Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 13, 2024

The system to see if that person has made their presence known or an asset made available. Right. So its not like somebody is spending 15 minutes every week trying to find this person for seven years, right . No, no, no. It will be typically we look for judgment cases, specific for small volumes, well have like nine active account. Once a month theyll touch it. And it depends if they are able to identify any leads to an asset. But the judgments we are good for ten years, and we renew them up to the full 30 years. So actually on that note for Chris Jackson whose referral date was six and a half years ago, i did spend not 15 minutes but ten minutes to make sure that thats actually on the agenda, though, his specific case. Can we anybody feel comfortable i would refrain from referring to specific cases. Somebody might want to talk with him about it after the meeting. Thats fine. Well, linkedin is a wonderful place, as is google search. I would encourage that your team do that, because it can be very fruitful. I appreciate that. Thank you. Anyway, im sorry. No, its just, the reason this came about was and thank you for coming and talking about and sharing more about what d. B. R. Does. It concerns to me and us as a commission that this was referred six and a half years ago already and its just not much still trying to locate people and track down assets and things and just want to better understand what efforts are being undertaken, what can be done differently in order to get to the outcome that we all want to see here. I mean, we should add notwithstanding, there are some that have been carried, we do appreciate the good work you do there. Im sure our staff in particular appreciates that you are doing it. And they are not doing it, right . [laughter] so but there are these kind of, whatever, some holdouts, as it were that we want to make sure we are doing what we need to do to get i appreciate that. And if the staff ever run into anything that may be of benefit to d. B. R. , well have to collaborate to help push things forward. Great. Thank you. Any other questions . You guys have a good rest of the weekend and a good weekend. Any Public Comment on agenda item number 9 . No. Okay. Agenda item 10, discussion of existing Ethics Commission regular meeting skebbling and possible action to provide direction to staff regarding notice of potential bylaws amendment to revise regular meeting schedule for 2020. Thank you. I wanted to highlight on agenda item 10, we wanted to provide information to you at the request of chair chiu. It is a time of year when the commission typically looks at its regular meeting schedule to identify for the coming year if the regular meeting schedule still makes sense, if you would like to make changes. The Commission Wants to make changes or consider changes, there are a series of stars that need to align. One is there needs to be a space available. So we have spent time looking to identify space that could accommodate the commissions meetings at different types if you wanted to consider that, because our meetings are televised on sf gov tv. So we have proposed a series the second thing that needs to align is time to allow for a notice of a bylaws change if the commission does want to meet at a different time, because the bylaws do require the commission establish whats called a regular meeting schedule. And so that those dates would be approved after a period of notice. It can be agendized for the commission if the commission wanted to make changes and direct us to do a notice of the bylaws change, we could do that in if in time for the january meeting. But we wanted to provide this calendar for you so you could see what the options were at this point. And we were able to identify the three options shown on the second page. First that the commission retain its current regular meeting schedule of starting at 2 00 p. M. On the third friday of each month. We also did identify there could be a meeting change to the first friday of each month starting at 9 30 a. M. And thirdly, another option is to change the regular meeting date to the second fridaying of each month and change the start time to 9 30 a. M. It is also the case that as youve seen over the years, there may be some months that commissioners cannot make a particular meeting date. When the Commission Approves this schedule, through a bylaw change, that could be noted in the schedule. So if one month needed to be off of what was adopted as the regular meeting date, we could put that as well. So the regular meeting date can stay as is, and we can note if there are any exceptions to that over the years, if need be. So i wanted to provide that to you to make looking at the calendar year slightly easier. We did provide a graphic of those dates just so you can look at it and see if you are interested in considering a date change, how that might play out with your schedules. Im happy to answer any questions and turn it over to each of you to give us your sense in direction, how you might want to proceed. I have a question. And as you know, im fairly new to the commission. So i was wondering why on earth we meet friday afternoons. It just inherently seems to me like the worst possible time for this type of meeting, since we often do go until 5. And there was one time we went to 6. So just from a personal standpoint, i would be interested in why we dont have morning meetings. And i understand there are space considerations and all of that. And that just may be the way it is. So id be happy to hear the bace background. That was the beginning for my request because we were limited by the room requirements. This was the only time slot where we could get friday. It used to be mondays at 5 00 p. M. And we would go until 11 00 or midnight some days. And then the friday after 2 00 i think is a difficult time for people to make, and i think mornings would be better, and thats why i announced the executive director and her team to look at what room