Campbell brought forward. And then ill go into our presentation really quickly. But id like to assure you that through the transition period and we continue to be in this phase fsha has made great strides. As it relates to the severance of our staff, we have fully funded that severance payment. That severance payment is projected for the entire two phases. There are two phases in this process with the staff of about 5 million. And that cost will be fully funded by sfha. As it relates to the unfunded tension that has been mentioned sfha continues to work through its own Financial Resources to ensure that it is able to meet those obligations as well. And i believe that it will it gives a position to do so. As it relates to the shortfall numbers that were shared in the report at that time of 16 to 18 million, i would like to be able to say that at this point our projected shortfall is 9 to 10 million as a matter of fact for this coming calendar year because it runs on a calendar year as it relates to the voucher payments. The shortfall is 8 million. We have done extensive work with hud on projecting our budget. We have a specific twoyear tool budgeting tool that is used where we work very closely with hud. We know at any given time from month to month what our projected shortfall is, and hud has committed to ensure that they fund that shortfall. This calendar year our shortfall was actually 22 million. And the calendar year for funding of vouchers ends on december 31. All those funds have been in fact funded by hud. So i think as the budget legislative analysts have come in prior with their prior report and the condition of sfha as it relates to really not understanding what its financial position was at that time, how many vouchers it could actually put out on the street and its recordkeeping reporting memorandum any of themes was really truly in a poor state. Today it is much different than what it was a year ago, two years ago. I can assure you that at the chief audit executive. As it relates to the request, the four requests that we have fundamentally disagreed with, recommendations 4, 5 and 12, the fundamental disagreement with those recommendations are that hud and the state law requires that sfha remain a separate leet entity from the from the city and the county which established it. And so in the spirit of that law, we are responding accordingly. And as it relates to recommendation 11, moving sfha, transitioning its records to the city as it relates to the financial system, we fundamentally disagree because the system today does not have a module where it can handle rental agreements rental accounting as required by hud, as required by accounting standards as well. However, what id like to say is the agency is not totally in disagreement as it stabilizes, which is very important, it will reconsider how it can transition into the citys financial system. I meet biweekly with the controller and it is a constant conversation that he and i both have. So i definitely will say as it relates also to the request that the controller actually acts as the controller of sfha while its prohibited according to law, state law the controller and i do meet, and we do talk about the financial situation our position of the sfha as well as the fact that for the single audit, that must take place annually for the city, there is information about sfha in the single audit as well. So there will be many efficiencies gained with once the m. O. U. Is agreed upon and helping ensuring the sfha is financially sound. Its able to report as it should and have the internal controls required as well as the fact that ms. Campbell also mentioned that we have a financial contractor bdo and we too, when i say we too as the city auditor as the transition lead, working with the controller, it is agreed that the agency should have financial competent staff. And today there are financial competent city staff. Theyre working on the finance team and leading the finance of the agency and actually understanding and learning the nuances of housing financial accounting. Thank you so much for all of your work during this transition process. I did have a few questions about the ongoing shortfall. Can you just describe whats causing that . So when we think about the shortfall and we think about the city and county of San FranciscoHousing Authority, it is not any different than any other Housing Authority nationally. Every Housing Authority in the United States of america has a shortfall because hud only funds at a certain level, and it does not fund the entire rent for each unit. And what it does commit and ms. Campbell did mention that in her recommendation, about the need for the organization to understand what is the shortfall at any given period in time so that it could request those funding that funding mechanism through hud in a timely manner. And what sfha what we have failed to do is understand our books know our financial position at any given time so we can make that request to receive those additional funds. And so when we think about the city and county of San Francisco we know that we are one of the highestrent rent cities and counties in america. And with that in mind, hud only funds at a certainly level per unit. And we need to predict that as well as consider what is going to be the rent increase at any given time in each year and determine or estimate or project the month to month when rent increases will happen for all the varying units that we have vouchers. Though we have our rad pros that have projectbased vouchers and in those particular units are developments, we know when the rent generally the budget cycles from january through the full you are fully funded from january through the end of september. And if you miss