All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carried. Item 4. Sure reason miwelcome. Good morning, commissioners, i am going to start with the federal update, and last week the dignity and aging act was passed by na unanimous act. The federal Older Americans ability expired september 30th which i have been talking about provides vital communitybased services to 11 million adults and care givers each year. What the house passed was to extend five years, two years longer than the prior authorization. They provided a 7 increase the first year and 6 each year, totaling 35 increase over five year. They included language to make clear that aaa could engage to expand services outside of the act. They provided additional funding to provide the native american aging programs for the provision of Supportive Services and Capacity Building training. They removed title three e cap on families and older relative caregivers, increasedded research and demonstration at the u. S. Administration on aging. They recognized the negative effects of loneliness and reinforced the aging network role in promoting engagement among older adults. That is good news. Now it moves to the senate. The senate has been less friendly to this act so i am sure, hopefully, we will see th increases, although we may not see these specific increases. I will let you know, hopefully, next month we will know more and maybe it will have passed by then. Good news it has bipartisan support. The questions are where will it land in terms of appropriation and Spending Authority . At the state level, the master plan for aging is chugging along. Of course, it is not chugging, it is on fast track to be completed by october 2020 and back on the governors desk for approval. There is no specific guidelines for budget proposals with this. It is reall really the frameworr moving forward in the next 10 years respect to aging. One of the things that is important it is a plan for aging in california for 10 years. It is really about people who are going to turn 60 in 10 years or turn 65 in 10 years a well as those there. San francisco has had participation because i have been asked to participate in a couple different ways. One is the Advisory Council which is the overall master plan Leadership Committee working with the state, and nobody in San Francisco, i think, made it to that. Although, there are some people on it who focus some of their work in San Francisco, but for the two stub committees research and Longterm Services, i was named to Research Subcommittee to help really shape sorry. I am looking at my notes here. It is about thinking about what data points to use. How would we measure success. What should we look at in terms of how to get at what we need to think about . For instance, should we think about all of the barriers to specific access to Nutrition Services, for instance, a road map for that . It is questions like that and also thinking do we use the aging disability friendly domains we use in San Francisco thinking about things like transportation, nutrition and domains that the public can understand . Should we frame things in that way . It is an important role. The Longterm Services subcommittee is thinking about the various pieces of longterm supporting services in the plan, and the state asked me to talk about our hub, benefits and resources hub as a model to think about creating at the state level. I think most of you know, because we have talked about this, we coordinate a lot of services in that hub, including eligibility for hss and medical and thinking about what Services People need, trying to take a personfocused approach to services. They might ask for one thing, what else do they need . The state wants to mirror that at the state level and think about having that at the county or aaa level. It is interesting to be part of that. Yesterday i was asked to come up to meet invited by the california food policy advocates to meet with state and local partners who administrator nutrition programs for older adults to start a discussion how coming together might help with collective impacts. What things do we need, what recommends do we need to recommend to the state with respect to nutrition programs, wait lists, the whole person approach, again, all of that. It is interesting to be part of that is i think the plan will start shipping up, hopefully, in the next few months and we will understand better what direction this will go. It has a lot of serious impact for our work in San Francisco as well as the work across the state. Then locally, i am sure Everybody Knows that proposition b passed overwhelmingly yesterday. What that means is the department will change from department of aging and Adult Services to department of disability and aging services. It will change the makeup of the commission to make sure there are people with disabilities and veterans on the commission. We are not exactly sure what this means. It doesnt change overnight. There may be something the board needs to do before it goes into effect, we are checking with the City Attorney to see the next steps. I will send out something in the next few days about where we are with this now and as soon as we know how we are moving forward, we will let everybody know and think about the Public Campaign around the name change. The Human Services agency is in rebrand and we are close to launching. This is great timing and will allow us to do an agencywide Campaign Including the name change