Lets get going. Good afternoon. Please take your seat. We will get started. Good afternoon and welcome to the december 10th, 2019, regular meeting of the San Francisco board of supervisors. Madame clerk, please call roll call. [roll call] mr. President , you have a quorum thank you. Will you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] okay. On behalf of the board, i would like to acknowledge the staff at San Francisco government tv who record each of our meetings and make the transcript available to the public online. Madame clerk, are there any communications . None to report today, mr. President. Okay. Colleagues, we are approving the minutes from the october 22nd, 2019 and october 29th, 2019 board meetings. Are there any changes to these Meeting Minutes . Seeing none, can i have a motion to approve the minutes as presented . So moved. To moved by supervisor peskin and seconded by supervisor ronen without objection, those minutes will be approved after public comment. Madame clerk, will you please call the 2 00 p. M. Special orders. The special order is the appearance by the honorable mayor london breed london breed. There are no questions from supervisors. The mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. Welcome, madame mayor. There are no topics submitted by the supervisors today and i really would like to welcome you as the last meeting for 2019 that you will be sharing your remarks. Thank you. Good afternoon to members of the board of supervisors and members who are joining us here in the chambers, members of the public. Really great to be here at the last meeting that im required to attend for the year. Im looking forward to celebrating this Holiday Season, but i also wanted to share some information that most recently there have been discussions with Department Heads about budget instruction. Yes, we know the budget discussions dont happen until sometime next year, but the fact is, folks, we are possibly facing a significant budget deficit this upcoming budget year. Most recently in our past budget , we have made a number of commitments, not only have we made commitments to increase salaries of a number of employees of the city, but we also have made a commitment to fully Fund Mental Health s. F. Which will be a significant amount of resources required financially. As we move forward, i do think it is important, with many of the things that i have heard around additional commitments to our city budget outside the scope of the conversation around the budget that we keep in mind that we have to balance the budget. I will balance the budget by whatever i would need to do, even if you layer on additional responsibilities. The fact is we have to be responsible to the public when we talk about the finances. We still dont know completely where all of the money from Mental Health s. F. Is coming from. So to add layers and layers of responsibilities and expect that the money will fall out of the sky and come from somewhere is not the most responsible thing to do. I know as we move into the Holiday Season this is probably not what you want to hear, but i just want you to know that we have already made a significant number of commitments and that should be kept in mind when looking at introducing what i hear our new supplementals that will have an impact on how we balance the budget and follow through with the commitments that we have already made for the future. I also would like to take this opportunity to just recognize and really appreciate the service of supervisor vallie brown. I know today is supervisor brown s last meeting. I am really so grateful for your service. It may not even be your last meeting, who knows, there is an election next year. The fact is, vallie brown has been serving the district five community for many, many years, and even during her short time on the board of supervisors, the work that she has led on our things that, in some cases, people were not always comfortable to push forward, pushing for safe Parking Spaces for people who were living in their vehicles, working with supervisor fewer on the office of racial equity, pushing to make the kinds of investments in Small Businesses and to provide opportunities for Small Businesses to do things outside the scope of the things that we allow Small Business in the past to be permitted for. Being creative about solutions that actually support and protect communities. Thats what you have always been about, whether you are serving on the board of supervisors or you are working in the community picking up trash, or you are going and trying to save a man from being evicted out of his unit because there were some challenges with communication and there was a need for Mental Health support. The work that you have done both in the chamber and in the communities something that definitely is admirable, it is appreciated, and we know that no matter what position you are in, you will always be someone who will continue to fight and advocate for the community. Thank you, supervisor brown, for your service and for the work that you have done and will continue to do to make San Francisco a more equitable place for all san franciscans. We truly appreciate you. Thank you. [applause] and with that, since i only have 50 seconds left to talk, again, i want to take this opportunity to let you know this doesnt have to be an ass against them. We are all in this together. The fact is, San Francisco has a number of serious challenges and everyone here in this Board Chamber