They walk up with a plate that isnt to go and theyre going up to consumers that may be mostly tourists depending on the district like the castro or hayes and have to constantly explain you have to stand up and come get your food with me and because they incur costs and keep the space public and dont inhibit the public use and maintain it and keep it clean theyd like to have more of a conversation with the relevant agencies maybe how certain restaurants or cafes could maybe have a more updated amendment to these codes to be more of a seamless effort with the public spaces. I know after we met with the supervisor we thought the next best thing would be to inquire with the Small Business commission since youre the subject Matter Experts to see what you think and what we do Going Forward and i would love a followup discussion with stakeholders and Community Members interested and supervisor and merchants to see if its a good time to discuss amendments that are good for the Small Businesses and members of the public. Thats all id have to say and id like to see the conversation move forward. Thank you so much and thank you for the presentation. Commissioner thank you very much. Any other members of this public. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Id like to thank the members of the public and there say restaurant in the castro is a restaurant in the castro i wont name the restaurant on 16th street and they string the lights up and were told not to serve and yet they serve and i dont have a problem with that bit know the with that but i know the owners want to work with the city in legalizing that. Maybe thats one thick the commission can do thing the commission can do Going Forward continuing the conversation and especially with a lot of the smaller Restaurant Owners who want to engage. That would be great idea. Commissioner dwight. I had one comment to your question and i wanted to say its always a good time to ask questions how to improve situations for Small Businesses in San Francisco to the extent the merchant associations and merchant and restaurants are interested in having that dialing dialogue first to the cdma and they can inquire with their memberships what merchant associations would like to finish the conversation. Always look for ways to make life in San Francisco better and easier for businesses. Commissioner laguana. Id like to echo what commissioner adams and dwight. I was listening earlier and thinking why cant they . Its essentially serving that purpose anyways. It seems like an arbitrary distinction that is lost on me. Its a great conversation to have. I cant speak for my fellow commissioners but im strongly in support of having that conversation. Im sure theres a reason for it. I cant imagine what it was. If theres a reason lets have a conversation about what reasonable exception to that reason might be. Commissioner thank you. Any other comments . Thank you very much for your presentation. This was a very good presentation this evening. Thank you very much and for coming tonight. Thank you. Commissioner next item, please. Clerk approval of the minutes action item. Commissioner any comments on the minutes . Nope. Commissioner do members of the public would like to comment on item number 5 the minutes . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion to approve the draft minutes for october 28 . Move to prove the minutes as present. Second. Commissioner all in favor of voice vote. Any opposed . Okay. Next item. Clerk item 6 directors report and announcements from the mayor and regarding Small Business activities, discussion item. Commissioners, just passed the directors report so just wanted to make sure each were able to get a copy. So just want to make sure im doing a reminder about the implicit bias training. I realize theres been complications for some commissioners in being able to log on. Were both gone the week of the 23 through the 27 and shes gone the week afterwards. Since it does need to be completed by the end of the year, to resolve the issues im requesting you try to test out logging in to get the issues resolved so youre able to complete the training in time. And i think its hard to know whether its the user number or the password so feel free to call me with issues so i can help figure this all out four. For you. Then the next thing is there is and i pu put this under City Initiative and programs because its legislation that is going to be requiring departments have a hearing on the budget twice when the mayor introduces the budget. That does mean this is at to the board of supervisors tomorrow for the first reading. I anticipate its going to pass. This will mean well need to schedule in two hearings for our budget is so the timing will be probably in february but ill know more by the end of the month in terms of the mayors budget timing for submittal. It could be from the last meeting in january to the last in march were scheduling a presentation. I wanted to provide an update for active space. December 6 was the final day for the submission to the Planning Department around for those businesses that need to get legitimized in establishing the youth for that space because the majority of the active space the uses were never officially established. The Property Owner is taking responsibility for that. And so did get the submittals in. And did inform us they will be assisting those businesses that are office space. The Legacy