availability there may be for the 2020 calendar year. Its still friday, but 9 30 on friday is better than 2 00 p. M. On friday. Almost anything is better than 2 00 p. M. On friday. The third fridays had us on the friday of a long weekend where it would discourage participation by the public, because it was Martin Luther king and then president s day weekend, and today is the last day for the holidays, i think a lot of people have already left town. So hence we are having this discussion about the fridays. Still friday but 9 30 a. M. On either the first or second day of the month. I think that for my own personal view, i would be in favor of moving to the second friday of each month, but beginning due to calendar conflicts already that we have beginning in april of 2020, so beginning april 10, we would have the regular meetings. I think for january we would need to stick with our regularlyscheduled meeting on the 17th. And then keep the third friday at 2 00 until april of 2020, and we could move to, if we pick the second friday, april 10th. I like that idea, myself. Would the second fridays work for i dont really care whether its the second, third, fourth. If its going to be at 2 00, it doesnt matter to me. We are saying keep the regular dates for january, february and march, and then april we go to the second friday. At 9 30 . Thats fine. I guess well put this on the agenda for january. So commissioner lee would have an opportunity to weigh in. All right. Yeah, i would certainly appreciate being able to consider that. And we can also get some feedback from the public who are watching. I dont think a motion is required to do this since you are directing us to issue the notice, and the action would be placed on the january agenda. So well provide information for the public and make sure its circulating to provide you the opportunity to act at that point. I would like to know how the staff feels about it. This obviously affects you. And maybe if moving it changes things or makes it more difficult for you, then i would like to consider that. Thank you for that point. I think staff would be in favor of moving it to an earlier time in the day as well. It does give more time for more meeting to play out in the normal course. I think friday afternoons are difficult for the public to be here. So morning meetings, im hopeful that well see more people. But certainly we will work with the commissions desire based on your schedules and the Public Comment at the january meeting. We are flexible, but we are happy to start earlier in the day. We would have the room for the sufficient number of hours . I know these rooms are booked pretty solid. So you would have it until noon or something. I think we would have it beyond noon. No one meets on friday afternoons. Okay. Great. Thank you. Any Public Comment on agenda item number 10 . Okay. Seeing none. Agenda item number 11, discussion of executive directors report. Thank you. On this item, a brief look forward, recapping some of the Program Implementation updates you heard from pat ford in his report. I did want to follow up with more specific information. At the last Commission Meeting i relayed we had sworn that supervisors president requested an audit of the commission. That is a motion that was directing the budget and legislative analyst to conduct a performance audit of the commission as a priority of part of its work toward this coming for this fiscal year that we are in. And we followed up directly with the l. A. Office and also supervisoree, and we understand theres a motion to approve that would be considered at a meeting in the early part of january. So we will keep you posted on that. We will be available to answer any questions the board might have. I reached out to mr. Rose and his team to let them know if this does pass we are happy to provide whatever assistance we can to enable it to be a smooth audit. So well keep you posted. But that is something that will require legislative adoption if i understand it. I wanted to highlight one of the items on the staffing news. We do have the investigative analyst position posted. We did extend it for two weeks through december 31 on sf jobs because we realize with the holidays it might make it difficult for people to focus but we want to extend that. We look forward to having that process moving in ernest at the first of the new year. We will be posting and dusting off two other positions to get them through the pipeline as soon as we can. And lastly, i would just add to pat fords comments about the annual conference, we were pleased to be able to send a group to the conversation. Pat participated in the panel. I saw staff at Early Morning meeting table topic starting at 7 30 in the morning to take advantage of informal conversation with colleagues around the country on issues where we have a lot of shared interest and experience. And the conference went until 5 30 every day. We had a chance to meet with our California Agency colleagues, which was a great experience to get to know each other more informally, but it also sparked a lot of good ideas about how we might connect over the course of the year so we dont have to wait until cogel to sit down and compare notes. I participated on the panel wednesday morning with my counterpart in seattle, the grassroots lobbyist for public citizen, and a woman who heads the state and local government work for common cause in washington, focusing on revolving door issues for Campaign Consultants as lobbyists. What was surprising to me is the conference on a wednesday morning on a day where there were other major events happening related to government ethics, we still had a room of close to 60 people wanting to talk about issues that were involved in the work we do every day. And so we had over 500 people at this years conference which was a high for the organizations conferences. And thats a good sign of how much interest there still is around the country, how much resources, governments and citizens are willing to put into agencies doing this kind of work