Not just a system we put things in, were seeing a return on information and not just in the form of reports, but information about how were using epic, some of this in nearreal time, so we can understand how were making best use of this very large investment. So a handful of Cocktail Party starters. I maybe lead you to the fourth ring, next to the last on the right, and that 21 systems were consolidated that bring wave one of epic to life. Thats important because thats a really large number of systems. Its also important because it speaks to our readiness in the coming year to decommission those systems, which has been part of our financing plan. So what did we implement . I think you have all sat through several briefings. Across the top row of items is our traditional electronic charting infrastructure, the support systems like lab, pharmacy, radiology, how we handle the revenue cycle, as well as scheduling. The first one on the bottom is Health Information exchange which may not have come to mind. Thats the bidirectional sharing from and to our organizations and others. As a result of epic, we are now part of an Industry Consortium of two or three dozen other organizations that make Electronic Health records. We all agree we are able to share information with one another. I will show you some statistics for that in a few minutes. I also mentioned briefly that theres a lot of information were getting out of epic, and its beyond the standard analytical tools. It is striking the progress that Electronic Health record systems have made in my 20plus years of working with them. Where we are today is that we are really starting to learn not just about how we can improve in real time by giving managers dashboards to use, but as i mentioned in my opening remarks, how were actually using the software. It tells us how well were doing and it provides areas where we can say focus enhanced training and other learning experiences to help our teams become as expert with epic as they can. Ill keep saying it, weve given access to our clients and patien patients access to their own Health Records. Im glad to say were off to a good start. Where did we implement . No real surprises. I draw your attention to the lasting point and that we have gone mobile. We have gone into is is a new place with being able to access the capabilities that epic provides for us. I mentioned that over 1,500 of our clients are now using the mychart application. If any of you are getting your health care in the bay area, you are likely using epic mychart. That is the same tools our clients are using. For the providers, they can chart on a mobile device using hayku. For Business Partners and many others, you can log into epic and share in the Care Experience that were providing. Were letting a lot of Business Partners in to have and to share in the experience that we have launched. We have, for a number of years, have been able to do the same thing the other way. So i mentioned how we know how were doing. I wanted to just take one moment to share a slide with you. The numbers in the slide arent terribly important at this time. This was a first cut at an epic leader dashboard. This one is for primary care, but i wanted to share with you that we dont have to do anything special to create a dashboard like this. Its something that we get more or less out of the box, and all we have to do is tune it to our needs. In the past weve had to make a significant investment to deploy a dashboard like this. The nice thing about epic is that there are about five or six dozens of these dashboards that are available for us to use. They are very straightforward, and we are able to customize them to an extent to reflect the kinds of Outcome Measures and Key Performance indicators that are relevant to us to represent our true north strategic goals. Nothing is perfect. Going live with an Electronic Health record that is now in use by more than well, nearly 9,000 people, there are going be issues. We have closed thousands of them since august 3. Where we are now is dealing with some of our more complex concerns. They deal a little bit more with software, but we really deal more with workflow, people, process, technology, that intersection. As an example, weve always been spending a lot of time at sgfg tackling the topic of patient movement. How do they move from the Emergency Department to the intensive care department. In the past we had people and process and the technology didnt tell us much. Today the technology can tell us a lot. Epic can share a lot of information about whats going on and how to effectively manage that transition from one venue to another. When we first saw it, and im in this camp too, i didnt really believe what i was looking at. For the last month or so, theres been a really intense effort to understand how we can get utilize the information that the Information System gives back to us to inform our process and a lot of strides have been made there. Theres a handful of other workflow examples where were diving in deep. Its not about epic, but epic is forcing us to have the conversations and focus on problem solving. The second issue that were having, and this was more or less expected, is our ability to deliver against many types of reports and outcomes measures that we have for regulatory purposes that are in support of valuebased care. When you move from one Information System to another, you are reporting all the way up to the last day that you had that tool. When you start in a new Information System such as we did on august 3, we didnt go into it with a fully populated database. We did it with a mostly new database. So we prepared how we would begin to use the new data as folks come in our doors after august 3. But we have to go through a validation process in order to ensure what were looking at and