Program so were in our final stage of selecting so well have a decision done by the end of week and be able to inform you on that for the plaques. Then were in the new position for the Legacy Business Program is making its way through the approval process through h. R. And the budget office. Couple things i wanted to bring to your attention is that the sfmta is going through a whole new look and potential revision to the curb color management. I wanted to bring that to your presentation. If youd like a presentation well work to schedule that. Theres a Congestion Pricing Advisory Committee meet from external stakeholders and internal. So for the external stakeholders the sfcdma mario magonom is on that committee but i do think its probably advisable we ask for updates to be presented to the commission as well. So if you would like that, let me know. And we can start scheduling those updates and providing you with materials to read. I wanted to ask a question on the congestion pricing. Definitely would like a presentation and from previous things put out congestion pricing would tend to impact some neighborhoods much much much more than other neighborhoods. Is there going to be a time those areas could speak . Thats a good question. I dont know. Well ask for the sfcta to provide a presentation for you. So taxi hailing is not a congestion tax . No. The people who use city streets for the purpose of running a business or using a public rightofway as their primary source of revenue which makes it harder for Small Businesses they need to consider different tiers based on usage. We can write them here. And impacts residents. Okay. So great. I just wanted to put it on your radar since theyve had a meeting. I will be taking information from their Committee Meetings and forwarding documents so those interested you can do nighttime reading. Then moving on to legislation, supervisor peskin has initiated a request to the City Attorneys Office to draft a definition of Small Business based on number of store fronts, employees, actual or anticipated annual gross receipts. I think hes looking at creating some sort of definition to apply for fee mitigation and we have reached out to supervisors peskins office to make sure our office is involved. Right now we use the state definition of 100 employees or less. I think thats important. Thats for employee regulations and the fact is the majority of our businesses that ploy employ one or more is 10 or 80 or more employees. Id want to caution any specific d definition being the definitive definition dealing with small entities. I think they should call it something in and of itself like micro business. Were not harmonized as it is with the state and the federal government. We need a category where everyone can agree. Were not talking about Small Businesses in the broader scope but what we in San Francisco regard as micro business. First thats well said and a great suggestion but one challenge is going to be the political messaging because youll want to say you did something for Small Business so we may be wrapped around the axle nonetheless. I agree. I think the nuancing of creating a definition to be utilized to help do some incentives can be addressed in the broader scope of Small Business. I know that the state while we looked at the definition of Small Business in a revenue level but the state mostly refer to it in a numerical number which is 100 employees. Which is where the commission when it started adopt the definition. Continue. And then the Accessible Business Entrance Program while dbi did send out a notice not long ago affordable housiinform thigh needed to extend the time period for some of the other filings that need to be completed just and they feel they need more time with Property Owners to get things done. Youll hear that at the first meeting in january just so you know and i provided updates on other items. The vacant commercial storefront tax pasd passed the board of s and submitted november 21. You heard supervisor mandelman extending the waiver and refund of investigation fees and the time period for medical cannabis dispensary permits to make its way through the permitting process. He had to amend it and separate it out. Initially the legislation you heard was an extension of one year both for the fee waiver and then through the permitting process. So hes extended the waiver the refund to two years and getting through the permitting process to three years. So just so you have an update on that. And then the environmental for the code the promotion of the reusable Food Service Ware you heard for the 25 cents for cups for coffee and requiring businesses that use disposable items for cafes or restaurants to use disposable items to transition and charge for disposable items hit me. Here with the park let if we end up passing any legislation that requires restaurants or cafes to use reusable items then right now its like those going out to the parklet theres going to be a lot of dishes in the parklets. Anyway just to bring attention to and sitting with supervisor peskin and working on the massage regulation, it looks like supervisor ronan will be taking as the primary sponsor for supervisor brown and the planning code revisions are being drafted and may soon be submitted. I have the additional new business items we need to work our way through on here. I forgot to check in on the target time for doing the tablets. Next month. I