i know, you know how important it is that we do everything we can to Work Together to resolve those issues i have made it clear from day one when i was sworn in as mayor that i am willing to be here and to work with you because its not about me, it is not about politics, it is about the future of our city. And when we make bad decisions, the people of our city his suffered. Im looking forward to seeing more good decisions come out of this chamber, more responsible decisions, and im committed to working with you to make San Francisco all that we know it can be. Thank you for the opportunity and happy holidays. [applause] thank you, madame mayor for joining us today. This concludes our special order this item shall now be filed. Okay, madame clerk, please call the Consent Agenda. Items one through eight are on consent, these items are considered routine. If a member objects, the idea maybe removed and considered separately. Colleagues, would anyone like to sever any items from the Consent Agenda . Seeing then, please call the roll call. On items one through eight. [roll call] there are 11 aye. Okay. Without objection, the ordinance is finally passed and the resolution is adopted unanimously. Madame clerk, lets go to our regular agenda. Item number nine is an ordinance to amend the transportation code to establish a violation for operating shared Mobility Device Service without a perimeter under authorization from the Municipal Transportation Agency and to repeal certain parking restrictions related to station list bicycle share programs and powered scooter share programs, and affirming the sequel determination. Can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this ordinance is passed on First Reading unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 10 is an ordinance to amend the administrative code to create an office of emerging technology within public works and affirming the sequel determination. Colleagues, i am proud of the work that went into creating this office of emerging technology. I have spoken about this office on several occasions, so i will keep my remarks brief today. As a reminder, more than 200 participated in the emerging Technology Working group from the diversity of fields including the tech sector, private industry, nonprofits, labor, merchants, and neighborhood associations. City departments and academics. Additional interviews were conducted with 10 governments throughout the United States and they also researched 28 other cities around this issue. What you are voting on today is a combination of research and open work group that welcome input from all stakeholders. At the epicenter of technology, what was resoundingly clear was the request that San Francisco support innovation by having a clear and streamlined process. This is what makes the office of emerging technology work. If you have a company that is offering an interesting and new technology that does not put our residentss safety at risk or have a negative impact to our public infrastructure, then this office will welcome you. If it Technology Offers a net common good, there is now approval through this office. In every industry, there are good players and ones that always take advantage of the situation. This Office Creates a clear system so the city is able to holistically evaluate impact in identifiable and measurable ways the office of emerging Technology Facilitates collaboration between departments in order to ensure that any technology that operates in our public space is safe. Safety is, in terms of mobility, privacy, and impact of our public infrastructure, and also labor, the labor market. If an emerging Tech Company Launches their device without approval, we now, for the first time, will have the mechanism to stop these bad players and reward the innovators that are committed to being good partners with the city. The office of emerging technology is innovative because , for the first time when a public facing technology opposes the launch in San Francisco, we have a mechanism to ensure departments are holistically measuring things. The office itself is also in charge to purposely work with the community and industry, not as an afterthought or reactionary as we have in the past, the office will offer insight and forecasting as a city so we can prepare for and support the changing environment i want to thank the city administrator and her staff as well as deborah from public works public works and our City Attorney for the hundreds of hours put into this process and this particular legislation. I also would like to thank sfmta who has committed to working with this office in sharing data with the city in the off chance that an emerging Technology Falls solely on their jurisdiction. I especially want to thank my staff who worked tirelessly over a year and putting this legislation together. Lastly i really want to thank all of you, my colleagues, on the board of supervisors. Thank you for all cosponsoring this legislation. Before i make a motion, there is one minor typographical error that i would like to read into the record. I believe you all have copies of it that have been shared with you. On page eight, line one, i would just like to amend to delete the duplicate reference of opt. Right now i am making that motion. I just need a second for the amendment. With no objection, the amendment is made. Now i would like to make a motion to adopt the ordinance as amended and seconded by supervisor walton. Without objection, i shouldnt say that. Can i take this same house, same call as amended . Without objection, this legislation as amended is passed on First Reading. Thank you very much for your support madame clerk, call the next item. Item 11 is a resolution to approve modification number 11 to airport contracts for Program Management support services for the Airport SecurityInfrastructure Program with faith group l. L. C. To increase the contract amount for a not to exceed amount of approximately 17 million with no changes to the term. