Mr. Clerk please call the role. role call we have a quorum. Mr. Clerk, would you please read the Consent Agenda . Items 24 considered routine. Not planning to present. If a member objects, they can be considered separately. Any questions or comments on the Consent Agenda . Any Public Comment on the Consent Agenda . Seeing none, can we have a motion to approve the Consent Agenda . So moved. Well take that without objection. Mr. Clerk, please call the next item. For the first can we take a role call for the first vote . For the consent . Yeah, we have to do role call for each one . Yes. role call . We have approval. Mr. Clerk, please call the next item. Item 5, recommend approval of the tole exemption and this is current. Good morning. Good morning. inaudible . On the Treasure IslandMobility Management Program tole policy and affordable programs. For folks watching, the background is that Treasure Island has a Development Agreement that would bring it from home to fewer than 2,000 residents today to more than 20,000 people in buildout over a period of 15 through 20 years and the challenge that we need to addres address is the growthd traffic that could mean for the bay bridge. So the traffic generated by the development is projected to double and that could mean as many as 60,000 trips on and off the bridge each day, about a quarter of the bay bridge volumes. So the Development Agreement approved in 2011 included a Transportation Plan that would address this challenge, both minimize the new traffic generated by the development, by vehicle traffic, a as well as provide alternatives getting off the island by transit. Its a transit first plan and it would include new Regional Transit, ferry and bus transit and include expanded muni service and also include onisland options, getting around onisland, including a circulator shuttle. The plan also included tools to discourage driving, especially during peak periods, called for a congestion tole for driving on and off the bridge and for parking to be paid and bundled from your residential unit. The revenues from those parking fees and tole fees combined with transit fares, transit pass purchases and developer contributions would be the Revenue Source for the new reginole transit. ReluctanRegional Transit. We need to raise the revenues to pay for the new Regional Transit and other onisland services. The transit would be a very robust Transit Service level by buildout. A new bus service to and from Treasure Island that doesnt exist and a new Ferry Service in downtown San Francisco. Muni service would expand including a new route. It would be paid for through the city general fund, through the muni budget but new onisland circuit shuttle and eastbay bus service would be paid by Treasure Island revenues. Fountoday we bring to you what e expecting would be a first in a series of actions to address matters of tole pol sil policy e not yet been decided. We are bringing before you to support the current residents and we expect other remaining matters of policy to come before you over the next several months through the spring. So those include supports for current workers, lowwage workers and for future low income residents of the island who will move on to the island in the future. And weve gotten to this point based on outreach, so supporting the current residents was highest priority that we heard through outreach feedback. We did travel demand modeling of what the effect on travel patterns would have, how many trips are we talking about, financial projections, what would bwould it take to provides benefit. We found on that, its feasible to exempt the securit current rs and we project only a modest effect on the travel demand patterns and the revenue need, which ill explain more in a moment. So the action were bringing to you today to exempt the current residents from the tole and we would need to determine some implementation specifics in the future. So we will need to adopt toll system business rules and we would need to include implementation specifics of how this program is administered and enforced and these are things like the benefit will likely require the use of a fasttrack transponder and well need to work with tita to set up a registration, eligibility and registration process for folks to receive it and things like the total number of exempt transponders, we nod need to identify that maximum number to prevent abuse of the system. Thirdly, we recommend to revisit or sunset the program at the midpoint of development and there are two points at which we know we need to take a step back and evaluate the programs performance. The first evaluation points is at the threeyear mark, so the legislation calls for us to present an evaluation to the California State Legislature no later than three years after the program begins. We are here, also, recommending doing the same at the midpoint. There is a funding need that weve identified would be required to keep the Transit Services whole and provide this benefit. Of course, that the amount of the funding needs depends on what the toll level is that is ultimately adopted but if were looking at a range from somewhere between a total of eight a half to 20 million through buildout divided by six years, which is the most critical point in the programs financial stability. Its about 1. 4 to 3. 