Of combinations of units, unit configurations to satisfy the legislation on the code, we pushed the number of twobedrooms and threebedrooms above the 40 percent minimum. And if you are to count the one bedrooms plus dens that we are also providing which is a new unit type we were able to provide by eliminating a substantial number of studios while maintaining the total unit count, we would be at a45 percent of our total units that would have twos and threes. The team is committed and we have repeatedly shared this as part of our outreach to ensuring that the housing that we are delivering is completely accessible. We recognize that the district is a very diverse district. Its a multilingual district. And in recognition of that have committed to posting workshops leading up the one year leading up to the opening of the building, every month, to assist with local residents who would like to enroll and apply in the bmr program to have their applications interpreted and translated and submitted to ensure access to the housing that we are delivering for the residents. As i mentioned yesterday, it was the first time we received the green light from the City Attorney that we are able to provide neighborhood preference. Thats something that we are very excited about. It was something that up until yesterday we felt was not legally permissible. Job creation is substantial. We are committed to 100 Percent Union construction on the project. We anticipate 500 or so construction jobs over a twoyear period and an additional 30 fulltime jobs once the project is stabilized. Well also be working with Mission Hiring Hall and other local nonprofits to ensure that local residents have access to both the construction and the full time permanent jobs as well. In consideration of the time limitations, we didnt have the ability to go through all of the Community Benefits in detail but ill quickly touch on the remaining items. The project sits atop of the creek. And theres a significant concern amongst the community, immediate neighbors that the building and building into the creek and floodplain would create an unnecessary burden by discharging or surcharging the stormwater system. We actually worked with planning staff and were able to raise the building 5 feet outside of the 100year floodplain, such that we would not be burdening or surcharging the system. We are also providing significant street scape improvements, a public art program. Time. They may have questions for you later. We did grant organized opposition if those numbers of the public could make their way to room 400, you have ten minutes. Sf gov, can you see the computer . Good afternoon. My name is fernandez. Im the Program Manager for cuhd, Communities United for health and justice. Its a strong united voice mooning lowincome, working class, people of color youth families and elders to advance Community Based solutions, foster a just local economy and promote equitable development. We engage Community Members to put into practice communitybased solutions for healthy neighborhoods. Since the inception of this project cuhj oh thats the wrong. Since the inception cuhj and our base of activists have articulated key concerns with every iteration of the proposed development at 65 ocean. In the spring of 2016, we recognized the increase in Development Pressure in district 11 and we led a neighborhood Mapping Initiative to articulate a vision for a development that meets the needs of our deeplyrooted yet highly vulnerable community. This is a visual of that map that was created the better neighborhood document. 65 ocean was then identified as a project with harmful impacts to our community. Today we maintain that all Housing Development in district 11 should be affordable so people that live here now today. In february 2017 we held the First Community hearing in collaboration with the Homeowners Association and lack of notice to community organizations. It was held at a local Police Station a contentious institution with a turbulent history with communities of color. Still Community Members mobilized and delivered clear testimonies and comments regarding lack of affordability and Community Serving space. In august of 2017, the city agreed to present at a Monthly Community meeting which aims to cultivate leadership among working class communities of color. They showed neglect to address or incorporate the central concerns voiced at the february 2017 Community Meeting instead offering a sweep of aesthetic revisions and in september, they returned to present focusing only on the 55 percent ami and below units. Over the course of the year, after the initial Meeting Community leaders took it upon themselves to raise awareness of the proposed development and demonstrate an Overwhelming Community opposition to the 65 ocean project. This opposition was manifested in the largescale Community Action earlier this september a call for a Community Hearing that remains unanswered from this body and by over 1,000 petitions designed in person, demanding this commission deny permits to this project today. The developer attempted to divert attention from key concerns by asking families from the crayon box preschool to support the project. My name is sarah wilson. I live three blocks away from 65 ocean avenue. My fiveyearold attended crayon box spanish immersion preschool but attended the school two miles away after it was displaced along with little bear preschool from the 65 ocean site at its development. Recently crayon box families were asked to support our beloved preschool and it really is. By supporting this housing project. This is a false choice for any crayon box parent who wants to keep our mostly lowincome and working class neighbors from being pushed out of the neighborhood. This isnt whitewashing and its not green washing, i dont know what you call it, maybe preschool washing but whatever it is, its not right. To see a stable home for our preschool and our neighborhood, we shouldnt have to accept an explosion of unaffordable units that the intergeneral racial intergenerational families cant fit into. Weve already los lost two preschools because of this development. The developers have asked crayon box parents to make a false choice in order to push their project through. Thats why 36 crayon box parents have submitted this petition which each of you should have received via email earlier this week, asking you not to approve a project at 65 ocean unless its 100 percent affordable and has a longterm home for our preschool. The Developers Want you to make the same false choice they want us to make. And we are asking you to refuse that choice. Most of my neighbors are workingclass immigrants of color. My partner our family our extended family, our working class immigrants of color. Some of my neighbors are working class immigrants of color who are teachers at crayon box my sons teachers. So we are thinking about the whole picture here not just a narrow slice of it. We need childcare in excelsior and we need truly Affordable Housing in the excelsior. Commissioners, according to American Community survey data from 2012 to 16, district 11 is the only district in San Francisco with the majority foreign born population at 51 percent. They have the largest average Family Household size the highest percentage of Family Households the highest rates of households with seniors highest population of limited English Proficient residents and second highest population of youth. A 2017b bla report comparing the average rent paid by san franciscan residents by neighborhood showed all district 11 neighborhoods listed as among the seven most rentburdened neighborhoods in San Francisco, each experiencing 36. 