to get us to go to those conferences and understand and be on top of what the latest trends are. We are going to be debriefing with each other over the next couple days as everybody comes back to the office over the holidays so we can plan to do a more deep dive for the overview of the rest of the staff that couldnt be there. So we very much appreciate that we have the resources to do it, and we are looking forward to continuing to participate as we can when funding and Conference Location provides that to be permissible. But we did learn a lot from this year. We found it a shot in the arm. So we are happy to be there and provide you with further feedback once we debrief and settle back in. And again, just as a final note, through this calendar year, we do very much appreciate, as my report notes, a bit more formally, but we want to appreciate the work the commission has done, the heavy lifting and the 2 00 afternoon meetings. We know its not easy, and particularly going into the issues, going away for a month and coming back. The commission has always done a tremendous job being able to keep its foot on the gas pedal. We know thats the same with the public who comes and provides comment at interested persons meetings and Commission Meetings. From the staff, i want to say thank you for your effort and to the public for keeping us on our tows, and we do hope that we will continue to work collaboratively in the coming here to ensure that here in San Francisco our Public Service is worthy of the public trust. We appreciate your work. So thank you. We hope you have wonderful holidays. I wanted to extend our thanks to you and all the staff for the great work that you do day in and day out, because you make what we do up here possible. So without you, it wouldnt be possible. And i really appreciate the thought partnership and the long hours and the extreme patience that it takes to wrangle and herd cats on legislative matters across even multiple stakeholders and through city hall, and the fact that we got so much done this year i think is a real testament to your leadership and the leadership underneath you as well as the oldfashioned hard work. So thank you for all of it. I did have one question. Is the budget season kicking off . I dont know how i avoided touching on that. The budget season has kicked off. And while we were away at cogel, we did have a Department Head meeting with the mayor to issue budget instructions. I understand from that that departments this year, because of the strength of focus that the mayor would like to place on a critical pressing needs the city has, including homelessness and other needs, theres been a request that each department present budgets that consider cuts of 3 percent to about 7 percent. So those are deeper cuts that have been requested in prior years. So we again im hoping to have first discussions starting next week with folks from the Mayors Office and welcome the chance to just walk through and get up to speed on what those requests look like and also to reflect on the needs the commission continues to have for the work that we do. So we will be very much focused over the next several weeks in putting together a budget request. The budget will be due on february 21st, which is the date of our february Commission Meeting. So we will work to put together as much information as we can wherever we are in the budget process for the commissions january meeting so you and the public can be informed with what we know at that time. But it is likely, as you know from prior years, given the work that the budget takes, it can be sometimes hard to have a final picture of what those requests or exercises will look like until we actually submit the thing on february 21. We want to make sure theres information presented to you in january. Well do our best to be as full about that as we can. Im happy to answer any further questions. Thank you. Just a call for Public Comment . Agenda item 12, discussion and possible action on items for future meetings. I just had a quick question. There was an email from someone about possible further amendment to the Public Financing regs concerning the counting of if i can remember, of campaign of Public Financing funds as part of the triggers for campaign independent expenditure cap. Did you see that email . I wasnt the only one. So i mean obviously im not putting a timeline on it, but i would like to understand better the problem that was identified and what your staff recommendation is about whether and how it should or could be addressed. I would be glad to talk with you about that. Okay. Great. Thanks. Public comment on agenda item number 12. Being none, additional opportunity for Public Comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda, pursuant to Ethics Commission bylaws article vii, section 2. If theres no comment, i move to adjourn. Happy holidays, everyone. My background is in engineering. I am a Civil Engineer by training. My career has really been around government service. When the opportunity came up to serve the city of San Francisco, that was just an opportunity i really needed to explore. [ ] [ ] i think it was in junior high and really started to do well in math but i faced some really interesting challenges. Many young ladies were not in math and i was the only one in some of these classes. It was tough, it was difficult to succeed when a teacher didnt have confidence in you, but i was determined and i realized that engineering really is what i was interested in. As i moved into college and took engineering, preengineering classes, once again i hit some of those same stereotypes that women are not in this field. That just challenged me more. Because i was enjoying it, i was determined to be successful. Now i took that drive that i have and a couple it with Public Service. Often we are the Unsung Heroes of technology in the city whether it is delivering Network Services internally, or for our Broadband Services to low income housing.

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