here as well as rebranding for the agency. We werent sure if it would all work together. It seems to work well and it will be good timing so we wont do things, you know, in shifts. We will do it all at once that is very exciting. I also want to give you a quick presentation on our reframing aging campaign which i am excited about. We launched a couple weeks ago. We have some great media bytes and some of you have been involved in the social media piece and we will go through it so you can understand it in case you havent had a chance to hear those. I will ask rose to help me out with the powerpoint. As you can see, we have a bunch there is a problem. Are we good, bridgett . Thanks. Okay. We created this design basically by asking the community for older adults who really represent the diverse city of San Francisco and have Great Stories to share. We got great candidates and chose five older adults in San Francisco and have different stories. It was hard to choose because people really had Great Stories. We have a wealth here of older adults with experience and wisdom and all of those things. As you can see here, what we ended up doing with the help of our Creative Agency with the take, the older adults eyes and paired up with a younger face to give the impression this is your future self. The first part of the campaign is aimed at 30 to 50yearolds because they are the people who might be thinking about aging, also, caring for parents or grandparents and also caring for children. They are a caregiver generation that can be won over to helping fight ageism. We have these faces throughout the city. Is it four or five . That is four of the time right there. Four of the five. We hope you have seen them in the city on wall scapes or outside of city hall. Here are some more images where they are across the city. Cal train station. To get to what people have been excited about. Buttons and postcards and posters that we are sharing with all of our Community Providers and staff, but we also have buttons today on the table if you want to take them home and put up a poster at your residence or somewhere you go to hang out, it would be great. What we hope to do is get people to click on the url and ageism. Com and really learn about what ageism does and learn about the five people and stories and then take the pledge to end ageism in San Francisco. How to get involved . There are six things. You can add the logo to your email signature. You can announce any of the we can give you materials for your newsletters if you have a newsletter you are part of a club to do it or if you have a newsletter at your residence or anyone else. Social media if you are inclined to use social media you can use the hashtag end ageism sf. You can like our facebook page, which we would encourage you to do if you use facebook. We want to get as many likes as we can. You can share printed materials and posters. If you dont pick up any today, you can get them from kate at Community Living campaign. Wear buttons around the city. I wear mine as much as i can. I have people ask me. Part of the reason they are small and the reason is to get people to look closely ask it and ask you about it. I have had a lot of people asking me when i have been wearing my butt tons. Sign up for weekly emails to stay uptodate. You can sign up online and hit partner with us in the bottom left of the web page to get those. Just quickly moving to the results. We have had 1. 7 we have had 1700 people share the reframing pledge on social media, 41 page followers on facebook. We would like to get that up. Mailing list 175 people signed up for reframing. Another 70 on providers email. We distributed tons of buttons and posters. Those are doing well. In the paid social media it is starting to scale on facebook and linkedin. It is Building Momentum for sure. We have had a higher engagement with things we post. I post on my own page hsa and our partners. We have gotten a lot of engagement with that. If you are somebody who uses social media and you can use your own channels to do this, it helps this whole campaign or if you want to encourage others to do it. Hopefully ultapart in that. That is it. We have a number of partners who took part in this. That is the list right there. Particularly, i want to thank the meta fund and Community Living campaign, who has done a ton of work on this. Our team within Human Services agency, rose and joe were instrumental in moving this forward. It has been hours of work. We hope it will take off and people will pay attention. One of the things i have heard when i have been traveling statewide but also i have heard from the National Partners that people are superexcited what is happening in San Francisco. This is a piece of it. We are definitely getting our name out. Thank you. Any comments or questions from the commission . Just it is so terrific. I had heard about it, obviously, seeing the posters. People were looking at them so it is a very, very effective campaign, i think, and i saw people laughing and loving it, that kind of reaction. I wanted to let you know that publicly. It is a great hook so i hope we, you know, this is great. We are going to hook people in. If they learn about services and get integrated into all of the things that are out there for them, that is even better. It is just congratulations. It is a great start. It is empowers is a good word for it, i think. Thank you, commissioner. I think your point about a great start is