Transcripts For SFGTV Government Access Programming 20240713

SFGTV Government Access Programming July 13, 2024

Kozinski reports president yee thank you very much. Okay. This concludes Public Comment. Okay. Madam clerk, please call the for adoption without Committee Reference calendar item. Clerk items 53 through 63 were introduced without reference to committee. A unanimous vote is required for resolutions. Alternatively, a member may require a motion to go to committee. President yee would any of my colleagues like to sever any items . Supervisor ronen. Supervisor ronen item 55. President yee supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman 53. President yee and id like to sever 56. So colleagues, can we take no. Okay. Colleagues, can we take the rest of the items minus 53, 55, and 56, same house, same call . Clerk roll call, mr. President. We need a roll call. President yee roll call. Clerk okay. On items 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63 [roll call] clerk there are 11 ayes. President yee okay. Madam clerk, please call item 53. Clerk item 53 is a resolution to declare the week of november 17 through the 23, 2019 as united against hate week in the city and county of San Francisco. President yee supervisor mandelman . Supervisor mandelman colleagues, november 17 through 23, which we are in right now is the united against hate week. Its a call for local civic action by people in every bay area county to stop the hate and implicit biases in the bay area. [inaudible] supervisor mandelman the number of hate crimes committed across the United States has increased dramatically in the past several years including San Francisco where hate crimes increased 61 between 2017 and 2018. With this resolution, San Francisco will join berkeley and oakland in participating in united against hate week. I want to thank the organizers of the united against hate week and others. Id also like to thank my cosponsors for their support. President yee okay. Thank you. Colleagues, can we take this same on item 53, same house, same call . Without any objection, then, it passes unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk, call item number 55. Clerk item 55, resolution to affirm San Franciscos support for asylum seeking residents fleeing genderbased persecution and decrying the federal governments ordinance criminalizing domestic violence. President yee supervisor ronen . Supervisor ronen yes. I wanted to thank everyone for their fierce support [speaking spanish language] president yee okay. Colleagues, can we take this item, same house, same call . Without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. [gavel]. President yee madam clerk where am i . Please call item 56. Clerk item 56 is a resolution to declare november 20, 2019 world childrens day in the city and to affirm the city and countys commitment to the United Nations convention of the rights of children. President yee colleagues, let me indulge you a little bit for a moment here. I believe this is the first time this body has voted on such a resolution to acknowledge the world childrens day which lands on tomorrow, on november 20 of every year. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the United Nations convention of the rights of children which provides basic human rights principles that ensures that every child is protected from violence and poverty. But beyond that, it provides this very basic notion that children deserve to have their voices heard as part of any community or governing structure. Of all the United Nation members, the United States is the only one to have not to not have ratified the convention of the rights of children. I think all of you i want to thank all of you for joining as cosponsor, and i guess, if i can, have officially have supervisor walton and supervisor safai join us also, for this important resolution to on call out the importance of this convention. But to also motivate to us to become what is globally known as a child friendly city. A child friendly city is a concept that is trying to challenge the realization of the rights of children in an increasingly urbanized and decentralized world. What we are also seeing is that climate change, we need to start designing cities that are environmentally resilient, and that is what child friendly cities are all about, a city designed with children and youth in mind is a city that is sustainable and safer for all residents. Last year, i attended the child safer city conference in vienna, austria, and heard about all the wonderful things cities like San Francisco were doing all over the world. But what i found so fascinating is that cities were reimagining public spaces to be playful, imagin imagi imaginative and accessible to children of all ages. Can we imagine what San Francisco would be like if we placed children at the center of all the decisions that wed be making, influencing the build environment around us. Imagine every city street where a children could bike and walk on their own to School Without fear of being hurt in a dangerous environment. Imagine every new housing unit being designed so that families of all types to could expand multigenerational units that accommodated children, growing teens, and parents who are care giving. Imagine public space being inviting to children so they could actively and creatively explore beyond just the confines of parks and playgrounds. The possibilities are endless, but we need to make this conscious decision that child friendly city is what we aim to be. Over the course of past years, we have been able been part of these discussions with planning to push for Family Friendly Design Guidelines fashioned around vision zero, but i want to think bigger. I want to thank our department of children, youth and families, our youth council, our