4 million per year over a period of significancsixyears, the first f the program. Were could look to a number of different sources to fill that and we could look in program so the programs we have authorized, which are the parking fees, the toles that would be paid by future folks, not the current residents and transit fares and past purchases or nonProgram Revenues, outside grants, city and regional partners or other sources. So the schedule going from here, we know we have more work to finish on remaining matters, including supporting lowwage workers on the island and supporting future lowincome residents who will move on in the future. We will complete that outreach and the Technical Analysis of ideas to do that over the next few months and expect to bring back to you the remaining undecided areas of policy in the spring and that would include the toll levels, the toll rates, the hours of operation and any programs to support the other populations that we have identified. So reminder of what the action is before you and please let me know your questions. Great. I certainly a number of statements and questions, but can we open it up to Public Comment first so that can help us to shape some of the points we might want to bring up. So anyone who wants to speak can come up. You have two minutes. Better talk fast. Good morning, supervisors. One thing i wanted to ask rachel, the slides you were just showing, can we get those . Yes. You will see that im sorry, im steve stalone with Treasure Island wines and a member of the Treasure Island organizing committee. One of the reasons you will see that our contingent here today is smaller than usual is that we didnt even know about this hearing until we got an email friday night on a threeday weekend. So that left us very little time to be able to plan and get here. Wabad optics, one would hope trying to encourage democratic support and input that people would have gotten an opportunity to be here. We have a couple of things we would like to say about the issue here. Well, we understand that the Business Issues are not going to be addressed until another couple months or few months, whatever that is. And there is talk of an employee exemption and we think thats a good idea but theres two other points weve been raising for nearly a year now that have not been addressed or even mentioned that theyll be addressed, really and those are what happens to the vendors and our customers and bringing business to the island . I guess im going to leave it at that for right now. If you. Thank you. My name is jim morowski, owner of island wines, on the island for 12 years. Just following up with some of the meetings and outreach youve had. I want to touch base on one issue which was on october 24th, we had an outreach meeting to the businesses and nonprofits on Treasure Island. The day before the 23rd, we were sent conscienc community wt documentation from cta. This was not allow us to make a contribution to the discussion and we appreciate the outreach. Thats important but giving us 100 pages of documentation a day before a meeting is not great. I had an opportunity to look over some of the documentation. A couple things to point out. I appreciate the effort to try to accommodate some of the exemption on the residents and employees. However, looking through the documentation that was sent by us of cta, the development buildout is now pushed out significantly. Its actually now going to be two to three thousand units from 5 to 7 years out. So well have a long period where theres will be a limited buildout. And thats going to directly address the whole congestion issue. How much congestion will it be . And actually it was interesting to see that in the last five years of the documentation, andd this is page 12 of model assumptions, theyll build 5,000 units in the last five years. So my point is that if this whole toll and the Transportation Plan is to address congestion, the congestion issue is going to be quite a bit farther out, further than the developers estimates without getting into too much detail, i went to the Financial Model and asked for a Financial Model so the community can ask and look at what is the revenue and benefits and that kind of stuff. I got a great document with a lot of assumptions but still no publically available Financial Model that we, the public can look at. Finally, the challenge i had looking at the Transportation Plan is that its still very heavy on a few buses and were only on meeting 25, which has a poor performance. Its even up to 25, 27, its ac transit bus to the east bay, heavy ride on muni bay which is paid by for city funds and its a small ferry issue and thats only going to run up 227, it appears in the documentation. To have a few in the morning and evening on weekdays only and there will be no ferry during weekends or offhours. If youre putting buses on an alreadycongested bridge, how will this mitigate congestion . And why is everybody paying for five t to seven years for a fery system thats illdefined. Anyway, so ill leave it at that. Again, im willing to work with the staff and sfta and rachel, but again, that optics of fetting a lot of information getting a lot of information before a threeday holiday, optics are not great. It may go to the sunshine laws strictly, but again, we need more input on how these decisions are made and also more disclosure about what is the financial background of this toll and is it really going to mitigate congestion . Thank you. Hi there. Im a current resident with a few thoughts with trying to bring a different perspective. Were glad to see that people are listening to us and doing outreach attempts towards the community and so, i want to say thank you for that an, but going with the toll and revenue and things like that, just concerned about the businesses they do most of their business to people who dont live on the island, but we really benefit from them, right . We have two restaurants. And we have the