that all of the prework we did to produce all of these measures is going to be valid and stand up to our data integrity checklist. We are close. Hoping in the next 30 to 60 days to be completely back on course. It was expected that we would have a delay, and we had a bit of a delay. I want to be up front about that. The nice thing is epic is friendly about us taking the data out. That has been a real struggle with our electronic platforms, and thats not the case with what we have today. Weve talked about benefits realizations before. I mentioned decommissions systems. That work is beginning in earnest at the beginning of the calendar year and will take us to july, where we expect to spin down, which is something i. T. People dont like to do. We like to keep old systems on as heaters. But we plan to demission our legacy Health Record system by the end of the fiscal year. The great news about that is we dont need them anymore. The second piece of good news is we wont be paying for them anymore. Thats been part of the budget and Financial Plan for epic since the beginning. Id like to take a few moments, and i know were getting towards the end of our time today, to talk about the our in our records, patient record exchange, something i mentioned at the beginning. Since august 3 up through october 1, we have exchanged Health Information with 215 other Healthcare Organizations across the united states. Its possible there are some international ones in there. I didnt dive deep enough to doublecheck. If you look on the bottom left, you will see who our highestvolume Information Exchange partners are. I dont think there are any surprises there. Whats really powerful is in basically just shy of two months of being live with epic, 43,000 of our clients have had their records appended by Healthcare Information from other Healthcare Organizations. This is pretty powerful stuff. In addition to that, nearly 14,000 of our patients, their information has been requested and sent across this trust framework that i mentioned before with this Industry Consortium that epic is a member of to augment the records of our clients in other places. So really very powerful. We dont have to do anything special for this to happen, it just happens. So our epic journey, we spent a number of years in what i would call a getready phase. Were definitely past that. Were coming up to the tail end of our getgoing phase, where theres been a strong focus on having a really Good Governance program for epic, for having a great go live, which we did. Now were in this period of time which we call stabilization and well be there for the next few months. During this time of stabilization is where we process people, process, and technology, the couple of examples i shared with you before. Whats really exciting is as we march into the new calendar year, were getting ready to get better. Getting better means tuning our governance process even more so we can do two activities in parallel. One of them is beginning the optimization of the epic environment so it can do things its not doing today. We have a straightforward implementation and without violating our principles of sticking to that, we can still make it better. So were going to begin that process. In parallel, we will be locking in the scope and schedule for wave two and three of epic. When were done with that in a few years, well be in a Continuous Improvement environment, where we will bank on everything that we learned and all of the Good Governance thats in place so we can keep Getting Better. So epic is both hard and it has been very rewarding. I just want to share with you the message that were sharing with all of our staff because not every day is a great day with epic. Its okay to feel frustrated. This is the first message that were sharing with our staff because we have really changed a lot. More than a thousand changes were made in order to get ready and learn epic. Sometimes you look at the screen and youre like im not sure i remember how to do this, which is a reminder that were all in this together. When i go in front of epic, i look at the screen and im befuddl befuddl befuddled. The good information is we continue to help and train and build tip sheets which are in the epic users first pane when you log in. You go to a place called my learning home. Thats where you go when you log into epic. We are an organization of helpers. I think during go live this was really evident and a lot of people could see how well everyone reached out and was supporting everyone, and thats the environment that we need to continue to maintain as we move forward with more change in epic. So weve asked staff to be there for one another because some day youre going to need some support as well. With that, im happy to take your questions. I have not received Public Comment request for this item. My question is im an epic user and a frustrated epic user at times were all in this together. Yes. What is your i. T. Or your help line for an epic provider . What is the Response Time for someone to be on the line to be able to help one walk through whatever the issue is . I mean, is it five minutes . Is it ten minutes . I mean and what is do you have the adequate staff to be able to help those that are a bit befuddled, especially with epic going live . So we have a lot of support across the board. A program that we set up for the go live was to establish a super user program, where we could have people much closer to where the value is being generated and the work is being done who are actually super users. We have team of infomaticists who can dive in. With regard to actually calling on the phone, when you call on the phone to our service desk, youre calling the general i. T. Service desk, and the pickup times are less than two minutes now to get you in there and get your issue noted. Many of the items that are coming in are being redirected to analysts on my team who are resolving these items in just a day or two. Thats not all of the items, but weve reached that point where the number of items coming into our service during the day and the number of items were resolving, weve worked down a significant amount of the go live backlog. