cityage facilities that rely upon emergency generator powers. Those refueling capability needs to be there because the on site Storage Capacity is typically anywhere from 12 to 48 hours. For those that have either a higher consumption rate, as is our case, because we have quite large generators, or have limited Storage Capacity then they need more regular refueling. Thank you. And i would just like to comment, bob, that there on Treasure Island when the flea market had its last flea market of the season and in fact for a couple of years. It was the traffic coming in and off the island on that day, of course it was a spectacularly beautiful day. It was incredible to get from one part to the main part of Treasure Island took almost 45 minutes just within the island itself. Which points out how important this is for us to have alternative transit that we need to get people out of the vehicles. And part of our plan for the various Transportation Plan is exactly to do that. Just wanted to point that out. Thank you. Clerk Public Comment on item number 3 . Item number 4. Communication 0 and received by tida. Are there any questions about communications . Hearing none. Next item, please. Clerk item number 5, on going business by board of directors. Yes, on this item, yes, im going to switch. I wanted to take this opportunity for those that are probably watching remotely, the Treasure IslandDevelopment Authority, our mission is not only to develop Treasure Island, i think us here have demonstrated that we have the skills to do that each and every person has skills. Its not a coincidence were here. Its also important. Were also helping San Francisco resolve a lot of the problems that its having. You need to ex down here. We have a lot of things figured out. The previous speakers with a 360, that model, that project it has great applications to all the problems that the city is he countering now. Here you are where we have a solution. We have something taking place within the county of San Francisco. Now, Everybody Needs to know about that. They need to know not just us, that this is what wore doing as we are developing the islands. We are also utilizing spaces that we have to help hot and we also heard from one Treasure Island where you just gave that synopsis about hey, seems like lets get all the money earmarked to Treasure Island because this is what weve been preaching about. We have the land and the plans and we know how to make this happen. Give us the money and we will be able to bridge the housing gaps in San Francisco and so in the reason im saying this is that when we convey this kind of messages, its going to be loud and clear that yes, lets teach them. Lastly in addition, we are also, as we build, we are creating a Workforce Development and so far in all the programs that we look in San Francisco ours is one of the finest and it has applications not only for San Francisco but also for the regions. So cumulatively, i just want to tell the commissioners out here, when we go out there and people are talking about that we remind everybody and we also try to help so that this messages could be loud and clear. I know im doing it and everybody here. Thank you, i just want to make that statement. Thank you. Thank you. I just wanted to mention, ive been asked by a number of people about our earthquake plan and we will be talking about that at the next on island meeting which is in march. Thank you very much. Clerk item number 6 Consent Agenda. 6a approving the minutes of november 13th, 2019 special meeting. Moved. Second. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Although owes posed. The Consent Agenda passes. Clerk approving a Second Amendment to the housing roles and regulations for the villages at Treasure Island. So weve discussed this at the past several meetings what has been we were proposing and are incorporated into the package today with the actual edits to or amendments to traditional housing rules and regulations, i have a few slides i would go through for members of the audience or watching at home that might not be familiar with what were undertaking here. The residents of Treasure Island include residents of the programs that fall under the one Treasure Island umbrella that includes health right 360, Catholic Charities and Community Housing partnership and those residents are slated to be moved into new units at each of those operators will be developing new Residential Housing facilities on Treasure Island. But for the market rate residents, we have households where all the members of the households were here on the island in june of 2011 when the Disposition Development agreement was adopted and those households were granted certain transition housing benefits to move into the new community as its developed. But that program did not provide for benefits for those people that would move to the island in the future. What we referred to as postdda residents. So we have households where everybody moves to the island prior to the june 2011 and some rom mates moved out that were here in 2011 and new roommates moved in that do not have future housing benefits. And the conversation we have been having is what opportunities can we provide to these residents that moved here after june of 2011. As i mentioned, i just had a slowed that slide discussing ple operators to construction new housing and relocate their residents. For those that were here in 2011, they have a number of benefit options. One is to participate in pre marketing opportunities to purchase a new condominium on the island to move to a new rental unit on the island either an affordable unit or a transition unit which would be not classified as a portable unit but the rent would be tied to the current rent. Or to take an inloop payment if the household declined to replacement unit. What we are proposing and what is incorporated into the change is provided in the transition rules and regulations. Are what is plied to those residents that are living on the island today who arrived after june 2011, the date of the dda. And would provide the opportunity for those residents to participate in the pro marketing opportunities for market rate housing whether thats rental units or for sale units and would also prioritize that those individuals that meet the income qualification requirements for new Affordable Housing programs to be able to be prioritized for placement in those units as they become available on the island giving them an opportunity to transition in the new development and continue their residency on the island. The changes that are currently proposed before you do not extend the inlop payment benefit to the residents. It does not offer transition units other than Affordable Housing program units. Consistent with the original transitional housing rules and regulations, do not extend relocation benefits to residential units that are leased by commercial entities. It would not extend benefits to future residents not yet living on the island. So the proposals that are be