those time periods of making that request then as an agency, you are left with trying to figure out how am i going to pay that cost. And today i can say that we are not going to have to pay that cost because our books are now in order, if you will. Im sorry. Im just trying to understand it and the implications for the potential ongoing Financial Support from the city for these programs. So once the shortfall is assessed and documented, you can request from hud to sort of cover that . Yes. So let me restate. On a monthtomonth basis we work with hud. We have a special team at hud that we are assigned to work with. So that we are discussing monthly what our shortfall is projected to be at any given time. And through their own process, they are setting aside those dollars specifically for the city and county of San FranciscoHousing Authority to ensure they are making a concerted effort and commitment that we will receive those funds. As an example, again this year we had a 22 million shortfall. And throughout the entire year, it was known that we would have that 22 million shortfall and those funds were committed to the Housing Authority, and they have been paid to ensure that the agency did not have to figure out how to meet those obligations or even come to the city for those funds. And thats the continued process. And as it relates to the tool, this is a little more detailed than maybe you would like to have. But as it relates to the budget tool that we use that tool has been designed specifically to deal with the different attributes that the city and county deals with as it relates to the high rent cost and so forth and on. Great. Just one question on this. Yes. So that sort of ongoing shortfall figure that the budget and legislative analyst presentation cited, 16 million to 18 million annually your 2031 and that looks like a figure from the Housing Authority financial consultant. You mentioned you feel like its a lower amount. But whatever the amount, is that amount eventually going to get paid back . Paid by hud . Or is that an annual amount that the city is going to have to to answer your question no the city will not have to pay those funds. And that amount is much lower than what has been projected at that time by the bla in its report. Today we say that that amount is anywhere from 8 9 to 10 million annually, which will be funded by hud. Its a commitment from hud to do so. And that commitment is made on the basis of all the work that we have done collectively, hud and sfha together to design a tool that will help us all know where we are at any given time in terms of costing of our units. And im very confident about the numbers. And im very confident about the work and the tools that have been designed to actually project out these numbers. And this tool and this work has also been vetted at the National Level of hud as well. And on top of that on a monthly basis since ive been there i meet monthly with the regional director of hud going through the various reporting mechanisms that we need to as an agency and ensuring that we are tracking things appropriately and we really are on point with our Financial Reporting and understanding our financial position and the number of vouchers that we can actually issue and so forth and on. So we really have a set of really good processes and controls in place that i believe are sustainable. Thank you so much thank you. Supervisor brown, do you have anything . We were just presented some amendments to the resolution approving the m. O. U. For the Housing Authority transition. I was wondering if somebody from the Mayors Office of housing might want to go over the amendments to the resolution. So the redline amendments to the resolution first clarification of the Housing Voucher Program as its known commonly as section 8 program and collectively under on page 3, whereas sfha will implement a transfer of the site to developers, this makes reference to hope sf and collectively those are called developments. And they are under a development agreement. And also a Master Development agreement. So those clarifications were added. More significantly theres language beginning on page 5 that makes clear that the board of supervisors may by ordinance declare itself to the board of commissioners. And also there is now reference as was mentioned earlier during the discussion during the bla report that the mayor was submitted a letter in which she confirms she will make three appointments to the board of commissioners based on the recommendations from the board of commissioners. Excuse me board of supervisors. And the board of supervisors desires to make such recommendations to assist the oversight of sfha. Continuing on page 6 there is a reference to the already approved Master Development agreements. Those were approved by the board of supervisors and board of commissioners some years ago and those are still in effect. And then just some cleanup language in the subsequent whereas clause stating that the m. O. U. Will enable the Housing Authority through the sfha default and reorganize the Housing Authority consistent with the letter and the memorial letter. Thank you. Are there any members of the public that would like to testify on these items . Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Id move that we approve the amendments as presented. And i move that we move this item to the full board with positive recommendation without objection. Thank you. Mr. Clerk, please call items 10, 11 and 12 for closed session. Agenda item numbers 10 through 12 are two ordinances and a resolution authorizing lawsuits. Are there any members of the public that wish to testify on the items that will be heard in closed session . Seeing none Public Comment is closed. Do we have a motion to convene in closed session . We are now in we are now back in open session for the november 21 meeting. The Committee Recommended both ordinances and the reds lucian to the board of supervisors the resolution. Do i have a motion to not disclose the proceedings from the closed session . Great. Is there any further business . Yes there is one more bit of housekeeping agenda item number 9 is a hearing that was related to the Housing Authority and the budget legislative analysts review of that item. Is hearing is still before us. We havent taken Public Comment on the matter. Thanks for the reminder. I move that we close the hearing for item number 9. The matter will be filed. There is now no further business. Thank you. We are adjourned. Is our United States constitution requires every ten years that america counts every human being in the United States which is incredibly important for many reasons. Its important for preliminary representation because if Political Representation because if we under count california we get less representatives in congress. Its important for San Francisco because if we dont have all of the people in our city if we dont have all of the folks in California California and San Francisco stand to lose billions of dollars in funding. Its really important to the city of San Francisco that the federal government gets the count right so weve created count sf to motivate all sf count to motivate all citizens to participate in the census. For the immigrant community, a lot of people arent sure whether they should take part whether this is something for u. S. Citizens or whether its something for anybody whos in the youUnited States and it is something for everybody. Census counts the entire population. Weve given out 2 million to over 30 communitybased organizations to help people do the census in the communities where they live and work. Weve also partnered with the Public Libraries here in the city and also the Public Schools to make sure there are informational materials to make sure the folks do the census at those sites as well and weve initiated a campaign to motivate the citizens and make sure they participate in census 2020. Because of the language issues that many Chinese Community and families experience, there is a lot of mistrust in the federal government and whether their private information will be kept private and confidential. So its really important that communities like bayviewhunters point participate because in the past theyve been under counted so what that means is that funding that should have gone to these communities, it wasnt enough. Were going to help educate people in the tenderloin, the multicultural residents of the tenderloin. You know any one of our given blocks theres 35 different languages spoken so we are the original u. N. Of San Francisco. So its our job is to educate people and be able to familiarize themselves on doing this census. You go online and do the census. Its available in 13 languages, and you dont need anything. Its based on household. You put in your address and answer nine simple questions. How many people are in your household, do you rent, and your information. Your name your age, your race your gender. Everybody is 2,000 in funding for our child care, housing food stamps, and medical care. All of the residents in the city and county of San Francisco need to be counted in census 2020. If youre not counted then your community is underrepresented and will be underserved. Good morning. This is wednesday november 20, 2019 meeting of the budget finance committee. I am chair fewer. I would like to make a motion to excuse supervisor. Four from this meeting paid if i can take that without objection madame clark do you have any announcements for us today . Make sure to silence all cell phones. [inaudible] can you please call item number one. Item one, 191033. Ordinance amending the administrative code to create an office of emerging technology within the department of public works; amending the public works code to require a permit to obstruct the public rightofway within public works jurisdiction; amending the administrative code to codify the public works Directors Authority to take official actions, as defined herein including adopting regulations for the pilot operation of emerging Technology Devices; amending the public works code and police code to provide for administrative, civil, and criminal penalties for unlawful obstruction of the public rightofway, including operation of emerging Technology Devices without a required permit; and affirming the planning departments determination under the California Environmental quality act. We have with us today president yee. I am actually excited to have this legislation to be heard in committee today. This is the culmination of nearly two years of work expanding over several pieces of legislation. The technology and trends are changing the way we work communicate and live today. I will argue that we are in and industrial revolution. One which were the speed, scope and pervasiveness of technological advances are unprecedented. Industrial revolutions of the past came with many benefits. Including increased job opportunities. Increased production levels. Inspired innovation allowing for faster communication and reducing the influence. However, before regulations of these benefits that took place there were a lot of unintended consequences that had profound negative impacts on the public including the use of child labor, unsafe working conditions, unregulated hours with no minimum pay and the list goes on. This was the past. This is because the pace and impact of technological changes is ever increasing while the speed of government is considering adopting regulatory legislation di