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. I dont think we can overstate the significance of this accomplishment, having been through the same epic process, and the potential to improve patient compliance and care coordination. Ive had about six patients almost that ive shared with doctors of the county and at u. C. And being able to reach into these records and really do a much better job for the patient, its astonishing, how having these systems that used to be siloed and vulcanized be all one. It makes such a difference in a great outcome. I want to congratulate everyone involved and say as the few epic go lives that ive seen have been your team is spectacular and awesome. I think theres a show where theres a gold buzzer or something i think you deserve a gold buzzer. Thank you. Ill happily try and accept that comment, having only been here myself only 90 or 100 days. But its obvious what a full court press there was by every part of this organization to be ready for epic and it totally paid off. If i may add to that, i do think its important that we recognize the people who arent in the room and worked on this for many years and no longer with d. P. H. I want to acknowledge director garcias leadership. Alice chen who was committed to this and made a lot of this happen. And also wynona medolovich who was acting c. E. O. For many months. I think its important that as we move forward and go into the next stage that was spoken about, that we recognize the reason were at this point today is the incredibly hard work of literally hundreds, i think in some cases thousands of people to make this work. It was really that leadership, including the leaders i just mentioned, that helped us get to where we are today. Thank you [ indiscernible ] my question was from the patient perspective, when patients come in and theyre told they are able to access their records on their mobile device, for example, is there any kind of orientation offered to them or a guide they might receive, or are they more figuring it out on their own . I cant totally answer your question. Im not sure if anyone is out in the audience who may be able to assist. Doctor, i think you can address this better than i can. In terms of signing up for the Patient Portal, we have Information Support for the patients to get into the portal. Once they get onto the portal and they have access navigating through the site or submitting a quarterback with he have a contract with an outside vendor that specializing in providing the firsttier support. Obviously if they need to ask about lab results, that would be routed back to our desk. Is it an inapp chat function or a phone call . It is a phone call to the service, person to person. They would help the patient navigate real time because they know how to access the portal. Thank you. Thank you. Im just going to ask if presumably the app is better than the ucsf . [ laughter ]. That app is really a problem. [ overlapping speakers ] is there a language capability . Yeah, thats a great question. Right now it is limited in terms of other languages. So no to answer your question. That could be one of the whether they in wave two, three, four, or five, in this community it would be useful with the diverse languages we have. No doubt, as well as other epic communities where they serve large communities of multiple languages. That certainly is a push that all of these epic users is going to be pushing. Especially with my chart and the Patient Portal piece of the technology is being so readily available and enabling to the patient and client, we have to push that. Theres no ifs, ands, or buts about that. No, youre correct. Its a nationwide issue that really would make sense for epic. More towards our own problems and within the time frame and i forget on schedules could you remind us because youve done a great job getting this all together and having the basic epic work. Now in terms of the optimization so to speak, we know that laguna is a challenge. Do you have some time frame upon which you would be able to i guess enhance it and optimize lagunas use on a longterm basis, trying to close the chart out when they talk about in terms of years versus days, right. Secondly, our Mental Health programs and avatar and the timing in terms of trying to unify those records. Maybe ill go backwards. Well start with the Behavioural Health. So Behavioural Health is slated for wave three which is i dont want to commit to a firm schedule. Its after wave two which will likely go live in 2021. So its in late 2022 or 2023 before were fully in place with the replacement to the community Behavioural Health function i mean the Electronic Health record. To your first question about optimizations for laguna honda, part of the process is to be inclusive. We had a domain structure presented several months ago. The idea with that domain structure is its a place that has almost no i. T. People engaged, which is probably a great thing, and its all about the line of business being able to bring items together that can be prioritized that are based on how do we not just get better against our performance outcomes, how are we Getting Better for how folks are engaging in the system. That is the process that weve been using so far. Id be happy to take more information about the laguna honda concerns and make sure that we get that roped into our governance process, so that as we approach making epic better for all of us, that we can address tho