Is muni represented in your community . Yes m. T. A. Has an Accessible Services. They are going to be the Accessible Services doing a presentation at the longterm care coordinating council in december. Between the shop around and the van go and there is a lot of great resources. Iny a lot of folks dont always know about. How about park and recpeople . We are working with park and rec. Our department has been working with them on a number of projects. That is one of the departments we will work with more in the coming year. A step back. I want to congratulate all of the people involved. It is a beautiful report. Congratulations i know what goes into this. It does help with a framework. It did reflect my world as it is and as we live in a very urban center, a number of our commissioners do, that transportation component is important to see that is reflected in housing and everything else. I see it as a hook. It is a way to articulate how that is an issue to people who are aging and disabled in the city. It is relevant that we have that. I think that is helpful. I am talking about it in such a broadway of tackling the issues that i hope we include this as we rebrand and we let people know what is out there. This is a great way to describe our goals and objectives. It would be very helpful to get that San Francisco adopted this scheme for planning and is implementing it. It is a great vehicle to adopt here. Congratulations. I know these are steps, but it is a good step. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. My question i hope they were in no way intended to be critical of what is going on. The fact you have done such a good job invites more questions and raises expectations. I would once again like with the consent of my colleagues recommend that m. T. A. Come to our commission and speak to us about what they have heard from adults with disabilities and seniors regarding the trainings in chanceportation, restate their own objectives and figure out how everybody comes out ahead and no one feelings left behind. If we can make that happen, it would be very beneficial. Bridgett can work on that. Any other comments . Thank you very much, valerie. Item a requesting authorization to enter into a contract with Resource Development associates for the provision of consulting versus for Case Management systems assessment during the period of december 6, 2019 through june 30, 2020 in the amount of 124,679 thereabouts plus 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 137,147. Welcome melissa mcgee. Good morning. I am melissa mcgee, Program Manager with the offers of Community Partnerships at the department of disability and aging services. I am here today to enter into contract with Resource Development sociates or rda for the provision of Consulting Services to conduct a citywide Case Management system assessment for older adults and adults with disabilities. The 2018 dignity funds Community Needs assessment highlighted the importance of Case Management in the community. It clearly noticed Service Providers identified a need for increased capacity and consumers provided difficulties of the navigation. They will conduct an analysis of the citywide Case Management system to identify unnet needs and gaps in services and assess streamlining. They will work closely with dos and communitybased partners to provide the department with a comprehensive systems assessment report. This will be accomplished through a broad range of Data Collection and analysis activities. The outcome will be a systems map with key strengths and will outline targeted recommends. I request your approval to enter this contract. A motion to discuss . Moved. Second. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public. Hearing none, call the question. All in favor. Any opposed. It carries. Item b. Requesting authorization to modify the Grant Agreement with on Lok Day Services for the provision of the health provisionphysical fitness and Fall Prevention program for older adults and adults with disabilities during the period of july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2021, in the additional amount of 117,146 plus 10 contingency for a total grant not to exceed 996,460. Welcome, lauren. I am with dos. Today i will prevent on two grants. Physical fitness and Fall Prevention and selfmanagement of Chronic Health conditions. The purpose of the programs is to provide older adults and with disabilities with disease prevention and Fall Prevention. For this i will present on the physical fitness and Fall Prevention program. This began in july 2019. It is for physical fitness and Fall Prevention, always active program. It provides opportunities to participate in exercise classes that help reduce the risk of falls and injury and improve fitness and maintain independence. It focuses on cardio exercise, Strength Training and balance and unlock with organizations throughout the city to offer the classes. During the last grant term the program added additional eight classes per week. They have classes at 20 sites and host an average of 60 classes per week in multiple languages including english and spanish and mandarin. This proposed an additional staff member. At the time the funding was not available. Thence they they have added an additional fulltime staff. I am happy to answer any questions at this time. Thank you a motion to difficult. So moved. Second. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Did we have where the classes are currently offered . Maybe it wasnt important to the document, but i wondered if we have that somewhere. Unlock maintains always active. Org. They can look up the classes available throughout the city listing the site and instructor and languages for the instruct instructor. Just an observation. A few years ago, one of our meetings we had a presentation on the importance of Fall Prevention. One of the bits of information was that falls are the leading cause of death for individuals over 65. This is the type of program that can save lives. With that any comments or questions from the public . Hearing none, call the question. All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Item c. Requesting authorization to moisture the Grant Agreement with on Lok Day Services for the month vision of the Health Promotion of selfmanagement of Chronic Health conditions during july 1, 2019 flu june 30, 2021 in the amount of 130,916 plus a 10 contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed 585,777. Thank you. I will present on the other Health Promotion program which is selfmanagement of Chronic Health conditions. There are two evidencebased programs. Healthy living chronic disease selfmanagement developed by sanford and diabetes empowerment education developed by university of illinois, chicago. They are focused on education and tools to help manage Chronic Health conditions. They learn behavior change goals and coping strategies. Last fiscal year on lok provided six classes each and over three years 93 of the participants showed improvement inning and managing diabetes. Due to changes in licenses they can no longer provide support. The purpose of this is to cover the costs and support a parttime administrative staff to help maintain the quality of the program. I am happy to answer any questions at this time. May i have a motion to discuss . Second. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Any comments or questions from the public. Call the question. All in favor. Any opposed. Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you. Item d. Requesting authorization to modify the Grant Agreement with asianamericans advancing justice asian law caucus for the provision of the Legal Services for older adults during the period july 1, 2019 through junl amount of 21,231 plus 10 contingency for a total grant amount not to exceed 234,535. Welcome reanna albert. Good morning. I am reanna albert. I am an annual list with the office of community partnership. We provide Legal Assistance in immigrant rights, benefit appeals and Consumer Fraud and the specialty on this is housing. Services are based in district three near chinatown. Language capacity includes english, vietnamese, korean, hindi and farsi. They will provide funding for the planning, development and distribution of a quarterly legal newsletter funded by onetime dignity funds. This will be a continuation of the newsletter. Asian law caucus will be the lead in preparing and sendings out the newsletter to decrease administrative burdens providing for the costs. The newsletter is outreach and educational tool that they public in collaboration with other providers. Contents includes housing, health and public benefits, Consumer Rights and Fraud Prevention and more. It is produced in four languages. They are planning to add gaelic this year. I am happy to answer any questions you may have. Thank you. May i have a motion to discuss. So moved. Second. Thank you. Any comments or questions . Hearing none. Any questions from the public . Again hearing none, call the question. Those in favor. Any opposed. Thank you. The motion carries. Thank you. I seem e. Requesting authorization to modify the existing agreement with next village San Francisco for the provision of the village model during the period july 1, 2019 through june 30, 2020 in an additional amount of 100,000 plus 10 contingency for a total amount not to exceed 405,186, welcome michael. I am with the office Community Partnerships. The item before you is funding for next village, one of our two Village Programs. It is through two board of supervisors that we are seeing 50,000 on district two and 50,000 on district three. The district two funding is going to go towards some outreach and new membership drive efforts in district two. The actual on the ground will be a series of events throughout the rest of the fiscal year at two libraries in district two. The rest of the funds, a portion for district three are going towards them. Next village securing or attempting to secure the first office space. Since they were started in 2010 they operated with no office space. In many ways that was one of the cool things about the village inn the program that they could serve, utilize existing spaces, members homes, things like that for service offerings. Over the years they have seen issues with recruitment and meeting new volunteers. It is awkward to meet in cafes and restaurants. When they meet with new members they may not be comfortable in inviting staff or volunteers into the home to work with them. Then there is just sort of the every day Business Space of holding the materials and storage and a location for meeting. They are hoping to resolve those by finding a Small Office Space likely shared within another Nonprofit Organization or in a Larger Office buildingtype situation. The rest of the funding through this going through support those efforts with increased staffing as well as money for materials and funding for rent. Any questions on this item . Thank you. A motion to discuss. So moved. Thank you. Coudo i have a second . Second. Michael, what are the neighborhoods in district two . They are going to host events at the Golden Gate Library in green. The Marina Library at chestnut and webster. Thank you. Any comments or questions . I have a couple observations on this salary and benefits. It seems executive director for such a Small Program is 100,000 a year. That is like 25 of the money we gave them. Secondly, the volunteer salary is increased by 16. 