wineries, which we enjoy, as well. But without if theres tolls deterring people from coming on to the island now, before residents are really causing traffic, and impacting the freeways, can the businesses survive for eight years until a bulk of the population comes around . And another thing i wanted to throw out there is what about an ad campaign and trying to encourage the visitors, the people that are coming to spend their dollars on Treasure Island to use Public Transportation or developing some kind of shuttle or something that really encourages them to use Public Transportation to get to the island . I know that doesnt help with your revenue, but if the revenue is only part of it and cob jerks is the real issue, maybe that would be useful. Thank you. Anyone else for Public Comment . Public comment is closed. I want to thank everyone who came out and spoke and i want to thank the ssfca for your outreach and for listening to the residents and for bringing this forward and for listening to us, also. Certainly in my time spent on the island, talking to folks out there, there is a tremendous amount of anxiety and concern about the toll, both from current responsibilities, as well aresponsibilityresidents ai think its clear we make a statement and commitment that current residents will not be paying the toll and that we are going to have a policy, i think, to evaluate in a number of years so they know for sure, for that amount of time, and then look at it, then, in terms of its performing. One of the things to be looking at is the Public Transportation system and how effective it is and how accessible it is for people. Theres a number of reasons why, i think, a toll on current residents does not make sense right now. Theres not a significant issue with congestion on the island. The people who live on the island are not causing the congestion on the bridge and many of the folks on the island are low income or middle income and they have to rely on a car because of, i think, some of the gaps in access to Public Transportation that exists on the island right now. And there was always an issue that i had with this and that others, where no other neighborhood in San Francisco has to pay a toll in order to go to and from work, nor do they have to shoulder the responsibility of funding their own transportation system. We dont ask if you live in the tenderloin that you yourself, in addition to your bus fare, have to pay extra to be able to fund the system that serves your neighborhood. Puit was, to me, a huge challen. With that said, over the long term, when there is tens of thousands of residents, when there is a situation where we have a really strong effective accessible transportation system, i think we are looking at a different situation in terms of how to manage the peoples how people travel to and from the island. So i do think its really important that we make this decision today and are able to make that commitment and relieve the anxiety for at least the current residents around this decision. It was something that was very important to me and that i gave my strong direction to early on. So i appreciate that. But this is not the end effort conversation. We stilof theconversation. We need an informed conversation about whats happening with the businesses, with employees, with lowincome residents in the future, including those who are moving on to the island, what i think my view is that there are more exemptions and more things that need to take plays e and what were doing today is making this commitment to current residents and setting that in policy and this is not the end of the conversation. So when we do have a conversation about businesses and employees, i want too make e sure the outreach is there and that people know when were having the conversations at city hall and theres a tida meeting tomorrow evening and ill be there, as well and thats another opportunity to share on this and some of the other policy changes that are coming about. So with that, i have a question, but let me first commissioner walton. Thank you, chair hainey. I dont want to belabor the point and supervisor haniney said most of what i wanted to say but its most important we dont charge people just to get home. Were not doing that in any other area of the city, particularly our lowincome communities. As you know, i have Major Concerns about the future of lowincome families that will have to move to Treasure Island as we build Affordable Housing across the city and as we determine and select who lives where, there will be people who are going to have to move to Treasure Island, not even necessarily by choice. I dont think those people in the lowincome community should have to pay just to get home everyday. And so, i appreciate all of the work youre doing to try to mitigate that and understanding how that is equitable and i want you to know we see the work that youre doing on that. Im looking forward to continuing to flush this out, but appreciate everything that i see so far. I do real quick, supervisor hainey, number three, can you flush that out more in terms of when we say revisit or sunset exemption program, tell me exactly what you mean or intend to do with that recommendation . Yes. So we would need to look at the Program Performance relative to its goals and we have two specific goals from the Development Agreement, from the authorizing legislation, the 50 mochair goal and are we raising the revenue to fund the service . We will also want to add other metrics that arent given to us but are important. Like, are we meeting the Transit Service levels called for and are people getting the benefits that the