5 rent burden or higher. Additionally the district retained the Lowest Per Capita income of 28,590 and Median Income of 75,276. Despite years of communicating a Clear Community position with the developer and a painfully clear need for Affordable Housing in the neighborhood, of the 193 proposed units only 19 units would be accessible to low income earnses. Only nine would be multibedroom units suitable for families. Units built as Workforce Housing at 40 percent ami including janitors nursing assistants and healthcare workers only account for 15 of the units. Only a fraction of which would be familysized. Additionally there are significant design concerns with the project as propose ed. Though Building Codes require five percent of units to be ada compliant it also requires they be located on the ground floor and all the ground and garage level units appear to have stairs. There are multiple units in the proposed project that appear to be violating Building Code requirements for access to light and ventilation. We have questions about whether the Square Footage in some of these units is large enough to satisfy the requirements of home sf. These are factors that would likely affect the quality of life of the proposed units and appropriateness of the entire project. And it doesnt appear the inkind agreement has been approved by the City Attorneys office, which would be comprise the Largest Community benefit for this development. Apparently if you vote on this project today you may be voting on it without that agreement. As you know, the displacement project utilizing race, gender income and others have designated district 11 as at risk of gentrification and displacement. This finding urges preventive measures to be taken to ensure Housing Development provides stability for existing residents. But you know this and you are familiar with this map. This map illustrates projects recently built or proposed for development in just the neighborhood. They claim it will increase the available bmr but they fail to address the broader context of development in the neighborhood. We know firsthand the neighborhood has been underresourced and its why our alliance has played a pivotal role in ensuring the Development Projects slated for development as well as the premier inneighborhood small site acquisition which is also the largest acquisition to date. But of the 209 recently proposed market rate units in this slide the 45 ocean market rate units account for 54 percent of those units. When accounting for the Affordable Development units acquired through the Small Site Acquisition Program and other bhr units in the pipeline, 65 oceans contribution of units falls to 12 percent. We know market rates are inaccessible to current residents. Both residential and commercial space at the recently built Development Remains vacant a year after opening due to inaccessible rent. Thank you sir. Your time is up. We will be taking general public comment. As stated previously, each member of the public will have up to two minutes. We have Translation Services available to you if needed. If those members of the public in room 416 who wish to submit their public testimony can start making their way to room 400, please do so. Hello. I am trained as an urban planner and architect here in San Francisco. I develop Affordable Housing with my firm. And i had looked over the package. And i have seen that the developer has not done their Due Diligence in the sense they have not done the 2019ivc to see what the requirements are for ada accessibility as well as lighting and ventilation. And i understand the city is going through a housing crisis. I understand because i am also being displaced myself. And i am supportive of development but not at the detriment of the quality of life for residents here in the city of San Francisco. I was also displaced from the ocean district over to the bayview. And im probably going to be displaced again. Seeing developments like this where they are abusing the home sf density to create more density for units and pocket more moneys in their development is really harmful to the city of San Francisco. We need to think about the fact the design doesnt even allow for lighting and ventilation. And it reduces the amount of quality of life for people. And how do we address that as planners and architects . I have looked through the drawings and there are no units that are considered for ada there are no units they have bedrooms within their actual, one bedrooms that have sliding doors. And thats not to code. And they cant do their Due Diligence in design, i have no faith they will do it as they go through Design Development and construction documentation. So i am opposing this project for the people of San Francisco. Thank you. Next speaker please. Let me call some more names if someone is in the overflow room, please make your name here. [calling names] good afternoon commissioners im a Community Organizer with poder. I will be continuing to organize opposition. According to the page 2. Unfortunately you cant do that. We gave the organized opposition ten minutes. Its mandatory of three speakers. You are one of those speakers, you cant continue the organized opposition during this time. Okay. So can i just speak then. Give you one minute. Okay. It is not applicable sorry. Its out of touch and out of reach for the district. Maybe in a different district where the Poverty Level isnt where it is for our district our Median Income is not affordable. I guess the Median Income in our neighborhood is all below market rate. Okay. Not going to be affordable to the community and i really want you to understand that. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon commissioners. My name is tony rodriguez. Im the local 43 fire union. And i want to say real quick im a board member of the San Francisco housing and Action Coalition that endorsed this project. Im an officer of San FranciscoBuilding Trades that endorsed this project. But anyway, i was born and raised in the excelsior. Growing up, i thought this project was going to be when i went to Balboa High School we used to stop there and eat hang out there, that was a record shop, that was 40 years ago. The city changed the neighborhood changed. And right now theres a shortage of housing in the city. This developer once developed 193 units 25 percent would be below market, you already know that. The developers guarantee the construction workers would be paid a Living Standard wage, benefits you already know that. The fight would really help with the shortage of houses. The developer says they would replace a preschool with a new school. I feel the developer has gone way above what theyve had to do. And i ask you to approve this project. Some projects dont fit. You all know that. But i think this project really does fit the excelsior. My dad my sister still live there. Im in that neighborhood all the time. I was just in there a couple days ago. Now i live in heights like i said. I dont understand how a project like this would push residents out of the neighborhood. And i ask you to approve this project. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. Good afternoon commissioners. Danny sheet Metal Workers local 104. Im an officer as well with San FranciscoBuilding Trades council. You have a long day ahead of you. We here support this project. The project sponsor reached out to us very early committed to building this project with construction workers playing good middle class wages with healthcare and Retirement Benefits that allow them to build this project. But more importantly to have a chance to live in these units with the onsite below market rate and affordable units this project is going to offer. Theyll be able to many of the members i represent will be able to afford these units. First project that im aware of that is utilizing home sf, i think speaks volumes what this developer wants to do. As he said they kind of went with the state density bonus didnt do that, stay they stepped up their game, went with home sf, i think thats applaudable. We do wholeheartedl