department of public works and rec and park for helping us move this conversation along. I also want to acknowledge parents who have come together to really galvanize around this effort. Parents like serina unger who i believe made a Statement Today in public testimony who is an urban planner by profession but was so passionate about this idea of child friendly future, she has taken it upon herself to present this idea to many, many groups who would listen. The other aspect of the child friendly city which i believe is so incredibly incredible is the idea that children and youth should be participating in meaningful ways in decision making. I know we do a great work with the Youth Commission and many of our own districts have Youth Councils like in district 7. But the child friendly city pushes this further. It is about ensuring that every child, even preschool age residents, should be able to engage and provide input on what they want to see in their livedin environments. Yesterday, the Youth Commission voted to support our resolution and also asked for a friendly amendment which i have distributed to all of you, and ill talk about it in a second. As a city, we have always placed the needs of communities most impacted by our environmental, racial, and economic injustice at the forefront. They are they are asking us to to really include the need to explicitly prioritize the need of black and brown communities in addition to other communities with high needs. In all my years as a parent and educator, i have never been more obsessed about a concept like this. I really hope that we as a city can pursue this idea. As a grandparent, i want San Francisco to become the place that my children can grow up and establish their roots. When i see all this new development and all these millennials, i am praying that they will choose to stay here. When we lose the children, we lose the vibrancy and diversity of our community. The stakes are high. The resolution is calling on San Francisco to rise to the occasion and help us become a part of this global child friendly cities movement. I think we are ready and we can possibly become the first in the United States. So i want to point out again it was the Youth Commissioners who advocated for the amendments, and i totally agreed with them. So basically, were adding on page 5, line 16, to include the wording, particularly marginalized black and brown children and youth. So thats my motion. Could i have a second on that . Thank you, supervisor peskin. Without any objection, then, the motion passes, then, for the amendment. [gavel]. President yee so madam clerk, what do i do . Clerk you can take it without objection as amended or same house, same call as amended. President yee okay. Can i have this same house, same call as amended . Without objection, this item passes unanimously. [gavel]. President yee so madam clerk, i think thats the end of our agenda, but please read the in memoriams. Clerk todays meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved memorials. On behalf of supervisor mandelman, on the late jack porter, and on a motion made by the president and on behalf of the entire board of supervisors, on behalf of the late atta safai. President yee okay. Colleagues, that brings us to the end of our agenda. Please have a safe travel. I will see you in a few weeks. Madam clerk, is there any further business for today . Clerk that concludes our business for today. President yee so we are adjourned. [gavel] tuesday, november 19, meeting of the San Francisco Entertainment Commission. I am ben bleiman and i am the commissions president. If you are a member of the public and want to speak, there are speaker forms which you can fill out which are located on the front table or you can just line up for Public Comment. We do ask that everybody turns off the cell phones or puts them on silent including commissioners and staff. I want to thank sfgov tv and Media Services for sharing this meeting with the public. We can start with a row call. Commissioner perez. Here. A president bleiman. Here. Commissioner lee. Here. A commissioner falzon. Here. We have a quorum and before we do the first order of business, i want to acknowledge that today or this week is Deputy Director acevedos oneyear anniversary with the Entertainment Commission. Already . First of all, i cant believe its been one year. I would have said its been like five months because it is so quickly. And i cant remember what we did without you. So thank you for the work this year. And i cant even remember. I think that director wyland did an incredible job and you have brought a lot of things into order that is very much appreciated. So thank you. So the first order of business is for Public Comment for any item not on the regular agenda. Seeing none, my cell phone says that Public Comment is closed. Next, agenda item is number 2 which is approval of the minutes from november 5, 2019. Do we have a motion to i a prove the minutes . An ill raise the motion. Second. Is there any Public Comment on the minutes from november 5, 2019 . We can vote. A commissioner perez. Aye. President bleiman. Aye. Commissioner lee lee. Aye. Commissioner falzon. Aye. The next item is the executive director report. Normally i say thank you, president bleiman, but i am not sure after that intro. Just kidding. Good evening, commissioners. I wanted to provide a brief update about the Holiday Party that will be the next regularly scheduled Entertainment Commission evening, so that will be tuesday, december 3 at mezzanine this year. We are really looking forward to it. We have close to 700 rsvps right now but with attrition, that may be less so we encourage you to use your wonderful networks to continue to push the party invite out. It is free and open to the public and we want you to enjoy celebrating with all of us and just another year of entertainment in San Francisco. And also in our outreach for having our inspectors go out on the weekends with these flyers that are in your binder and going to businesses directly and letting management and bartenders and other staff know they are welcome and should come to this event. So we have a little Planning Committee in our office, and i really want to thank katelyn and dylan for helping prepare for the party. So were working on all of our food donations and other fun items for everybody for that evening. So again, looking very much forward to it and we are just nearing the end of the year, and its been such a great one working with all of you. That is my update. If you have any questions, let me know. Is there any Public Comment on the directors report . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. The next agenda item is report from our Deputy Director azevedo. Thank you, president bleiman, and good evening, commissioners. Thank you for that awesome shoutout. Its been an awesome and great first year, so i have enjoyed it very much. On the phone rsment report tonight on the enforcement report tonight, there is only a couple of things highlighted. On page one, royal soak a business that has a lot of complaints, but has not had Live Entertainment until two weekends ago when our inspector went by and they were having a live singer. So i have been working diligently to try and contact the owners. They are nonresponsive. And we are eager to try and get them a permit. Im also working in conjunction with sfpd northern station. It just so happens that every time the Police Department happens to go by, they dont have the sound up. So were working on it. Keeping them in our purview. Page two, you will see that i have highlighted delirium. Delirium has a vent in the back area where the d. J. Performs that is open. And all of the sound is escaping onto the street. So this has been like this for some time, but were thinking a new neighbor moved into the area because now were getting an uptick of complaints. So we have gone out and theyre in compliance otherwise. Its just the vent. Senior inspector roberts has made recommendations on how to amend the situation because it needs to be closed. So letting you know that we have a solution or at least have provided recommendations here. And then taking you to the last page, it is not highlighted excuse me, not the last page. On page four, it is not highlighted, but i do have an update about 26 mix. This business has been on our enforcement report since may consistently. And weve responded on the weekends. Theyre in compliance, but i really want mission station to go out during the week because the complaints are coming in during business nights, work nights. I finally had headway and corresponded with captain there and i also spoke with the new permit officer today, officer ortiz who had me compile all of our 311 complaints. We have receive 2d 1 from the same neighbor since may. And again, every time we go out, they are in compliance. So we really need sfpd mission station to go out during the work week, and hes working on that with the night lieutenant to make that happen. Im happy about the progress there. Thats it. If you have any questions, let me know. Can i just make sure i got that right . All the 311 calls are from one person. Yes. Okay. That should be we should be capable of fixing that then. When i say we i mean either department or us. I would agree with that. What the complaints are coming in sunday through wednesday when we dont have phone rsment out in the fields. Exactly. When we dont have enforcement in the field. We clearly have a frustrated neighbor. I have been in correspondence with her. Is she cooperative . Absolutely, with me. She is just really irritated at 2 00 in the morning. So i have been in correspondence via email with her few months and in some of the 311 complaints it says thank you, Entertainment Commission, but we just need eyes on there when we are not in the field. I should have made that clear. Thanks for with 311, noise complaints, do they ever get routed to the police . When our inspectors reallocate them, they do. Weve also trained 311 staff on figuring out what noise complaints or sound complaints as i prefer to call them should come to us versus the Police Department and sometimes we get residential sound complaints, for example, but a like in this scenario, out of curiosity, is this being dispatched to the police as a c priority run or not even looped in . No, its coming to us. And the complainant knows they can reach out to nonemergency and mission station and she has done that repetitively with no response. Are they putting that as a c priority run . I dont know. Not that we know of just because she hasnt seen any changes and she hasnt seen any police go out, am i right . Correct. However, i did have some information unveiled with the permit officer in Police Incident reports that we have not been made aware of, so i am working on those because one as as recent as the 16th of november. And we have never seen a copy of that. Okay. Im just thinking that possibly part of the fix might be because with the development of 311 as excellent as it is and it really is, and we have all probably used it for a variety of issues, im just wondering if there is an unintended consequence here that maybe should be thought about because this is a perfect scenario. We have a resident that has called 20 times, and i understand our staff is not working. And its not being communicated to the police, and honestly, telling people to call district station, the police arent even allowed to dispatch out of a station. We are not allowed to do that. Okay. 0123 which is the

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