didnt write it down. Next year you mean. So that concludes my report unless theres any questions. Commissioner do any members of the public would like to comment on directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Any other questions . Next item, please. Clerk item 7 commissioners report allows president and Vice President and president to report on Small Business activities and make announcement of interest to the Small Business community. Discussion items. Commissioner i participated november 27 the shop and dine in the 49 with directors and commissioner and we had a good turnout for a rainy day. It was a rainy weekend but all in all and i participated in the Small Business saturday kickoff at harvey milk plaza with American Express and oewd. Thats what ive got going. Commissioner ortiz. I want to let everybody know december 11 at the Commission EconomicDevelopment Agency were reopening our market. We had several businesses and well have cafes, restaurants and housed a small comic book store. Its awesome. Culturally inclusive. Its a small comic book shop in the world. We did it and well have a lot of Small Businesses there and ive been meaning to do this. I wanted to give a shout out to someone in the department of technology, robin earl and theyve reported stuff in the portal and shes always amazing. Always helpful and i wanted to give a shout out to her. Thats awesome. Thats it for me. Commissioner laguana. One, i wanted to thank my fellow commissioners for their fellowship over the last month. It was an interesting month for me. Learned a lot about City Politics and na was exciting. I have been working as a result of that theres been a few silver linings. Ive been working with supervisor haney on publ Public Private partnership and ive reached out to the chamber and sf travel is enthusiastic as well. Hopefully something comes out of this i can come back to you guys for support on but i think theres also an opportunity i think in the exchanges we have with policy makers to emphasize that were citizens and were interested in being active participants and making things better and want to help them be the best they can be so good stuff. Good. Thank you. Commissioner dooley. I wanted to thank the commission and particularly our staff for setting a date on the 20th to hear the legacy application for cafe sopora in the middle of an ugly eviction process. As a member of the community i want to thank everyone for that because its an important place. Its the Community Space and any help we can give them will be appreciated. Commissioner laguana. Commissioner zouzounis. I met with the new tenderloin Tenants Association which im excited because they need representation as a whole with that and a lot of immigrant businesses there that are facing compounded issues and i think its a particular spot where minority businesses can play a larger role in the advocacy for Small Businesses. And i also went to the Youth CommissionHoliday Party in which one of the commissioners was like i want to start a business and i was so impressed with the Youth Commission and the other youth that were there and a just think thats maybe an area Small Businesses can think about we can get more creative in how we partner with youth. I know some conversations around flexible use and how to activate spaces in between leases or window space changes. I think theres a lot of room for potential partnerships with youth and i think definitely Leadership Development is a huge thing i think about because a lot of people like me grew up in Small Businesses so youth are constantly around Small Businesses and they become more savvy that way and we need to develop a new generation of advocates. Thank you. Any other commissioner comments . Do any members of the public that would like to comments on commissioner report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Next item please. Clerk item 8 new business allow new agenda items for the future discussion. Commissioner ortiz . I want to followup on the cloud kitchen. Theres a second location that opened up in the mission. With half a billion theyre not here to compete but annihilate. Its on my agenda for next year. Their prospectus is to be like uber to small and businesses. They theres a popup on 15th street. Theyre not ran by uber but its a restaurant. Same founder. Theyre in negotiation with the Third LargestParking Company to try to acquire several Parking Facilities in the city to propagate their hubs of distribution. Its all without permits. We cannot allow them to say sorry. We need put that on the agenda. Thanks. Im concerned with what are equity applicants for the cannabis permitting. I want to see if true 100 equity applicants can get prior prioritized and get expediting in planning and its costing Small Businesses in that industry where theyre closing down or selling their shares of the company. Would you like for me to invite the person in charge of Small Business cannabis for a presentation . Yes. Irene. Commissioner riley. In addition to the congestion pricing i also want to know more about the curb color management. I want to know how it affects businesses. You see the green zones. New business for me, i would like to request the sfpd Small Business working Group Present to us. Thats an interesting one. I dont know what it was before. Its predominantly with the merchants association. They got mario. Its mostly with the merchants association.