Same thing from oakland or tracey even. It is hard. You have got to ask yourself what keeps them going year after year to commute, to lose family time . To work in San Francisco and the answer for me is hope. I have seen San Francisco voters our government rise to the occasion time after time. We had prop a and prop g commitment to educators that we supported them. Prop a and e was the same. Everything you just heard about the collaboration with the union, city government, School District, all of you, it is the same. That hope that people are determined to keep us here keeps us going even when we know we are sacrificing our lives to come here every day to work with these children. I want be to thank everybody who is working on this, and who is going to push it forward. Thank you. I hope you will forgive me for using my notes. I want to thank the board offed. The mayor, my siblings and the voters who prioritize by voting for prop e. I want to state that i am lisa and i have lived in San Francisco for 25 years. I got to see it before the first. Com boom when artists could live here and it was affordable. It serves the Community School district for 20 years. In those 20 years, i have taught at a number of different schools in a number of different neighborhoods. Currently i am a safe and supportive coach so he serve the whole School District. I have a wide view who is working for us. I want to say that i take additional work on every year to make ends meet, even though i have worked for the School District 20 years. Every time i pay my rent which is half of my paycheck or sometimes more, depending on how much additional work i take on. I think about the paraeducators and the teacher interns who make 40,000 per year. I think about my friend who is a substitute who is disabled. He cant work fulltime. He wants to serve the students. We need to keep them in the community. They are dedicated. I thank you for your time. I am katie oconnor, a counselor a at hoover middle school. I live in Hunters Point in a bow market rate unit. I it is williams birthday today. Happy birthday william. We are definitely so lucky to have the below market rate, but it is a one bedroom and it is tiny. I cant classify as one bedroom. We have a sliding glass door to separate the bedroom from the living room which is currently serving as the babys room as well. When we talk about educator housing, i hope that we all keep in mind educators with families expanding because we have to look for something bigger. The place we are in isnt working, and that is a big challenge. We are going to be looking outside of the city because the only way that we can afford to get a bigger place is the only way it works is to rent something for three years and we can reapply for another below market rate. We dont have the capacity to wait that long. And we cant afford the current rates of rentals. My colleagues are leaving in droves. We have 60 people at whoever between 10 to 12 every year leaving to move outside of the city, to work outside of the city, commutes are too hard. The statistics show this is detrimental to our students. Thank you. Next speaker. Good morning. I am an anabelle. I would like to thank the board of education for leadership in addressing the affordability crisis that is affecting not just our educators but students and families. Thank you to the district staff for working with us. I also want to say thank you to the board of supervisors, mayor, and in particular i want to say thank you to the voters of San Francisco for supporting the proposition of prop e. They understand we are in a crisis that we are addressing today. I want be to be able to continue working together to bring our partners. Sfusd has been working on this for a very long time. We came together with the district in 2014 with the Housing Working Group and they have been growing and bringing in other partners. With that we look forward to working again in partnership with the board of supervisors, with the district, board of education and San FranciscoAccelerator Housing Fund to bring the resources, such as prop a 20 million that was in prop a state credit. The Income Housing fund at the state level and other funding that will be used to start educator housing. This is just the beginning to ensure that we build housing for the educators to help stabilize our schools and continue to ensure our children receive the quality education. Thank you. Good morning. Peter cohen with the council of Community Housing organizations. This is really an exciting time for us. We have been in the Affordable Housing world for a long time. Seeing the talk about educator housing coming to fruition this year is great and we are happy to be part of it. There is a lot of technical stuff. I want to acknowledge the great partnerships we have experienced starting with the board of supervisorses, particularly the sponsors having the vision to get the voters to put Affordable Housing for educators front and center. We have streamlining and rezoning and buy right and that takes care of time and money as well as the board dedicating money to jump start that. Those are smart moves. The board of he ha of education. You are great to work with with a clear framework so everybody the rowing in the same direction is very, very helpful. Also, with the staff. The staff of sfusd. I know it has been great getting