72 . This is the ad back money. What happens if there is no add back money they have to scale back in i am wondering because i have seen other programs executive directors much bigger programs but the salary is not anywhere near 100,000. That is my observation. Also a question on the operating expenses. What is the Program Expense was . 7,630 . It says operating budget. These go to these are materials related to outreach events, including food or other supplies needed. They use some of that funding to purchase Disaster Kits which are very popular among the membership. Thank you. Maybe i will quickly attempt to acknowledge and address the commissioners concerns about the salaries. You know, this is, i think, something that is a challenge for us because we are in very changing Economic Times and high turnover among staff. It is something that all of our agencies are facing where salaries are not high enough, and that simpacketting the ability to deliver work. We want to encourage providers to pay their staff salaries more with an ability to maintain their life here in the bay area, providing services to our clients. I think that while we always look at we get to see the salaries in all agencies. There are very many different aspects. Each agency is unique in the services they provide and what they are paying and things like that and it is tough for us to meddle in that. We have an executive salary not out of range. It is not at the higher range, it is in the middle range of what executive directors are paid. What is unique we are talking about three individuals plus an entire volunteer base running this program, this is an an executive director that is the face of the organization out there working directly with the clients, which distinguishes it from executive director roles in other organizations. Thank you. Any other comments or questions . For some context. You said there are other next village organizations throughout San Francisco. Correct . We fund two Village Programs. One is next village in the northeast section of the city. Then we have San Francisco village, a citywide Village Program we fund. You are talking about the ones that are getting city funded. , arent there organizations that are modeled like this in vernal heights . I have heard of different villages. People in different parts of the city created these organizations. Maybe they are not funded by the city. Sure. There are a number of grassroots neighborhood based programs. That is getting the context here. I have heard of other ones that arent funded . Correct. We have done this where we have to be strict in how we define what we call a village for funding so it is not just a big blur. Meeting the definition of what we callsy village which is outlined in the scope, we have two of those organizations we fund for the city. Because of that, if someone happens to go to the library in district three because they hear about it, it is a public library. Right. Will they address that if someone lives in a different part of the city they werent meant to be part of that outreach but they go to that program, will they be informed of the other programs . Other opportunities. They can i guess they can ask about that. They are not turned away from next village necessarily because of where they live. I wouldnt think so. I know there is more interest in it, more proliferation. It is a good point to check about. Thank you. Thank you, commissioner. I wasnt on the commission when this program was first approved. I just am curious how the membership fee works. How is that collected . What happens if the person cant afford it . This Village Program is a membership based organization. We ask for an annual membership fee that we set at minimum of 120 per year. The agency can add just that as they see fit. Why we find this interesting, this is the village model is one that developed outside of dos. I think they started around 2009 or 2010. We were involved three years later. They became to our attention and became of interest to us for a couple reasons. One, an interest in the model itself. This is really a highly focused on member satisfaction. They need to keep that person engaged and responsive to the services they need. Every year they have to get them to continue to contribute to keep the organization alive. I think we are interested in that, in it being a highly consumer focused program. The other thing with this is that these are programs that typically are popular with moderate and upper income membership. That is not always a group that we have been the best at reaching with dos services. We are here to serve all older adults and adults with disabilities. We target towards the greatest economic and social need. We saw an opportunity to reach a population we are not usually getting and helping them get information about aging and agingrelated services. That information is not necessaris notnecessarily, mone. We know we are doing an excellent job of serving people with the greatest economic need. Over one in two people. We really wanted to figure out a way to reach what is known as the forgotten mid