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, the resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call item 12. Twelve is a resolution to retroactively authorize the department of Public Health to accept and expand a grant in the amount of 350,000 from the Public Health foundation to participate in a problem entitled California Community reinvestment grants program for the period of october first, 2019, through september 30th, 2021. Okay. Colleagues, can we take this item same house same call . This is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Thirteen is a resolution to approve an exclusive negotiating agreement with mercy housing california for a proposed property at 155 grove street, 165 grove street and 240 van ness avenue with an annual lease payment of 15,000 under the jurisdiction of the Real Estate Division to affirm sequel determination and adopt the report with findings. Can we take this same house, same call . This resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 14 is an ordinance to amend the health code to require the department of Public Health to maintain and operate at full capacity and addled residential facility with no fewer than 41 beds and two amended ministry of code to establish the addled residential Facility Working Group to advise the board of supervisors and the mayor regarding resident care, training, workplace conditions, and staffing at the a. R. F. Supervisor ronen . Thank you. The board passed a law in late october about the future of the addled residential facility codifying an agreement that was reached between my office and others. The law saves the only board and care facility for severely mentally ill people. We passed a legislation and then duplicated the file because we were working out the details of one component of the agreement. The specific truck structure and parameters for the management Staff Working Group that was created to address any ongoing concerns. Before you today is the amended duplicated file that incorporates all of those details. Thank you to representatives, local 21 representatives, the Mayors Office and d. P. H. Staff are working on this duplicated file with my office. We have made very a few very minor amendments that i have distributed to all of you. First we clarified on page five, line 21, that seats seven, eight , nine, or 10 should be held by a. R. F. Or Behavioral Health staff. Second, we clarified on page six , line five the members of the working group shall serve at the pleasure of their respected appointing authorities and may be removed by the members at any time. And then third on page six, line 14, any Voting Member who mrs. Three regular meetings with the working group within a sixmonth period without the express approval of the working group by majority vote shall be deemed to have resigned from the committee 10 days after the third and approved absence and the second and third amendments are very standard language for working groups in the city. With that, i ask for your support and make a motion to amend as i just articulated. Okay. That is seconded by supervisor peskin. Supervisor fewer . Thank you. I just wanted to ensure that my name was added as a cosponsor. Supervisor safai . Me as well. Okay. There has been a motion to make amendments and seconded. Without any objection, then the amendment passes. Colleagues, can we take this item as amended, same house, same call . Okay. Without objection, the ordinances passed on First Reading unanimously. Madame clerk, please call the next item. Fifteen is a resolution to approve a memorandum of understanding between the city and the Housing Authority of the city and county of San Francisco regarding the reorganization of the Housing Authority, ratifying and approving a loan not to exceed 20 million. Colleagues, can we take this same house, same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. Please call items 20 i mean 16 through 20 together. Sixteen through 20 are resolutions approving historical property contracts. Item 16 is between sally revoke trust, the owner of 2251 webster street. Seventeen is a contract between 1401 howard l. L. C. And the city. Item 18 is a contract between gustav linquist and the owners of 64 potomac street. Item 19 is a contract between the Swedish Society of San Francisco and the owners of 2168 market street. Item 20 is a contract between adele fang and others and 2735 folsom street. The owners of 2731 through 2735 folsom street, and authorizing the planning director and the assistant reporter to execute and report these historical property contracts. Colleagues, can we take these items same house, same call . Without objection, these resolutions are adopted unanimously. Please call the next item. Item 21 is a resolution to approve an agreement with a nonprofit Owners Association for administration and management of the establish propertybased Community Benefit district known as a civic centre Community Benefit district, for a period commencing on