to know you and pulling together the Housing Working Group, the Mayors Office of housing providing Technical Support and the housing acseller rater fund, the financing brains to help with project management. All of the folks in place at leadership level, technical level and advocate level. Hearing the stories from united educators on the ground and in the schools, that is the spirit. This is not a technical thing, this is a human thing which makes it so great for us to be part of it. Thanks for inviting us to the table so we can look forward to seeing the projects happen this year. Thanks. With the council of Community Housing organizations. Thank you so much for hosting this very important discussion. As a coalition of 24 Affordable Housing developers and advocates we have been talking about the housing crisis for over 40 years. The housing crisis that affects the poor, lowwage workers, the families who depends on our public like schools and city college system. In the last few years we have seen the discussion of a housing crisis expand to much broader set of folks who can no longer afford to stay in if city, to workers lieu are essential to keeping our city running, thank you, supervisor mar, supervisor walton and those who put forth the discussion around housing our workers. This discussion today is about educators. We are not just talking about educators. We are talking about nonprofit workers, child care workers and Health Workers who are essential to keeping the city running but addressing potential disaster resilience. What happens when those workers dont live in the city. My child goes to the school in the excelsior district we have a teacher from sa vallejo. A teacher will work three jobs to stay in the city. This cannot go on. We have talked about the housing crisis but an opportunity. It opens the idea for public investments and public land and we can restructure our Housing Delivery system in a way that serves more people without leaving behind the most vulnerable. Prop e really changed the framework, started to address income levels so we cant talk about just the highest use. Good afternoon, supervisors and board members. I will say i am walter p. I went to lincoln, robert lewis stevenson, yaloaw. We had a field trip in third grade. I stood here in the courtroom. I got to ask the judge how did you get to be a judge . I wanted to say one thing. There is no place like affordable home for the holidays. When no matter how far away you roam. If you want to be happy in an million ways, for the holidays it is Affordable Homes sweet homes to get straight as. Thank you. It is always hard to follow walter. I had to get up here. Thank you all so Much Community members for holding this hearing today. I am from the supervisor fewers office. I wanted to add a couple points and thank the followings that had the folks that had a key role. Thank you supervisors for cosponsors the bill. You know the mayor, full board of supervisors for making sure we got 76 of the voters and the voters for supporting it and thd teachers here and Mayors Office of housing who helped us with this policy. We really are just very thankful for that. A couple things to point out. There was a couple comments about making sure we think about other employees of the School District and workers. We could not agree more. I want to clarify that prop e does cover four teacher projects all employees of the School District and city college so we are thinking about our cafeteria workers and everyone else. Definitely we want to make that clear. Also, prop e helps and there are folks on the teacher housing. It is a game changer for all Affordable Housing in San Francisco. It rezones all land citywide that is larger than 10,000 square feet for 100 Affordable Housing. In addition to the teacher Housing Projects on the School District and city college land. I want to be sure that is clear. This is a huge moment that we were able to pass not only this rezoning but the biggest housing bond 600 million. It is incredible. The two Biggest Barriers to Affordable Housing land and funding we were able to tackle. Of course, we are not done. We have to continue to provide more funding to make this sustainable. One think that was important to us was getting 20 million in seed funding in the prop a housing bond so we can make prop e a reality to get those starting funds to get it going, but we know we will continue to put our money where our mouth is if we are serious about housing our educators. We cant expect the market to take care of the problem. We are excited to partner with the School District, city college in order to find out what the needs are. We know there are state funds on the stable, matching funds that werent available a year or so ago when they originally started planning this. Things have changed. It is exciting to pursue the funds. As chair of the budget committee, supervisor fewer is committed to making sure we leverage whatever resources we can and work with our partners to make sure we can go after those funds and make these projects happen. Thank you all so much. We are excited about the opportunity this has brought. This is just the beginning. We really appreciate it. Any more Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. I want to thank ian for coming up to make clarifying statements and for thanking everyone so i dont have to do