true. Iit is the start. We have other phases and definitely a lot more work to do. It is exciting. On the Older Americans act, did i understand correctly when you said the senate has bipartisan support in the senate as well . It does have bipartisan support, yes. The issue is going to be what really goes into it . Is there an increase . Do they put the provisions in the house put in or not . Any other comments or questions. Thank you. Next item on the agenda is the longterm care coordinating council. Welcome, sandy. Thank you, commissioners for accommodating my schedule for today. I am sandy and i serve on the Long Term Care coordinating council. We had a meeting in october and this meeting was included an update on the dignity funding. As you may know, we have an additional 3 million added to the dignity fund, and within that there are Certain Service areas that are funded. In the area of Case Management, we have evaluation systems and care navigation r. F. P. Released. In the area of Community Connection and engagement, we have a neighborhood based open bid r. F. P. Released, and we have a programming for transgender seniors r. F. P. Released. This will be the first time in San Francisco that we have this particular population being targeted. As you heard, the master plan for california is on a start and i think the fact that shireen is visible is very important for San Francisco for her to be visible on the body. The governor is serious about that. As you know, this is the first time that i recall a governor in california has made aging a priority in his tenure. I know most of you were there, but we had this session where the master plan on aging in california was highlighted, and your own commissioner spears gave opening remarks, and we had a panel that included your director sure reason mi state sy man, jane Parker Martin and the president of the supervisors yee. We had over 1,000 people and also they were connected through the media. It was a very a lot of people came and were engaged. This whole area of attention to aging in the state of california will continue throughout the state. I think San Francisco can be a model for programming that perhaps the state will look at seriously for, obviously, more funding for San Francisco. At our meeting we had a presentation on Palliative Care. They are working on that subject matter, and in the areas of legislation, we have health, behavior health, housing, nutrition, social engagement, transportation, work force development. All of these particular areas the longterm care coordinating council will be dealing with subject matters or policy matters related to those subjects and bring it to the attention of San Francisco. That is the report. It is short but it is a lot of things going on in San Francisco from the areas of aging, and i think the fact this particular campaign that you are sponsoring on the reframing of aging is very important. It raises visibility in the public. It makes people think about it, talk about it, discuss it and have a positive impact on peoples image of aging. Thank you for your support for this. I think the department will be doing a great job and congratulations on prop b winning. I dont know who voted no. That is interesting, but the fact that your commission will now be called disability and aging Services Commission is great. It reflects the true population that you are serving. Thank you, andy. One observation regarding the Palliative Care both ucf and kaiser embraced it. Us f has a division of Palliative Care and kaiser supports making it available to those interested and helping explain the difference between Palliative Care and curative treatments. Neither one refers to hospice. There is a lot of confusion about that. There may be some resources to help get the word out. It is a growing field. Great, great. That is true, commissioner. U. C. S. F. And kaiser are both members of the Palliative Care and active in it. I have a question. I know laguna has a representative to longterm care. They lost the executive director. Do they still send someone to the meeting . Yes, they send a representative from laguna. You cant recall the name of the person. He came to the last meeting. They should be part of it. We have two representatives from the health department. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . Thank you very much, sandy. The next item on the agenda is employee recognition. The daas commission and executive director will honor lauren mccasland from the daass Offices Community partnerships. [applause] congratulations. This is exciting. Just because i havent done this in a while. If everyone from the office of Community Partnership could stand just so everyone can see who you are. I know not everybody is here today. [applause] is office of Community Partnership is an essential office within the department of aging and Adult Services. I did announce we have changed the name from office on the aging. We serve people with disabilities and older adults. We thought the office of Community Partnerships speaks to that and also speaks to the fact that the focus of this group is to work with the community, to engage with the community partners. It just sounds much better so i am glad we finally got to change it. The work that everyone in this office does is so essential. I think they do it with such grace, working with our Community Providers, you know, is great, and sometimes challenging. They are really innovative thinkers, always think