it now. I appreciate everyone who did come out to speak today and who did fight with us for prop e and a to finance to have the Affordable Housing we need. Of course, we have more work to do to get there but we are moving in the right direction. I see supervisor mar has some comments. Thank you, chair walton. I want to echo the many acknowledgments that have happened around all of the everyone involved in this important work over the last five years to ensure that our teachers and other educators at the sfusd and city college are able to continue to live in our city and the communities they are serving and for providing such an important role. It was great to hear ms. Oconnor, the counselor at whoever speak and share her story today. She was my daughters counselor last year and it is really just heart breaking to hear those stories where there is a personal connection in our critically important educators and school staff struggling to stay in our city. I know these issues are really important just to the Broader Community with the citys first educator Housing Project moving forward in my district and at the Francis Scott key annex i have seen how strongly supported that is in our community right now. Not just, you know, among families with children in the district but by everyone in our community. This is a different situation than before where there was a similar Housing Project proposed at the Current Location of Diane Dianne Feinstein school 20 years ago not as broadly supported. It wasnt able to move forward. I think now with the broad support that we see for the Francis Scott key annex site project, we can see how important these issues are for our entire city, and i guess i also want to say that i am glad to see that the different discussion and planning that has happened around the educator housing in the last year and through some political struggle has really landed on a focus on ensuring that or prioritizing that these projects are going to be moving forward using 100 Affordable Housing model. I think that at least for me that if we are using public lands if the School District owns it or city college or whatever, i very much would prefer and very much prefer to see us build 100 Affordable Housing on public sites and not having to look at private market rate housing being included as a way to finance it. I am glad that at least that is the focus right now with the passage of prop a allocating 20 million of that housing bond to educator housing and the passage of prop e which is focused on 100 Affordable Housing at Different Levels for educators. I think the model moving forward at the Francis Scott key site is supported and the city is Affordable Housing educator model. I think the reason why i know that we have been looking at other models of educator Housing Development with a mix of market rate housing in it because of the need for financing and that challenges the financing 100 affordable educator projects. I have questions around the financing of the educator Housing Projects. If i could just ask. I wanted to ask how can mohcd most effectively deploy this initial 20 million allocated in the prop a bond towards educator housing sites the School District and city college are prioritizing to leverage the Financing Program for these projects . Thank you for the question. The Mayors Office of housing will work closely with the school the triact to identify the best way to move forward. I spoke about this earlier. I think the pool of developers they qualified will be asked to do Feasibility Analysis at looking at using prop a and e for the three sites they identified as being under utilized. We will work with the School District to see what that analysis shows. In answering a question about what sources of funding are available to us. We do see limited sources of funding for middle income. The city has put in the local subsidy for Francis Scott key and that is in addition to low income tax credits for paraeducator units. There may be other opportunities. We want to ask the qualified developers to look at what is possible. We dont know yet without doing that analysis. We will be gathering that and sharing that information with you all soon. Thank you. Colleagues are there any more statements . Questions . Commissioner collins. I want to appreciate the folks who came out to speak and the educators. Also, our School District workers. My heart goes out to you. As the parent i appreciate the work folks do in our schools to support our citys children and i am committed to working with city officials at all levels to make sure we are supporting the folks that are supporting our most needy residents, which are our children. Thank you all. I am on the team. I wanted to thank you all for doing this and putting in the hard work for starting the process of what i hope is great housing for certainly teachers and classified and i dont know if administrators and students. I think we need this kind of housing in San Francisco, and you have put in the legwork, and i appreciate being part of it. I appreciate, you know, at this meeting i appreciate where i feel like the supervisors and the board of education and city college are able to get together. I believe that president randolph was instrumental to make sure city college was inserted into this prop e, am i right about that . I want to thank you for that because i